A Chance at Destiny (17 page)

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Authors: Lilah K. London

BOOK: A Chance at Destiny
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Tyler stepped out of the way so she could pass him. “I am. There was a water mane break. The whole campus had to shut down.”


She simply nodded. “Dinner will be ready soon.” That was it. That was all she had to say.

He wanted to rage and scream. He wanted her to scream and rage at him. To be angry at him. But he knew she wouldn’t.


He had been talking with Markos about the tension. It was getting difficult and he needed a friend. But seeing her tonight in his shirt wrapped around her body, he was having a hard time. Literally.  His body was on fire. After a few minutes of listening to her move around the small galley style kitchen she politely brought him a plate of warm and delicious food. He didn’t have to taste it to know it was delicious. But before she could slip away, Tyler reached out and gently grabbed her wrist. “Wait.”



Chapter Thirteen


Destiny was more than surprised to see her husband standing in the small kitchen. He always worked until eight and made it home a half hour later. She was always done with dinner and back in the room. She would watch him come in and shower then go back to the sofa to eat, study, and then watch TV or listen to music. But she only watched. In their last couples gathering, they listened as Annie and Jessup talked about anticipating the needs of your spouse. She wanted to make sure she was being a good wife in every way. She knew that she would have to talk with him eventually. But then, she’d  see Cindi in the library and listen to her breathy comments about Tyler and how he made her body feel she would get hurt all over again. She was too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it. So she just kept to herself.


After starting dinner, Density decided to washing her hair. She reached in the basket and grabbed a big t-shirt that belonged to Tyler so she could quickly get dinner out the over before burning it. But having him standing so close with his eyes roaming her body she couldn’t think. Now he was touching her . Holding her wrist. She’d missed him.


“Tyler,” Destiny sighted and pulled back. “We ...just don't.”


“Don’t what?” He stood towering over her small frame. She would ever fear him. He was too gentle. “Don’t say I can’t miss  you like crazy? Don't say I want you in my arms? Dest...baby? Please talk to me.”


Destiny stepped back. She needed the distance to keep her wits about her. Her body missed him and craved him too much to stand so close. She had to walk away. She didn’t have the words, so she just shook her head.


“I love you. Don’t walk away. Eat dinner with me.” He pleaded.


“I'm not hungry.” She’d lost her appetite. She started towards the door when she felt his grasp from behind. This time he was holding her against his body.


“Please. I need you to talk to me. You can scream or yell. Slap me .Do something. Fight with me. Just don’t stop loving me. Please. I need you.” His voice was a whisper. “I need you. Don’t you need me?”


Destiny stepped free from his body and Look at him. His beautiful blue eyes glossy and all that golden blonde hair was pulled back from his face. How could she not love and need him? But her heart wouldn’t let her . She just couldn’t do it. So he reached up and ran her fingers though his hair around his cheek. Tyler closed his eyes in relief. She hated to see him hurt.


Tyler loved the feel of her hands on his body. He loved that he could feel her want. She wanted him and needed him but was to hurt to admit it. He'd hurt her that much. He had to fix it. When she walked away into the bedroom, he returned to the sofa. He knew he had to get his plan in motion.


Markos had mentioned a festival coming up during spring break. He would invite his wife. He'd have to date her. Yeah, he thought nodding his head. He'd have to date her.


He took extra shifts at the garage for the next few weeks. Going in early every Saturday. He was ready. The festival was coming up, and he had tickets. All he needed was a hotel room and the weekend would be set.


Destiny sat at the bus stop. The torrential downpour didn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. So she stood inside the small shelter provided at the bust stop.  Darren approached. His car radio was loud when he rolled up. He turned it down. “Hey there
. You want a ride?” Destiny shook her head. “Its awful wet out here. Where is the hubby? Letting you ride the bus again, huh? If you were mine....well you know.” He let up the window and drove away. Destiny knew she could always walk over to the engineering lab and wait for Tyler. She looked at the rain and the rising water around her. She remembered Annie talking about pushing through your demons to make a relationship work.


She took a deep breath and started to walk to the next building. She rode the elevator to the fourth floor. When she stepped into the lobby of the lab, Cindi was there. Cindi and all the other students stopped talking. “Well, looks like my night just got better. If you’re looking for Tyler-” Cindi began her usual harassment.


“He's right here,” Tyler walked over to his wife. “Hey, are you okay? What’s wrong?” He took in her wet hair and clothes thinking of all the terrible things that could have happened to her. He felt overjoyed to see her but overwhelmed by the thought of what she might say.


“Aw....poor baby. Can’t talk? “ Cindi cackled from the peanut gallery over her shoulder.


“Shut up Cindi. I will tell you this for the last time. Stay away from my wife. Don’t speak to either one of us or about us ever again, got it?” He stood to his full height. Destiny could feel the anger vibrating off of him. He turned his back and used his hand to guide Destiny by the elbow to a safe place. “What’s wrong?” He asked again gently. 


Tyler though his heart would burst. He’d never, in a million years, expected to see Destiny when he moved from his cubical for a bathroom break. When he saw her his heart rate picked up. She was leaving him and she came here to give him the news. That was the only reason she would come to his job.


“Why do you think something's wrong?”  She almost whispered.


“ You never come here. I just assumed....”


“Well. Umm, I need a ride home. It’s raining and the bus shelter is flooded.”


He smiled. “Of course. I don't mind taking you home. I have another hour or so of work. Can you wait?” She nodded. “Do want a snack? You can come back to the break room and wait. There is a computer and TV back there.” She nodded again. She just wanted to be away from Cindi and all the other onlookers who seemed to be intrigued by the sight of them. She knew they were a strange sight, Tyler, a white guy with his long blonde locks towering over a very petite and withdrawn black girl who resembled a drowned rat at the moment.


“I'm glad you came by. I don’t mind if you want to ride home with me after work.”Tyler seemed energized by her presence. True, he was talking to her more often.But tonight he seemed ....almost proud? Not that she ever doubted it he was proud of her. Destiny felt strange being in his work place. She kept looking up to see him work at the cubicle which required more standing than sitting. He seemed to be watching and working intensely on something. At one point, he caught her looking at him and smiled.


He smiled his full wattage smile at her which seemed to say
I love you , please stay with me


She smiled back.


Once they got home, she warmed up leftovers from the night before. Instead of going to the bedroom, she sat next to him on the sofa. She didn’t miss his surprised look as he shifted to give her more space.


Tyler muted the TV.
It’s now or never
. “ Dest?” She raised her eyebrows in question. “I  wanted to ask you a question. I have tickets to the Spring Break Festival in Bridgewood. I thought we could take next week and go for a few days during the week.” He stammered over his words as he continued. “You know since its spring break. A little vacation. I worked a few extra shifts. So  you don't have to worry about the money. It’s my treat. I even have us place to stay." He could feel himself stammering so he stopped.


She sat quietly for a while. Destiny would love nothing more than for them to get back on track but she needed to make certain she could handle the pressure of being together with him uninterrupted for more than a few hours.  “Can I think about it?”



He nodded. “Of course.” She didn’t miss the flash of disappointment on his face. He turned to the television and hit the mute button filling the room with whatever sports game was on.


Later, the next day. Destiny felt overwhelmed. She talked to the Maria. After explaining the whole situation, her friend told her to forgive Tyler and forget about Cindi. She told her to work towards making her marriage better.


Maria pointed out that Cindi was just an excuse not to trust Tyler any longer. “Remember Annie says once he is forgiven. He is forgiven. Stop punishing him.”


Destiny had to think about that. She was punishing Tyler. He hurt her,and she was punishing him. She decided a few days away would help and they could talk about what was really going on between the two of them. She pulled out her phone to text him.


Destiny: yes


Tyler: Sweet! I miss you. Do you miss me?


Destiny: Yes.


Tyler: Do you need me? Because I need you.


Destiny: Yes.


Tyler: Wanna ride home with me?


Destiny: Yes


Tyler: Since you’re in a yes mood. Can I make love to you tonight?




Tyler: Okay.Okay. I had to try. At lease have dinner with me on the sofa.


Destiny: Yes.



Tyler felt his whole world change with that simple yes. She missed him and needed him.


For spring break,  Tyler and Destiny sat quietly in his truck traveling to the small coastal town. As they passed the hotel where they consummated their marriage Tyler smiled over at her. He reached for her hand. This past week, they’d rode home each night together which seemed to ease some of the tension. Cindi seemed aggravated by Destiny's presence in the engineering break room. But the other interns didn’t seemed to mind her being there. She simply studied and did her homework. Some nights she would stay late in the library until Tyler was ready. They moved dinner till later in the evening.


After the first day of the summer festival, they seemed closer. They spent the days walking the coast, looking at crafts and interesting pieces of art. Their nights were spent eating a small quaint restaurants and bistros. Destiny slept peacefully in the bed and Tyler on the floor. He didn't seem to mind. She just liked having him in him same room with her at night. She had missed him the last few months.


It was their last night before heading home. They sat on the riverfront waiting for the band to start  up. The sun was high in the sky. Destiny and Tyler felt their clothes stick to their sweaty bodies. Tyler watched his wife closely. His eyes were fixed on her sweat soaked body. He watched as sweat beaded from her neck and rolled down to the deep V of her soft breast. He licked his lips at the thought of touching her that way. His body tingled with anticipation.


As the band played, and the crowd drew Tyler and Destiny closer together. Their bodies touched. He could feel her behind pressed against him as he wrapped his arm around her tiny waist.



To cool the crowd, the band sprayed water in a fine mist.  He could smell the fruity conditioner in her wet hair. It was sticking to her face and neck. Instinctively Destiny piled the hair from her back and shoulders up to the top of her head in a messy top notch. She felt Tyler press himself against her. His shirt was sheer with a spaghetti strap tank underneath. She could feel his arousal at back. He then bent down and ran his tongue from the nape of her neck to her ear causing her to shiver. She could feel his smile. He held her close the rest of the concert.


They danced and jumped rocking out to the tunes drowning out all their differences.


When the concert was almost over, Destiny and Tyler walked back to the truck where he opened the passenger side door. Before getting in she reached up on her tip toes and ran her tongue up the side of his neck. Tyler growled as he grabbed her by the waist and eased her into the front seat of the truck. The truck was dark since they had parked so far away. It was free and away from the concert goers. No other car or street lights around.

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