A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) (29 page)

BOOK: A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3)
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Haunted eyes stared back at him. "I know. She's all I've had for years, so this isn't easy." Then he turned around and went inside.

Hunter paced the yard, not paying attention to his surroundings. He wanted to be with Becca right now. When he'd called a little while ago, she and Shara were with Cherie, who'd been released from the hospital today. At least she had something to occupy her, but Hunter knew Becca would worry until she heard from him.

The door opened again. "Here Mom, come sit out on the porch for a while." Jesse led a frail, skinny woman out on the patio. Hunter sucked in a sharp breath as he caught a glimpse of her. The woman's ink black hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and there were streaks of silver running down from the roots. The photos he'd seen of Elizabeth were a very strong resemblance to Becca, but seeing her in person, Hunter had a strong suspicion this was Becca's mother. It was like looking in a mirror that aged a person. He could picture Elizabeth's face as Becca years and years down the line.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Jed asked from beside him.

"Yeah," Hunter managed, continuing to stare.

"Time to get official confirmation."

He stayed back, watching as Jed approached Jesse and the woman.

"I need to get back to Ariana!" she cried frantically.

"Mom," Jesse said softly, crouching down before her. "What did I tell you about Ariana already?"

"She's grown up. But that can't be! I never got to see her grow up."

Hell. Hunter's hand flew to cover his mouth, feeling sick over this. No wonder Jesse wanted it this way. Almost thirty years and to Elizabeth, time hadn't passed. Is that what depression, grief, and trauma did to a mind after a long time? The guilt? What would happen if they found out they were related and then brought Becca here?

"Mom, I need you to open your mouth for a minute, okay? The doctor needs to do a quick test." Jesse stumbled over his words, and he glanced back at Hunter with the guiltiest deer in the headlights look.

"I did this already!" she insisted.

"This is a different one, Mom. I promise, it'll be quick." He patted his mother's shoulder.

Jed managed to get a sample after a bit of prodding. He put the tube in his bag and nodded, taking a step back.

"Everett? Tell the kids to come see me. They can come home now. Even Ariana. It's safe now, right?"

Jesse aided his mom to her feet and gave her a hug. "It's safe, Mom. I'm trying to bring everyone home. Let's go back inside."

Hunter stood frozen, taking in the reality of the scene. Jesse was so calm and catering to his mom, no matter how much she seemed to flip flop through past and present.

Please let this be what everyone needs. Let the answers finally come out in the open.


Becca and Shara sat around the dinner table with Cherie, Henry, and Stan that evening. Cherie moved around slowly, but Becca knew she was happy to be home ... well, happy to be out of the hospital. Being home and surrounded by reminders that her husband was never coming home took a toll. It seemed to hit Henry hard, too. He'd been sullen and quiet all day, but he aided his mother in whatever she needed.

"I'm going to hit the road in the morning," Stan said to Cherie. "But don't be a stranger. Call us any time."

"Thank you," Cherie said quietly. "Is there anything you want of Kyle's?"

Becca never heard the rest of the exchange between the two. Her phone rang and Hunter's number came up on the screen, so she excused herself and left the room, anxious to hear what he had to say. "Hi! How are things?"

"We're getting ready to fly home now. Jed got what we need, and Jesse spent a few hours with his mom. Bec, you look so much like her. I don't know if I should even be saying this because I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but it gave me chills."

A lump formed in her throat. "H-how long until we get results?" She leaned against the wall.

"Jed's going to send them to a lab once we get home. He put in a rush, so hopefully in just a few days. Whatever comes of it, I hope this helps her. She kept going from the past to present, and it tore me to shreds." Hunter paused. From the sound of his voice, today had been hard for him. "We're going to get on board now, but I needed to hear your voice. I'll be home soon. I love you, angel."

"I love you too." Becca held the phone against her chest when they hung up. She stared down at the floor, taking in Hunter's words. He seemed tormented by what he saw. They'd have answers soon, and she could take comfort in the fact.

"You all right?" Shara's voice from behind her made Becca jump, and she dropped her phone. Shara picked it up for her. "Was that Hunter? What happened?"

"They're on the way home. He sounds really upset."

"That means it's almost over, and he'll be back before you know it. The worst is over."

"Or is it? What if this is so close and it turns out I'm not related? Then we start all over again!" Becca shuddered. Ugh, she'd been telling both Hunter and Jesse not to play the what if game and she didn't even take her own advice.

Shara hugged her. "I wish I had an answer. Let's just hope for the best."

"I'm trying, but I can't take much more," Becca whispered, hugging her friend back.

Minutes later, Becca and Shara returned to the dining room and checked in with Cherie and Henry. Half an hour later, they were ready to leave. "If you need anything, just call," Becca said to Cherie. Henry hugged her. Poor kiddo had tears in his eyes. What a good step for them, though. Cherie was home and doing better, and they could begin to figure things out.

On the way home, Becca's phone dinged. "Want me to check it for you?" Shara asked her.

"Please. Maybe it's Hunter." Becca focused on the road. Her concentration already shot, she didn't need another distraction.

"Umm, what the hell?" Shara shrieked.

Dread crept up in Becca's gut. That didn't sound good at all. "What?"

"You're closing in on answers. I'm closing in on you."
Shara read the text. "It's one of those creepy anonymous texts! Who the hell is this person? How do they seem to know all these things? The texts are vague, sure, but ... Hell! You haven't told the cops about these yet?"

"Will it do any good?" Becca spun the wheel to make a right on her street.

"Will it
do any good? Aren't they still looking for Sylvia? Or maybe it's connected to what happened in Maryland."

"If we say anything, everyone's secrets are going to come out in the open." She pulled up in the drive, grateful to be home. That was only part of the problem. Becca worried about what the Langes would do, or Vince. If secrets were coming out in the open, then she knew there were desperate people prepared to keep them hidden.

"Maybe they need to. You can't protect everyone, Becca. Vince needs to pay for all the crap he's done, and Joe ... Well, maybe it's just time. You and Hunter come first to me."

"We've got Jed looking into it. I don't see what the cops will do any differently," Becca protested. "There's no threats. Just messages and things being found out."

"They'll step up their game to find Sylvia. She's been in hiding a long time. We once thought she was dead. Her ID was on that woman's body. I don't think that was accidental. I have a feeling this sick woman is playing her game and trying to rattle everyone. It's working, because I'm afraid for you all! If it's not Sylvia, then it's Jesse. I don't trust that guy yet, no matter that he may be your brother." Shara turned her gaze to her. "That one scares me most of all, because if he's lying, then he's got you right where he wants you."

"I-" Words caught in her throat. Becca didn't know how to respond.

"I've watched my best friend go through hell for years. All I want is for the two of you to finally be happy."


Hours later, Shara went home and Becca waited up for Hunter's return. She worked on a painting until she heard voices and the front door opening. Did he bring Jesse back with him? Becca darted downstairs and sure enough, Hunter and Jesse stood in the living room, talking quietly. Both looked worn out.

"Hi." She held the banister and walked the rest of the way downstairs. Both men stopped talking and peered at her. Hunter wrapped her in a hug once she was close enough.

"I didn't know you'd still be up," he said softly.

"I couldn't sleep until I knew you were home safe. Plus I got another text today," she whispered, unsure how much of this Jesse knew.
"You're closing in on answers. I'm closing in on you."

Hunter groaned. "Is this ever going to stop?"

They both knew the answer to that. Not until they found Sylvia, or weeded out the suspects.

"I guess I'll head out now," Jesse said, interrupting their conversation. Becca pulled away from Hunter.

"Let me give you a ride home," Hunter offered. "It's late."

"No, I'm good," Jesse said uncomfortably.

"I'm going to say something point blank here." Hunter's tone was edgy. "If you've got something to hide, then we're going to find out somehow. I told you about the trust here. But it's more than that. Someone's been watching Becca and I, revealing secrets from people we don't trust a hundred percent. I'm not sure what side of the fence you're on yet, but either way, whatever you're hiding won't stay that way for long."

Jesse froze. "Okay, fine! I don't want you to drive me home because I don't have one! I've been living in my truck. Satisfied?"

Whoa. Unexpected. Becca wondered what Hunter would say next.

"You have a job out here, have been here for months, but you don't have anywhere to live?" Hunter raised his voice.

"I did at first. I was living with someone. He kicked me out. I think my PTSD freaked him out, and I've been in my truck since. Guess that should have been my cue to go back to Maryland and stop hiding out here, but I wanted to know my sister." Jesse wiped his sweaty brow. "You saw what my mom was like today, Hunter. Ever since her stroke, she's been back and forth about past and present when it comes to Becca. I can't keep apologizing for how I did things, but I was desperate."

"Your truck?" Hunter repeated, shaking his head. "It's been cold and snowing! How the hell do you keep warm? Hell man, that's no way to live!"

"Hunter, I think he knows that," Becca said quietly, taking this all in.

"You're right. Sorry. I got a bit thrown off there. Stay here tonight to start with. We'll help you figure out something. You can't keep living in your truck. No wonder you wanted to meet up somewhere to pick you up yesterday."

Jesse lowered his gaze. "It's not something I'm proud of. I don't want you two to think I'm here trying to gain anything, other than the chance to know you and maybe put my family back together, especially because of the way I did things."

"I'll go grab some blankets." Hunter headed upstairs.

"Becca, what's going on with someone watching you guys?" Jesse asked quietly, stepping closer to her.

"It all leads back to the crash, I think. Some things don't have anything to do with the event itself, but all people involved with anything from the crash are being threatened with exposing secrets."

"So now that I'm around, they could find anything out and expose it?"

"It's possible."

"This isn't good. If word somehow gets back to my- our ... Dad, then all hell will break loose. He thinks he ki- I can't even say it. You weren't supposed to make it after what he did."

Bile rose in her throat, and she thought her legs would give out. Jesse reached for her.

"I know. I hate saying it. I hate thinking about it. It's why we got you out of there first. We have to find this person so nothing else gets out."

"I made the mistake the other day of looking him up," Becca admitted. She and Jesse both sat down on the couch.

"The sad thing is, before the incident that blew his true colors out of the water, he was a good father. It's scary. He did things with us while living a secret, deadly life. There were plenty of good memories before everything went down hill." He shook his head. "I can't forget it, even when I try."

"So you really do have PTSD."

Running a hand through his hair, Jesse inhaled sharply. "Oh yeah. It's been hitting me again since Mom started begging for her family back. I know she's half there mentally and maybe this isn't the best for her, but then again, it's what she wants. Once we know the answers, I have to find Annabelle and call Elijah. There's going to be so much to explain."

Chapter Twenty-Three

Finding distractions for the next few days wasn't going to be easy. Jesse went to work the next morning, so Hunter and Becca picked Sienna up for the Christmas decorating. After talking with the Sundstroms for a while, they headed home. Sienna was so excited for the day's events.

"After the holidays, I think we should finally get the rest of your stuff from Rissi's storage unit," Hunter suggested to Becca as he brought the tree down from the attic.

"Yeah, we should. Some of it I don't think I'll be keeping, like much of the furniture." Becca's eyes lit up at the tree. Sienna stood in front of her, cheering.

"Don't feel like you have to get rid of anything. If you're attached to any of your furniture, then we'll make it work." Hunter set the tree box down, then kissed her. "We're in this life together. Just because there's already things here doesn't mean yours won't get a place. Or we can get new stuff together. Whatever you want."

"Right now, I want to set up this tree for our first Christmas season together, before this little squiggle worm bursts." Becca tickled Sienna's sides, and bouts of giggles followed.

"Not a worm! Not a worm!" Sienna squealed, tickling back with her tiny fingers. Hunter couldn't help it. He wrapped his arms around his two favorite girls and joined the tickle fest.

Ten minutes and a sore side later, Hunter let go of them and put the tree together. The three of them stared at it undecorated, then headed up the stairs to grab boxes of ornaments. Soon there were boxes scattered all around the living room. "I never realized how much I had." Hunter laughed as Sienna picked up a silver strand of garland and wrapped it around herself, striking a pose. He pulled his phone out and snapped a picture. She flashed a gap toothed smile. Those cute little cheeks and her sweet smile warmed his heart.

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