A Dragon's Heart (12 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh,Willow Brooke

BOOK: A Dragon's Heart
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Drakk touched down just outside the security perimeter of the base. “Here’s the plan. Jex, you and Peyon, once inside cover the south end of hangar. Brak, I need you to stay under the invisibility cloak next to the lookout tower. If any of us accidently trips the alarm, dispose of anyone who is a threat.” Brak smiled, appreciating the task tailored to him. Drakk turned to Gandore. “You and Dag collect any samples or information they have collected. Xavier, you and I are on rescue. Use all magic necessary for a successful rescue. This is a kill first, ask questions later mission, boys.” Everyone held the same stone cold expression as he and merely nodded. The second Drakk gave the signal, they all moved to their task.

Drakk had a pretty good idea where the dragon was being held, and wasted no time getting to the heavily guarded hanger. They had all entered from above, flying up and over the electrical fence and motion detectors effortlessly. It didn’t take but a split second to rip the door into shreds and enter.

Four human guards held up weapons and were ready to fire before Jex quickly moved and disarmed them. Peyon grinned and stepped forward and said.

“Hey, boys, are you the welcoming committee? Seems like you may need to rethink that.”

The human men looked panicked at the sight of the dragons who were standing in the doorway. They could do nothing before Jex, Peyon, Dag, and Gandore made quick work of dispatching them. None of them cared that when they ripped the limbs from the humans the blood spurted out of the bodies and onto the walls, and of course on them. They knew this was going to get bloody and they didn’t care as long as it was human blood and not dragon blood. They had already done too much to forgive; the men in this facility were not innocent.

“Spread out,” Drakk ordered and the men took off in their assigned directions, the hangar was huge and partitioned off into multiple spaces. They opened doors and checked inside, killing any human they found. No one was spared; they had already decided that before they came.

After doing the research, they knew none of the leaders would be here. They were calling the shots from somewhere else; the dragons had not been able to locate them yet. At least, taking out this place, they made some headway.

“Five,” Peyon called out and Drakk rolled his eyes toward Xavier, and he chuckled. Gandore and Peyon were having a competition for kills, they were playing for who had to beg Aislinn to make them a dragon’s favorite dessert, most humans wouldn’t make it, but they wanted her to try. Virgin Breasts were hard to make, especially if you couldn’t get past the name.

“Ha, six,” Gandore yelled and Drakk growled as he and Xavier kept moving. They had to find the dragon. At the end of the corridor they were on, there was a large metal door. There were no handles and only a small plate on the side that looked like it needed a code punched in. Not having the time or the patience, Drakk yelled for Jex to come and blast the door with his heat. Xavier looked toward Drakk.

"Let's see exactly what he is capable of," Drakk responded, turning when he heard the sound of running feet.

Jex grinned, coming to a halt when he was beside Drakk and looked at the door and nodded. “Stand back, kids,” he said, placing his two front claws together as if cracking knuckles, and then he took a deep breath and let loose. Shit, it was hot; the streaming fire started burning a hole in the door instantly. They heard yells coming from inside the room for the humans to begin firing as soon as someone entered the room.

While Jex continued to weaken the metal, Drakk waited and his men began to all gathered in back of them, ready to storm the room where they were sure the dragon was being held now.

“It is gonna be bad,” Gandore said lowly but all of them heard it. They knew after seeing what was in some of the rooms they had cleared the dragon was probably either dead if not close to death by now. They could only hope it wasn’t too far gone to save. If it was, they would still get it out of there and give it a proper burial.

“I am cloaking you,” Drakk said with determination, he would not let them get a bead on any of them. The men nodded and Drakk closed his eyes, he felt his magic reach around and cover them.

“Break it down,” Peyon said and Jex stopped blowing the fire and kicked the door in.

Seven or more human men stood at the ready, they were trying to figure out where to shoot when the dragons stormed into the room silently.

Before the humans knew what was going on, they had the black dragon’s lifeless body and cloaked it, using a force field to keep everyone from getting close enough to realize they were invisible.

“Take care of them,” Drakk growled and his men stepped out of the cloaking field.

The humans stood shocked as Peyon and Gandore began to call dibs on killing certain ones. It was over swiftly and bloodily.

“Move out to the entrance and we will get the fuck out of here,” Drakk called over his shoulder and then moved quickly with the black dragon in his arms.

Just before they hit the meeting spot a loud supersonic high pitch sound had them withering in pain. “What the hell!” Dag screamed.

“Move! We have to get out of here now!” Drakk grabbed him with the arm that wasn’t holding the unconscious dragon and pulled him far enough the sound waves eased, allowing them to take flight. Xavier followed, stopping only to get a pissed off Peyon who had torched an entire assault team with one fire blast and was working on yet another who rushed them as they emptied their guns in their direction. Backup had arrived apparently.

“Damn it, Xavier!” Peyon spat as he took flight, turning one last time to blasting a ball of fire big enough to wipe out the majority of the mob. He was still disappointed that a few remained and if he had his way, there would be none left to hunt them and the world would once again be safe.





When they arrived back at the lair, Aislinn was waiting at the door. The moment they entered, she ran to them, checking each of them thoroughly for injury.

“Are you hurt?” She spun the now human Peyon around like a momma hen. Peyon had never been so glad they had left clothes out by the entrance of the cave.

He tried to push her away, but she wouldn’t have it until she saw for herself that he didn’t have even a small scrape on him. His usual crappy mood couldn’t withstand the love the simple little female gave. She made him feel like a hatchling again, which was embarrassing, but her concern touched him.

Once she had seen all but Drakk, she let them go prep an area for the injured dragon. Drakk remained in dragon form to carry the large dragon inside, changing only after he had laid the creature on a bed of soft blankets. Aislinn gave him the same treatment, turning to the unconscious dragon next. “What’s wrong with it?”

“It is a female, and from what we can tell, she has been to Hell and back.” Drakk examined the extent of damage done at the hands of the scientists. Chunks of scales and flesh were sliced off, but nothing compared to the gruesome wounds that lay where her horns had once been. It sickened him at the sight, knowing that she would never fully heal from the amputation. The wounds might close, but the loss of one’s horns haunted a dragon for the rest of its life.

“We found these.” Dag emptied a duffel bag of test tubes and petri dishes onto the table. Each one was labeled, and amongst the spinal fluid sample and lobbed off horns, no part of her had gone untouched.

Aislinn had to choke down the vomit that bubbled up in her throat. What they had done to this poor creature was unbelievable. It infuriated her. If she had the magic voodoo as foretold, she vowed to stop at nothing until every last one of them suffered as she, and buried six feet under. “How could someone do this?” she choked in a whisper. Jex came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind for support. He hated she had to see this.

“Humans are capable of an evil greater than the devil himself. They are determined to be their own destroyer.”

“So why protect them? If humans are so bad, why fight to keep them from killing our race?”

“Because, baby, not all humans have blackness in their heart. You don’t.” She sighed, torn with anger and anguish.

Drakk dropped a kiss on her lips, brushing the pad of his thumb along her cheek before he backed away. If no other human alive was worth saving, he would risk it all just for her. He knew now there was no way he could live without the little woman so full of passion and love. Aislinn belonged to him and Jex. He patted Jex on the shoulder and went to fetch medical supplies to patch the nameless dragon up to heal. She had a long road of recovery ahead, and it would take a lot of magic, and luck, for her to pull out of it.


Aislinn had been standing in the room, putting away their clothes, wondering what the hell they were going to do with all of the information they discovered. It was impossible not to worry, the soldiers were going to be out for blood, and she didn’t want her men, or anyone else to get hurt. Tears began to form in her eyes and she thought of the poor female who had been tortured so badly. What the fuck was wrong with people?

She had known before that they were going to have to fight, but the reality of it was hitting her right in the face and she was not happy about it. What would her future be like? And what the hell were they going to do if they couldn’t stop the assholes from reaching their goal. She couldn’t think of that right now, she needed to get back to her men.

She jumped when the door slammed open and they entered with hungry desperate looks in their eyes.
What the hell had happened
? she wondered and she opened her mouth to say something when Drakk narrowed his eyes and spoke.

“Get naked, babe,” Drakk ordered. They began to throw their clothes off their bodies, and she had to look like an idiot since she was just standing there trying to figure out what was going on.

“Huh,” Aislinn said, still looking at the men’s bodies, and they reached for her and began to take her clothes off.

“Too slow, baby, I said strip and I meant it,” Drakk growled.

Aislinn looked confused and started slapping their hands away. “What the heck?”

Jex laughed and said seriously, “Babe, were are trying to fuck here.”

“Wait, what?” she said and by then she had only her underwear on.

“Baby, we need to connect with you. Help us me out here, you know I have no patience, the need is too bad,” Drakk said almost desperately.

Then she knew, damn it, she loved them. They were connected and Aislinn smiled at her two men and then stopped struggling. She saw Jex had grabbed a hold of one side of her underwear and Drakk the other and they had pushed them down so she could step out of them.

She had been so caught up in staring at them rushing she had missed them undressing, it was her favorite part, damn it.
They were amazing
, she thought and watched them as they moved in time with each other. Amusement danced in both of their eyes and she swung her head to try to watch both.

“Come on, baby, you are killing me,” Jex whispered.

“What…I…” she said, licking her lips and then Drakk said.

“I can’t wait to taste you again, babe,” with a low voice that was getting raspier and deeper if possible, a sure sign he was turned on.

She loved his voice, when it got like that, hell, she loved both of their sexy voices, and she rubbed against both of their arms. When Drakk’s hands moved up and settled on her shoulders, she swayed toward him. She felt safe with them, it didn’t matter what happened in the last few hours, there was only now.

Drakk ran his hands up the side of her face and cupped her cheeks then lowered his mouth. She felt the lightest touch as his lips caressed hers before he pulled back and looked deep into her eyes. The need—so deep—was expressed, and she wanted to ease it for him. Her hands rested on his chest, and she moved them, wrapping them around his neck and pulling his head back down so she could feel his lips once again. It had been too long since he had been able to kiss her.

“By the gods,” Drakk said, and pulled back and looked down at her. “I love you.”

Aislinn’s eyes widen, then she smiled and said, “I love you too,” unable to believe he was the first to say it. She often wondered with his gruff exterior if he ever would, but somehow this beast had softened, if only enough to give her a piece of his heart—and she would always protect it.

Jex turned her so she could see him and his said, “Babe, I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Jex.” She smiled and then said, “I feel like I am only half there when you are gone, it scares me to think that one of you could have been taken from me.”

Both men nodded and then she said, “Can you love me now?”

The tension broke and Drakk said, “I think she is trying to tell us something. Maybe we need to show her exactly what it means to be mated to a dragon.”

Jex didn’t say anything. Instead, he leaned over and nibbled at her jaw before sucking her earlobe and teasing it gently. Aislinn moaned at the sensation of him tickling her there. Her passion rose again, as if it had never gone away, her need for them overwhelming her.

Drakk bent and took her nipple in his mouth, while he grasped her breast and held it in place. “Oh, Drakk,” she whispered and grabbed his hair to hold him to her.

“We need more room,” Jex said and pushed her back to the bed, letting her fall on it. Both men surrounded her as they fell onto the bed reaching for her body. The two men teased her nipples until she thought she would go up in flames. Her breathing grew raspy, and she struggled to make sense of the feeling she was having.

Aislinn moaned when she felt the first brush at her pussy, she was wet and ready. She allowed her hands to roam their bodies, getting familiar once again with the way their skin felt under her hand. They were searching for each other, creating a storm that would engulf them all soon.

“Please,” Aislinn said into Jex’s neck.

“What do you need, baby,” he whispered.

“More,” she cried as Drakk kissed his way down her abdomen, he licked a circle around her belly button and she arched off the bed. Jex took over playing with her nipples, and when he rolled the taunt nub between his fingers and pinched a little, she screamed again.

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