A Baby for the Bad Boy (A Bad Boy Romance: Dominick and Linden, book THREE)

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A Baby for the Bad Boy

(a Bad Boy Romance:

Dominick and Linden, book 3)


Olivia Hawthorne


Copyright © A Baby for the Bad Boy: Bad Boys, Book Two 2015

by Olivia Hawthorne

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the publisher

except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



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A Baby for the Bad Boy (A Bad Boy Romance: Dominick and Linden, book 1)

A Baby for the Bad Boy (A Bad Boy Romance: Dominick and Linden, book 2)

A Baby for the Bad Boy (A Bad Boy Romance: Dominick and Linden, book 3) (coming soon)


Bad Boy Billionaire (A Bad Boy Romance: Charley and Alexander Book 1)

Bad Boy Billionaire (A Bad Boy Romance: Charley and Alexander Book 2)

Bad Boy Billionaire (A Bad Boy Romance: Charley and Alexander Book 3)

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter One

I was a little disappointed that Dom wouldn’t be picking me up after my classes, but there was a part of me that was a little relieved.

Not seeing him again meant that I got my head back, my body back. I could concentrate in class and actually learn something as the professor lectured us on medications in my Pharmacology course.

My mind drifted a little though, I couldn’t quite get all of Dom out of my system. I could almost smell him, his leather jacket and musky scent, as I daydreamed in class.

“Do you mind if I use this?” a girl seated on my left pointed towards my extra pen.

“Oh, sure,” I replied, handing it to her. I glanced over, pleased to see somebody using a pen and paper instead of a high end laptop. “You’re old school like me.” I smiled.

“Yeah, I guess I find it a little easier to remember this shit if I write it down, you know?”

“I never thought of it that way, but I guess yeah, it does make sense.”

“I’m Mikey,” she said, “it’s short for Michelle, but I’m not a Michelle, I’m more of a Mikey if you know what I mean.”

I laughed, she was bubbly and bright with red wild hair and a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose.

“I do know what you mean. I’m Linden but my mom calls me Lindy, and I’m so not a Lindy.”

She leaned back on her stool, looked at me and said, “Nope, definitely not a Lindy.”

We laughed and went back to our note taking. The professor had left a white board full of chemical equations that were going to be on the upcoming midterm, and we only had a short time to write them all down.

I was almost finished when Mikey leaned back towards me and rolled the pen my way. “Thanks for that,” she said.

“Any time,” I replied and finished the last equation.

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Mikey whispered.

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Was that you coming in with the biker this morning?”

I hesitated, unsure how much I was allowed to tell anyone about my interactions with Dom and his club. I decided that honesty was the best policy.

“Yeah, it was.”

“Hell’s Ransom?” she asked.

“I think so, I’m not sure. I don’t know him that well.”

“Is he patched into the club?”

“Um, I’m not sure what that means,” I laughed.

“Come on, you show up with the hottest freaking biker I’ve ever seen and you don’t know anything about him?” she teased me.

“I just met him, and I know nothing about how things work. I think he’s the president though, if that means patched.”

“Are you effing kidding me?” she squealed. Our fellow classmates glared at us and she giggled into her hand. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “You were on the back of Dominick Carter’s bike?”

I blushed, I couldn’t believe she knew Dom. “Yeah,” I replied with a shy grin, “how do you know him?”

“How do I know him? Oh my god, I would die if I knew him. I have only heard about him,” she whispered.

“Where would you hear about him?” I asked.

“One of my friends used to dance at Mystique, do you know it?” I nodded and she continued, “Dominick was there almost every night, she hooked up with him a few times and was completely in love with him, but he never let her on his bike. Are you his old lady?”

“I’m just his friend,” I told her, “it’s no big deal.”

“No big deal,” she grinned, “you crack me up, seriously. So are you a dancer at Mystique?”

“Oh god no, I lack the coordination,” I laughed.

“I don’t mean to pry, it’s just so exciting and dangerous,” Mikey whispered.

The professor walked back into the room and began to lecture on the next chapter, so Mikey and I had to stop chatting.

It was weird, having Dom recognized like that. I’d lived my entire life in our little city and had never even heard of Hell’s Ransom until Rosie had decided to head off with one of their crew.

In a way I had to thank my wayward sister for running away, for leading me directly into Dom’s arms.

By the time class was over, it was a short wait until Dom’s truck arrived.

I recognized it as it pulled up, a huge red headed man behind the wheel. It was the same one we’d used to make the gun run but there was primer covering the bullet holes and the passenger window had been replaced.

I stepped up as the red headed guy parked, he jumped out and said, “Here ya go, sweetheart.”

He dangled the keys in front of me, I grabbed them and said, “Thanks, um, sorry I don’t know your name but I recognize you from–”

“Don’t say another word,” he said, raising his eyebrows and holding his hand up. “I’m Big Red, one of Dom’s right hand guys.”

“Nice to meet you,” I replied, “Do you need a lift somewhere?”

“Naw, I’m good. I had a prospect drive the truck most of the way and I brought my bike. Dom told me to deliver it, but he didn’t say anything about me driving it,” he grinned, gave me a salute and turned to walk away.

I threw my backpack into the seat of the truck and climbed in, put the key in the ignition and exclaimed, “Shit!”

My hands were shaking so hard that I couldn’t possibly drive. I’d never had a panic attack, but I imagined this is what it must feel like.

The gunfight from a couple nights ago came back to me, and fear shot through me, jolting me like something physical.

I couldn’t breathe, my chest constricted and adrenaline flowed through me fast enough that my heart pounding rapidly, making me light headed.

I couldn’t do this. I hated it, I felt weak and stupid, but I couldn’t drive.”

“Hey!” I yelled, “Wait! Come back!”

Big Red was walking slowly across the grassy park in front of the campus. He didn’t turn around.

“Big Red!” I yelled, jumping out of the truck.

He turned finally and I waved my arms at him like a wild woman. Several students turned to look at me and I stopped, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

Bid Red walked back towards me, he was what I envisioned when I thought biker. He was huge, over six and a half feet, with a belly that seemed as big around as he was tall. He had strawberry blonde hair pulled back into a greasy pony tail and a massive beard that grew down his belly.

I wondered how he managed to find a bike big enough for his big frame, he seemed better suited as an extra on Harry Potter than a bad ass biker.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Hagrid?” I asked with a grin.

“Who the hell is that?” he rumbled.

“Harry Potter? Half giant?” I asked. I could see in his eyes that he didn’t have a clue what I was talking about. I laughed, “Never mind.”

“What’s the problem, sweetheart?” he asked, looking slightly annoyed.

“I can’t drive the truck,” I said, “Can you take me somewhere I can find Dom? I need my car.”

He sighed and irritation crossed his features, his eyebrows knitting together.

“I don’t know where Dom is right now,” he said.

“Please, I don’t know what else to do. I could take a cab, but I’d still need my car for the morning.”

“What’s going on here?” a girl asked from behind me. I turned and saw Mikey.

“Hey you, I don’t know how to drive stick,” I said, hiding my lie with a laugh. “My car isn’t working right now and Dom sent this truck over for me.”

“This is Dominick Carter’s truck?” she asked, her face lighting up.

“Yeah, sure is,” Big Red replied. “You all hot and bothered for our club president? Why don’t you hop in and drive this little lady wherever she needs to go and I’ll take you to the pub afterwards.”

“Are you serious?” Mikey squealed and gave me a sidelong glance. “I mean, if Linden is okay with it. I can do that.”

I felt a sharp stab of jealousy shoot through my midsection and my chest tightened, making it difficult to take a breath. I forced it down and calmly said, “Yeah, sure. That sounds like a plan.”

She took the keys from me, grinned at Big Red and jumped in behind the wheel.

I looked at Big Red, shot him a smile and said, “Let’s go to Fat Boys. I’ll see if I can wait for Dom in his office. I really need that car.”

“I’ll ride ahead,” he replied, “I’m sure you know how to get there.”

“That I do,” I said and climbed into the passenger seat and gave Mikey directions.

She chatted the entire time, happily going on and on about one thing after another, music and fashion, the nursing program and professors she thought were hot.

I normally would have loved to hear all about it and would have jumped right in with my own views on everything she loved to talk about, but I was feeling moody and guarded.

She was fan girling over Dom and it was ticking me off. I hadn’t even figured out what the hell I was going to do about Dom, and here she was practically wanting to have his baby without ever talking to him.

I knew I had decided Dom would be all business, but shit like this was making it really hard to stick to my plan. How could I ignore how I felt when this girl, somebody who could easily be my friend, made me so full of rage when she talked about how hot Dom was.

I stared out my window letting her verbal flood wash over me and watched people on the street.

It was a nice day, that was a bonus, and I hoped Dome was at the pub when I got there so I could get my car and head home to spend some time in the yard with dad.

He did so well in the sunshine, it always perked him up.

“Oh fuck, what the hell is this?” Mikey asked, slowing down.

“What’s wrong?” I said, looking over at her.

A black Range Rover was pulling up beside us, taking the second lane in the busy street.

Cars started honking, trying to get past, but they had blocked the fast lane and were right beside us.

“They were right behind me so I slowed down to let them pass but they are blocking us in now,” Mikey said, her voice tense and high pitched.

I turned in my seat and craned my neck to see the Range Roger. The back passenger window slid down and I saw a black object sticking out, pointing directly at us.

It clicked then, what was happening, and I screamed, “Get down!”

I dropped to the floor of the truck and covered my head with my hands. I heard gunshots, an automatic weapon, the repeating crack of bullet after bullet flying towards the truck.

I heard Mikey scream and the truck sped up and slammed into the curb, sending me flying harder against the floor.

The Range Rover sped off and the deep throb of a motorcycle engine filled my ears. I opened my eyes and looked over, Mikey was leaning against the wheel, her eyes open and staring at me.

Blood poured down her face and I couldn’t tell if she was dead or alive.

I heard Big Red yelling something about a drive by shooting and I started to scream.

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