A Girl's Guide to Demon Hunting (22 page)

BOOK: A Girl's Guide to Demon Hunting
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Chapter 44
Tip 42: Sloth Demons usually can be identified by the amount of flies that surround them.

    The sun was setting when Max parked the car on the curb next to a two story Victorian house on the outskirts of the city. Painted grey with blue and white trim, it looked like a place from a postcard. A stone path lined with flowers led to a small porch where a pair of rocking chairs gently moved in the breeze. On either side of the red front door were two giant bronze pots, bright green ferns spilling over the sides.
    Max was out of the car and running up the pathway before I even got my door open. I stood next to the car and stretched my arms over my head, enjoying not being in the car even if it was for just a minute. Feeling better, I watched as Max picked up a small box that was waiting on the doorstep. Walking back to the car, he tore the box open and pulled out a tiny black velvet box.
    Time seemed to slow as Max opened the lid and I had the errant thought that if this was a horror movie there would totally be a finger or something worse in there. Max looked up from the box and for once I could tell exactly what he was feeling. Disbelief changed to fear and finally to a cold anger. The now-forgotten box slipped from his fingers and fell end over end. The soft thump as it landed snapped him back into action and he pulled out his phone as he walked back to the car.
    “Nicholas pick up, you stupid, arrogant bastard. Damn it!” A wild look in his eyes, he glanced at me over the roof of the car. “Get in, we’re leaving.”
    “But the box?” I asked.
    “Leave it, it’s useless.” He said and climbed in the driver’s seat.
    Not understanding what was going on and guessing it had to do with what was in the box, I ran across the lawn and picked it up. Running to the car, I barely had the door shut before Max peeled out.
    “Shit...” I breathed as I opened the box.
    Nestled in a crook on a pillow of white satin were a pair of rings. Two perfect silver rings.
    How could we all have missed it? The trip, the makeover, the odd behavior. Vegas. Duh.
Julie was going to get married. Nick and Max’s secretive looks, how they got to Vegas so quickly; they were coming for a wedding, Nick’s wedding. Max knew and he didn’t think it was important enough to tell me. What the hell?
    “You knew?”
    “No, they told me it was to celebrate their engagement. It wasn’t until I got here that I suspected they would be getting married.”
    “So why are you pissed?”
    “Because Nick told me he didn’t know what was in the box, that it may help us find her. Nick was very specific that I should take you along with me. Damn it how could I be so stupid.”
    “Trust me you're not stupid.” I said, “I don't understand, why get both of us out of town?”
    “Because you and I are the only ones strong enough to stop him.”
    "Stop him from what?"
    "Going after the Demon Lords himself."

Chapter 45
"Lust has nothing to do with sex or love. It's about wanting something so badly it consumes you."

    The trip back felt like it took ten times as long. I spent most of it alternating between looking out for speed traps and imagining everything that could go wrong should he go after a Demon Lord. I tried calling Nick but after leaving my tenth angry voice message, I gave up. I wanted to ask more about this wedding business but stopped myself. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to anger Max, I couldn’t care less about that; it was that I knew what he was going through. He wasn’t just mad at Nick, he was afraid for him. I knew all too well what that was like and I also knew there would be time for answers later.  
    Max dropped me off at Jenny’s so I could make sure they were okay while he went to find Nick. As much as I wanted to beat Nick to a pulp, Max was out for blood and I could respect him not wanting me there. I was, after all, an outsider. Besides, I was more concerned with the absolute dread I felt at confronting the three people I had deceived.
    I stepped into the dark hall in the rear of the café and without warning found myself thrown to the floor, my arms yanked behind my back. I felt the sharp claws of a Demon cut into my arms, holding me still. I pulled hard on my power only to feel nothing. I spared a second to curse Max and his cuffs.
    “I wouldn’t bother fighting.” I heard from above me. I recognized Peter’s voice and turned to see him walking towards me.
    I said nothing as the Demon who’d slammed me to the ground climbed off my back and I was painfully pulled to by my feet by my hair. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I glared at Penny.
    “Enough.” Peter said and the little bitch let me go and went to stand guard at the back door.
    “What’s going on?” I asked.
    “I’m sorry sweetheart, I can’t get you out of this one.” There was actual regret in his voice.
    Confused and with no other choice, I followed him out of the hallway and into the café.
Standing across the room in a loose circle were the rest of the Demon Lords; all of them, even Mikey and they looked pissed. Peaches stared at me like a copperhead eyeing a particularly tasty-looking mouse. Mateo looked almost bored. I tried to imagine something this bad and I couldn’t.
    Even without the cuffs I wouldn’t stand a chance in this room. Slowing my pace, I tried to take everything in at once. To the right of the Lords stood Nick, his hands chained in front of him, a cut on his brow slowly leaking blood down his face. 
    I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and I realized how dumb I was to think this couldn’t get any worse. Jenny was behind the counter, her face ashen. I heard the jingle of Pancake’s collar, which explained why Jenny was still alive.
    It was on the tip of my tongue to tell Pancake to attack; we were all dead anyway and Pancake and I could make a good dent in their numbers, maybe even give Jenny the chance to escape. Even without my power, I’d been killing Demons a long time now; I could do some damage. Would Peter back me? I decided he wouldn’t but he might hesitate; I could use that.
    But I didn’t make the move. The bottom line was Jenny’s best chance was with Pancake next to her. Maybe they’d let her live after I died; she had valuable skills. I swallowed the urge and left Pancake where she was.
    Still, I couldn’t just hope for the best, I had to find a way to get them to safety before this turned into a bloodbath. It was time I called in the favor Peter owed me.
Pretending to stumble as I walked deeper into the room, I bumped into Peter, forcing him to turn around and steady me.
    “Get them out.” I said so only he could hear. “Your debt to me is paid. Just get them out, now.” Saying nothing, he wrapped his hand around my arm and guided me to the waiting Demon Lords.

Chapter 46
Tip 213: Know when to run.

    “Oh goodie, we’re all here.” Heidi said with a clap of her hands as if we were at a sleepover and Peter was delivering a pizza.
    I felt the last of my hope that I was going to get out of this alive slip away as they turned to face me and I saw the glee in their eyes.
    “Before we begin,” Peter said, “I believe what is about to happen should not be seen by the human.”
    “Kill her.” Said Mateo as he brushed lint off his tailored suit.
    “No!” I shouted. “Peaches, she’s connected. If she ends up dead, powerful people will be searching high and low for her killer. You really don’t want that kind of trouble.”
    “It’s true.” Peter said. “Allie’s the issue here. We can still control this town if we play this smart.”
   “Fine. Get her out of here.” Peaches said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
    Jenny held her head high and refusing to show her fear she leisurely strolled from the room, Peter at her side. I was proud of her, she would have pulled it off but she couldn’t hide the tremor in her long arms as she carried Pancake. Locking the door behind her, Peter went to where the Lords were gathered and with arms crossed he waited.
    “I’m sorry to see this day come, my dear.” Peaches said, walking away from the group and toward me, Mateo following her like a shadow. “The fact is you made a deal and Nicky here broke it. He killed three of our Demons, at least that we know of and then attempted to attack me this morning. I could have told you not to trust a Guardian, they have a long history of betraying their own. But then you know all about that, don’t you?”
    I stared straight ahead unwilling to show my surprise, while Peaches continued.
had killed those Demons? I hadn't even considered a Guardian. Which depending on who those Demons were, they could have told him about me and Peaches. Knowing this wasn't the time, I tuned back into Peaches speech.
    “Now, you know the terms of our agreement and the repercussions if you violate it.”
    “Yes.” I strained to keep the dignity in my voice. My normal sarcasm no where to be found.
    “Good. Then let us begin.” She said and held her hand out for Mateo to place a thin silver knife in her palm.
    Wrapping her perfectly manicured hand around the handle, she walked towards me. With each step she took, I felt her power build stronger and stronger until it hung like a black mist in the air around her. From across the room Nick began to shout, pleading to accept the punishment in my place. It almost made me want to forgive him. Almost.
    Slowly she circled me until she finally came to a stop facing my back, her power clouding the air around us.
   Obeying, I stared straight ahead as the cold hard floor bit into my knees. I didn’t flinch as she cut away my jacket, pulling it from me. I felt the cold air on my skin as she cut the back of my shirt open. Nick’s shouts became louder as she pushed me forward until my back was parallel to the ground.
    I thought I knew what was coming but the first slice was so painful I couldn’t help but scream. She didn’t bother to let me catch my breath when she made the other cut; two straight slices down either side of my back. Pain coursed through my body and breathing hard I fought back the urge to vomit. Just as I thought it couldn’t get worse, I felt the withdraw of her power as she walked away. I raised my head to see her walk back to the group, the knife still in her hand. It wasn’t even close to being over.
    With an almost reverence, she ran one finger across the bloody blade of the knife. Her eyes flared red as she licked the blood from her finger. Defeat crashed through me.
Unable to wait another second, Mateo broke from her side and came to a stop behind me. I could feel his power pulsing around him, slick like oil. I felt a foot in the center of my back an instant before I went crashing to the ground. My head slammed onto the floor and the world faded for just a second. I came back to find him sitting on my back. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
    “I’ve waited soooo long for this.” He snarled and with excruciating slowness he dug one clawed finger deep into the cut and traced its path.
    Another scream broke free as he did the same to the other cut. I felt my blood start to drip down my sides. As if from far away, I heard Nick shouting, his chains rattling as he fought to get free. Then another of the Lords was on me, another deep scratch through my flesh.
   I gave up the last of my dignity and screamed freely, even begging for mercy that I knew would not come. It wasn’t just their claws they were marking me with, it was their power. With each swipe I felt their darkness leeching into me and binding to my flesh. Laying there on the cold floor, my warm blood soaking my shirt, I slipped further and further away with each slash of the Demon Lords.
    At some point I found myself being moved, a hand under my chin. I couldn’t raise my head but the hand did it for me and I saw Peter’s warm brown eyes, a heavy sadness in them. He knelt in front of me and dipping one finger in my blood that had pooled on the ground, he traced the contours of my lips. I was in too much pain to even really feel disgusted. Still, the metallic taste of my own blood filled my mouth as I opened it to protest.
    “Forgive me.” He whispered as he placed his lips on mine.
    His hand cupping my face, I felt his claws as they gently brushed my cheek and then before I knew what was happening, a new taste filled my mouth, sharp and bitter. The bellows of the other Lords’ encouragement filled the room. Fighting the urge to gag, I pulled away, breaking the kiss.
    Peter, out of breath, leaned back and wiped the blood off my lips. Giving me a sad smile, a single drop of blood beaded at the corner of his mouth just as he wiped the back of his hand across his lips. His blood. I’d tasted his blood.
    This brought me back and slowly I looked around to see them all watching me.
    “All contracts we’ve made with you are now void and all protection we extended you has now ended.” Peaches said, sounding like a judge handing down a verdict, which I guess she was. “Until now you have been a loyal servant and because of that I will grant you a twenty-four hour grace period to leave town. If you decide to stay you will be considered an enemy and treated as such.  Should you harm any Demon during your grace period, we will not only destroy you but all those for whom you care. You will die quickly but rest assured, with them we will take our time. Is this understood?”
    Unable to speak, I merely nodded. I was going to live? At this point I wasn’t sure I cared.
    “Now for the other problem…” She said, turning towards Nick.
    “Wait.” I croaked. “You...you said I had twenty-four hours.”
    “I did and you do. Nicky here is a Guardian and therefore does not fall under your contract. Mateo, I believe this one is yours. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a dinner date.”
   “I’m afraid you’re going to have to cancel.” Came a new voice from across the room.

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