Of course Broughton asked after you, as Arpad Arco-Tolvay, and I said we had not been in contact for some time. I assumed you were still in Hungary, but I could tell him nothing more. He asked that the next time I wrote to you that I should include his good wishes to you. I suspect he is embarrassed for you because of how the Ksiezna is behaving, although he said nothing specific to make me think so.
How is the new house at Lecco coming? The sketches Rogerian sent me are very handsome. I think Olivia would like the new design with its columns like those of Roma, and the long loggia facing the lake. Perhaps one day--some decades from now--you and I will meet there and recall our other meetings over the centuries.
Until then I remain your grateful comrade, Niklos Aulirios
Ultimate Supernatural Horror Box Set by F. Paul Wilson, Blake Crouch, J. A. Konrath, Jeff Strand, Scott Nicholson, Iain Rob Wright, Jordan Crouch, Jack Kilborn