A Gallant Gamble

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Authors: Jackie Williams

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Cozy, #Animals, #Historical, #Romance, #Regency, #Teen & Young Adult, #Historical Romance, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: A Gallant Gamble
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A Gallant Gamble




Jackie Williams


Front Cover

Book Cover by Design

A Gallant Gamble

Copyright © Jackie Williams 2014



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used/copied/lent in any form whatsoever without the

written consent of the author.

All character, names and events are from the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to persons alive or deceased is entirely coincidental.





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To my wonderful daughter Natalie, without whose continual support and endless encouragement none of my books would have been possible.

Thank you, Sweetheart Xx



While each of my books is a standalone read, due to the reappearance of the characters, it is advisable to read them in order.

Please take a look at

Silence of Scandal

A Regency Mystery Romance




With blackmail and scandal chasing him constantly, will the new Duke of Ormond be able to save his pride, his home and the family jewels?


A Murderous Masquerade

A Regency Mystery Romance




Can Giles Denvers ever win Lady Anne or will the greed and petty spitefulness of her young brother see him swinging at the end of a hangman’s noose?


Chapter One

Pride and Petticoats


“Easy now, girl, don’t fight it. Just let your body tell you what to do, eh. I’ll be as gentle as I can.” Geoffrey stroked the soft cheek beneath his fingertips as he pressed his forehead against hers. A puff of heated breath warmed his naked chest as he adjusted his position and reached past her neck. He slid the palm of his hand down her body and across her quivering stomach.

He groaned as he felt her hot, silky skin and frowned into her neck as her belly trembled under his touch. She let out a long whimper of distress and Geoffrey pulled back slightly to look into her frightened eyes. This wasn’t going as well as he had planned and he had no idea of how to comfort her.

He lifted his head and glanced over his shoulder as a door behind him opened on well-oiled hinges. Quiet footsteps hurried towards him and he pulled his expression of despair into one of quiet confidence that he certainly didn’t feel. He took a step backwards and waited for the woman to appear.

Radiant blonde curls and the most beautiful face on earth appeared over the bottom half of the door as his friend’s ward poked her head inside the stall. She gave him a swift, gut-wrenching smile and he bit down the surge of feelings that leapt so easily into his heart.

Her huge, summer sky eyes glowed as her small hand opened the lower half of the door and Lady Charlotte Denvers stepped inside the stall. She gave him another heart-stopping smile before she spoke in quiet tones.

“I tried to come earlier, but couldn’t get away. Alexander’s mother had three portions of dessert! I don’t know where she puts it all. The woman is tiny. If I ate half as much as she did, I would be the size of Jenkins prize pig. They’re only just starting the port now so I sneaked out of the side door...How’s she doing?” She whispered into the dusky room.

Geoffrey shook his head as his eyes wandered over Charlotte’s perfect figure. She was small, barely reaching his shoulder in height, but only a year since he had first met her and the waif she had been back then had put on a little weight. All of it in exactly the right places. He dragged his mind out of the mud and back to the present situation. Although he didn’t want to worry the woman, he couldn’t deceive her.

“It’s taking too long. She should be much further along than this.” He noticed Charlotte’s eyes travel over his half-naked body and he glanced down as he recollected that given the task he was about to perform, he had removed his shirt some few minutes earlier. Charlotte’s eyes had darted back up to his own and he heard her pull in a tiny breath of air. Though what he had done had been necessary, she was clearly embarrassed by his state of undress. He reached out to the rail, grabbed his linen shirt and dragged it over his head as a flush rose to his cheeks at his lack of propriety. It was far too easy to forget that she was a Lady, what with her open, friendly manner and with her being around the stables all the time.

He gathered his composure before he spoke again.

“I think the foal has a leg caught. Her contractions are strong but there has been no movement for several hours. I want to try moving the babe, but she won’t let me near her business end, will you girl?” He ran his hand along the mare’s neck and patted her gently.

Star Gazer tossed her head and whinnied feebly. A shrill neigh and clatter of impatient hooves sounded from further down the stalls. Lightning, Charlotte’s prize mount, didn’t sound any happier about the situation than Geoffrey.

Charlotte walked further into the stall and Star Gazer turned to her immediately, shoving her velvet nose into the young woman’s shoulder. The horse nibble at the ribbons on the sleeve of her gown and Charlotte stroked the nervous mare gently.

“There, girl. This will all be over soon...” Charlotte spoke softly before glancing up at Geoffrey. “We must find out what’s going on inside. Maybe she needs a woman’s touch. Here, help me out of this.” She pulled the thick curl of her hair over her shoulder and turned her back to Geoffrey.

Geoffrey shuffled his feet in the hay as he looked at Charlotte’s gracefully exposed neck. Something in the way she held her head had him wanting to take a step backwards.

“What do you want me to do?” He asked in some confusion. So mesmerized was he at the sight of a small brown mole, a tiny blemish on her perfect white skin, that he couldn’t for the life of him think what she was asking of him. He stood there hopelessly, his heart beating dangerously hard as he bit back the temptation to lean forwards and kiss the enticing flaw.

Charlotte’s shoulders rose as she took a deep, patient breath.

“Unfasten my dress, of course.”

Now Geoffrey really did stagger backwards. He nearly fell into the pile of hay that sat by the stable door as every drop of his blood raced to his groin.

“Now, hang on there. I don’t think that your guardian...er, Giles would approve of me...” he stammered but then stopped as Charlotte spun towards him, her face a mask of impatient annoyance.

“No! You hang on there for just a moment. Do you have any idea how much a dress like this costs or how long it would take to clean?” She brushed impatient hands down the layers of silk skirts that adorned her body. “Did you want to get your shirt mucked up and dirty? No, you took the blasted thing off when you thought that it might become soiled. I’ve not been able to sell that dashed diamond yet so I’m doing the exact same with my frock as you did with your clothes, nothing more, and at least I have some undergarments on, unlike some people I could mention. Star Gazer is suffering and so is the foal, Geoff. As there are only you and me here, and she won’t let you near her back end then I must try, but I would rather my gown didn’t become ruined while doing it.” She sniffed haughtily, gathered the hair that spilled in a golden river over her shoulders, and turned her back to him once again.

Geoffrey pressed his lips together. He felt a complete fool as she pointed out the obvious. The huge diamond that she had discovered the year before, was more of a millstone than a benefit. Whoever heard of a diamond that was so enormous, unusual, and valuable that no one could afford to buy the thing? He knew of her genuine disappointment over not being able to fully commit to the Ormond breeding programme in her own right due to the lack of a sale.

Charlotte craved her independence, but while she couldn’t realize the monetary value of the huge stone and refused to spend her guardian’s money, she was only able to support the venture in more menial ways. Geoffrey had been shocked the first day she appeared in her breeches and shirt, fork in hand, ready to muck out the stalls alongside him. He’d shaken his head and removed the rough handled tool, horrified at the thought of her blistering her palms on such a crude implement. Instead he had asked her to exercise the horses, tend to their ailments and book appointments with the blacksmith for shoes and tack.

Charlotte had ridden Star Gazer almost constantly for the last year while her owner, Lady Anne was in confinement and coping with a new babe. Horse and rider had formed a strong and lasting bond. It made sense that the animal would have confidence in Charlotte rather than him. He wasn’t worried about Charlotte’s ability to do any necessary procedure. She had looked after her own father’s prize animals from childhood until her brother gambled the lot of them away. The woman worked as hard and was as reliable as any man that he knew when dealing with horses.

In the hope that she would save him money on a groom, her miserly and now dead father, had taught her many equestrian subjects. She was an accomplished rider who tested her skill and strength daily as she took the horses out, but her talents didn’t end there. The bruises were only just fading after he had foolishly offered to help her practice her remarkable oriental fighting skills that she had learned in her youth. Geoffrey rubbed his sore ribs where she had caught him with the short sticks and her lightning fast feet.

He had also seen the confident use of her mental skills in deciphering strange oriental symbols. Sweat broke out on his brow as he thought of the potion she had mixed that had sent her guardian into a seemingly lifeless coma thereby saving the man’s life. The woman was as fearless as she was beautiful, challenging herself as well as others at every turn.

He clenched his jaw as he directed his thoughts back to the array of buttons running down the length of her dress. The layered evening gown she wore must have cost a frightening sum of money. Of course she wouldn’t want the thing spoiled, but he wasn’t about to admit that taking it off was a perfectly good suggestion. The thought of her actually disrobing here in the stable was going to cost his already fragile equilibrium dearly. He doubted that there was a woman in the England more infuriating. Having Charlotte remove her dress in front of him was nothing short of torture and absolutely nothing like him revealing his chest to her. It wasn’t the same thing at all.

He noted that she had pulled back her shoulders in that obstinate way she did when she was about to win an argument, and he let out a long, defeated breath. There was no way around it; if Charlotte was going to help Star Gazer birth her foal, she was going to get dirty. If her frock was to remain wearable, it was going to have to come off.

Her shoulders relaxed the moment his fingertips began tugging at the tiny buttons and she realized that she had won her argument. A narrow slice of alabaster skin became visible to his eyes and he growled out his resentment as his manhood surged painfully. He could only thank the heavens that he hadn’t bothered to tuck the excess material of his shirt back into his breeches, and with a bit of luck, the maddening woman in front of him wouldn’t notice the state of his body or the agonized expression that surely must have been plastered all over his features.

“I shouldn’t be doing this,” he blew out a pent up breath. “If your guardian came in right now, he’d have me flogged,” he muttered miserably as he bent to his task and hoped to God that this situation would never find its way to Giles Denvers ears. He knew that he’d carry the secret to his grave and only hoped that Charlotte would too.

Charlotte turned her head slightly, narrowly avoiding his unshaven cheek and answered sweetly.

“Well, it’s lucky for you that he’s not here then. You know that he cannot leave Caithwell right now. Anne and baby Marcus Geoffrey have only just recovered from the fever. I doubt that he will let either of them out of his sight for many months to come.” She referred to the sickness that had struck down her guardian’s wife and newborn child so recently.

Giles Denvers, the new Lord Caithwell and not only Charlotte’s cousin, but her guardian too, had spent endless days and nights at his wife and three-month-old son’s bedside, not knowing if either would be alive come morning. He had refused to let another member of his family become ill with the sickness, and had sent Charlotte to stay with his friends at Ormond even though she had dearly wanted to help her cousin with his wife and child.

The doctor had given them the all clear only days beforehand, but he was still advocating that his patients should receive the minimum number of visitors to lessen the chance of re-infection.

Geoffrey’s mind slipped momentarily from Charlotte to the baby whom Lord Caithwell and Lady Anne had named after the man who had helped save his life. Even with Charlotte’s strange potion that had disguised death and convinced the prison doctor to sign the release forms, if Geoffrey hadn’t caught Giles as he fell through the scaffold trap door after being wrongly convicted of murder, he would be dead and Lady Anne would be facing a life of scorn and ridicule.

The thought of being worthy enough for Lord and Lady Caithwell to name their son after him, made his heart swell with pride. He certainly didn’t want to lose Giles’ good opinion, but Charlotte made it damned difficult for him to keep his mind on the task in hand.

He gritted his teeth as the tops of Charlotte’s ivory shoulders came into view and willed himself not to ease the dress further to lay a trail of searing kisses along her exposed skin. Concentrating hard on the remaining buttons, he reached the last of them and stepped back quickly as she freed herself from the dress. He bit back another groan as she wriggled her hips to help dislodge the gown.

What felt like hours later, she stepped from the skirts, picked up the layers of delicate silk and flung the dress over the rail that separated the stalls. Moving nearer to the mare, she stroked her gently, her hands skimming slowly down the horse’s neck as she spoke to the animal in gentle tones.

Geoffrey tried to keep his eyes averted from the tantalizing sight of Charlotte wearing nothing but her petticoats, pantaloons and high-laced boots, but he was fighting a losing battle. Though covered from nearly head to foot, the fine white garments gave the impression of revealing far more of the beautiful woman than they disguised. Her long and graceful arms, covered only at the top with the tiny lace sleeve of her chemise, glowed a warm white in the lamplight. The curve of her breasts filled the gathers of material and he could almost swear that he could see the merest hint of darker skin where her nipples touched the fabric.

He felt sweat gathering at the base of his spine as he gazed further.

She was tiny at the waist, her hips flaring below the curves made for hands to hold, and he felt beads of perspiration break out over his whole body as she turned to face the horse. The cheeks of her deliciously rounded derriere were pressed up tightly against the fabric of her pantaloons, the diaphanous petticoats transparency leaving nothing to his imagination at all. He didn’t have time to do more than swipe the drips of salty water from his forehead with his sleeve before Charlotte suddenly disappeared around to the rear of Star Gazer.

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