A Gallant Gamble (4 page)

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Authors: Jackie Williams

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Cozy, #Animals, #Historical, #Romance, #Regency, #Teen & Young Adult, #Historical Romance, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: A Gallant Gamble
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Now, what with the far too alluring Charlotte about to be thrust under his nose every day for more than a fortnight, he didn’t know if he deeply resented the fact that his good nature had once again overridden his good sense.

“Damn! Damn! Damn!” he exclaimed to himself as he left the stall while Midnight tossed his head and snorted in response.


Charlotte blinked uncomprehendingly up at her cousin.

“Have you gone stark staring mad? I’m not going anywhere with Geoffrey and he’ll never agree to such an arrangement anyway. He’s made it perfectly clear over the last few months that he hates me!” She lifted her chin and blinked hard to disguise the tears that threatened to spill over her lashes as she challenged Giles’ assertion that Geoffrey was to accompany her and Alexander’s mother, the Dowager Duchess of Ormond on their expedition to London.

Giles rolled his eyes in frustration. He loved his cousin dearly, but in her childhood she had been left to her own devices for far too long. In some ways her circumstances had made her confident and charming; in others downright argumentative, but at this very moment she looked to be on the brink of tears. It was most unusual for her to be so affected and it troubled him deeply. If he had known of the animosity between Alexander’s friend and groomsman and his cousin, he might not have pushed so hard for this outcome. Given that Geoffrey and Charlotte had worked so hard together and had saved his life, Giles had honestly thought that he was the best man for the job. He had felt sure that both Geoffrey and Charlotte liked one another. Charlotte had turned to Geoffrey without hesitation when she had needed help freeing him from Oakley’s gaol.

Giles tried to convince her from another direction.

“You cannot travel alone and Callum cannot manage the horses, you and Alexander’s mother. Olivia needs someone she can trust with you both. I know that Callum is a decent young man, but he doesn’t have Geoffrey’s excellent education and manners. Geoffrey will fit in perfectly and it’s all arranged anyway, but that aside, I am curious to know why you believe that he hates you. I feel sure that you are mistaken. He’s only ever had your best interests at heart.”

Charlotte laughed loudly and pointed her finger at Giles’ chest.

“Ha! Well, I am not sure that is true. He’s been downright rude the last few months, ever since Star Gazer birthed her foal. We’ve barely seen him and he avoided the whole family that week we all went to visit Alexander and Lily and Lillian. I know that he did it to avoid me, I just know it.” She balled her hands at her sides. “On my last visits to see the mares, he gave me the barest details pertaining to their health before he walked out and left me to it. He didn’t even ask after my own health or check that I could manage. Something has changed. It’s like he’s had a poker shoved up his...”

“Charlotte!” Giles exclaimed before he swept his hand through his hair. “Please tell me that you will never use such an expression while in Mayfair. My God! If your mouth runs away with you like that I may seriously have to reconsider this season.” He took in a deep breath before he realized his mistake.

Charlotte almost leapt in the air as she clapped her hands in delight.

“Thank heavens! I’ll go and unpack immediately! I can sell the diamond another time. There’s no particular hurry to do so at this precise moment.” She smiled wildly and began pulling the pins from her tightly braided hair just as Olivia, Dowager Duchess of Ormond appeared at the head of the stairs.

“Child! What are you about? Mary took over two hours to perfect that style on you. It’s wonderful for travelling and we will be off in a few moments. Be quick and re-pin it.” Olivia’s melodious, but horrified tones echoed about the hall as she motioned for her maid to assist the now scowling Charlotte.

One side of Giles’ mouth lifted but he tamped his smile down as Charlotte winced while Mary pushed the loose pins into her elaborately styled hair once again.

Giles’ valet come butler, Craddock, appeared at the door.

“Everything is loaded, My Lord and Mr. Geoffrey is apparently keen to be off. He’d like to be at their first stopping point well before dark.” He gave the Dowager Duchess a small bow before turning towards a now muttering Charlotte.

“I’ll bet he is. He probably wants to drink himself under the table so that he doesn’t have to look at me.” Charlotte grumbled and Giles was hard pressed not to roll his eyes again.

“You will be civil to Geoffrey at all times, Charlotte. He’s sensitive to his station in life, not that any of us think any less of him for his birth. As you know, I have the utmost respect for him and value his friendship and loyalty above all men, as does Alexander. If I hear that you...” He stopped speaking as Olivia reached them and Charlotte smiled sweetly up at her cousin.

“Of course, Giles. You can rely on me for my discretion at all times.” Her honeyed tones didn’t fool him for a moment and he turned to Olivia who gave him a knowing smile.

“I’ll keep her on a tight rein, Giles, never fear. She’ll have suitors queuing at the door and be married before the end of the season. You won’t have to worry over her a moment longer. I can’t say that I will promise you a duke, but I think if we can curb her rebellious spirit just a little, with her beauty we might manage an earl.” Alexander’s mother pinched Charlotte gently on the cheek.

Charlotte looked horrified as Giles laughed and dipped his head. He didn’t want anyone to curb his cousin’s spirit at all, but if this visit gave Alexander’s mother pleasure, after the heartbreak of losing not only her husband but her eldest son too, he was more than willing to let her have her fun. He didn’t think she stood a chance of marrying his beautiful but wild cousin off, but if the woman was up for a challenge then he wished her all the best with her endeavours. Fortunately he knew Charlotte somewhat better than the older lady. He bent and brushed his lips against the Olivia’s hand.

“If you manage that, madam, I will be more than impressed.”

Charlotte’s glower became even heavier as she pulled away from the fussing maid and hissed defiantly.

“Well, I won’t be. If Olivia tries to marry me off, I’ll run away. I’m not marrying anyone. Ever! I’m only going on this ridiculous jaunt to sell the diamond and I am perfectly capable of doing that myself.” She turned sharply towards the door but immediately stopped dead as Geoffrey stared down at her from only feet away. She wasn’t sure how long he had been standing there or how much of the conversation he had heard, but he blinked slowly and swallowed before his eyes flicked away from Charlotte and moved to Giles.

“We are all ready, My Lord, Ladies” He gave a bow to Alexander’s mother and began to turn back the way he came.

Giles gave a cough.

“You have no need to be so formal, Geoffrey. We are all friends here.”

Geoffrey glanced back over his shoulder. He nodded once, acknowledging the man behind him.

“Here we may be, but I am preparing myself for London. Things won’t be quite so simple there. I don’t want to lapse and offend anyone,” he paused as he cast his gaze back to Charlotte. A slight flush spread over his cheeks as he spoke again. “Lady Charlotte’s chances on the marriage mart will be ruined if I am seen as too familiar or too crass. I wouldn’t want that to happen. She needs to be seen in her best light if she is to catch a husband by the end of the season.” His tone was as flat and as cold as the marble floor on which they stood. He walked out of the front door and back down the steps towards the carriage.

Charlotte looked as if she was about to explode.

“How dare he! And how dare you too! I’m not some piece of horseflesh to be traded at a ball. No one is going to ruin me or my chances. I don’t want to be married. I don’t even want to go,” she hissed again as she passed Geoffrey on her way to the carriage. He didn’t turn in her direction but mounted Lightning in a swift, fluid motion.

Giles handed Olivia up first and then offered his hand to Charlotte. She lifted her chin and her skirts and bounded into the carriage without any assistance. He leaned inside the door and gave her a quick smile.

“Goodbye cousin. I will see you in a fortnight or so. Try not to get into mischief before then and do try to keep the diamond safe. I have a feeling that Geoffrey will have an apoplexy if you lose it and cause him any trouble.” He leaned in and brushed a gentle kiss over her forehead. Charlotte’s stiff demeanour faded at his show of affection. She wound her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek back.

“I have the stone perfectly safe, don’t worry. You just hurry those lambs along, cousin. I am already missing you, Anne and Marcus.”

Giles smiled warmly as he hugged her back.

“We’ll come as soon as we can. Now you be good and don’t cause Geoffrey any concern. We’ll see you all in less than a month.” He stepped from the carriage and closed the door.

Olivia tucked blankets around their knees and rested her feet on the heated bricks that Craddock had arranged to keep them warm and comfortable during their journey. She chuckled as she waved farewell out of the carriage to Giles.

Charlotte blew him a last kiss before turning to look out of the opposite window. Geoffrey rode Lightning easily by their side. His straight back and relaxed shoulders showed his excellent form. Her eyes moved lower and she felt her heart flutter dangerously. His thighs looked as though they were moulded to the saddle.

Charlotte felt the heat rise in her face and she turned quickly away from the window as she realized that Olivia had seen where her gaze lay.

The older woman laughed and patted Charlotte on her arm as she shook her head knowingly.

“That dour man could do with someone causing some trouble around him. He was quite a puny child, always getting into mischief with Philip and Alexander even though he was several years younger. His father was my husband’s steward. A good man. His mother still lives near Ormond. I must go and visit her sometime. We used to get along quite well.” She looked out of the window again. “I can’t believe the boy has grown so, but then boys do that, I suppose. He is so tall and broad now, and even quite handsome in his way, but where he used to be so friendly, he is now so stiff and unbending. He used to smile and laugh all the time. These days I think he looks as though he has a poker shoved up his...” The rest of her words were lost in the squeal of laughter that left Charlotte’s lips as Callum whipped up the horses and they set off at a quick trot down the drive and towards London.

Chapter Three

Windows and Wardrobes



Charlotte craned her neck and pressed her cheek against the window to take in a better view of the street outside.

“Geoffrey spoke to me while you slept.” The only words she had heard from him since leaving the final inn on their journey, that morning. “He said that we would arrive shortly. Is it far yet, Olivia?” She glanced back to Alexander’s mother who had been snoring gently until a few moments previously. Now the older woman peered out of the window with Charlotte. She ducked her head back again after a few seconds and tucked the loosened blanket back around her knees.

“I believe we are close, but it is hard to see with the press of carriages. We must have arrived at the promenade hour. I do hope that young Callum is able to control the horses in this crush. It would be a catastrophe to have our arrival announced by an accident.”

Charlotte sat back against the cushions, raised an eyebrow and smiled as mischief danced in her eyes.

“Yes, I agree that it would not do to arrive with scratches on the paintwork and our skirts above our ears.”

Olivia laughed behind her gloved hand. The two of them had become firm friends over their week long journey to London, Charlotte finding Olivia to be far more outrageous than she had supposed and Olivia discovering that Charlotte was quite shamefully refreshing.

“You are simply dreadful, Charlotte. It will not do, you know. Skirts above our ears indeed! I’m sure that I don’t know how you think of such things...However, though you amuse this old woman to the point of near tears, you will have to curb that tongue of yours if we are to snatch the best bachelor of the season out from under the noses of the other young hopefuls. The debutants will be clamouring for attention, but I am confident that you will outshine them all.”

Charlotte stopped smiling immediately.

“And who might this best bachelor be? You know that I am absolutely against any match. Marriage is not for me. I am unsuited to being a wife. I couldn’t possibly give up the freedoms that I have now, and besides, apart from the diamond left to me by my father, Giles has made provision for me. I am quite capable of looking after myself.” She thought of the diamond that sat snugly in a small velvet purse hidden inside her chemise. She would make sure that she sold it for the best price and then she would never have to come to London or do anything quite so foolhardy as pretend to look for a husband ever again.

Olivia shook her head and smiled indulgently.

“I never heard of anything quite so singular. Every woman needs a husband and children. There is nothing else for it but to marry, however we will make sure that the man we choose for you is no bore. Nor will he have any pokers sticking anywhere.” She laughed at Charlotte’s incredulous expression before continuing. “There should be a young earl or two willing to take on a feisty, independent bride such as you. With your looks, title and prospects of a decent dowry, you are sure to have more choice than the average chit.” She gave a satisfied sigh at the thought.

Charlotte wasn’t so keen on the idea. She turned towards the window to take in the view once again, but all she could see was Geoffrey’s broad back as he rode confidently alongside them on Lightning and kept the carriage free from harm.

She watched closely as his wide shoulders and muscled thighs appeared to guide her horse through the crush of traffic with ease, and she gulped back the anger that rolled over her every time he neared them as he controlled her beautiful stallion with enviable grace.

Though it pained her to admit it, however much he disliked her, there wasn’t another man alive who she would have trusted so well with her prize horse, but he had been barely polite to her for the whole seven days of their journey. Leaving the ladies in their hired private rooms at each inn while he had eaten with Callum in the public bars, Geoffrey had spoken to her not at all apart from the odd enquiry as to whether her sleeping quarters were adequate or a question about her dinner or breakfast selections.

Each morning his generous lips had appeared as if they were sculpted from marble; so cold and inflexible, and his piercing silver grey eyes crackled with ice whenever he looked her way. She knew that his animosity all stemmed from the night Starlight was born. He clearly thought her a harlot for removing her dress, but there had been no other option other than ruining the beautiful gown and she couldn’t have let that happen when there were other far easier options. It wasn’t as if she had bared anything to Geoffrey. She had at least two other layers on beneath her chemise. Unlike him, who had bared his powerful chest to her with barely a murmur.

She closed her eyes briefly and tried to erase the sight of his sculpted torso and the scent of clean man from her mind, but it was impossible. She had seen statues of the Greek Gods. She had viewed life in art. She knew what perfection in the masculine form should look like.

Geoffrey had not appeared to be lacking in any way. The play of tight muscles beneath his silken skin as he had moved that night had mesmerized her completely, and she had dreamed of what his warm, toned flesh might have felt like beneath her palm nearly every night since. She breathed in deeply as if she could catch his unique scent again while her heart pounded furiously at the very thought of all his male glory on display that night.

She swallowed a deep sigh, cleared her head and opened her eyes again as the carriage drew to a stop. Not a minute later, the door opened and Geoffrey bent to draw out the step below the entrance to the carriage.

A sharp cough sounded from behind him.

“Sir, if you please, you will soil your hands. Let me.”

Geoffrey didn’t even glance backwards as he pulled the second step out. The cough came again and this time he hesitated, though he still didn’t look back.

“Sir, your hands! The step is filthy from travel. You will ruin your gloves. Here, let me.”

Geoffrey stood up and turned towards the man who had spoken. He pointed to his own chest.

“Are you referring to me?” He asked in some confusion.

The servant behind him nodded quickly.

“Of course, Sir. Bottomley at your service. Master Alexander sent word that you would be arriving with the mistress and Lady Denvers today. Your rooms are all prepared, Mr. Talbot. If you would just let me see to the carriage, Mrs. Bottomley will show you to your rooms. Everything is prepared for your convenience in accordance with His Grace’s instructions.” Bottomley squeezed around Geoffrey and bent to secure the carriage steps.

Geoffrey frowned but had no time to think before Alexander’s mother appeared at the carriage door. He immediately lifted his hand to assist her as she smiled down at her butler.

“Bottomley! How wonderful. I take it that you and Mrs. Bottomley are well. It is delightful to be back. I have spent too long away from town, but plan to make up for lost time with this darling girl.” She stepped to the ground and turned as Charlotte reached out for Geoffrey’s poised hand and descended from the carriage. “My dear friend and protégé, Lady Charlotte Denvers. Such a beautiful young woman. She will take London by storm, don’t you know!” The Dowager Duchess declared with a wave of her hand as she swept up the steps of the townhouse and in through the wide front door.

Charlotte stared after her and then looked up at Geoffrey who still held her hand. She blinked twice as he appeared to be on the brink of speaking, but instead, he let her hand slip from his and turned to help the Duchess’s maid down from their conveyance.

Charlotte felt the chill air stiffen her fingers. He had held her hand for only a brief moment but it was enough to send spikes of pure heat through her whole body. Now she felt a sharp rush of cold air encase her. She pulled her cloak tighter about her shoulders and glanced back to watch Olivia’s maid give a quick shudder as she left the comparable heat of the carriage before quickly running up the stairs behind her mistress.

Charlotte stood alone on the pavement in front of the tall house, taking her time to regain her composure as tumbling thoughts cluttered her mind. She looked down at her gloved hand and slowly curled her fingers. She had felt Geoffrey’s heat through both his and her own gloves, but he had clearly noticed nothing. Despondency gripped her heart. It wasn’t as though she had any expectations of the man, but to receive a constant display of frosty aloofness hurt her more than she liked to admit. She squared her shoulders in a display of indifference and it was only as she mounted the steps to follow Olivia that Charlotte heard heated voices behind her.

“I beg your pardon, Sir, but I must be allowed to do my job. Please leave the bags to me.”

There was a familiar answering grunt before she heard Geoffrey’s gravelled tones.

“It’s fine. I am perfectly capable of managing a few trunks. Go about some other business.”

Bottomley’s tone became more agitated.

“But Sir, I must insist! I have my instructions from the Duke! Please go into the house. Mrs. Bottomley is waiting to show you to your rooms.”

Geoffrey’s answer sounded even gruffer than previously.

“I don’t need to be shown to the stable. I can find that by myself; and please stop calling me Sir. Geoff is fine.”

There was a sharp intake of breath and a thoroughly shocked voice responded to his words.

“The stables? You think that you will be situated above the horses? Good heavens! I never heard the like, Sir! The very idea!” Bottomley stuck out his bottom lip and lifted his chin defiantly. “The rooms above the stables are reserved for the groomsmen and stable lads. Your driver will be housed there. You Sir are in the suite opposite the Master’s rooms. The stables indeed! Master Alexander would have me flogged!” Bottomley carried on muttering with increasing unease and Charlotte turned to watch in amazement as the Butler attempted to wrestle a trunk from Geoffrey’s arms.

Geoffrey was not giving way and held on hard. She hid a smile as she walked back down the steps to the struggling pair. She tapped Geoffrey on his arm and jumped backwards as he turned so swiftly towards her that his broad shoulder nearly caught her about the head. Gathering herself quickly she spoke in lowered tones.

“Geoffrey, I wonder if you would mind escorting me inside. I am rather overwhelmed by the thought of meeting the staff alone. In her enthusiasm, Olivia has sailed in without me.” Charlotte blinked her long, dark lashes slowly up at him and the trunk immediately fell from his hands sending Bottomley sprawling backwards as the case was unexpectedly released from Geoffrey’s grasp. After a few moments spent picking up and untangling the astonished but unscathed servant from the luggage, Geoffrey glanced up at the open door of the surprisingly large house and noticed a line of stiff shouldered staff wearing starched white aprons waiting in the entrance hall.

“Of course, Lady Charlotte.” He made a short bow and held out an elbow. She placed her hand on it, inclined her head and whispered to him as they walked up the steps.

“You really must let the staff do their jobs, Geoff. Not that Alexander or Olivia would ever do anything so reprehensible, but many servants fear that they will be dismissed if they are made to look dispensable.” She nodded an affirmation as surprise lit his eyes. “I have heard of it happen in some of the more heartless households. The staff won’t like you attending to anything that is in their job description. You are Olivia’s and my friend and escort, not our servant.”

Geoffrey ground his teeth together irritably before speaking. 

“I was seeing to your comfort in descending from the carriage. You had been sitting in there for hours each day and I only sought to release you from the dullness of your confinement. I didn’t even know that the man was speaking to me at first. I’ve never been addressed as ‘Sir’ in my life before.” His tone told of his surprise and discomfort.

Charlotte gave a small laugh.

“Well, you had best get used to it, Mr. Talbot. No more step pulling or carrying bags from this moment onwards.” She looked up at him and rolled her eyes at his deep frown as a rough growl reached her ears.

He stared straight forwards, clenching his jaw tightly and damning his own ignorance as they reached the entrance to the Duke of Ormond’s magnificent London home. Even the light press of her fingertips was too much. Their week travelling together had been utter torture. He had ached for some kind of release as he had watched her elegant form come down to dine each evening.

From his position in the various taprooms, unable to keep his eyes off the mirrors that reflected her image, he had observed her dusky-dark eyelashes dropping to her cheeks as she selected the cuts of meat and cheese from her plate. His mouth had grown dry at the way her rose red lips had closed over the choice morsels of food and his breeches had strained to near breaking point at the images conjured in his head. His heart had thumped so wildly throughout the following dark hours that he had been sure that young Callum, sleeping in the same quarters, would wake from his slumber and worry for the horses being scared of the thunderstorm of noise.

Sweat had poured from his brow as he had tossed and turned in his bed. Knowing that he could never have her and that she would be married to some undeserving earl or lord before summer’s end was more than he could stand, but he had no idea what he could do about it.

Avoidance had been his only defence from her over the autumn and winter since the night Starlight had been born. He couldn’t bear being in such close proximity to her with the memory of that evening still so vivid in his mind, and had hoped to keep his sanity while in London by being housed in the stable block, but it seemed that Alexander had other ideas.

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