A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3)
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"Me too. This is going to be weird, but do you think you- No, never mind." He looked away.

"What is it?" Becca asked softly.

"Cherie won't be able to go to the funeral. I'm worried about her. Maybe if you have time to spare, you could sit with her during the time? I think..." He looked in the direction of the room. "If her injuries don't kill her, the depression will," he whispered.

Becca's heart clenched. "When is the funeral?" Stan's words were an out loud reaction to her inner thoughts.

"Tuesday at ten."

That quick? She'd have to work, but Liane would most likely give her some time. "I'll be here. How is the baby?"

"So damn tiny. She looks like a doll. So unreal. I wonder if babies can sense trouble. Does she feel alone? Unwanted? Scared? A baby's birth is supposed to be a happy time for a family, but this one is surrounded by darkness."

Becca swallowed a lump forming in her throat. She covered her chest with her hand, overcome with empathy pain. "No one is sitting with her?" An image filled her mind. Then another, and another. They all terrified her and made her emotional discomfort raise sky high.

"I do, but I split my time up, because Henry can't go in yet. He's got open wounds from the accident, and because of the sensitivity of the babies in there, can't see his sister yet."

She didn't know why, because the situations were different, but Becca wondered if the Langes held their real baby Becca before the plan took effect. Then she thought about her biological parents. Did her real parents love her? Did they want her? Why did her brother run to the Beckmans and bring her with? Like photographs flipping in a quick, rapid motion, her mind went into overdrive, taking her on a painful journey. She let out a cry, not realizing at first that she'd done so.

"Becca?" The man touched her shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm okay," she lied. Becca was far from okay. "I know I'm probably not allowed in the NICU, but is it possible to see the baby from a window or something?" She had no control over the past and how she was handled as a baby, or the baby she'd replaced, but for a little while she could watch over a new baby, born into this world during a family tragedy.

So much pain, hurt, and trauma. Lies and secrets. When would it stop? It all seemed to circle around her life, and for once, she thought about letting it all go and breaking down. Her body trembled with all of the past years of devastation. She had to get out of here soon. It hurt too much, brought on so many memories and images she hadn't expected.

"I think it's a good idea." Becca glanced up to see Celia. She had no idea she'd come by. "I feel terrible over this whole scenario. We just need to get Cherie's permission, and you can take a peek at the baby."

As everyone thought, Cherie agreed. Henry's uncle stayed behind with Henry, so Celia took Becca by the NICU. "Do you get decent vibes from the uncle? Cherie is really hesitant about him," Celia asked on the way.

"He seems okay. I haven't been around long enough to make a good or bad judgment call either way, especially in the situation," Becca answered. "I also think Cherie isn't well emotionally, so it's honestly hard to judge what she says and feels because her senses are heightened from the accident and having a baby."

"Yeah." Celia seemed to be lost in thought. They walked the maze of hallways until they approached a locked door. "Okay, I'll direct you to a window. Next time, if you come up, you'll have to have your ID, we have to take a picture ... it gets to be a process, but we have to keep the babies protected."

"No problem." Becca waved it off. She tried to keep her mind from going places it shouldn't, but the damage had already been done. Caught between the past and present, she feared what happened next in all aspects of her life.

I'm not sure I can really let go. I need to know.

Standing in front of the designated window, Becca spotted Celia. She stood near the front, and in the bed was the tiniest baby Becca had ever seen. Her hand flew to her mouth, and she couldn't tear her eyes away. The poor little girl. She'd never meet her father. Her mother clung to life trying to sort out her feelings. Her brother wasn't sure what to make of things. Angry tears slid down her cheeks. Life could be unfair sometimes!

Becca's text notification went off. Thinking it was Hunter checking up with her, Becca anxiously pulled the phone from her pocket. Her pulse quickened when she couldn't get a valid number. The text that followed made her sick to her stomach.

A life so fragile, much like yours. Maybe you should stop looking. You were given away for a reason.

Chapter Twelve

"This is going to come off as random, but we need to think and agree on the best solutions for Sienna if something happened to the both of us," Hunter said to Eva. He kept thinking about Henry's family and their uncertain fate. The last thing he wanted was for something to ever happen to him and Eva, and Sienna's wellbeing hanging in the balance. He planned to be around a long time for his daughter, but life had its own mind many times. He'd learned that all too well.

Eva's curious and startled gaze landed on him. "Where the hell did that come from?" Her tone came out sharp. She should know too, considering how quick and horrible her brother's death had been.

Sienna was still in the kitchen helping Beverly, so he had time to explain. "Becca witnessed an accident Friday night. The family was on the way to the doctor because the wife had a checkup." He finished telling her the rest about the father not making it, Henry's mother in serious condition, and the baby. By the time he finished, Eva's eyes were the size of dinner plates.

"I hate thinking about this stuff!" she exclaimed with a shudder.

"I know, but we have to cover all the bases. With everything that's happened recently, it's put a lot in perspective," Hunter said softly, understanding her feelings. "With us being split up, it's best to make sure we both decide together on what we'd want for Sienna."

"Okay. I guess when we have free time without everyone else around, we'll work on that." Eva closed her eyes and made a sour face.

"Becca's here!" Todd announced as he opened the front door.

Hunter stood and reacted quick at the sight of Becca's expression. Something was wrong. He rushed over and reached for her hands, eager to hold her and find out what happened. Henry's mom? The baby? "What's wrong?"

Pursing her lips, Becca held out her phone to him.

As he read the message, Hunter swore under his breath. He checked the timestamp of the text. An hour ago.

"I-I went to see the baby when I got this," she practically whispered.

"You got that message as you were visiting the baby?" Hunter tried not to raise his voice. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled and stood up. Someone was watching them and tracking their moves. It only made sense. He'd hoped maybe the first text would be the one and only. Apparently some sick, hidden person had other ideas. Really? Why hide behind texts? What the hell was their point? "Were you with anyone at the time?"

"Celia. She went inside to stand by the baby's bed. Other than that, no one I know."

Hunter raked a hand through his hair. Damn, damn,

"Is everything okay?" Eva asked.

Both Becca and Hunter turned toward her. "Yeah, it's all good," he lied. He wasn't about to get into this around them right now. "Becca's just upset from the visit." He exchanged a glance with her.

"Eva! Your daughter is looking for you!" Beverly called from the kitchen.

Once everyone else was out of the room, Hunter faced Becca again. "What else happened?"

"Besides that creepy text? Henry's mom swears she's going to die. She hasn't been able to see the baby, and Henry's uncle asked me if I could come sit with her when they bury her husband. Oh, and the images in my head when I thought about the lonely baby. I feel sick." She looked it, too.

He pulled her in his arms gently, surrounding her with all his love. "I'm sorry, angel. Maybe I should have stayed."

"I kept thinking about me as a baby. Then I kept thinking about the real Becca."

Every time she said 'the real Becca', it hurt. To have her identity questioned and not knowing answers had to be hard. Hunter's family might have had a hand in this, but at least he knew who he was. He was still Savannah and Charles' son, but Becca had no clue where she came from and how she got to be in the situation she was in. He sure as hell couldn't imagine her feelings about taking another child's place, no matter the situation.

"Lunch is ready when you two are," Beverly said softly from the doorway.

Hunter and Becca pulled apart. He kept her close to him as they moved in silence to join everyone in the dining room.


Becca wasn't sure what the morning would bring when she went to sit with Cherie on Tuesday. She'd asked Liane yesterday and as she thought, her boss was fine with it. She'd also run into Brock. He had already heard about why Becca never showed, and they rescheduled for a time next week after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend was over.

Celia stopped her before Becca went inside Cherie's room. "She's a wreck today. Just thought I'd warn you." The woman had been working hard. Becca could tell by the dark circles under her eyes. Celia tried to cover them up with makeup, but it wasn't doing the job well. What a job. Becca had to give the woman silent kudos for taking on such a role.

"And Henry? How is he?" Becca wished she'd come a little earlier to see them off. To have to say goodbye to his father when they'd all been so young was one of the most painful experiences ever. Becca hadn't even been conscious when they retrieved Anne, Rusty, and Ellie's bodies. She never had a chance to say goodbye in any way. Not that she remembered for sure, but she didn't think Hunter had the chance either, which was why they went to the island every year. They didn't get that closure.

Celia shook her head sadly. "That poor kid. He's so upset. He keeps talking about how his dad was mad at him and he needs to apologize. Can you imagine?"

No, that one she couldn't. Becca made a silent vow to never go to bed mad at anyone she loved. Not only that, but never leave the house mad. You never know when something might happen.

"To make matters worse, I overheard his uncle talk to his wife this morning. She wants him to return home, which means he would have to take Henry. He just wants to be near his mom."

"What a mess," Becca said softly. If only they could do more. She could talk to Hunter and offer to take Henry in for a while so he could stay until his mother got better, but it wasn't a good idea. Not with their drama with these new text messages. They weren't safe, and dragging an already traumatized little boy in their world would only make matters worse for him.

"Yeah. It makes me think. I haven't talked to my brother in eight years. He's been in jail, been on drugs, and is in and out of rehab. I'm going to be visiting him soon. I need to at least speak my piece, so that I can say I tried, you know?"

Becca nodded, the wheels cranking in her mind. She needed to do the same, starting with her grand- the Langes. Then Vince. Then she'd have to work through the guilt over killing a man, because no matter how she tried to push it out of her head, it was there, and she didn't want it coming back to haunt her years later. She'd been going about things the wrong way. Hunter tried to warn her. She should have listened, considering how things happened with him. She thought she could handle it as she always had- or thought she had.

"Anyway, just hit the nurses button if you need anything. I'm really worried about Cherie- her physical and mental state."

Chills ran down Becca's spine as the unmentioned words went through her head, the same ones spoken about her twenty years ago. Celia didn't have to say it, but she didn't think Cherie was going to make it.

As Celia walked away, Becca rapped softly on the door before entering. Cherie's face was red, stained with tears as she clutched something green in her hands. "I never got to say goodbye!" she wailed, "and now my best friend is being buried without me. So many memories, so many things we were still supposed to do, and that one person driving recklessly changed my entire life!" She hiccuped.

"Tell me about him. Tell me how you met and how long you dated. Share some good memories with me." Becca scooted the chair near her bed, hoping this would be of good comfort. "I've found that sharing good memories helps. Hunter and I have to do that. We remember the good through all the hurt and heartache."

"Kyle and I met when we were nineteen. We married a year later." Cherie leaned back in bed, wincing as she did so. She ran a hand through her hair, then turned her gaze to Becca. "He was throwing a football around with friends, and I happened to run by. So cliché, but that's our story. Within our first year of marriage, I had Henry. We married during a blizzard. The weather people predicted a dusting of snow." Cherie laughed through her tears. "We totally missed our honeymoon, because the airport was shut down. We spent the night in the church, snowed in with all of our guests. We stayed up through the night playing games to occupy ourselves. It was the strangest, but most fun slumber party I've ever had." Cherie laughed, then she cried. "What am I going to do without him?"

"Live your life to the fullest. He'd want that for you, Henry, and your daughter," Becca said softly. She'd wish that for Hunter, and she imagined he'd want that for her, too.

"I don't know if I can do this alone," Cherie sobbed again.

Becca reacted quickly, covering the woman's limp hand with her own. "You aren't alone. You have your kids. What about friends? Family? You'll never be alone. I know there's a hole in your heart, and while it may never fully be healed, you aren't alone."

"I'm scared. I'm s-so scared! I don't know if I can do this!" Cherie spasmed. "Ow! Oooh! Becca, call the doctor. Something is seriously wrong!"

In a panic, Becca did as asked. Cherie clutched her hands to her stomach as she squeezed her eyes shut, tears streaming down her face.

"Cherie? Cherie? What is it?" Becca asked once she'd called. "Somebody get in here! Something is wrong with her!" Becca screamed when Cherie started vomiting blood.

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