A Dangerous Game (9 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

BOOK: A Dangerous Game
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“It felt wonderfully wicked.”

“That’s my girl,” Charlotte said, adding a wink for good measure. “And what else?”

“I could feel—his manhood against me, brushing against my stomach.”

“Did you touch him there?”


“You must. That is the problem with women today. They say nothing of what they want. It is a man’s world, Nicolette, but we can take pleasure just as they do. We can tell them what we want and how we want it.”

Nicolette shifted in the saddle, horrified yet excited that they were having the conversation. “What if he does not feel as I do?”

“Men want a woman who loves sex. As my mother always told me, be a lady in the eye of the public, but be a whore in the bedroom and always your man will be content. True, some men are intimidated by a strong woman who enjoys sex as much as he does. But I tell you this—a man would prefer a woman of passion much more than one who looks at sex as a duty. Embrace the act of making love. Enjoy the feel of a man’s hands on your body, the feel of his cock inside you—hard, pulsing, taking you to a place you never knew existed—to where you can touch the stars.”

Blushing at the bold words, Nicolette knew what Charlotte said rang true, for she had felt the ripples of passion as Salvatore had teased her nipples with his tongue.

“If you want Salvatore, you must be the aggressor. He has taken care of you for so long, he has not realized the woman you are. A gorgeous, desirable woman...that other men want to sample. Let him know you desire him.”

“What if he rejects me?”

Charlotte laughed. “My dear girl, there isn’t a man in all of England who would reject you.”


Nicolette found Salvatore in his room, sound asleep, lying on his bed, still dressed in his riding attire, including his boots. She smiled softly hearing his even breaths and seeing the steady rise and fall of his chest.

He had been so furious with Elizabeth this afternoon, and it had shocked her that he’d been so quick to jump to her defense. Always, and especially when dealing with aristocracy, Salvatore kept a cool head. He had learned from a tender age that it was best to stay neutral at all costs, but Elizabeth’s words had sent him on a tirade, and he had squarely put Elizabeth in her place.

She had so badly wanted to go after Salvatore, but she was now glad she’d stayed and talked with Charlotte. The woman’s candidness was a welcome and surprising change from members of
the ton
. So unlike Elizabeth or the countess who had been waiting for the group, since she appeared on the manor’s steps, hands folded before her, watching the four of them dismount. Her brows had lifted to her hairline seeing Nicolette and Charlotte talking like old friends.

Nicolette watched the steady rise and fall of Salvatore’s chest. She smiled remembering the feel of his naked chest against her own. Her gaze shifted lower, over his stomach, where one of his long-fingered hands rested in the band of his breeches, to the material that cupped his manhood. Her stomach tightened. Salvatore made a noise and she glanced up, half expecting him to catch her looking at his erection.

Her fingers itched to touch him there, to see, feel, taste him. No doubt he would be shocked to know her secret desires.

Suddenly his eyes opened and Nicolette jumped like she’d been shot.

“Nic, what’s wrong?” He sat up abruptly, looking about the room. “Are you all right?”

She nodded, her cheeks heating. Always he worried about her. When would he come to the realization that she did not need him to father her any longer? “All is well. I thought I would check on you after your heartfelt speech.”

The sides of his mouth curved and he lay back down, patting the place beside him.

Needing no more encouragement, Nicolette kicked off her boots and lay down, resting her head against his shoulder.

His fingers stroked her arm, making the hair there stand on end. She breathed in deeply, taking in his spicy, masculine scent. “I could not stay another moment in Elizabeth’s company for fear I would do something I would come to regret.”

“And here you had thought to charm her.”

“I think it is safe to say the charm has worn off. In fact, I’ve been expecting the countess herself to come escort us off the grounds.”

Nicolette put her hand on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her hand. Feeling bold, her hand wandered lower, near the band of his breeches, then up again. She felt his heart jolt and she smiled to herself.

“What happened last night after dinner?” he asked, winding a strand of her hair around his finger.

“Darian drew me into the labyrinth. He wanted me right then and there. Thank goodness Charlotte came along when she did. I told her that Darian was in the middle of the maze and that he was looking for her. I watched only long enough to know Darian broke his agreement with the duke.”

“He had her right there?” Salvatore asked, sounding not at all shocked. “And you watched?”

“Only for a moment. Did you not notice Charlotte’s reaction to him this morning? She looked like the cat who ate the canary.”

“I wonder where Elizabeth was…”

“No doubt snug in her bed dreaming of her future husband.” Salvatore snorted. “The poor fool. He will never be faithful.”

“But what of the marriage contract?”

“Men are clever, particularly when it comes to bedding the women we want.”

Nicolette went up on her elbow. “And what type of woman do you want?”

His eyes searched her face, as though gauging if she were serious. Apparently sensing she was earnest, he shrugged. “I love all women, which is not surprising given we grew up in a whorehouse. I often felt like we both had thirty mothers, didn’t you?”

He was trying to change the subject, but she wouldn’t let him. “But certainly there is a certain type of woman that you’re attracted to. What color hair, what color eyes? Do you like them slender with small breasts, or voluptuous with large tits?”

“Nicolette! How crass you are.”

She flashed him an innocent smile. “What? Certainly you have a preference.”

“What of you, Miss Nicolette? What type of man are you attracted to?”

“Oh no, you don’t.”

His brows lifted. “I shall tell you, if you tell me.”

“I find I’m attracted to tall men with broad shoulders. I also prefer long hair over short.”

“Well, that means you are attracted to fifty percent of the population then.”

She watched him, drinking in his rare beauty. The smile on his lips disappeared and his eyes narrowed. “What are you up to, Nic?”

Now was not the time to lose her nerve. She had to be strong, just as Charlotte suggested. If she wanted Salvatore, she must make her move and do it now. She cleared her throat. “I want to see what you look like?”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

Her gaze shifted to the bulge in his pants. “Down there.”

His mouth dropped open. “Nicolette, I think this is going too far.”

She refused to acknowledge his shock and surprise, and instead lifted her chin and prayed for courage. “I think it only fitting that I know what a man looks like, especially given the way the seduction is going. I have little doubt Darian will be showing me his cock...and very soon.”

He paled as he watched her. “I think you have spent too much time with Charlotte. Things need not go that far. You know that, right?”

She shrugged. “But how can I stop it once it does? After all, I have to lose my virginity sometime, and if I become his lover, then we will have exactly what we want.”

Salvatore cursed under his breath. “You must have misunderstood, Nic. Seduction does not mean you have to sleep with him.”

“But how can I stop him once we start? Already he is frustrated with me making excuses. I have to get him alone, in my bedchamber, and I will not have you there to save me.”

“I will make sure it does not go to such an extent. Make sure you are never alone with him, like you were in the labyrinth. If you meet, make sure you say it is in your room and not his. I will be in my room and you will tell Darian that you will knock on my door, just to let me know you’ve made it back safely, and I’ll be there.”

“He believes we are lovers.”

“Tell him that I am with a woman, and that is why you choose not to disturb me. That way when Elizabeth does discover him in your room, the both of us will appear innocent.” He ran the backs of his fingers along her jaw. “I have to mend things with Elizabeth, but I will make sure she sees you leaving Darian’s room. She will run to her father and the marriage will be called off. I am certain of it.”

“But how can I escape his advances, particularly when I’m in his room? Already he believes I am teasing him mercilessly.”

Salvatore turned his head and kissed her forehead. “I will not let that happen.”

A sound at the door startled them both. Salvatore rolled away from her and then strode toward the door. Nicolette stayed where she was, arms crossed behind her head.

Salvatore opened the door and Nicolette had a clear view of Darian and Elizabeth. Darian’s gaze shifted abruptly to Nicolette. His brows furrowed. Elizabeth’s cheeks blazed red and she averted her gaze, looking instead at the floor.

“Nicolette, I am glad you are here too. Elizabeth has something she would like to say to you both.”

Elizabeth quirked her lips. “I apologize for my behavior earlier. I had no right to say what I did. I do not pretend to know how difficult your lives have been, and I did not mean to belittle you in any way.”

The words sounded rehearsed, but at least she’d said them.

“I accept your apology, Elizabeth,” Salvatore said, glancing over his shoulder at Nicolette.

Nicolette came to her feet. “I do as well, Elizabeth.”

Darian’s gaze held her pinned to the spot. His dark eyes narrowed slightly. The jealousy she saw there surprised her and made her uneasy.

He cleared his throat. “Well, we obviously interrupted you.”

Salvatore did not rise to the bait and instead nodded. “We shall see you this evening. Kedgwick, Lady Elizabeth.” With that he shut the door.


Refreshed from a hot bath and a glass of brandy, Nicolette sat down at the card table, intent on winning a hand, undeterred that she was the only woman present, and that the Duke and Duchess of Durham had arrived and watched their future-son-in-law relentlessly.

The duchess, a very plain-looking woman who rarely smiled, had looked down her nose at Nicolette the moment she’d entered the drawing room on Salvatore’s arm. The duke had at least smiled, nodded in greeting, then immediately turned his undivided attention to his wife and daughter.

An hour later Nicolette was losing badly and considered quitting when Darian walked into the room. Rather than join the game, he stood back and simply watched her.

Conscious of his steely gaze on her, she wondered what was going through his mind as he silently brooded.

Darian motioned with a slight tilt of his head toward the courtyard. Her stomach knotted. Did he mean for her to follow? she wondered, and when he left out the double doors, she waited a few moments before she put her cards facedown and stood. “Gentlemen, I fear I have lost enough this night. Perhaps I will try again tomorrow evening.”

Masculine moans filled the air as she took her leave, and discreetly exited a different door than the one Darian had taken.

What did he want?

He was taking a chance meeting her like this. So why did he want to meet now, especially when his in-laws were underfoot, and his fiancée was watching his every move?

Exiting out the double doors, her breath lodged in her throat as Darian grabbed her from behind and pulled her toward the hedge. “Why did you not come to me last night?”

“You were occupied.”

His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Darian, I am not a fool. I know what transpired between you and Charlotte in the maze.”

Even in the dark she could see a blush color his cheeks. “What did she say?”

“Nothing. I had been concerned due to her drunken state, so I followed her, afraid that she might fall. That’s when I saw the two of you.”

His hands tightened on her arms. “It meant nothing.”

“I will be your friend, Darian, but that’s all.”

“No!” He pulled her close to him, and her heart slammed against her ribs. For the first time she was afraid of his anger. “I want you.”

“No, you don’t.”

“And what of the way you and Salvatore behave? You always are touching each other, always whispering, always together.” There was no mistaking the jealousy in his tone. “You should hear what people say about the two of you.”

She shrugged. “I don’t care what they say.”

His dark eyes held her pinned to the spot. “What are you to each other? I want to know.”

“We are friends, partners, companions.”


She lifted a brow. “That is none of your business.”

“But I would like to make it my business.”

“I do not ask you about your lovers.”

He laughed under his breath. “You are a witch, Nicolette. Truly, I have never been so beguiled with a woman in my life. Why did I meet you now when I must marry another?”

“Things happen for a reason.”

“Do you honestly believe in fate?”

She nodded “I always have. I know that meeting Salvatore when I was a child was fate. I knew the moment I met him that he would be—”

“Do not speak of him anymore. The very thought of the two of you together sets my teeth on edge.”

His arms encircled her waist, and he kissed her, his tongue sweeping past her lips, his teeth grinding into her upper lip.

Dear God, was that blood she tasted? Fed up with his boorish behavior, Nicolette kept her arms braced against his. He took a step and she felt her back make contact with the cold brick of the manor.

On the verge of a scream, his lips abruptly left hers, making a trail down her neck. “This is wrong...yet I cannot help myself.”

Her throat was too tight to speak, and it seemed he would not give her time to respond before he kissed her again. “When you are near, I want to touch you, and to know that I cannot is killing me. It’s wrong, I know it—” His hands went to either side of her face. “I see desire in your eyes when you look at me, and I don’t know if I’m mistaken. Perhaps I’m seeing only what I want to see.”

Her heart was beating so loud it was a roar that filled her ears. Where was Salvatore? This was getting too intense and she wanted nothing more than to be inside the manor, safely amongst the other guests. Seeing he waited for her response, she said, “I desire you, as well you know.”

The torture that had been in his eyes moments before was gone, replaced by something that resembled relief.

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