A Christmas Surprise (8 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: A Christmas Surprise
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The ambulance had come and taken the young man away. One of Jared's deputies had ridden in with him. Jared would go in later and get his statement. He turned to Evan, who was standing arm and arm with Frank and said, "Evan, excellent driving skills tonight, man. Good job. Everybody okay otherwise?" He already knew everyone was physically okay, he had them checked out by the EMTs when they arrived.

"I'm good, now. That was one frightening experience I have no wish to repeat again." Evan reached out to shake Jared's hand. "Thanks."

Jared nodded and went back over to his cruiser where Traci was perched on the hood, Jade right beside her. At least, this jaunt down the road sobered everyone up.

Traci hopped off the hood, and Jared put her in the front of his cruiser. Then he rounded on his sister. "Make no mistake, we are all going to talk about this, but first everyone is going to go home and get some rest. It's late. I want everyone at the station this afternoon at four." With that, he hoisted his sister off the cruiser, turned her in Zach's direction, swatted her ass hard enough that she stumbled into Zach's arms, and then got in the cruiser.

Danny pulled Sandi with him and got into the back of the cruiser with Jared and Traci, while Miles got in the back of Evan's SUV as they loaded up. Frank and Evan were going to stay at the main house to get some sleep before they had to meet up. Zach threw Jade over his shoulder with her cussing the whole way while he carried her to his car.

Sandi looked out of the window of the cruiser and thought about the night's events. Thank God, none of her friends had been hurt. She wouldn't have been able to live through that. Danny held her hand, and she felt him give it a squeeze. She looked over at him, and he smiled at her, she smiled back. He pulled her hand and arm until she slid across the seat and into his arms. She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes.



Sandi woke to Danny carrying her up the stairs to her apartment. He cradled her close as he navigated the stairs and shouldered his way into the apartment after unlocking the door.

He gently let her slide down his body until she was standing beside the bed. He stripped off his uniform and lay down on the bed, watching her.

She slowly began to do a striptease. Taking off piece by piece until finally finishing with unbuttoning her shirt, she then teased him by taking it off one shoulder and pausing. Then she turned and took it off the other, looking at him coyly over her shoulder. Sandi dropped the shirt by lowering her hands and standing with her back to him. She swayed her hips widely and then turned.

Danny was sitting up when she turned, eagerly looking over her body. She teased him still and danced around the bed, just out of his reach, unless he stood up. The music changed to another song, this one was a little faster and had a better beat.

She knew where all the snaps for the teddy were. She had been surprised when she first tried to put it on and found that there were a couple of snaps between her legs, and then there were others up the side seams. The shoulder straps had Velcro that attached in the back to the base, hidden. She had thought about this when she put it on this morning but never thought she would have the nerve or get the chance to do this.

The end of the song was coming. She shimmied, and shook her shoulders. Danny’s eyes were drawn to her breasts. She smiled and then in perfect timing, she reached to her sides and pulled. The snaps all worked, thank goodness, and the garment flew at Danny and landed on his head. She giggled when he pulled it off, looking surprised but happy that she was standing naked in front of him.

She shyly crawled on the bed and pushed him back. She was taking control this time, just as she always read in the books, but never got to do because Danny always was in control. Not this time, though. And look, he was waving at her again. She was just glad she didn’t have to stand there naked trying to be sexy while undressing him. She wanted to look like she knew what she was doing instead of the novice that she was.

Danny smiled at her and urged her up so she lay on top of him. She kissed him soundly before moving down his neck. His cock was straining toward her, but she teased him. Kissing his neck and ear, and whispering what she was planning on doing to him. She could feel his breath hitch when she described in detail.

“I’m going to kiss every inch of your body, starting right here, then move to your chest and tease your nipples. I will stroke your cock with my hand while I kiss my way down your stomach. When I finally reach your cock, I will take it in my mouth and give you so much pleasure you will be ruined for other women,” she whispered and turned a little red again. She wasn’t used to talking dirty, but it’s what the woman in the book had said, and it turned the man on.

She was happy to see that it affected Danny just as much. He panted and brought his hand up to her breast and teased her nipple while she was talking to him. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, making her nipple pebble nicely.

“Holy shit, Sandi. I almost came just from hearing your dirty talk. I think I like those books you have been reading. I meant to mention that earlier when I saw them lying beside the bed on the nightstand. I may have to buy you a whole stack myself. We can go through each of them and try all the sexy scenes they have written,” Danny said breathlessly.

Sandi laughed and then kissed his neck, and trailed down to his chest. She ran her tongue in a circle around his nipple. She loved how his chest was smooth and his stomach hard and muscular. She finally sucked one of his nipples in her mouth and bit gently. She then did the same thing to the other side, and he was moaning.

She grasped his thick, hard cock, pumped it up and down a few times, making sure he knew she was going to do exactly what she had said.

Slowly she cupped his balls while she kissed her way down to his stomach. When she finally reached his shaft, a pearl of cum was releasing. She licked it quickly and heard him suck in his breath as she took his tip in her mouth and licked around the top slowly, she loved the taste of him. The first time she had done it, she had been a little worried, but now she thought,
why did I wait so long to do all of this
. She grew bolder.

Sandi held on to the bottom of his cock and lowered her mouth slowly over him, trying to take as much as she could. He was so large she only could take about half of him. With her hand, she set a rhythm of pumping his lower cock while she took care of the top with her mouth. She smiled as she heard him moan her name.

“Sandi, your mouth is like heaven,” he said, and she smiled as much as she could around his cock.

She sucked him into the back of her throat and then swallowed. Sandi thought he was going to come off the bed as he yelled for her to do it again. She made a few more passes and then felt him tugging on her arm.

“I want to come inside you, sweetheart. Get up here,” he growled, and she kissed the tip of his cock and then crawled back up his body.

She straddled him, holding herself up right over his hips and smiled at him. “How am I doing?” she asked.

“Any better and you’d be killing me,” he said and held her waist as she lined up with his cock. She slid down on him slowly and sighed at the different feelings she was having from the position. It was as if he was stuffing her to the rim. She braced her hands on his chest and moved a little then gasped when she felt him move deeper in her.

“Oh my God,” she whispered and closed her eyes. “This feels amazing.”

He laughed and then suggested she move herself a little, lifting up slightly and then back down. She quickly got the idea and began moving her hips, setting a slow and teasing pace. She leaned over and offered him her breast as she moved over him.

Danny took her offering and palmed her breast holding it for his mouth to envelope. She sighed and then pulled his other hand to her unattended breast and showed him what she wanted. She rubbed her nipple with his palm and then, when she knew he was going to hold her breast, she put her hands on the side of his head and began to pump.

She moved faster and faster, undulating so every time she would grind down on him, her clit hit his pelvic bone, putting just the right amount of pressure she needed. When she felt the passion begin to take over, she yelled for him that she was ready, he nodded and she pumped once, then twice and held herself to him while he emptied his seed in her.

Sandi collapsed on his chest, exhausted. “You killed me,” she whispered, and he laughed and rolled to the side holding her close, cuddling.

Danny’s last thought was ‘what a way to go.’ And he fell asleep wrapped in her arms.





It was Christmas Eve, and many of the town had come to JT's to share in the Christmas party they were having. It had been a week since Jonathan Biden had been arrested, charged with attempted murder, and then sent off to prison to await trial. Sandi finally found out, along with everyone else, the reason she was targeted by Biden. She was distraught to find that not only her life had been majorly altered. So had his—she felt sorry for him. He was a victim in all of this, just as she had been.

They had all met that afternoon per Jared's orders, and Jared had ranted and raved about how stupid it had been for them to have gone to Denver. Jade had yelled at him about how there hadn't been any danger, and Sandi deserved not to be locked up like a criminal. Then Zach jumped in when Traci had yelled at Jared for yelling at Jade. Things had got pretty heated. Then Traci walked up to Jared and had laid her hand on his cheek, and that one little move had calmed the beast. Then everyone else calmed down and was happy that no one got hurt. That had been a tense situation.

Now everyone was mingling and having a great time. There was holiday music playing through the sound system, and even Santa was walking around saying hello to the kids. It seemed that every year, Rodger, who was the foreman out at the ranch that the Cassidy family had owned for years, loved to dress as Santa and visit with the children. Jade had outdone herself and had made every cookie known to man, as well as some other delicious desserts to go along with Traci's wonderful spread of hors d'oeuvres. Danny walked up to Sandi with a plate for both of them and handed her one. Then he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a napkin he knew she’d want as well. She smiled her thanks to him, touched that he remembered. He leaned in and brushed his lips to hers then began to eat.

As she was eating, Sandi looked around at all her friends and neighbors. This is what she had always wanted, a place where she felt like she belonged. Not that she hadn't loved her Aunt Betty. No, it was just that since her parents had died, she had lost a piece of herself. Now it seemed that she had that piece back but in a different way. She saw Jade and Zach canoodling in a corner, Traci and Jared were talking to Rodger and his wife Marguerite, while Miles, it seemed, had been cornered under the mistletoe by Santa's helper who happened to be Rodger's niece who was visiting for the holidays. That looked to be promising.

Her eyes finally fell on the man sitting with her. He was watching her watching everyone else, and his eyes spoke of the love he felt for her that he had declared to her last night. She smiled at him and then she said, "This has been the best Christmas Eve I have had since my parents died. I feel so at peace."

"I’m glad you are having a good time. I love this time of year when all of us get together, the whole town is one big family," Danny told her as he stacked their empty plates. "Now I’m going to go throw these away, and then I plan on whisking you off upstairs. We have to be out to the ranch early for breakfast and presents."

"But it's still early and everyone is here," Sandi protested.

"Yes, but we have gifts to exchange, preferably nekkid, in bed." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at her, and she laughed. He loved that sound. He had so many things to be grateful for this Christmas—the most important one was her.


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