A Dark Beginning: A China Dark Novel (15 page)

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An even more intense wave of jealousy pulsed strongly through China as Mark knelt wordlessly in front of Esta and started to kiss his way up her thighs. She watched, as instructed, Mark expertly apply himself to his task. Esta was starting to writhe on the sofa as Mark’s tongue reached deeper into her and his head made more rapid movements as he used every trick he knew to give her pleasure. China knew what Esta must have been feeling, she had been on the receiving end of Mark’s expert tongue many times. Just as it seemed that Esta was about to come she grasped his hair and pulled him away from her. “Not yet,” she said. “Get away from me, dog.” She pushed him roughly away with one petite foot on his shoulder and looked at China. China both dreaded and desired what was coming next. “Your turn now. You saw what to do.” Esta beckoned China over with a wicked sneer.

As China knelt between Esta’s firmly muscled thighs she wondered, not for the first time, what she was doing here. She had never sought this out, this wasn’t a path she had actively chosen, but she felt like she had been drawn inexorably into this lifestyle where new sexual experiences rushed at her and enveloped her in a lustful heat of heart thumping joy. The path had chosen her, and she wasn’t going to leave it anytime soon.

She leant forward, studying another woman in detail for the first time. She had to admit that Esta’s sex was an object of beauty. The perfectly smooth skin, the slashed opening slightly parted to reveal glistening pink flesh that did look good enough to eat. The smell wasn’t as bad as she feared. There was a deep musky aroma, mixed with clean sweat and just the faintest of citric tanginess, the latter probably from Mark’s aftershave.

Tentatively China kissed the soft skin at the top of Esta’s thigh, just where it dipped into her groin. Her lips touched velvet and she kissed some more, relishing the delightful warm softness of the young girl’s flesh. She eased her lips closer to the girl’s pussy, the tip of her nose touching the damp folds of flesh first. She heard Esta gasp and, encouraged, she flicked out the tip of her tongue to quickly brush some of the protruding labia. Esta shook. The next tongue flick ran the full length of the slit, parting the flesh to enter between Esta’s eager lips. The taste was sweet and salty. China found herself wanting more, needing to possess and please this bossy girl, so delved deeper, much to Esta’s delight. As her tongue curled into Esta, China’s lips and teeth made contact with her labia. Esta was unable to keep still and China treated her pussy like another mouth, snogging, feathering, penetrating and rubbing her smooth teeth up to the top of the opening until she found a glistening bulb of protruding flesh. China sucked the clitoris into her mouth, pulling gently at first but then harder as she got more of a reaction from the other woman. A light nip with her teeth made Esta gasp with pleasure, so she teased the clitoris more with her teeth, each nip varying in intensity. Some obviously hurt a little as Esta squealed, but the young girl didn’t ask China to stop. She could feel herself getting wetter, and then she felt a draft of coldness as if a breath had caressed her own damp entrance.

China jumped at the first touch of Mark’s lips on hers below. A line of sparkling intensity ran from her pussy to her mouth, connecting her in pleasure and making her stomach muscles tense hard. She continued to pleasure Esta as she, herself, was pleasured by Mark. She could feel the heat of impending climax rising, and her breathing quickened, as did her frantic mouthing of Esta’s labia. Esta was also squirming faster and the two women fed off each other’s passion, rising to a glistening and panting climax together. As she came, China buried her face deep between Esta’s legs, gasping her orgasm deep into the other woman’s body, and Esta’s thighs clamped either side of China’s face, refusing to release her.

A sudden and very exciting thought occurred to China through the delirium of ecstasy. She wished her husband was here to see this. Standing naked in the corner of the room, watching his wife both pleasure and receive pleasure, the centre piece in an elated chain of ecstasy. This image ignited a second orgasmic moment of pleasure deep within China, so close to the first that they were separated by the briefest of inter-climactic moments. When Esta’s thighs finally parted China gasped, only then realizing that she hadn’t been able to breathe properly pressed hard into Esta. The lack of air and the intense waves of the retreating climaxes left her dizzy, sitting on the floor leaning exhausted against Esta’s taught thigh.

“There you go Mark. That’s how to please a woman,” Esta sighed.

Mark was standing again. He was rock hard. It looked almost painfully rigid to China and she wished she could do something about it, her pussy ached for more pleasure, it ached to be filled. But she daren’t do anything without the appropriate command from Esta.

“Poor little boy,” Esta said. China didn’t think ‘little’ was the right word but said nothing. “Does our little slave need relief?”

Mark nodded and his cock twitched.

“China.” Esta’s voice was commanding, harsh. “We’ve neglected our host. Show him what your mouth can do.”

China had never gone down on Mark before. She didn’t particularly relish going down on men in general. The occasions when Philip had received a blowjob were few and far between. But Mark’s cock did look amazing, magnificent even. As she moved over to kneel in front of him she was able to really study the unyielding column of flesh. There was a ridged, branched network of blue veins straining against the stretched skin. At that moment the rod of flesh was dry which made it easier for China to bear running a tongue the full length of it, from base to tip. It twitched again, whacking China heavily in the face. To stop this from happening again she grasped it tightly at the base with one hand, then licked again, from where her fingers circled it to the glistening pink head. A droplet of pearly white fluid emerged from the very tip and China resolved to taste it. Not as bitter as Philip’s, she decided, sweet almost, surprisingly quite bearable. She pressed her lips to the head and pushed her head down, taking him in her mouth as far as she could without gagging. Mark felt scorching hot in her mouth and his member pulsed erratically as she held it pressed against her tongue. In slow motion she withdrew along the length of the cock, painting it wet with her saliva, and she heard him let out a long slow breath.

When she took her mouth off of him she looked up into his face. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut so he didn’t anticipate her next act. She lunged forward and sank her teeth into the shaft halfway along its length. He coughed out a startled grunt as her teeth pressed into the hard flesh. She had no intention of breaking the skin but she did feel a sudden need to cause him pain in the place where he usually received pleasure. She wanted the contrast to be intense for him. She stopped biting him and delicately kissed and licked where her teeth had left tiny, red indentations. And then she bit him again, nearer the head this time, making him cry out. She followed this with a swirling of her tongue across the head of his cock, more pre-cum rewarding her with his sweet nectar. She hungrily sucked this sparse fluid from his cock, starting to enjoy, starting to need, this subtle treasure.

Her hand massaged his balls gently as she alternately kissed, licked and bit his shaft along its full length. He was a quivering wreck, and when her tongue started to tease the hard flesh just below his cock-head a monumental twitch launched his cum in spurting arcs. China caught some on the corner of her mouth and tentatively tasted it. She could hardly believe it. Under the bitterness that she always knew was there, there was a detectable undertone of strawberries. She had read that a man’s semen could be flavoured according to what they ate. She could only think that Mark must have been eating a lot of strawberries recently. Whatever the reason, it made the taste a lot more bearable.

Again, Philip came to mind. She wanted to rush home and kiss Philip full on the lips, so that he would be unknowingly tasting another man’s cum. Then she would want to tell him that she had just given a man a blow job and swallowed, something she would never do for him. That thought startled her. Why would she want to hurt the man she loved so much? But then she knew, deep down, that while he might feign hurt, this was what he wanted. Philip craved the humiliation of knowing his wife was exploring sexual boundaries with other men, and she was now more than willing to ride that wave because it allowed her to break through the barriers set so firmly in place early on in her life.

She continued to tease at Mark’s softening cock with her tongue, trying out her newfound tastes. The more she consumed the easier it became until she was almost enjoying the taste. In small doses, rather than a mouthful at a time, even the texture was quite bearable. Just about. She was not sure she would ever become a cum-addict, not like all those porn stars on the Internet appeared to be, but she could appreciate the thrill that the sheer dirtiness of swallowing a man’s cum could bring. She still preferred the taste of Esta though.

“Well, there was nothing to teach you there.” China became aware of Esta’s presence in the room again, as she broke away from her daydream. The young girl was looking down at her like a teacher proud of her student. “But it appears that Mark has now become rather useless for a while.”

China stood up to face Esta. She was still completely naked, but unabashed, and Esta remained almost fully clothed. Esta took China’s shoulders and turned her, pressing the front of her body against the shockingly cold wall. “Part your legs.”

As she stood there, legs apart with a small but strong hand pressing into the middle of her back, she could feel the unevenness of the wall, rough against her over sensitized breasts. They were much bigger than Esta’s and they were squashed, spilling out to her side. She felt sharp fingernails run down her back to the crack of her buttocks. Then she felt both of Esta’s hands parting her cheeks and she felt a cold draft in the crease. One finger traced the full length of her arse crack, making her shudder as it reached her super sensitive ass hole. Esta teased around the hole for a while, and China gasped at how pleasurable this new play was. She had never let anyone play there before, thinking it too dirty, wrong, but she could not stop Esta unless she used her safe word. She had almost forgotten what it was and had a momentary panic. But then her mind was electrified again, her whole body a conduit of static, as Esta pressed a wet finger just inside her virginally-tight ass. She felt unbelievably full. She didn’t expect the insertion of such a small digit to fill her up, her whole body feeling invaded, right up to her eyes which were actually bulging with this strange new pressure. The new sensation of fullness also brought a bizarrely different pleasure. Esta was pushing in further, gently, leisurely, but was also using her other fingers to lightly scratch the soft and nerve-filled flesh around her sucking hole. It was as if her body was betraying her by drawing in the invading finger, wanting more, wanting to be filled beyond what she could stand.

Then she felt other fingers exploring her pussy, raking its length with sharp nails. Pain and pleasure again, they were becoming inseparable. She felt as if a whole fist was being pushed into her, wriggling fingers invading both holes. China sighed loudly, any stretching pain she felt dwarfed by the ecstasy of complete fulfilment. The impersonal, exquisitely humiliating, nature of facing the wall, no visual contact whatsoever with her diminutive violator, added to the sense of being used. She was a fuck-toy for the pretty stripper, and it was a new high on her list of sensations. She wished again that Philip were here to watch this, to see her ecstasy. She wanted to share her joy with her husband. She also wanted him to see what she was capable of in the right hands, wanted him humiliated and turned on at the same time. She knew he was capable of both.

She came again with a loud cry. She didn’t care if Mark’s neighbours heard, and she didn’t care if she was punished for the lack of control. She almost wanted that punishment, deserved it for such filthy, lustful behaviour. At this point in time all she cared about were the coursing waves of hot and cold sensationally emanating from her pussy, washing outwards through the whole of her body. She was crying with the sheer, unbelievable pleasure of it, real tears coursing down her cheeks, making her eyeliner run. She could feel the walls of her vagina gripping Esta’s fingers, pulsing around them but mostly pulling the girl hungrily in as her climax peaked. Twitching. Everything convulsing uncontrollably. When her body had finished its delightful spasms, Esta very gently withdrew her fingers. The one pulled out of her ass stung a bit, but when it was gone she felt sadly empty, a sense of loss, and this time her tears were silent.

She remembered her safe word. ‘Devak’. She sniggered as she wondered what he would have thought of the last half hour. She wondered if, despite his pious posturing, he would have been secretly turned on. She wouldn’t have minded him watching. She wanted an audience for her degradations. It would be exciting to be watched as she was pleasured. Let the whole world see what her body could achieve, could inspire.

Chapter 25

16:20: Tarb4u : did you enjoy that ?

16:21: HornEnvy : it was amazing. I never thought I’d see anything like that

16:21: Tarb4u : am I good, or am I very good ?

16:21: HornEnvy : very good !!!

16:21: Tarb4u : she didn’t stand a chance

16:22: HornEnvy : no, she was yours for the taking

16:23: Tarb4u : and what about the twist? A nice surprise

16:23: HornEnvy : I loved the twist, she didn’t see that coming

When she got in that evening Philip was already there, home early for a change. She was still torn between telling him what had happened to her, and keeping it her own delicious secret. There were many dangers in telling Philip, that was patently obvious. His ever-present fantasy would have been nourished by her revelations, but she was afraid that a fantasy made real might not be as welcomed as he had indicated. What was giving her extreme pleasure might actually hurt him deeply, despite what he claimed, and she didn’t want that. Although she wanted to spark and challenge his feelings, scratch his body, dominate him and humiliate him, she only wanted to do this if she knew for certain that this was what he wanted too. She knew he loved playing his dirty-talk games, but how could she tell if this starkly sensual reality would be too much for him? She needed to treat his exposure to her new alternative lifestyle choice with considerable caution.

Maybe a few hints at first would be a good way to start. She had already started that process anyway, and Philip was loving that. She could start to introduce the subject herself, more often, and further subtle clues to see if at any point he would shy away from the increased intensity, or if he would relish it. She hoped it would be the latter, as she was enjoying her liberation so much now, and wanted Philip to share in it, join her on this journey of revelations. Introducing the subject cold to him, when he wasn’t prepared, when it wasn’t him instigating the play, that would be a test. He would think she was just playing, so she had that safety net, but if he reacted positively when she was raising the subject that would be a good sign.

She walked over to him, ready to shock him with something like “my new boyfriend’s semen tastes better than yours,” delivered with a teasing laugh of course. Room for retreat just in case it was badly received. But he looked up at her in a way that scared her. “What’s wrong, Philip?”

He showed her the local paper. The headlines screamed in big bold font that another girl had been killed. This one not far from where she worked. “I don’t like you coming home alone. Not at the moment. You’re late and I was scared.”

Of course she was late, she was making up for a rather long lunch. Again. She was touched by Philip’s concern and fear for her. She sat next to him and kissed him hard, wondering if he could taste Mark on her lips. She was sure that she could smell and taste Mark’s and Esta’s combined juices all afternoon, but had washed carefully so it must have just been her imagination.

“I’m being careful,” she said, and instantly wondered if she actually was. “I won’t take any unnecessary risks.”

“I worry about the necessary ones too,” he responded. “I know you have to work, but I couldn’t stand to lose you.”

She laughed and almost cried at the same time. “You’re not going to lose me Philip. Ever. I promise I will take care.”

“I think I should wait for you each evening. Travel home with you.”

“That won’t work. Our finish times are too erratic at the moment. One or other of us would always be hanging around.”

“I don’t care,” he said. “Just for a while, until this bastard is caught. He’s killed four now.”

“I know.” But she hadn’t until that moment. Four women killed in the same number of weeks, and all locally to where she was working. The police announcement on the television, and now Philip’s concern, brought it home to her, opened her eyes to a reality that her sensual explorations had been supressing. She really did need to take more care.

They cuddled on the sofa for a few hours, watching an old comedy film on the television, sipping warm red wine and eating chocolate, and China managed to forget about Mark and Esta completely as she simply enjoyed the comfort and love of her marriage. She was happy and didn’t think about sex for the whole evening, which was a new experience for her lately.

For the next few days, she avoided the café, and Mark’s flat. She needed to sort out, in her own head, where this was going. What did she really want? She knew what she lusted after, that her sexual awakening was actually a natural progression for her, that her predilection for exploration had probably always been there. She was enjoying the game she was playing, but she also loved Philip with all of her heart and he had declared his fear of losing her. Somehow she guessed it wasn’t only related to the recent spate of killings, that was just a momentary catalyst for his comments. Had she maybe been projecting her indiscretions sub-consciously so that he had picked up faint signals that her mind, and lustful tendencies, were elsewhere? She loved him, but she would not expect him to pick up on anything that subtle. Maybe she was being unfair to him, but he wasn’t particularly good at that kind of emotional reading. However, she had certainly been more sexual with Philip recently, so even he would have noticed that change. Could he have suspected that this would be related to some sort of transgression on her part? She was probably thinking this through too deeply. Deeper than Philip would be, certainly. The guilty thought that she might not be being fair to Philip on his instinctive capabilities again made her wince.

If needed, she would control that new part of her life in order to make Philip happy. After all, the reason she had started her journey was because of Philip’s urgings, so it shouldn’t be a problem for her to rein that activity back in and concentrate on her marriage. She hadn’t wanted this. Not at first. But could she now find full sexual satisfaction with just Philip? She hoped so, but there were some very real nagging doubts. However, her strict Catholic background would help her resolve to make the most of her situation. A situation that wasn’t exactly a hardship anyway. She was married to a loving, caring man, who she loved a lot. They did enjoy good sex together, even if it wasn’t as completely and fundamentally satisfying as either of them wanted, and wasn’t as darkly amazing as she had been getting elsewhere. But who had perfection in their lives anyway? And was perfection what anyone really wanted?

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