Read A Beautiful Lie Online

Authors: Tara Sivec

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

A Beautiful Lie (31 page)

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie
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Not a good way to be on a mission.

So he cleaned up the broken glass, hung up their torn clothes, picked up the scattered papers, and laptop, that thankfully wasn’t broken, and then left Parker sleeping peacefully to run his need for her out of his body by pounding his feet into the wet sand.

When he heard the shower and realized Parker was in there wet and naked, Garrett knew that he could never run far enough or long enough. Nothing would ever diminish his craving for her.  He needed her like he needed air to breathe.

Garrett quickly toed off his shoes and pulled off his socks on his way to the closed bathroom door.  He opened it silently and stood there for a moment staring at Parker’s blurry silhouette through the fogged glass doors.  She stood with her face turned up toward the spray, and he instantly hardened as he took in the curves of her body.

He softly shut the door behind him to keep the steam in and stripped the rest of his clothes off.

Parker was lost in thought as she stood under the warm shower jets and let them drench her body.  She lifted her hands to her face and slid them up to wipe some of the excess water away, the sound of the spray hitting the shower floor drowning out the click of the door latch.

Soft, warm hands grabbed her hips and slid around her waist, pulling her back against a naked, wet body, eliciting a sigh as she tipped her head back out of the water and rested it against the hard chest connected to that body.

Parker felt Garrett’s slick skin against her back, his hardness pushing into her, and his wet thighs pressed into hers.  She could feel every inch of him against her and still, it wasn’t enough.  She turned in his arms and Garrett couldn’t take his eyes off her.  Last night was fast and hard, and he didn’t have nearly enough time to fully appreciate her naked body.  At that moment, with the spray from the water dripping down over every inch of her, he felt like the luckiest man in the world.  He didn’t know where to look first or which part of her to touch.  He wanted all of her at once.

Garrett reached up and pushed Parker’s wet hair off of her forehead, gliding his hands down the back of her head and bringing them around the side of her face to cup her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he looked into her eyes.

He didn't need to tell her what for; Parker could read it all over his face.  He was sorry for the words he spoke to her in anger, he was sorry for anything he did to hurt her, he was sorry for not being there when she woke up, and he was sorry for always letting his guilt stop them from enjoying whatever this was between them.

Garrett saw the acceptance in Parker's eyes, and he didn’t hesitate to bend down and kiss away some of the water that trickled from her wet lips.  Parker’s arms immediately encircled his waist, and she pulled his body closer to hers.

They kissed under the warm stream of water, taking their time to sweep tongues through mouths, taste lips, and breathe into each other.  Parker felt Garrett’s hardness between her legs and even with the water cascading over her, she felt herself getting wet for him. 

Needing him.

Aching for him.

They didn’t speak as Garrett kissed along her jaw, down the dripping skin of her neck, sucking gently and grazing the area with his teeth, as he turned her backside away from the spray so she could lean up against the wall of the shower.

Garrett moved back up to Parker’s lips and kissed her gently, reverently―so different from the hard, bruising kisses from the night before.  Those were perfect for then; this was what was needed now.

His tongue softly pushed past her lips as his knee moved forward between her legs, sliding against her aching center as he shifted her legs apart.

Parker pulled Garrett’s tongue into her mouth and slid her hands up the front of his wet, muscled chest, intertwining her fingers behind his neck.  He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her body until her feet came off of the ground and she could wrap her legs around his hips.

She felt Garrett resting against her, just like the other day in the pool.  She shifted her hips to slide against his length and deepened the kiss they shared, water bouncing off of the sides of their bodies.

Parker moaned into Garrett’s mouth as he moved his own hips, the tip of his cock sliding down to her opening and just barely pushing inside.

Garrett stilled his movements and pulled away from Parker’s lips.  She opened her eyes, blinking away the water that had bounced off of his shoulders and into her face.  With her body wrapped around him, Parker was eye level with Garrett, and he stared into her eyes as he held himself against her.

Neither one of them could say the words, voice out loud what was running rampant in their hearts and punctuated with every breath they took.  But as the water pounded down around them, they both knew something was different.

Garrett pushed Parker’s back gently against the cold tile walls, his hand resting flat on the wall next to her head.  With his other arm still around her waist, he pulled her tighter against him, closer to him but never close enough, sliding another inch inside of her welcoming body.  His chest ached with the need to hold her like this―always.

As they stared into each other’s eyes, never breaking contact, Garrett slowly pushed every inch of his length inside Parker.  She let out a shuddering breath when he got as deep as he could go and held himself inside.  She felt every inch of him but still wanted more.  He was deeper than before but still not deep enough.

Garrett’s breaths came out in a ragged release against her lips as he forced himself not to pull back and pound into her, slam her against the walls and take her with everything he had in him.

They’d done that last night.  It had been amazing and right.  But this morning, it had to be different because they were different.  Whether they would admit it to themselves or not, something had shifted inside both of them.  Last night had been about exorcising demons, years of pent up need and a release of anger and frustration.

Today, under the gentle spray of the shower in the early morning light, it was about so much more: forgiveness, adoration, respect, and every other emotion they couldn’t verbalize.

Garrett bent forward and gently sucked Parker’s top lip into his mouth as he gradually pulled himself almost completely out of her and then slowly pushed back in.

Parker moaned and wrapped her legs tighter around Garrett’s waist as he continued the slow push and pull, in and out, of her body.  He took his time drawing the pleasure out of her, letting her orgasm build and build with each long stroke inside her and the swirl of his hips when he was buried deep.

Their lips found their way back together, mouths and tongues moving slowly in tandem with the lower half of their bodies.  Tongues swirled and tasted as water dripped down each of their faces and Garrett continued the slow pace of sliding in and out of Parker.

He loved her against the wall of the shower, never thrusting, never taking, just giving.  Sliding  in and out of Parker at a slow pace was beautiful torture as the heat from her body and the slickness of her arousal enticed him to make her his—to mark her so everyone would know she belonged with him.  Garrett couldn’t get deep enough, couldn’t feel enough of her body.  He wanted to drown in her and shout at the top of his lungs that she was his.  It was always her, only her.

“Only you,” Garrett mumbled against her lips, not even aware that he had spoken out loud.

Garrett’s softly spoken words and the unhurried way he claimed her body aroused Parker like nothing else could.  Her release crept up through her core and throbbed without any warning, causing her to hold Garrett as tightly as she could while she pushed her hips against him and rode out her orgasm.

The clench of Parker around him and her quiet whimpers of release pulled his orgasm out of him, and he held still, fully sheathed inside her as he came in long, pulsing surges.


<> ~ <>


With any other two people who had been friends for eight years and suddenly found themselves having sex, it would have been awkward.  There would have been blushing, stuttering, embarrassed looks, and strained conversations.

But not for Garrett and Parker.

The fact that they didn't talk about what happened or what it meant could have been the reason why all of that awkwardness was avoided, or it just could have been natural for the both of them.


Nothing that needed a label or an explanation.

At least not for now.

Parker was still surprised Garrett wasn't brooding, and Garrett was surprised Parker hadn't kicked his ass for leaving the bed this morning.  They were okay.  Their bodies spoke the words their lips could not, and an inner peace they hadn’t experienced in a long time, spread through both of them.

They got dressed together after their shower, sneaking glances in each other's direction out of the corner of their eyes.

They stole kisses as they moved around the room and laughed when one of Garrett's buttons fell out of Parker's shoe from the night before.

They joked about the probable shortage of hot water in the entire resort for the rest of the day as they made their way to their breakfast meeting with the team.

They were able to be completely professional as they sat down with the other men and Garrett gave Parker a run-down of the phone call he'd received the night before after she left the room.

He left out the part about Milo.  That was not a conversation he wanted to have with her in front of other people.  Telling Parker that Milo had been sneaking around for years and most likely engaged in disgusting, illegal activity with minors here in the Dominican while he planned a future with her back home was something that he needed to do with her alone.  It made Garrett sick to his stomach just thinking that his friend had been capable of something like that.

Brady understood the silent communication Garrett gave him with just a look as he stopped the story with the end of the phone call from Maria.

Parker looked about as stunned as Garrett had felt when he originally received the phone call the night before.

"Wait," Parker said as she squeezed her eyes closed and tried to figure out the sudden flash of a memory in her mind.  "Catalina, you called her Cat."

Garrett nodded. "Yeah, that's what Maria called her."

"Son of a bitch!  I can't believe I didn't put that together before," Brady said as he flipped through the file of notes he'd brought with him.  "The conversation you overheard when you were walking around the palace."

Brady found the piece of paper he had been looking for with Parker's notes on the conversation.

"They talked about a cat and how we'd never figure it out," Parker said.  "I thought maybe I had misinterpreted it wrong.  But they weren't talking about a cat.  They were talking about
, as in, Catalina."

"Fucking hell," Austin muttered. 

Parker watched Brady and Garrett stare at each other, and she felt like there was something they weren't telling her.  But Brady pulled more papers out of his file before she could question either of them.

"I had Vargas get me a list of every local missing teenage girl between the ages of thirteen and eighteen over the past few years.  There were one hundred and seventy-five," Brady explained, "and over half of them were listed as being employed by The Target Agency."

Parker felt the quickening of her pulse and excitement in her stomach that she always got when it felt like they were on the right track during an assignment.  Things were slowly starting to fall into place with regard to nailing Fernandez, but it still didn't explain what had been going on with Milo.  She said as much out loud, more to herself than anyone else.  Once again, she watched the silent communication between Brady and Garrett and knew without a doubt they hadn't told her everything.

Parker suddenly realized that Garrett never mentioned the name of the hotel where Maria said Catalina had gone. 

"The hotel," Parker said, turning towards Garrett. "You never mentioned the name of the hotel Catalina met the American man at."

Garrett looked away from her as soon as she said the words out loud, a cold feeling of dread washing over her as the puzzle clicked into place.  She started shaking her head no before she could get the words out.

Garrett watched Parker make the connection and it made his chest ache for her.

"No.  It wasn't him," Parker insisted as she watched Brady start to pack up his file.

"Can you guys give us a minute?" Garrett asked the rest of the men.

They didn't mask the curious looks on their faces, but they did as they were told.  Brady led them away from the table to fill them in on what Garrett would be telling Parker.

Parker stared at Garrett and Garrett stared at the retreating forms of his men, wishing he didn't have to break the spell of last night and this morning.

"Tell me it's not as bad as I'm thinking," Parker demanded.

Garrett took a deep breath and turned to face her.

She saw it all: the pain, the betrayal, and his knowledge of the truth she didn't want to accept.  It was right there, written all over his face.

"Brady and I went to
Occidental El Embajador
last night.  One of the maids identified Milo.  She saw him leave one of the rooms with Catalina a few months before she was killed," Garrett said softly.

Parker saw his lips move, heard the words he spoke, but couldn’t feel anything else.  She was numb.

Like she was floating in a dream, the edges of her vision just starting to blur, making it hard to focus on what was real and what wasn't.  Garrett was still talking, telling her he was sorry and that he was just as shocked as she was, but she barely heard him.

She stared at a spot just over his shoulder, wondering what the hell was wrong with her.

What kind of woman could be trained by the best government agency in the world, know how to force even the most hardened criminal to admit truths and crimes he'd never told anyone yet fail to see the man she befriended, loved, and was going to build a life with was doing something so vile right under her nose?

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie
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