A Clean Break (Gay Amish Romance Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: A Clean Break (Gay Amish Romance Book 2)
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Isaac gasped as he bolted up in bed. “David?”

David tossed aside the sweatshirt he’d been unfolding and crawled onto the mattress, his jeans hanging open and his feet and chest bare after another blissfully hot shower. “I’m here. Shh, it’s all right,
.” He wasn’t sure why he’d started calling Isaac
, but somehow the name just fit. “Did you have a bad dream?”

“No, but…” Isaac pushed away the covers and threw himself into David’s arms, his fingers digging in.

They knelt in the middle of the bed, and David smoothed his palm over Isaac’s back. “You’re safe.”

“For a second I didn’t know where I was.” Isaac took a stuttering breath.

“We’re here in San Francisco.” David sighed as he felt the softness of Isaac’s lips on his throat, and the tickle of his stubble. He kissed Isaac’s head before sitting back on his heels. “We made it.”

Isaac glanced around the guest room, and a smile flitted across his lips. “We did. I can hardly believe it’s real.” He looked down at himself. “I’m
,” he whispered.

“That you are.” David leered playfully.

Laughing, Isaac swatted his shoulder. “And we actually
together. I was so tired I hardly had time to enjoy it.”

“It feels like a dream.”

Isaac nodded. Biting his lip, he stretched back on the pillows, tugging David forward to straddle his hips. David ran his hands up Isaac’s sides. Sometimes he thought he could be happy forever just being close with Isaac like this. Not even because of sex—just feeling the warmth of his body and seeing the curve of his smile.

“I can’t believe I’m waking up with you.” Isaac caressed David’s bare chest. “That I can touch you, and no one will mind.” He frowned. “At least I don’t think anyone will mind.”

“They won’t. Not here.” David raised one of Isaac’s hands and kissed his palm.

“You don’t think it’s… We’re not being disrespectful, are we?” Isaac waved a hand between them. “Doing this in my brother’s home? I know he said it doesn’t bother them, but how can that be true?”

David brushed back Isaac’s hair from his forehead. “I suppose we have to trust that he’s being honest. It doesn’t seem like he’s lying, does it?”

“No. It’s been years, but I still know him. He wouldn’t lie. I guess it’s just hard to believe. To not have to sneak around and hide feels strange. Wrong. I used to daydream about having our own bed, but I never thought we really would.”

David threaded their fingers together. “In this room it’s only the two of us. No matter what happens out there, I don’t want us to be afraid here. I want us to be free. With ourselves. With each other. Deal?”

Nodding, Isaac drew David down for a kiss. “Deal.”

David rolled his hips, grinding against Isaac’s groin. His jeans were just rough enough to send delightful tingles through him.

Isaac groaned, but then pushed himself up on an elbow. “Wait—what time is it? Aaron must be wondering where I am.”

“Almost noon, but it’s all right. He had to go to work for the morning. He’ll be home soon.”

“Noon!” Isaac bolted up and tried to shift David off. “I haven’t slept this late in…ever. I need to—” His brow creased, and he stopped fidgeting. “Well, I guess I don’t need to do anything, actually.”

“Not today at least. It’s odd, isn’t it? But in a nice way.”

Isaac smiled and relaxed back against the pillows again. “I can’t believe we really left. I wonder…” He shook his head. “No. I don’t want to think about them. Not right now.” He ran his hands over David’s thighs. “I don’t want to think about anything.”

“I think I can help.” Smiling slyly, he shifted back and spread Isaac’s legs wide, pushing his knees apart so he could bend and nuzzle at Isaac’s cock and balls.

With a soft moan, Isaac lifted his hips. “Yes, please,” he murmured. “It’s been too long.”

David loved the feel of Isaac’s shaft growing in his mouth, filling him as he sucked up and down with one hand wrapped around the base. He inhaled through his nose, his spit dripping down messily. When he pulled off and licked toward Isaac’s hole, fingers grasped at his damp hair.

. I missed you so much. Your mouth…” Isaac whimpered.

Still teasing Isaac’s balls, David lifted his hand blindly to Isaac’s lips. Isaac opened for him, getting David’s fingers slick with spit, his tongue swirling over and between. When David inched a wet finger inside Isaac’s ass, he started sucking his cock again, looking up through his eyelashes.

What a sight it was. He loved how Isaac met his gaze, his amber eyes dark and wild, his lips parted and skin flushed all the way down his chest. David had thought he’d never have this again, and he savored the sensations—the clench of Isaac’s ass around his finger, and the little whines from Isaac’s throat.

Isaac stroked David’s hair, his fingers gentle and his eyelids fluttering. David swallowed Isaac’s shaft, imagining he could feel the pounding of Isaac’s heart on his tongue.

“Oh, David. You make me feel so good.”

David’s nostrils flared and he breathed in the heady musk. It made him so hard just to taste and smell Isaac, his lips stretched over Isaac’s thick cock. A sense of power flowed through him. Isaac was splayed out—so trusting and vulnerable—and David wanted to keep him safe always. They may be sinners, but Isaac was still a gift from God.

He crooked his finger and felt around for just the right swollen spot inside Isaac.

“I’m not—” Isaac gasped. “I’m going to—”

Humming, David sucked harder, swallowing each salty spurt that filled his mouth, wanting every drop of Isaac he could have. He milked him gently, and Isaac panted, mumbling David’s name. When David pulled off with a wet
and sat on his heels, Isaac smiled in a daze.

“Can we wake up this way every day?”

David chuckled. “Sounds good to me.” He was painfully hard in his open jeans against the zipper. He freed himself, groaning as he wrapped his hand around his straining cock.

“Let me.” Isaac reached for him, still splayed against the pillows with bent legs wide.

“I’m almost there.” Tingles shot up David’s spine as he jerked himself, his eyes locked on Isaac. “Is it okay if I…I want to come on you,” he confessed. “Is that weird?”

Shivering, Isaac shook his head and spread his arms as well.

One hand still on his cock, David pushed forward onto his knees, bracing himself against the padded headboard with his other hand. Isaac nodded, his gaze locked with David’s.

“I want it all over me, David. I want to be sticky and yours—all yours. I’m…” He paused and blurted, “I’m going to lick it up and—”

Gasping, David’s release rushed through him, splashing onto Isaac’s chest and belly. David worked himself until he was too sensitive for any more. With a shaky hand, he swiped up his seed and fed it to Isaac, who sucked it greedily from his finger, his lips red and shining.

David settled over Isaac, kissing him languidly and tasting himself there. It was so
, and it made him hot all over. “So good,” he murmured.

Isaac smiled. “You’re going to have to have another shower.”

“We can have all the showers we want now.” David grinned. “Instant hot water.”

“Good thing we both fit in there, huh?” Then his expression grew serious, and he held David’s face in his hands. “I thought I’d lost you forever.”

“I’m all yours,” David whispered, kissing him again.

He pulled the covers back up and sank into Isaac’s arms. For the first time in their lives, there was no place else they had to be.



The faint smell of grease had David’s stomach rumbling as he and Isaac made their way downstairs.

“Wait.” Isaac paused halfway down the staircase. He whispered, “Is it rude to go barefoot in an English house? My socks are smelly, but I can put them on.”

“I think it’s fine. I was barefoot this morning, and Aaron didn’t say anything.” Their shoes were by the front door on a rack, and although David had seen people in movies often wear shoes in the house, that didn’t seem to be the way Jen and Aaron did things.

“Okay.” Isaac ran his hand over his T-shirt and straightened his hair. “Do I look all right?”

David’s spare jeans were loose on Isaac, but the white shirt fit well enough. “You look great, and your brother doesn’t care what you’re wearing. Come on.” He gave Isaac a nudge.

Aaron grinned as they came into the kitchen. “Hey! Sleep well?” He pulled Isaac into a hug. “I hope you don’t mind if I hug you a lot for the first little while. After all those years of stoic-ness and hiding emotion, I’ve become a big hugger.”

Isaac’s voice was muffled in Aaron’s shoulder. “I don’t mind.”

Aaron stepped back and ruffled Isaac’s hair. “I’ll give you a reprieve for now.”

David laughed softly. “I guess it’s something to get used to, hugging people.” The Amish adults he knew tended to be stoic indeed.

“You hug me,” Isaac said before blanching. “I mean…”

“Well, I’d hope you two are well past the handshake stage.” Aaron laughed. “But yeah, the English are definitely
more demonstrative than you’re used to. Just wait until you meet Jen.” He hugged Isaac again playfully. “I’m just so happy you’re here. I can’t resist!”

David watched them with a smile, although a pang of longing for Joshua washed through him.

When Isaac stepped back, he touched Aaron’s shiny tie. “It’s so…”

Aaron grinned. “Pink? Extremely vain, I know. My shrink once said he’s surprised I don’t drape myself in a rainbow of silk every day given how I grew up.”

“Your what?” Isaac frowned.

“Psychiatrists are doctors who deal with the brain, and years ago people called them head shrinkers. We just call them shrinks now. They ask a lot of questions to try and figure out what you’re thinking, and how you’re feeling. They get to the bottom of your issues. Shrink them down, I guess.”

“You have to go to a doctor? Are you sick?” Isaac’s voice rose.

“No, no. I’m fine.” Aaron raised his hands. “I promise. A lot of English people go to therapy. It’s just to talk stuff out and try to make sense of your life. Jen has great benefits with the hospital, and it’s covered for us on her plan. So I figure I might as well take advantage.”

“So you get therapy with…benefits?” Isaac glanced at David, a furrow between his brows.

“It’s a perk people get at their jobs. Extra stuff as well as their salary,” David said. “It helps pay for health care and that kind of thing. Right?” He asked Aaron.

“Right.” Aaron squeezed Isaac’s arm. “I’m sorry—I was just telling David this morning that it took me quite a while to get used to all the English words we never learned. I’ll try and slow down, and if you’re confused about anything just ask, okay?” He picked up a paper bag from the counter. “Now here’s an English name I bet you remember.”

Isaac bounced on his toes. “Is that McDonald’s?”

“Yep. I got you and David Big Macs. I figured you probably had the Golden Arches on your way down, but I remember it was your favorite.”

“We didn’t, actually. I wasn’t very hungry.” Isaac’s stomach growled loudly, and he laughed. “I sure am now.”

Aaron arranged the food on the part of the counter jutting out before the dining room, and walked around to the other side so he was facing the kitchen. “Come on, have a seat and dig in.”

There were four stools, and David left a spot between him and Aaron for Isaac. When Isaac bit into a fry, he groaned. “Oh, I missed this.”

David ate a few fries, savoring the salty crispiness. “Me too.”

For a while they ate in companionable silence, and David smiled as Isaac licked the burger sauce that dripped onto his fingers.

“I’m going to eat Big Macs every day,” Isaac said.

Aaron smirked. “There’s a movie I’ll have to show you that might make you rethink that idea.”

David slurped his Coke. Soda made him think of the drive-in and his workshop at June’s. Now he could have soda anytime. For breakfast, even. “I guess we’d get tired of them after a while.”

“But until you do? Big Macs whenever you want.” Aaron popped a fry in his mouth. “The world is your oyster. Speaking of which, we’ll go for seafood down at the wharf one night. And there’s an amazing Indian pizza place a few blocks away. Although I suppose you should try traditional Italian pizza first so you can compare. Oh, and you have to try Mexican food of course.” He sighed contentedly. “There’s so much food you’ve never tasted.”

“I had Taco Bell once, but I didn’t like it much,” David said. “It tasted fine, but my stomach wasn’t too keen on it.”

Aaron laughed. “Don’t worry, real Mexican food won’t give you the runs. Although it’ll be an adjustment, all the spices and flavors in food here compared to what our mothers cooked.”

“Not that I don’t like Amish cooking,” David hastily added as he thought of the hours Mother and his sisters spent in the kitchen.

“I’ve never found a chicken pot pie that could compare,” Aaron said.

Isaac dipped a fry into ketchup. “I never thought about it much, that there’s different food out here. After you left—” He stopped.

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