A Change of Pace (5 page)

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Authors: JM Cartwright

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: A Change of Pace
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“Huh?” Hand busy stroking and petting, Drew looked at him with a frown.

Sighing in embarrassment, Ridge wriggled. “Forget it. I’m just being stupid.”

“Let’s see if we can get you refocused.” Drew looked down. “Um, both heads.”

Chuckling, relaxing at last, Ridge sighed, then gasped as Drew palmed his balls and tugged them the tiniest bit.

“You like that?”

“Uh-huh.” Did he like that? Hell, yeah, he liked that.

“How about this?” His knees were again pushed apart, and Drew settled between them, elbows planted for balance. “You be sure and let me know if you like this part.”

A warm, wet mouth closed over his cock, and Ridge arched automatically in response. “Unnhh. Um, yeah. Oh, God.” He was being sucked so well, the suction just right.

Drew varied his movements, at one moment his tongue pressing under the head of Ridge’s dick, and the next, just the tip sinking into the slit.

“Holy shit.” Ridge continued to babble as the good feelings rolled over his body, heat flooding up from his belly. His feet pressed into the mattress and his fingers moved restlessly on the bedding.

Levering himself up, Drew reached once again for the lube. Ridge gulped as the cap of the bottle snapped open, the snick of sound loud in the quiet room.

Drew stretched out over Ridge, resting on a muscled forearm, and palmed his cock with a slick hand. Talented fingers stroked him and nudged his scrotum on every downstroke. “Let me see if I can...” Drew eased that big hand back every so often, fingertips pressing against Ridge’s perineum.

On one pass of those fingers, Ridge’s eyes crossed and he cried out, his legs spreading wide, his knees coming up. “Whoa -- ungh.” His eyes were screwed shut and his head was arched back as Drew continued to press and massage that spot. “Jesus. I -- I didn’t know you could... touch that from the outside.”

“Uh-huh,” Drew confirmed huskily, lips at Ridge’s ear. He nipped the earlobe, causing Ridge to moan again.

Drew took advantage of Ridge’s spread thighs, his slick finger pushing against Ridge’s opening. He moved his head slightly, enough to kiss and nibble at Ridge’s lips, murmuring as he did so. “So good. You feel so good.”

Suddenly, that fingertip pushed inside, and Ridge whimpered and tightened up. His eyes popped open and he stared up at Drew. When he’d done this before, it had kind of hurt.

“Easy. Just let me in. Push out a little, it’ll help.”

Ridge tried to get his body to obey. Drew’s finger eased in deeper.

“Have you ever used any toys up here?”

Groaning both in embarrassment and at the feeling of that finger going deeper, Ridge closed his eyes as he nodded. “Uh. Yeah. I -- well, I have this, um, plug.” Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes again, catching Drew grinning slightly.

“Good. That’s good.” Drew nodded. “Makes this a little easier.” He kept moving that one finger in and out, watching, murmuring.

Ridge found Drew’s soft whispers comforting and thrilling at the same time. He felt himself relax, beginning to enjoy the feeling of having a part of this man inside his body.

Twisting his wrist, Drew crooked that long finger. Feeling it press internally against the same spot Drew had found before, Ridge bowed his body off the bed, crying out in pleasure. “God, that feels way better than... uh--”

“Way better than a plug?” Ridge’s moan brought a cocky grin to Drew’s face. “Yeah. Most guys think so.” Drew quickly pushed another finger in and pressed it against that gland.

Ridge had meant the determined poking of his long-ago boyfriend in junior college, but now didn’t seem like a good time to clarify. Ridge grunted and shook, body opening to Drew. His legs dropped a little, resting on the mattress as Drew’s fingers moved, spreading, bending. He could feel them slicking up his inside -- and every pass nudged his gland. He watched in fascination as Drew bent down, mouth opening over his pierced nipple, those white teeth tugging on the ring and wet tongue stabbing at the little bud of flesh.

He shivered. God, that was hot.

“Okay, I’m going to push another one in now.”

With a whimper, Ridge nodded, eyes fixated on Drew’s turquoise beauties. It was overwhelming, but Drew wasn’t rushing him, was taking it so slowly. Ridge bit his lip, swallowing roughly as he admitted to himself that being the object of so much focus was frightening and exhilarating at the same time.

He felt pressure and the burn as another finger stretched his hole. He stiffened at the feeling of fullness and blew out a breath, which eased his opening just a bit. Then Drew nudged his gland again with those talented fingers. “God!” Jesus, that felt good.

Head up, Ridge watched avidly as Drew got his knees under himself and pushed upward, sitting on his heels with his knees spread wide. This position allowed him to use his free hand to tug on Ridge’s dick while he pushed farther inside with his busy hand.

Ridge’s balls drew up tight to his body, and he grabbed his knees, holding them to his chest to open himself up as much as possible to the pleasure. He was so close; he was almost embarrassed at the noises he was making. They
getting louder.

Drew pulled faster and harder on Ridge’s cock, his eyes trained on Ridge’s face. “Come on, baby -- come for me. That’s it. Fuck my fingers -- come on!” Those fingers were indeed busy pushing Ridge’s gland, and he moved faster on his stroking as Ridge cried out in wonder, cock shooting cream into Drew’s hand. He dropped his head back to the pillow, gusting out a breath of completion.

Drew eased his fingers out and leaned forward, holding his come-soaked hand to Ridge’s lips. “Go ahead, taste yourself.”

The words were electrifying -- so hot, so sexual, so...

Ridge groaned low as he opened his mouth. He’d done this before -- what guy hadn’t -- but he’d never done it with someone else watching. It felt so dirty with Drew’s eyes on him. Hesitant, he stuck out his tongue, licking Drew’s fingers. Closing his eyes, he swallowed, finding that his flavor was enhanced a little bit by the tiny hint of kink that went with it. Opening his eyes again, he eased forward and took the rest of his come inside, watching Drew watch him as he did so.

It did make him wonder what Drew would taste like. Before the filter on his brain could get engaged, he opened his mouth. “Is this what you taste like?”

Chapter 5

It’s hotter than two rabbits making babies in a sock.

Ridge Huntington

Ridge’s voice was husky, the words intimate. Drew sucked in a raw breath at the question, his mind immediately picturing this sexy stud at his feet, deep-throating his cock and drinking down his come. “Would you like to find out?” He stretched out over Ridge again, kissing him wildly, his tongue fucking that sweet mouth.

Ridge’s eyes were glued to his as Drew lifted his head. The younger man bit his lip as he stared upward. “I kind of wish, yeah, but--”

Drew sucked in a harsh breath. “Yeah, me, too.” He huffed a slightly amused breath. “We’ll take it a step at a time, okay?” For some dumbass reason, he felt a little protective. “I’m not, um, exactly a player, either...”

Ridge stared at him, teeth again nibbling at the pretty red lips. “Um. Okay.”

Well, the kid didn’t appear

Drew decided to get his head back in the game. His dick hadn’t left the field, though -- it hadn’t even heard the whistle blow. He reached over and grabbed the condom box, tearing it open and pulling one out. He kept one eye on Ridge, who was fidgeting slightly. One knee was bending and straightening, Ridge’s foot slowly sliding up and down on the mattress.

Quickly gloving up, he grabbed the lube and slicked himself, his hand making quick, jerking movements along his prick. Drew dropped forward again and, with his slick fingers, pressed against Ridge’s opening. He heard a gasp, then a groan before the muscle relaxed enough to let him inside. “Uh-huh. That’s good.”

With a grunt, Ridge opened up a little more, letting both of his fingers in deeper. “That,” Ridge breathed, “that -- oh, I like that. Let me... unh, more.”

Quirking his lips at the incoherent ramblings, and the breathless demand for more, Drew pushed in farther, spreading his fingers. He kept an eye on the fascinating expressions crossing the tanned face, watching closely as he twisted his hand. He was being gripped by hot, wet ass -- couldn’t wait for it to be his dick instead of his digits.

The blond head tilted back on the pillow, and Ridge gave a groaning sigh. “God. That feels... Man, I should have been doing this a long time ago.”

Maybe not the scared little virgin after all. Eyebrows arching, Drew couldn’t help but snort at that. “Well, let’s get your training started.” Holding his dick steady with one hand, he nudged the slick, pink opening. His belly clenched tight as Ridge’s hole spread, slowly widening. The pressure of the tight muscle made him hiss, and the visual of his dick taking Ridge’s ass was almost indescribable.

Ridge panted hard as Drew pressed inside. “Oh... oh, God.”

“Push out.” Drew’s voice was low as he restrained himself from shoving his entire length in.

“I’m trying!” Ridge said desperately. “It burns!” His head tossed from side to side and his eyes were tightly shut. “I guess I should have used a bigger butt plug!”

Sputtering at that, Drew struggled not to laugh as the vise clamp of Ridge’s ass eased around his dick, and the head of his cock popped inside. He eased forward slowly, watching as Ridge took a deep breath. Ridge gave a low moan as Drew bottomed out, then his lover’s eyelashes fluttered and the sweet brown eyes opened.

“I can feel you. I can...” Ridge paused to pant a little, “I can... feel you -- oh! -- all the way inside. In me, so deep.” His voice was a ragged whisper. “Big... it’s so... big.”

Gratified -- who wouldn’t be with that praise? -- especially since he wasn’t actually
big, Drew took a deep breath. He dropped forward onto his hands, sliding them under Ridge’s knees and bringing the muscled legs forward, raising Ridge’s ass in the air. “Now I can...” He pulled back, then eased inward again.

The heat and tightness were excruciating. Drew flexed his glutes and tightened his belly muscles, withdrawing and shoving forward, over and over. “Take it. That’s it. Take it.” Changing his angle, he tried to find Ridge’s gland. On the third attempt, Ridge let out a cry.

“God! There!”

Feeling an inordinate pride that he’d made the guy almost scream, Drew focused his attention on that spot. Hips moving, rolling, his dick getting harder as Ridge moaned, he kept driving forward. A drop of sweat rolled down his temple and along his jaw. He flicked another away with a jerk of his head as he focused.


Ridge was wide open, more vulnerable than he’d ever been in his life. He lifted his legs up higher, resting them on Drew’s shoulders. His ass up high, his hole wide open for the thick cock, he loved it.

“More! Unnhhh... more!” His voice was hoarse as he begged and demanded.

“Grab your cock for me. Grab it and stroke it. Fuck your hand for me, while I fuck your sweet, tight ass. The sweetest, tightest ass I’ve ever had.” Drew started swinging his hips even faster, grunting as he put his weight into it.

Ridge yelled hoarsely as Drew nailed his gland again, hard. “God!”

Drew kept banging, driving it.

A raspy cry echoed in the room suddenly as Ridge clamped his ass muscles down tight and his cock shot all over his hand and his belly. His muscles bunched as he arched his body in a bow, his orgasm holding him locked in place for long seconds.

Drew threw his hips forward for several more thrusts. “I -- I’ve got to,” he gritted through clenched teeth. Freezing, he cried out harshly, spasming as he came.

Legs slowly sliding down, Ridge’s low moaning turned into mumbling as his feet hit the mattress. He brought one hand up, wrist resting on his forehead. He heaved a huge, broken sigh. “God, did I just sound like two cats fighting or what?”

Panting, almost choking on a laugh, Drew moved his hands to release Ridge’s legs, then dropped his weight onto Ridge, his head coming to rest in the hollow of Ridge’s shoulder. He sighed deeply, replete.

Ridge was quiet now under Drew’s weight, his hands softly caressing the muscled back. Suddenly, he turned his head toward the side of the bed.

“They’re staring at us.”


“The dogs. They’re staring at us.”


Drew turned his head to follow Ridge’s gaze. Sure enough, the two shepherds were sitting by the bed, their heads cocked, looking at the two men. They sat side by side, their butts touching.

Drew, his adrenaline still bouncing around inside, snorted softly. He quirked his lips at the picture the dogs made.
Jesus, first the sister and now the dogs. Anybody else want to know what’s going on in here?

He heaved another sigh. That had been an unbelievable ride, he thought -- with someone who had quite possibly been a virgin, no less -- and he’d come on like shock and awe. He should be ashamed of himself. Rising up on an elbow, he stared down at Ridge, considering.


With a mental shrug, he drew back a little. Circling his fingers around his cock to hold onto the condom, he pulled out carefully, wincing a little at the grimace on Ridge’s face. “I’m sorry, baby.”

He did have to admit it was a little creepy having the dogs watch their every move. “Elsa, go lie down.” He pointed to the living area, and the dog obediently rose and headed out of the room, her boyfriend at her side.

“That was creepy.” Ridge’s comment unknowingly matched Drew’s assessment. “I hope they didn’t watch us the whole time.” He took deep breaths, wincing again as he stretched out his legs. “Whoa.” He watched as Drew tied off the condom and moved to the bathroom to pitch it in the trash.

After dumping the rubber, Drew walked back to the bed and slid under the sheet. Ridge rolled to cuddle against Drew, tucking himself under Drew’s arm. Hesitantly, Drew brought that arm up and around, sliding his hand along Ridge’s back. He considered Ridge’s statement about the dogs.

“You know, the Seventh Cavalry could have been in the room and I wouldn’t have stopped. Once you got me started, there was no going back.” He raised Ridge’s chin with his fingers. “Was this your first time?” He was kind of sure now.

“Wh -- why do you think that?” Ridge evaded. The abrupt question appeared to startle him.

“Because you sure didn’t seem too comfortable when we first got going. It, uh, kind of sounded like you didn’t know what to do.”

Ridge shook his head.

One shoulder lifting in an awkward shrug, Drew frowned in acceptance. “Okay with me. I just hope I, um, wasn’t too rough. You took me okay, right?” Why the hell he should feel guilty was beyond him.

He heard what sounded like a faint snort. Offended, he pulled away and angled his head down so he could look Ridge in the eye. Well, he would have, if Ridge weren’t keeping his eyes down.

“What? You think you’re so big and bad that I should feel scared?” Ridge snorted again, and this time there was no doubt about it. The blond rolled away, lying on his back and staring at the ceiling. “I’ve done this before, you know.”

Was he grandstanding? “Uh-huh. When?”


Bringing both arms up, Drew layered one pillow over another, and he leaned back with his hands behind his head. He slanted a look at Ridge. “When you were fifteen?”

“No!” Ridge said disgustedly. Rolling his eyes, he looped one arm behind his head. Still staring at the ceiling, he sighed. “Look. I’ve fucked before. It’s just... been a while. In junior college. It just wasn’t that great, that’s all.”

Okay. So why was Drew still worried? Jesus, why did he even care?

“Hey.” Ridge finally looked at him, head tilting to the side. “I’m fine. I wanted to jump your bone and I did it.” The blond looked a little anxious. “I’ll do it again, if we get the chance.” There was a nervous grin on Ridge’s lean face, contrasting with the rakish look of the red-gold five o’clock shadow.

Nodding slowly, Drew waved a hand. “All right by me.” He gestured toward the television on the far wall. “Want to turn that on? Let’s see if we can find
Hell’s Kitchen

“Now, why doesn’t it surprise me that you’re a fan of Chef Ramsay?”

Amused, Drew snorted. “You trying to tell me something?” He had to admit he liked it when Ridge sounded a bit flinty. Maybe there was more to the kid than he thought.

“Not at all.” Ridge rolled onto his side with a sly smile. “Why would I think that a big, tough, city guy like you would like an iron-assed chef who has a mouth like a longshoreman and hates everybody?”

Smart ass. “He sounds perfect to me. In fact, I could have used him at my last job.” If only. Drew could almost laugh as he pictured Chef Ramsay going after some of the most obnoxious members of the press pool. Oh, yeah.

“Whatever you’re thinking, it must be good.” Shaking his head, Ridge hummed as he propped himself on an elbow and reached for the remote. Aiming it at the television, he clicked on the guide. “Doesn’t look like it’s on now, but if you want, I can put on the Food Channel.”

Considering, Drew scanned the guide. “There! That one. On TNT.”

? Never heard of it.”

Drew settled back on his pillows and pulled the covers up to his chest. “Oh, man, you don’t know what you’re missing. John Cooper is a major bad ass.”

He scowled when he heard Ridge chuckling. “What?”

“Nothing.” Ridge was definitely laughing. “I just didn’t think you’d be a TV hound, that’s all.” He swung his legs over the side. “I’m going to check the food and water for the dogs. I’ll be back.”

Waving at him without looking, Drew kept his focus on the screen. John Cooper was also a major stud.

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