A Chance at Destiny (13 page)

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Authors: Lilah K. London

BOOK: A Chance at Destiny
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When they finally let her go home the next day, Destiny sat looking out the window on her way back to the trailer. “Okay. Destiny. I've had enough. Are we gonna do this? Are we staying together?”


Destiny looked at Tyler incredulously. “You want a divorce.”  It was a statement . Not a question.


Tyler quickly swerved the truck into a nearby parking lot. “I do not want a divorce. Destiny? Look at me. “


Destiny refused to make eye contact with Tyler. She did not want to cry anymore. She had grown sick of her own weepiness.


“Look at me!”  He grabbed her chin with his thumb and pointer finger. “I need you. We have to make this work.”


Destiny became infuriated. “Oh, now you need me? Did you need me when Cindi had her tongue down your throat? You don't need me. Tyler you’re using me. To finish school. That's it.” She spoke softly but her body was vibrating with anger. “I won't divorce you unless you want one. But I'll never trust you. Ever.”



Tyler pulled into his father’s parking spot at the trailer park. “There’s my girl.” David  Duggan announced as he held his arms out. “You feeling better?”


Destiny nodded. She was afraid to speak. The tears stung her eyes. She loved this family. They had become her own. She felt sad at the thought that her arrangement with Tyler may not work after all. “I'm still a little tired. I need go lay down for a while.”


In the bedroom, Destiny laid her head down and slept.


On Christmas Eve, Tyler and Destiny sat quietly watching all the holiday movies. She really wanted to talk to her new friends. She decided to rest like the doctor prescribed.





Chapter Ten



It was the day after Christmas. It was time to head back to school. On the ride back Tyler and Destiny barley spoke. She was eager to get back. She’d really missed having her friends nearby. Destiny thought back to her Christmas morning.


“Merry  Christmas,” Tyler woke her with light kiss on the cheek.


It was Christmas morning, she wanted to be happy. She missed her niece and nephew.  She hated that Dasha still wasn’t willing to let her see them. But she was determined to have a happy day. Putting aside her pain, she spoke quietly. “Merry Christmas.” She kissed Her husband on the cheek.


Tyler was surprised by his wife’s kiss. He'd seen her hurt on Christmas Eve when she called Dasha to come see the kids. Tyler wanted to hit something when Dasha refused. After all Destiny had done to help raise Lilly and Lyle, the least she could do was let them see their aunt on Christmas Eve. Tyler watched as she hung up the phone and wiped at her tears.


“Come on . Get up. Let's open gifts.” Tyler said excitedly.


Tyler passed a gift to his father from him and his wife.  They’d decided to buy him a cordless phone with a speaker system so he could move around and talk freely without struggling to hold the phone.


Mr.Duggan gave them a gift card to a home decor outlet. Destiny squealed with delight. Tyler groaned at the thought of hours in a fruity smelling home decor store. His brother and father laughed. For James, they’d bought  him a gift wrapped shirt Destiny had chosen.


Tyler went to the bedroom and grabbed a small box with a bow on it. “For you.” Tyler passed it to his wife. He watched her eyebrows rise up in surprise.


“ I thought we weren’t exchanging gifts?”  She asked him.


“I know but I changed my mind. I saw this, and I knew it was for you. Open it.” He was excited to see his wife open his gift for her.


Destiny unwrapped the box. “Tyler. Oh. my. Gosh. Really?” Her eyes watered. “Thank you.” She whispered as she looked the new cell phone. It had all the latest updates and apps already added. He had already added a list of contacts with him, Anne, Jess, Maria, and all the other couples. She quickly sent a text to everyone including her sister whishing them:
A Very Merry Christmas from Tyler and Destiny Duggan
. She gave Tyler a big hug. He held on to her waist. He didn’t want to let her go so he let his hands linger on her hips.


David didn’t miss the lingering hold his son had on Destiny. He knew that their relationship had changed. Watching the look on Tyler's face, he knew it just how much it had changed. He watched the anxiety and anticipation as Tyler waited for Destiny to open the gift he'd given her.


Over the last few days, David Duggan had begun worry about their relationship. Destiny seemed quiet to him and he wondered if maybe their marriage wasn’t going to work after all. But watching her open Tyler’s gift , he knew it would work out. Clearly, the two of them had feelings for each other. He didn’t want his son to screw this up.


David had seen his son take care of her and worry over her. But his hold on her as she stood next to him was more possessive and protective than before they left for Bradford College. His heart beamed with pride for the relationship he knew they could have.


Now that they were riding back to campus, Destiny answered text messages and phone calls. She told the story of being sick and hospitalized to their friends over the course of the few hours as Tyler drove. When they arrived at their usual motel, Tyler took a deep breath. She hadn’t spoken to him much, but she'd been a little more talkative.


Sure she'd been sick but her anger for Tyler was the most obvious reason for her silence. Since they'd left his father's trailer she spoke to him only to answer his questions.


He waited. He sat quietly staring at his new wife answering phone text messages. It was dark and the back light from the phone lit her beautiful features. He cleared his throat.


Destiny looked up at Tyler. “We’re here. I'll get the bags after I check in then we can get some dinner maybe?” Tyler asked. He was thinking he could use some of the money his brother had given them as a Christmas gift for a night out.


“I’m not very hungry. So maybe just something small.” She looked back down at her phone. He wanted her attention.


Tyler huffed as he got out the truck and headed towards the office to get a room. When he returned, she was still on her phone. He was starting to regret his gift. But her gift was a necessity for her. She’d gone too long without one. Plus, she'd used a part of the money she was saving to buy a phone to help buy gifts for his family. She'd also purchased gifts for her niece and nephew. Because Dasha refused to see Destiny, she had Tyler give the gifts to some kids in the trailer park.


He got out, unloaded the luggage and sat on the bed. Destiny placed her phone on the charger while she walked to the restroom. He could not believe she'd been talking to Maria and texting that much since she got the phone. He was glad their plan was an unlimited family plan. He pulled his shirt over his head.


“What do you want for dinner?” Tyler called from outside the door.

“Whatever you want is fine.” She spoke as she exited the restroom and washed her hands.



Tyler watched her as he sat on the bed. He thought back to the first night they made love at the very same motel. He watched her move around the room to find her romance novel. She wore an off white cowl neck sweater with fitted corded leggings and boots that came up midcalf. One of the things  he really loved is that she could shop at thrift stores and look so classy and beautiful.


The off white made her skin look perfect. Her hair was messy because she'd just taken it down from high ponytail. She was running her fingers through it. Tyler wanted to grab her and kiss her. He wanted Destiny to forgive him- right now. He knew it would take awhile. He thought back to their conversation on Christmas day. She’d told him, “I just don’t know what to do. I want to trust you but.....I can’t. Your right though. We have to make this work. I'll forgive you. But as soon as we graduate, we have to be done. It’s over. We are too young to do this. I guess if we'd loved each other it would be different but we have an arrangement. That’s it. "


Tyler decided then and there he would never let his wife go. He’d fight for her, for their marriage. Even if Destiny didn’t fight, he'd fight for the both of them. He’d prove that he loved her. He didn’t have the heart to say it on Christmas day. He didn’t want to sound like he was using the words to change her mind. He decided, he'd just show her his love.



Right now, he wanted to make love to her. He wanted to see what color bra and panties she had on. He wanted to make her moan his name like she’d done in the past.


Destiny could feel his eyes on her. Just as she'd felt him watching her sleep on Christmas Day. After she'd told him she was leaving him after graduation, he just sat and watched her as though she was she was going to disappear into thin air. He slept in the chair that night too. She knew she should give him another chance, but it hurt too bad. She couldn’t set herself to hurt anymore. From her mother, to Dasha, now Tyler. No, she just couldn’t do it.


Before she left, Mr.Duggan hugged her tight and told her to protect their relationship. “Many things will come against you. Just keep talking to each other. Block the rest of the world out.” He also said he loved her as they said their goodbyes.


Now Destiny sat pretending to read her book and ignore the pull of her husband's ice blue eyes. She'd read the same line over and over. Her breathing was growing short. Her body was betraying her. She wanted him. She missed his touch over the last week. She’d  fantasized and dreamed of making love to him on Christmas morning.


“Pizza good for you? There are a few menus in the nightstand. They deliver. Or I can pick up the pizza if you want some soda.” Tyler stood over her.


Destiny took in his lean frame. Words escaped her. She wanted to kiss his lips. “Uhh...sure. Pizza.”  She gulped. “Pizza is good. Just a soda from the vending machine.”


Tyler smiled is wide tooth grin. He knew she was watching his body. “Okay. Pepperoni? I'll get you a soda.”


Tyler ordered the pizza . While he waited for the delivery man, Destiny decided to get in the shower. “Hey,” he yelled “Money is on the television. I’m going to get the soda. Pizza should be here soon.”


“Okay.” She yelled back. As Destiny was getting out the shower, there was a knock at the door.  She walked over to slide on one of Tyler’s t-shirts. She ran to the door with the money and pulled the door open.


It was the pizza being delivered. Destiny opened the door slightly and gave him the money plus a small tip. She noticed the hint of flirting in his eyes. Realizing that she'd taken her ring off to shower, she thanked him politely. As she closed the door, he slid his foot in the door, “You want some company? You can’t eat that whole pizza alone.”


Coming up the stairs, Tyler watched as the pizza guy slid his foot in the door. He saw destiny try to close the door. He couldn’t hear what the dude said, he just knew he could see his wife’s eyes grow large. Before he knew it he was at the door way. “I’d back up if I were you.” He informed  the guy.


“Oh sorry man. I didn't know. I thought she was-”


“She’s married. Walk away.” Tyler stood his full height and squared his shoulders. The guy was shorter than Tyler with the same frame. He held his hands up to retreat.


“My bad.” He smirked as he walked away.


When the door closed, Tyler looked to his wife. “What the?-”


“All I did was open the door-” Destiny began to reply.


“In a t-shirt.” He was irritated. It was a motel, and she’d put herself in a bad position.


“I was getting out of the shower and he was knocking.” She walked over to grab a pair of pajama pants.


“So you don’t have on any underclothes? Destiny? " He screamed her name.


She turned to face him. “I'm sorry. I didn’t want him to have to wait. Plus, you can’t see anything.” She looked down at herself.


To prove his point, Tyler walked over and tweaked her hardened nipple. “You can tell.”


She moaned silently at the feel of his hands on her body. “Stop it!” Destiny stepped back hoping he hadn’t noticed her response.

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