A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3) (30 page)

BOOK: A Forever Masterpiece (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 3)
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"I had a small tree, one that set atop a table." Becca sifted through the boxes. "You do have a lot!"

"Christmases were always big here, especially after Sienna was born." He ruffled his daughter's hair as she pulled out her favorite ornament. "Careful with it, baby girl."

"I know, Daddy." Her speech had improved so much within the last few months. She grinned at him again as she set her bulb in place.

Hunter stood back and studied her. Sienna was growing up. Next year she'd be four and starting preschool. She danced around as she set ornaments on the tree, as if she'd done this on a regular basis. Last Christmas, she helped him a little, but this year she wanted to do most of her ornaments herself.

Becca moved to stand beside him. He slid an arm around her. "What are you thinking?"

"I want another baby. I want to extend our family. I can picture this belly right here," he moved his hand to the middle of Becca's abdomen and rubbed lightly, "expanding with a little Beckman inside."

"I want that, too." Becca's eyes were moist with tears when she peered up at him. Hunter pulled her close. "I want it so much. And he or she would never ever go through what happened to my family."

"God no," Hunter whispered, knowing how much she was affected by everything. "I think if we don't hurry, Sienna will have all the ornaments up before we do. Our family will have so much love, Bec. So much. I can't imagine a world without you." He threaded his fingers through hers and gave her hand a comforting squeeze. She smiled at him through her tears, and he kissed each one away.

"No kissy!" Sienna folded her arms over her chest and stared at the two. "We gotta put the star up!"

Hunter laughed and let go of Becca. "How about we put the star on last like we always do? We have this argument every time, little miss." He swooped down and picked Sienna up, setting her on top of his shoulders. "Let's put some bulbs up top here." Becca handed Sienna a few, and they continued to decorate the tree.


Becca loved decorating, and she had a new idea for a painting. Earlier, Sienna sat cross legged in front of the fully decorated tree and had reached to gently touch an ornament. Her wide eyed innocent look touched a place in Becca's heart, and she wanted to capture it on canvas. She'd give it to Hunter as a Christmas present.

Hunter turned on the radio and danced to the Christmas songs playing. Sienna laughed and danced right along with him. They were in the middle of the living room holding hands, moving around in circles and happy. Sienna announced she had to go to the bathroom, then ran upstairs to do so.

"What's on your mind, O quiet one?" Hunter turned his attention to Becca, full of question.

"Just watching the two of you. I was thinking about how lucky Sienna is to get to grow up with her daddy by her side. I had two. One never cared a thing about me, and the other died to keep me safe." A tear slid down her cheek. "I really do need to talk to someone about all of this. I feel like my body is a dam, ready to burst with anger, fear, hurt, and sadness."

Hunter hugged her tight.

"You know how you asked about our trip to the island? I had a thought I'm not sure what you'll think of." Becca hesitated.

He pulled back and stared into her eyes. "What is it?"

"Do you think it's too late to change our wedding plans a little? We go to the island to reflect and honor their memory, so I thought maybe combining the trip next year for our wedding and to do just that. We always felt closer to them there, and it's where we started bonding again. If it's too much for you-"

Hunter ran his thumb over her lips. "We'll do it. No questions asked. You just need to be sure it's what you want to do."

"I'm sure, but what about you? Your triggers? Everything else?"

"Maybe it'll be our last go. It's been a hard year, and we've had a lot of shake ups. It might do us some good to get a last bit of closure, then find another way to honor their memory. We don't have a huge wedding planned, so changing it won't be too difficult. Despite the heartache, Mount Desert Island is beautiful and we do have good things to remember there. It's where we fell in love. Well, it's where we gave in and admitted our feelings. You know what? It's perfect, Bec. I don't know why we didn't think of it before."

Relief washed over her. Becca hadn't been too sure of the idea, but it wouldn't let her go. "Thank you. This means a lot to me."

Sienna called for Hunter from upstairs, and as he headed up to help her, Becca's phone rang. She didn't recognize the number, but answered.

"Hi Becca! It's Brock. I have big news for you."

"Oh, hey! What's up?" Curiosity made her heart race.

"Well, I was working with a framer this morning on one of your pieces when someone walked in and wanted it. You sold your first painting already!"

"What?" She shrieked. "No way! You're kidding me!"

He laughed. "No, I'm not kidding! You really did! I didn't even get a chance to hang it up and the buyer wanted it. Congratulations! I knew you'd do well here. I just didn't expect it that soon!"

"Oh wow. Wow! I don't even know what to say. Which piece was it?"

"The one that hung in the lobby at the Lange Center. My favorite piece." There was pride in the man's voice.

Becca held a hand to her chest, letting her tears flow. "I- I'm in shock!"

"Bec?" Hunter flew down the stairs, Sienna in tow. He rushed to her side.

"I wanted to tell you the news right away. I have to get back, but couldn't wait to tell you. Have a good rest of your day."

"Thank you Brock. Thanks so much!" Becca hung up the phone and squealed. "I sold my first piece already!"

Hunter's worried frown dissipated, replaced with the biggest smile. "What? This is fantastic! Oh my God. I knew it, but wow!" He picked her up and spun around the room with her in his arms.

"Daddy, Daddy. What's going on?" Sienna followed close behind, jumping up and down.

Hunter set Becca down, then picked up his daughter. "Becca's famous, that's what!" He kissed her cheek, then pulled Becca in his arms and he danced them all around the living room. "We're celebrating! We are so celebrating! This is big!"

Becca laughed, loving Hunter's enthusiasm. She was still in complete shock over it. A painting she brought to life from her heart would be hanging in someone's house, office, or some kind of personal space. Someone wanted what she created so much, they didn't wait for it to be hung up. What a surreal feeling. This would take some time to really sink in!

Hunter set Sienna down and reached for Becca's hands. "I'm so proud of you. I've been waiting for this moment, and it finally happened. To the first of many!" He cupped her face, then kissed her passionately. "Don't forget about me when you're famous, okay?" Hunter murmured against her lips.

Becca burst into laughter. "I don't know about famous, but if it ever happened, I could never forget you. You've always been my biggest fan."

"Always going to be, too." Hunter brushed her hair back, tucking threads behind her ear. "Next year is going to be our year. We're going to conquer it all and give life our best from now on. We're going to create a forever masterpiece."


Becca's first appointment had been emotionally draining. It was the first of many to sort out all the truths that now made up her life. She entered the office with a heavy heart and left with the same emotion, just for different reasons. She now had an understanding of how Hunter felt when he first went to talk about his PTSD and the reasons behind it. It was for her own good, but the road wasn't going to be straight and simple.

A vase full of roses waited for her on the front porch when she arrived home. Becca hesitated, unsure of why they were there. She picked up the card and stared at it. Her name was scrawled across the front. Hunter's handwriting. Becca blew out a sigh of relief and opened the envelope, carefully extracting the card from it.

Dear Becca,

I wanted to be the first to send you fan mail, as you are an official artist selling in a gallery. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of all your accomplishments. I've been a fan of yours since you were nine years old and you gave me the first masterpiece to treasure. We were sitting on a swing, and it was the first time I'd seen you after a year. I'll never forget it. I've loved every single one of them ever since. I hope you don't mind me sending a letter and flowers to your home address. I know your fiancé pretty well, and he gave me permission to write to you. By the way, he says hello, and he can't wait until the day you become Mrs. Rebecca Beckman.

This writing in third person thing is confusing. I love you, my beautiful angel. Congratulations on your first sale. I know there's many more to come, so we'll have to travel and give you plenty of the world to capture your own versions of.

You may create beautiful masterpieces, but the best one of all is the masterpiece of our love. See you in a few hours when I come home to you.

Always yours,


Becca smiled, set down the flowers and note, and decided to call Hunter. This right here was why she loved him. Not because he sent her flowers, but because he believed in her so much and always had her back. Always. Through the good and the bad.

"Hey you," he said softly when he answered. "What's up?"

"I got my first fan letter with flowers today. Thought you'd be jealous, so I called to warn you ahead of time." She held the laughter back.

"Oh really? He can't be cuter than me, so I've got nothing to worry about," Hunter shot back matter-of-factly.

"Well, he did send beautiful roses..."


"But you're the one for me," Becca finished.

They both laughed. "I'm glad they made it safely. I'll be home in about two hours."

"I'll be waiting," Becca promised. "Love you."

"I love you, too. Tell me how your appointment went."

She unlocked the door and brought everything inside. "I felt like I was going to be judged. I had to talk about Nathan today. I waited for some kind of accusation. There was none, but it was so weird."

"It gets easier, and you know it has to be somewhat accurate, coming from me. As long as you're comfortable with the psychologist you're seeing, you'll be okay."

"I had a good first impression. Other than you, Shara, and Rissi, I haven't had to expose all the things that make me feel like a dirty person."

"You're not a dirty person, Bec. You're just learning who you are and getting the painful events off your chest. Don't let everything define the real you."

"I'm trying." She focused on the roses, running her thumb across the soft red petal.

"You'll get there. See you soon, okay?"

The sound of a truck engine approaching had Becca looking out the window. Jesse was back. He'd been here since Saturday night. Neither Becca or Hunter wanted him to live in his truck.

Becca opened the front door to let him in before he made it up the porch steps. He held his phone to his ear. "I want him to stop calling her! He does this every time he gets a phone privilege. You need to make sure all of your new caregivers know not to hand over the phone. Of course she's going to be agitated. That's her ex-husband calling from prison almost twenty years after he went in! He's a sick man who enjoys tormenting his family. Wish someone would kill him and get it over with," Jesse snapped. Moments later, he hung up the phone. "Becca," he said quietly, as if realizing she was there just now. "I'm sorry you had to hear that, especially ... I'm so sorry."

She understood why he said it, but it didn't help the conflicted feelings about where she came from, especially after what she had to talk about today.


It had been months since Hunter stepped foot on his plane, let alone looked at it or gave it a lot of thought. For whatever reason, today he decided to go inside. He'd been good on planes as the passenger, and he wasn't near ready to fly, but a pull made him yearn to climb on board. His shift ended and he should go home to Becca, but instead Hunter found himself heading in the direction of his abandoned plane.

He'd just climb up and sit in the pilot's seat for a while. See what happened. It was long overdue. Hunter pulled out the key he hadn't used in a long time and did just that.

He recalled the day he frantically told Becca how to land. Hunter never remembered driving to the airport that night. He vaguely remembered the fight with Becca. But he remembered the nightmare, then hurting the woman he loved. He'd woken up to her staring in horror over him. Then again, there'd been little bits and pieces of that night he lost. The disassociation thing maybe?

He felt as he did years ago when first climbing aboard a plane after he wanted to get past the fear. Hunter walked right into the small cockpit and plopped down in the pilot's chair. He ran his hand along the gears and buttons, recalling how much he'd once loved being in this seat. "I want this back," he said out loud. "I'm going to get this back. One day I'll be sitting in the pilot's seat again. I know what I need to do to get it back."

He would have to call Vince and Joe, then the four of them would sit down and figure out how and where to find Sylvia. Somehow, the mistrust needed to be shoved aside to find their common enemy. Both Vince and Joe did some things in their past, but then again, so did Hunter. That could be dealt with.

All he knew was he wanted that sense of freedom again. No more being weighed down by the things he couldn't control.

He remembered bringing Becca here when she first came to Virginia with him. It had been her first time on a plane since the crash, and together they helped each other cope. The fear in her eyes had been evident, but sitting together, talking and singing her song in the storm helped. Hunter glanced over at the empty seat beside him, picturing her there gawking at the gears. She'd also been in that seat when Isaac tried to land this plane before he lost consciousness. His brave Becca had to take over.

"I'm going to fly again," Hunter vowed. He pulled his phone out to call Becca, eager to hear her voice and tell her where he was right now.

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