A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3)
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"There were further complications than anyone realized," Celia said to Becca an hour later. She was completely shaken, and she still had to get to work somehow and focus.

"What happens to Henry and the baby?" Becca set her coffee cup on the table. With such shaky hands, the brown liquid sloshed over the edge, dripping down the cup until it hit the table.

"There's the uncle," Celia pointed out.

"What happens if he doesn't want to take the kids?" He could easily refuse, couldn't he? Becca didn't think he would, but who knows?

Celia jerked back at the question. "I'd hate to think about that. I hope the doctors can pinpoint what's wrong and it doesn't have to come down to this."

Becca needed out of this sad environment before her heart shattered completely.

Chapter Thirteen

Hunter looked forward to his first Thanksgiving with Becca. Maybe for one day, they'd have peace and a sense of the kind of life they both longed for. He understood her need to go into their marriage without so much secrecy and unknown, and longed for the same thing.

Tomorrow, the house would be filled with people they loved. People who'd become family to them. Joe and his wife were due in this evening. Rissi, her husband, and Jade were also flying in and were due to arrive in a few hours. Sienna and the Sundstroms were coming to the house tomorrow.

Neither had work today. Most of the morning, Hunter watched Becca in silence. Ever since yesterday and the scare with Henry's mom, she'd been quiet. Jed had no new updates, and so far Hunter hadn't seen Jesse again, because there was no meeting yesterday. They'd taken a week break for the holidays.

While Becca slept this morning, Hunter woke up early and had walked around the house, making sure things were in order. He'd stopped in the art room and found another different, dark painting from Becca. This one wasn't hidden like the last one, but he knew she didn't want anyone to see it. Granted, the painting was amazing, but the darkness it portrayed actually gave Hunter goosebumps.

He now knew the location of Brock's gallery. Maybe he'd take Becca there to check it out. It would be nice to take her mind off things. Give her a positive, instead of all the negatives that came their way lately. He snapped his fingers and broke out in a smile at the idea. Then they'd go pick up Rissi and family.

"Stop what you're doing, grab your purse, and let's go." He tugged on Becca's hand, drawing her near. He'd startled her, which made him chuckle.

"You're being mysterious and spontaneous again, aren't you?" Becca's eyes were full of curiosity and love. "I love that mind of yours."

"Sure am. Come on. You'll love it." He didn't give her a chance to decline. Hunter pulled her away from the already clean kitchen and headed towards the front door, snatching Becca's purse off the coffee table along the way.

"This is what I get for not questioning your quiet mood," she joked as they buckled up in the car.

"Ha ha. Very funny." Hunter feigned hurt. "You've been pretty quiet, yourself." He slid it in as a joke, but wondered if it would provoke a good response from her.

"I know I'm quiet. Sorry." Becca looked away.

Before backing out of the drive, Hunter reached for her hand, curling his fingers through hers. "Nothing to be sorry for. I worry about you, but you don't always have to be talkative."

"I wish we could take Henry and the baby in. I mean, if ... if something happens to Cherie," she said out of nowhere. "I keep thinking about her, barely hanging in there. I think about the baby, and the uncle who seems so out of sorts. But then, we can't take anyone in, because we're surrounded by so many secrets. And here I go, totally ruining your spontaneous streak by bringing all this up again when you already know."

"We'll talk about whatever you want, however you want, whenever. I know it's on your mind. It's on mine, too. I see such similarities in the situations. A boy who had to grow up too soon, protecting a little girl who needed it. I see a lot of that in Henry and his sister. It comes at a time when we're still trying to understand our history. I get it, Bec." This was why he wanted to do something good for her today, to help ease the ache in their hearts.

"You know, when you were going through your feelings about PTSD a few months ago and longed to have just a bit of normal ... I understood your need back then, but I really get where you're coming from now. I thought I had a handle on things, that I could just force myself to forge ahead. I can't. I can't let go of what I don't know, and I'm struggling with the fact that I killed someone, even in self-defense. It took a family's tragic day for me to realize I'm not as okay as I'd like to be." Becca spoke softly.

He already knew all of this, but Hunter felt better when Becca admitted it. "I know. I'm glad you're realizing it and that it didn't take you years to fully discover and accept the fact."

"Maybe I should talk to Shara. It's eating at me, and it shows in my artwork." Her voice was just above a whisper, as if she didn't want to say it out loud even though they were the only two in the car. Hunter half expected her to cover her mouth in a gesture of wanting to take the words back.

"I think it's a good idea." Hunter headed down the road, liking the fact that they were getting somewhere. Becca let down her guarded wall and exposed her true feelings. She finally learned she didn't have to hide how she felt. Good. In the few months she'd been living with him, Becca started to come out of her shell again. "I admit, I saw another one of your paintings." He waited for her reaction.

"You ... did?" she squeaked.

"I did. I wasn't snooping, though. I just happened to be checking rooms for anything we might have missed before everyone showed up. Bec, as usual, your talent awes me, but these new ones are darker. You're definitely one to put your mood reflections on canvas. It's different, but it doesn't mean they're bad. You should do that more often."

She laughed with a little bit of a bitter edge. "Right, because killing a man and being followed by some stalker makes for a good painting."

"I didn't mean it like that," he protested. Okay, so she was sensitive over the subject. Very sensitive. Maybe he should tell her now where he was taking her.

Becca sighed. "I know. I guess my paintings are like my diary without the words, and to expose the dark feelings I'm having is not easy, even with you."

"I wish that wasn't the case, but look what I did. Somehow, we both have to get out of this cycle. We know we can tell each other anything, but we're still trying to shield each other from our darkest thoughts." Hunter turned on the main road, heading toward the gallery. "I wasn't going to tell you where we're going, but I changed my mind. I wanted to take you to Brock's gallery. I was hoping to give you something to look forward to." He flicked his gaze to her for a second, eager to see her reaction.

Becca smiled. "I'd like that. I'm curious what he'd say."

There we go.
Goal achieved. Becca's smile. A sight he loved to see. "So am I. I'm waiting for the day I can take everyone to see your work proudly displayed in a gallery. When your first piece sells, we're celebrating big time." He grinned. Oh, the plans he could make!

Becca's hand landed on his knee. Her touch sent tingling sensations all up his leg. Right about now, he wished he wasn't driving so he could hold her close. "Hey, we're both working to get our lives back and stronger than ever, right?"

Where was this going? "Right..." he said slowly.

"We never got back to this after all the news lately, but have you thought about flying?"

Yes. And no. And more yes. Then even more no. Hell, he'd thought about it a lot. Was he ready? What happened if it took him through another episode, although he'd been doing well? This battle wasn't over by a far cry, but Hunter had been making good progress, and he knew it. Was it enough to get back behind the pilot's side of a plane? "I know I should at least give it a shot," he admitted quietly.

"Maybe we both should write a fear list. Then, as we conquer them, the other should work through theirs, like my fear of getting in an art studio- trusting another artist with my works."

Hunter thought about it. "You bring up a good point. Maybe put your biggest fears at the top of the list."

"There we go." Becca's tone changed from quiet and sad to excited. "We'll try to do some before our wedding, and some after."

"Deal." Hunter shook off his nervousness. If Becca could overcome fears, so could he. No matter what.


Becca walked inside the art gallery, took one look, and wondered why in the world Brock wanted her to be here. Just from a simple glimpse at the paintings and photographs on the wall, she wondered how she'd fit in here. Hunter must have sensed her second guessing, because he gently moved to hold her hand, easing her closer to him. He leaned over and pointed. "I see an empty spot right there. That wall screams 'Rebecca Lange'."

God, she loved his enthusiasm. Becca laughed and whispered back, "No it doesn't."

Hunter was about to protest when she kissed his cheek. "It screams 'Rebecca Beckman'."

Hunter's eyes lit up. "Now that's the way to think." His lips grazed her cheek gently, like a butterfly's wings.

"This place is beautiful. Intimidating, though." She gestured at the walls with various paintings and photographs.

"Well hello! This is a surprise!" Brock ambled out of a room from the back, eagerly approaching them. "What brings you by?"

"My fiancé's spontaneous streak strikes again. We had a little time before friends come in for Thanksgiving, so he surprised me with a trip over here. Your gallery is amazing," Becca gushed.

"Thank you. It's one of my pride and joys. And," he pointed at the blank wall, "I agree with you. The wall is begging for your work. Since this is spur of the moment, you wouldn't happen to have anything with you then?"

"No," Becca replied, still taking this all in.

"Didn't think so, and that's okay. I've seen plenty of your stuff. What I'm thinking is an art show. I'll help you through this every step of the way." Brock gestured toward a black leather couch on the far end of the room. "Why don't we sit and chat about this for a bit?"

Nodding, she and Hunter followed him, Becca still in awe of this whole thing. Brock folded his hands and leaned forward, setting his intense gaze on her when they were all comfortable.

"I want to get an art show in for you as soon as possible. But that's going to depend on so many things. There's the holidays, and then there's personal things on both ends, as I know you two have stuff going on. Obviously I do as well, which is how we met. So for the meantime, I'd like to at least showcase two or three pieces to start off with. Is everything one of a kind?"

Becca nodded. "It is." Could she ever recreate a piece the same way as the original? She'd never tried it. She was a mood painter, obviously.

Brock's gaze moved to Hunter. "How attached are you to some of the pieces you've displayed in the Lange Center?"

Hunter laughed. "Hard to say. Anything from Becca, I'm attached to. If you're asking what I think you are, I'll part with the ones from the center, because the paintings I have the most sentimental attachment to are at home and will stay there. She's been filling my walls with paintings for years." He leaned over to kiss her cheek, smiling affectionately.

Her heart skipped a few beats. This was happening. Brock meant business! He wanted her work. She knew she had nothing to worry about. Brock wasn't going to be like the teacher from her past. This could happen!

"Yes, I was thinking of a few from the center to display and sell here. Give me a second and I'll pull out some papers- including a projected contract, that you two can look over." Brock shot to his feet and moved away to another room.

"Is this really happening?" Becca whispered, completely in awe.

"My favorite artist is about to become famous? Yep. You know I'm going to play the I told you so game for a while." Hunter smirked playfully, then hugged her. His eyes sparkled with love. "Seriously though, I'm so excited! An art show! Good things are coming, Bec. We just have to get through some of the hard stuff, too." Hunter jiggled a dance in his seat. "I'm marrying someone famous. I'm marrying someone famous," he chanted in a sing-song voice.

Laughter escaped Becca's lips when Hunter continued to dance and sing as Brock came back into the room. The sound of his laughter stopped Hunter short. Becca couldn't quit giggling! Hunter didn't embarrass easily, but for some reason he was today.

"Love the enthusiasm." Brock winked as he slid some papers across the table. "When's the wedding? I'll do my best to make her famous before you get married."

Becca snorted when Hunter's face turned red. "That's what you get for pulling the 'I told you so' on me." She nudged him, then turned to Brock. "We're getting married in March."

"Oh good! We have some time then." His smile was genuine.

Becca picked up the papers and studied them. When her gaze landed on a number with way too many zeros behind them, she gasped. "I think there might be a mistake there," she pointed.

"Oh no. Well, the numbers will vary depending on the piece, but that's what I'm thinking for the few I've seen. Is it too low?"

"Low?" Becca sputtered. He had to be kidding, but he sure looked serious. "No! It's high! I can't imagine someone spending that kind of money on a painting!" Let alone hers!

"Let me see," Hunter gently eased the papers from her hands. "Holy-" So the numbers even surprised him. She wasn't the only one then. Good.

Brock laughed. "It's most definitely not too high. Why don't you two go over the information and, if you're interested in selling some pieces here, then sign the contract and we'll go from there. You don't have to decide today. In fact, we'll still get together next week after the holidays. I'll be at the Lange Center, and I can tell you which pieces that I'm interested in. If you could also bring some you don't mind parting with, or anything new. I don't feel that my terms are bad, but you're more than welcome to see what other galleries offer as a comparison."

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