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Authors: William W. Johnstone

A Crying Shame (190 page)

BOOK: A Crying Shame
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High explosives.” It was not a question.
Give the man a cigar.”
It was lighting in the east. It was going to be a glorious day—for death.
death was up for grabs.
When did you put it all together?” Karl asked, more relaxed now that some light was visible and his crazy mercenary friend was not steaming ahead at flank speed.
After about the sixth find of the Links's escape holes. You were too cool about them, Karl. Last night, after Linda went to sleep, I consulted the map I made yesterday and then the map you made—”
Karl sputtered his outrage.
That map was in my ... my ...
I know it was in your briefcase. Still is. You snore a lot, you know that?”
Jon grinned.
Tammy certainly has pretty titties, doesn't she?”
Leave Tammy's titties out of this, you . . . you . . . sex maniac!”
Me? You're the one who subscribes to girlie magazines, not me.”
I? Not I, Jon. Besides, I only subscribe to them for comparison of various female anatomies.”
BOOK: A Crying Shame
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