A Baby for the Bad Boy (A Bad Boy Romance: Dominick and Linden, book THREE) (4 page)

BOOK: A Baby for the Bad Boy (A Bad Boy Romance: Dominick and Linden, book THREE)
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Chapter Nine


“Now don’t go an cover up on my account,” I told Linden, already missing the sight of her gorgeous breast.

“It wasn’t on your account, maybe I was cold,” she said, taking a sip of her wine. The blush on her cheeks was adorable and I resisted the urge to climb in the tub with her and take her right then and there.

“You certainly looked perky enough to be cold,” I said, looking down suggestively.

“Don’t be a perv,” she giggled and glanced up the length of my body.

“You’re the one checking me out, darlin,” I replied and pretended to cover myself.

“I was not!”

“You were, I saw you,” I laughed and stood up. I held my arms out and said, “Take a good look now, I still have washing up to do.”

“You can stay if you want,” she said, “I could use the company after today.”

She glanced down and took a gulp of her wine as if trying to wash something away on the inside.

Her anxiety, she must have a huge bundle of it welling up inside of her after almost being shot. I tended to get over these kinds of things very quickly, they were part and parcel in my line of work.

Linden was new to it though, and she had never been so close to direct, targeted gun violence.

Even the shooting at the gun drop off hadn’t impacted her like today’s drive by. Nobody had been hurt, and we’d sailed away on adrenaline.

Today she saw Mikey get shot and thought she was next. It fucked with a person’s head.

“I can stay,” I said, “if you don’t mind me trying to take a look.” I raised my eyebrows suggestively and she giggled.

“I don’t mind that either, to be honest,” she replied slowly, lazily. She slid her finger circled around the rim of the glass. I watched her movement, followed it with my eyes, the motion of her elegant digit.

“And why’s that?” I asked, my gaze moving to her face.

“I like you,” she said in a sing song flirty way. “I know I shouldn’t but I do.”

“You’re right, you shouldn’t like me,” I said in a low tone. In spite of the desire I had for her, I had to remember how small and vulnerable she was.

It hadn’t really hit me until I saw her in here, still shaky and terrified even after the wine and hot water.

“I know,” she said, draining her wineglass and handing it to me. “I’m so careful normally, but sometimes I feel like doing something bad. You know?”

“I don’t know, I guess I’ve always been a little bad,” I grinned at her. “So tell me more about what you’re doing tomorrow morning.” I decided to distract her with something that would keep us from going down that road.

It was obvious that we were insanely attracted to each other and if I made the slightest move towards her, we would be fucking like animals within moments.

But I needed to keep her at arm’s length.

She sighed heavily and looked up at me. “It’s my father. He’s sick, he has Parkinson’s Disease. I have to take care of him in the morning once a week, at other times I spend the night with him.”

“I’m sorry, darlin,” I said, “I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay, it’s not like I advertise it or anything. I hate it when people find out, they always change the way they look at me.”

“I don’t look at you any differently,” I told her. “I think you’re pretty fucking courageous I guess, but other than that I still think you’re pretty god damned amazing.”

“That’s what I hate,” she said, “I’m not courageous or brave. I’m just a boring girl who got saddled with some pretty big responsibilities.”

“You’re hardly boring. Being a virgin doesn’t make you boring, it makes you unbelievably sexy,” I said, and against my own internal command, I leaned over her and looked her right in the eyes. “You’re fucking magnificent, and don’t you forget it.”

She smiled up at me, licked her lips and said, “Thanks. I guess I just feel like I’ve missed out on a lot of living.”

“What about your sister? What was her name? Rosie? Doesn’t she help out?”

“Dear god, no. She’s a big pain in the ass. I’ve spent my entire life taking care of her or my dad.”

“It seems to me like you’re about due for a Linden vacation,” I told her. “Is there any way for you to get away from it all? Anywhere you want to go, I’ll cover it.”

“I couldn’t use the money for that,” she replied.

“Wait, what did you need that hundred thousand for in the first place? Is that something to do with your dad?”

She looked away, her eyelids fluttered and she went red. “Yes, it is. There’s this new treatment for him, but it’s not covered by any insurance. I’m waiting to hear back from the clinic to find out if he got in.”

I knew in that moment I had to let her go. I had to push her away from me because she was pure, because she was innocent. It wasn’t just about protecting her from my lifestyle, but it was more about keeping her in tact. I didn’t want to break her, to tarnish her with my dirty life.

I stood abruptly and said, “Your water must be getting cold. Let me find you some towels and leave you to your sleep.”

“It’s not that late,” she said, her eyes widening in surprise. “We could hang out a little longer.”

“I’ve got an early morning, darlin,” I told her. “I’m sorry. Maybe some other time.”

I walked out, hating to leave her feeling rejected and confused, but I kept telling myself it was for her own good.

I had a restless night, knowing she was so close to me, and I woke constantly with a painfully hard cock and her on my mind.

I realized some time through the night that it wasn’t going to be as easy to get over Linden as I’d initially thought.

If it was even humanly possible.

Chapter Ten


“Hello there sunshine,” I said as she walked out in the morning. She looked rested and relaxed, much better than yesterday.

“Hey,” she said coolly and I sensed some distance between us now. It had worked, walking away from her in the bath last night.

I couldn’t say I was happy about it though, but at least she’d be safe and pure.

I poured her a cup of coffee, made her a couple pieces of toast, and chatted amicably with her over breakfast.

I made up my mind some time during our meal, I excused myself and wrote her a check for the hundred grand she needed. It would give her a chance to help her dad and focus on herself instead of chasing after assholes like me.

“You need a ride?” I asked her after she was finished.

“Yeah, I need to go home,” she replied.

I took her home on the back of my Harley, relishing the feel of her arms around me one last time.

We pulled up in front of her place and I saw that same curtain move, pulling back and dropping down. It must be her mom again. It made me feel good to know that somebody was looking out for Linden, even if they did make her feel boring and unappreciated.

“You take care, you hear, darlin?” I said as she smiled at me nervously and handed back the helmet. I could tell she had expected more to happen last night and was a little embarrassed that it hadn’t.

I wish I could tell her I wasn’t rejecting her, I wish I could tell her she meant so much to me that it almost scared me, and I wish I could tell her how fucking beautiful she was in my eyes.

But I couldn’t. If she ever came to harm because of me, I wouldn’t be able to go on living.

“You too,” she said, “Thanks for the ride.”

“One more thing before you go,” I told her and reached into my leather jacket. Deep in the inside pocket, next to my nine millimeter, was the money I had for her dad’s treatment. I handed it to her.

She looked at the envelope, looked at me and asked, “What the hell is this?”

“It’ll cover your dad’s clinic fees,” I told her, “Keep the money you earned the other day, spend it on something nice for yourself. A new car maybe. Or a trip once your dad’s on the road to recovery. You deserve it.”

“I can’t take this,” she said, her jaw dropping open as she read the check, realized I’d given her the full amount.

“Seems to me you don’t have a choice, darlin,” I said and stepped on the bike. I revved the engine and looked her hard in the eye. “If you don’t head right to the bank and cash that, I’ll be back around here with a bag of money. It’s yours, free and clear. Go save your dad.”

“I can’t–” I cut her off my revving the engine loud, motioning to my ears to let her know I couldn’t hear her protest, and gave her a quick wave before I drove away.

It hurt like a son of a bitch, it was more than the sting I felt when my last temporary girlfriend had been caught cheating. It ached deeper than my cock when I thought about sliding into Linden’s hot, tight pussy. It hurt harder than the time I lost my best friend in a shoot out down in New Mexico.

It felt like I was leaving her for good, and there was nothing good about it.

It fucked me up, and in turn, I needed to fuck somebody else up.

I pulled over a ways up the highway and called Big Red.

“You done the thing with Lee yet?” I asked.

They hadn’t so I arranged to meet them and join in on the hit.

I couldn’t go back to Linden, but I could at least take my frustration out on the source of it.

I could kill Lee, protect her, and head back to the bar to take anything else out on easy pussy.

Big Red had done some surveillance and found out the restaurant Lee liked to have his lunches at. We pulled up with Little Red, Hawk and the prospect a few minutes before noon, to get the jump on them.

I stood behind a delivery truck, waiting and clutching my gun, the tension I felt over Linden filed away somewhere in the back of my head.

Right then it was all about defending my territory and keeping law and order in my city. If word got out that Lee had done a drive by and gotten away with it, rivals would see me as weak and take advantage.

Lee pulled up right on time, a single black Range Rover full of him and his crew.

Five guys got out, four of them surrounded Lee, and they walked towards the restaurant.

We stepped out of hiding and opened fire without a word. There was nothing to say now.

I watched as if from a great distance as my bullets cut Lee down and he fell to the ground in an explosion of red.

Blood splattered everywhere and it was over before it began, they hadn’t expected us to move so fast.

I heard sirens in the distance, we tossed the semi automatic weapons and climbed back onto our bikes to leave the scene.

Before doing so, Big Red carved an H in Lee’s chest, leaving it shredded and bloodied, a sign that Hell’s Ransom had taken its revenge.

We left the back way, we didn’t see a single cop car along our route, and we made it to Fat Boys just in time to spend the day getting shit faced drunk and talking about the hit.

Some time around nine at night, I’d had enough drinking and talking, so I went into the back and grabbed the first whore I saw.

We made it to my office, I clumsily tore her top off and started sucking her huge, fake tits.

I wondered what Linden’s beautiful natural breasts would feel like in my mouth, and immediately had to close my eyes and pretend this blonde was her.

She was moaning and making all kinds of bloody noise, so I dragged her down with me onto my lap. I flopped on the couch, the site of so much debauchery in the past that it should feel natural by now.

But it didn’t.

I was being haunted by a girl I’d never had.

The blonde moaned again and I growled, “Shut it, keep quiet.”

She pouted and I sucked her nipple, bit it hard and felt her gasp and shudder.

It all felt wrong under my hands. I wanted it to be Linden.

The door to my office swung open and I looked up, blinked and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision.

She didn’t disappear.

Linden stood there in the doorway wearing a tight dress and knee high leather boots with a leather jacket.

“It’s the only thing I had that looked even vaguely biker chick,” she said without an ounce of humor. Her eyes were fire, anger raged there behind them and I felt foolish in her presence.

“What are you doing here? I already told you to cash the check,” I replied, my eyes not leaving hers.

“It’s already in the bank,” she said, her hand on her hip. “I’m here for you.”

“What the hell do you mean?” I asked, sitting up and knocking the blonde over slightly in doing so.

“What the hell is going on here?” she simpered and pulled herself up. “Whoever you are, you need to leave,” she said to Linden.

“I think you’re the one who needs to leave,” Linden snapped and crossed my office in a few angry steps. She pulled the blonde up by her hair and jerked her off my lap. “You need to get the fuck out,” she snarled to the confused stripper.

“What’s going on here, darlin?” I asked, unable to contain my grin.

“Close the door on the way out,” Linden barked at the blonde. The blonde scurried out and obeyed her command. Linden turned back to me, stood above me and looked down. “What’s going on is that I’m so fucking sick of living my life for everybody else, Dom. I’m tired of being boring and I’m tired of being a virgin.”

“And where do I come in?” I chuckled.

“I want you to do it,” she said and sunk down slowly, straddling my lap. Her scent was overwhelming, it was intoxicating and made my cock throb for her.

“Do what?” I asked, forcing myself to focus in spite of being drunk.

“I want you to be the first. I need you, I want you, and I’m tired of being told no.”

“Yes,” I growled as all reason fled my head. “Yes a million times again,” I repeated and pulled her down for a kiss.

The moment her lips touched mine, I was fucking lost.






Follow their exciting story in
A Baby for the Bad Boy (A Bad Boy Romance: Dominick and Linden, book 4) (coming soon).


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