A Gathering of Memories (10 page)

BOOK: A Gathering of Memories
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“Well, Carrie, how does it feel?”

“It’s still sore but not as bad.”

“You had a good night’s sleep?”

Carrie nodded and looked so surprised that Mark smiled. Oh, to be young again and without worry. He’d bet Silas had been up to check on her more than once.

“Let’s have a look.”

Clovis, who had decided to stay with his sister, leaned close as he watched the doctor look into her mouth.

“Does it hurt, Carrie?”

She couldn’t answer, but Mark noticed Clovis move closer and touch his sister’s arm. Again Mark’s examination was gentle and thorough.

“Your jaw was a little swollen yesterday, but there’s no swelling today. And the throat isn’t quite so inflamed. I think we’ll keep up with the gargling and unless you get a fever or start to feel much worse, I’ll see you in a week.”

“Thank you. Come on Clovis. We’ll wait for Silas out front.”

“Oh, there’s no need for that. Come on through to the house. Sue and the girls will want to see you.” Carrie, still a little fearful of this man, followed slowly. Clovis, knowing that the doctor had kids to play with, skipped along without hesitation.


Baxter’s newest businessman, Ross Beckett, stayed seated behind his desk even though his customer was exiting. Aaron Marks. What was it about the man that rubbed him the wrong way? Ross considered himself a public servant and as yet, had never turned anyone away, but even though Marks’ request had been innocent enough, Ross felt hesitant, as though helping him was going to harm someone else.

He made some notes about the land on which Aaron Marks wanted confirmation and then turned back to his letter to Sarah. He reread what he had written, wanting it to be just right. He planned to post it that day.


Dear Sarah,

I hated leaving when things between us were so unsettled, but I had to get back. My trip was a good one, but you were not far from my thoughts and I felt pained at every mile that separated us.

I know now that compromise is what is needed here, on both our parts. But there is one thing about which I cannot compromise, and that is living in Baxter. Sarah, this is where God wants me.

Baxter is not a “hick” town. Even though you refused me adamantly while I was there, will you please reconsider coming here for a visit? I’ll be moving to my new place in a few weeks and Grandma Em would be thrilled to have you stay with her.

I know you would love the people here, and they would love you. The church is wonderful. It has a spirit of loving welcome for everyone who walks through the door.

I realize Baxter is far from home, but we could visit as often as we’re able. After all, my family is in Hayward too.

I want very much to be sensitive to your needs, but I still wish you would come my way a little. I’m trying to do what’s right for both of us and for our life together, if it is in fact, God’s will.

Know that I’ll be praying for you as you read this and reply. Give my love to your family. I miss you.

Love, Ross


Ross set the paper aside and leaned his elbows on the desk. His gaze fell on his door where the glass read:


Ross Beckett
Attorney at Law


How knowledgeable I am, he thought, when it comes to the law. Pages memorized out of books, hours spent with a seasoned lawyer who practiced up north—gleaning from him, learning, soaking it all in, to be the best at my job. But this—

Ross’ mind stopped there. Matters of the head were so much easier than matters of the heart. It wasn’t as though his heart was never involved. There were heartbreaking cases, like a woman from the Hayward area, widowed a few days, coming to him and wanting to sell her land and farm. She still bore the bruises of the last beating her husband had given her before he fell down the stairs in a drunken stupor. She couldn’t wait to sell and get out of the area; the sooner the better. Ross had asked her if maybe she’d want to wait and give herself some
time. But she informed him in a firm voice that she’d had plenty of time, 30 years of time, to be exact.

Oh yes, his heart was sometimes involved, more than it should be. But nothing he ever encountered compared to this uncertainty, this waiting to see if he and Sarah could work things out. It occupied his heart as well as his head nearly every waking moment.

How many years had he known Sarah? He guessed it must be over 20; most of their lives. She had always been special. When he’d made a decision for Christ a few years ago, he wasn’t long in understanding that any girl he might feel serious about would need to have the same heart for God as he did. There was enough of a change in him that the next time he saw Sarah, she’d eyed him speculatively and asked him what was going on. He didn’t immediately answer, for fear of wording things wrong and turning her away forever.

But he need not have worried because the Lord was working in Sarah’s heart and she came right to his house to pin him down a few days later.

Ross was surprised speechless when, upon explaining to Sarah about his new life in Christ, her eyes filled with tears and she asked him to pray with her. There was no hesitation then, and Ross walked on a cloud for days.

Neither one saw this as a sign for a future together, but being in each other’s company was easier all the time with the newfound faith they both shared. They often came together in excitement to tell some new biblical truth they’d discovered.

In time Ross did take these things to be a sign that this was the wife God had for him. And it seemed Sarah felt the same way, that is until Ross told her of his leading to head out from beneath the protective wings of the man he’d been working for and open up his own practice in Baxter.

“Ross, you can’t be serious.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, why would you want to live all the way down there, where you don’t know anyone? You’ve got a great job with Bill Colter here, and you said he could use you forever.”

“I could stay with Bill, Sarah. I know that and I’ll never forget what he’s taught me, but I want my own practice, small as it might be. And you’re wrong about me not knowing anyone in Baxter. Baxter is Paul Cameron’s hometown, and I’ve been to visit with him and Abby. His family is great, the next best thing to being with my own, and in some ways, better.”

But she was not convinced and suddenly the future didn’t look quite so rosy. The conversation ended when she told him she had never planned to live anywhere other than Hayward.

Shortly after that Ross’ plans to move fell quickly into place. Doors opened in ways he never imagined, confirming over and over again that this was God’s will and not his own. And still he prayed, begging God to intervene if this was a mistake. With his parent’s support he moved to Baxter, taking residence with Grandma Em for an indefinite period.

Now that the question of his moving was out of the way, why hadn’t God burdened Sarah’s heart with the same destination if they were meant to be together?

Ross knew the answers to his questions were not going to magically appear before his eyes. He had a letter to mail and then work to do. The rest was in God’s hands and maybe Sarah’s.



“Mandy, do you have a minute?”


Amy led the way into her bedroom to the small desk. “Will you please tell me everyone’s birthday?”

A few days ago Mandy would have been surprised at such a request, but it didn’t take long to learn that Amy was a woman with a generous heart. It made her desire to know everyone’s birthday almost routine.

“Start with yourself.”

“Okay, I was just 18 on May 9. Carrie will be 15 July 2. Levi is 11 this year on October 27.” She paused to let Amy catch up. “Clovis will be 10 in September on the fifteenth. Becca, can you tell Amy your birthday?”

“It’s nine something.”

“September,” her sister supplied.

“Yeah, nine September.” Becca spoke from where she’d thrown herself on the bed. Mandy thought as she watched her that Becca acted as if she’d been here forever. She said as much and Amy smiled.

“I hope you all feel that way.” There was such sincerity in the words that Mandy knew that now was the time to ask her question.

“Amy, if I was very careful with your books upstairs, I mean, I wouldn’t take them out of the room or touch them with dirty hands or anything—well, could I please read some of them?”

Amy looked at Mandy in surprise. Every feeling, every heartwrenching emotion that Mandy had ever felt about books
was clearly written on her face. Amy had to fight to keep her voice normal, but she didn’t speak soon enough.

“I shouldn’t have asked you, Amy. You’ve already done so much, you must think me the biggest ingrate you’ve ever known.”

“That couldn’t be farther from the truth! I think you’re one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met. I wish you had said something earlier about the books. You could have had one read by now.” Mandy watched Amy rise from the desk and move to the door of the wardrobe. When she turned back to Mandy, she held a slim volume bound in black leather.

“Why don’t you start with this one? It’s a book of poetry that belonged to my mother. It’s one of my favorites and I think you’ll like it.”

“Maybe I better not if it belonged to your mother. Carrie told me about her.”

“Take it, Mandy. My mother loved to read, and if she were standing here she’d give it to you herself.”

“Thank you,” Mandy spoke humbly. “There was one other thing I wanted to ask you.”

“Please don’t jump on the bed, Becca. Sure, Mandy, what is it?”

“I would like to walk back to my house and get some papers I left behind and leave a note for my pa in case he shows up.”

“Oh, what a good idea! I forgot that he’ll wonder where you are. I’ll tell you what, stay here at my desk and write your note and then when Silas comes back you can take the wagon.”

“He’s back,” Becca chirped as she bounced high in the air.

“Becca, I asked you not to jump on the bed. Now, what did you say?” Amy spoke to the little girl she’d scooped off the bed and now held in her arms.

“Silas is back.”

“He is?” She moved to look out the window and sure enough, Silas was coming into the yard.

“Well, don’t you have good eyesight! Let’s go help unload and give Mandy some quiet to write her note.”

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