A Guardians Passion (14 page)

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Authors: Mya Lairis

BOOK: A Guardians Passion
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“You fucking fiend,” she cried out as the flat of Rayne’s tongue brushed over the fat nub of her breast. His lips sealed shut and began to suck greedily, his hands gripping her sides for purchase, keeping her still for what he needed.

Helena had taught her what to do, how to handle their overamorous advances, and yet faced with the reality, Freya forgot all that she had sworn to memorize. Her own arousal was spiking at the sight of Rayne at her breast, his yellow-blond head bobbing with every gentle tug. Her head swam from the strong suction as he licked her tit to hardness before demanding it give him nourishment. Beneath her, Fenris’s cock was iron hot, rigid, and throbbing.

She had thought that by bringing Ezra into the mix, he would be of some help, and for a moment she feared that he might had withdrawn or, worse, fled. That was until she heard the wet lapping sounds. She looked down and saw the back of Ezra’s head, his locks spread out like a fan upon his muscular back. The omega had found his way to Rayne’s crotch, was held there in fact by Rayne’s paw. Freya reeled. Ezra seemed to be a catalyst for her destruction rather than an obstacle.

Fenris wove his fingers through Freya’s thick hair. Firmly, he dragged her back to face him. His eyes reflected silver in the darkness as he grinned down at her. “I think Rayne is enjoying your gift, babe. This retreat might have been useful after all. Your omega seems to have a way with his tongue. I’ll have to test him. Have him clean us both once I’m done with you.”

Fenris’s smile was a hundred watts of naughtiness, even in the dark. From the moment she had met Fenris, she had known she belonged to him, but the warrior in her still like to challenge his assuredness. Even if it was a shallow attempt. “Oh, fuck you, Fen.”

Fenris grabbed the fabric covering her thighs and pulled it back so that he could get his paws between her legs. Freya’s thighs quivered as he easily separated them and found her core, covered barely by the thin fabric of her underwear. Fenris, always a hater of undergarments in general, slashed her panties in two before returning with two fingers upon the lips of her pussy. “You will be soon enough, my alpha. Damn, all this time away, and you are wetter than the ocean. And you wonder why I fucking crave you.”

Fenris’s fingers were instruments of destruction. As his forefinger played over her clit and his middle finger dipped inside her, Freya swore aloud, her nails digging into Rayne’s shoulder. Whatever resistance she had planned was being swiftly decimated, with Rayne having just as much control over the jolts that caused her clit to ache with his sucking as Fenris had with his touch. “Oh shit, baby. No…”

“What?” Fen sighed, his fingers stilling over her sex. “You want me to stop? I will. I’ll hate it, but I will. You
want to feel me inside you?”

She made a desperate attempt to wrangle thoughts that were difficult to form. “It’s…not that. I’ve told you…I need—”

“The retreat,” Fenris said. “And you will have it. We just need to be near. You can return to the Sohons. But we cannot be far. I have to be close. Rayne too.”

Rayne released her nipple, looking up with a concerned brow. “Freya?”

Her breath caught as she heard his silent query. She had no words to answer. They were her mates, and they expressed their needs so blatantly. Her body yearned for them, yet her soul still had not gotten used to how vulnerable and exposed she felt in their arms. All she had to do was trust in their protection and their love, go with it rather than be overwhelmed.

“Enough, cur. Hold,” Rayne said, still attentive for her response. He took Ezra by the shoulders, urging the greedy omega to stop. Ezra freed Rayne’s swollen cock from his lips, pouting as if he were starved.

Fenris released his grip on her, and both Rayne and Ezra backed off. Freya felt the chill in the night air when once more free of limbs, of heated contact. They were all looking to her for a response. So much need.

Freya knew the feeling, knew how good Rayne tasted. More than anything, she yearned for her beta to be flushed and happy. She knew that Rayne would understand if she demanded they stop, told them that she needed rest and returned to the compound. But neither method would tamp down the apprehension in his gaze at that moment.


Damned if I do, and sure as hell hard up if I don’t
. Freya made her decision. She stood up before them, aware of all their gazes, Fenris’s hoarse breathing, Rayne’s sweet musk, even Ezra’s thundering heartbeat. If they had been foes, she would have easily taken them on, but they wanted much more than to see her defeated. They wanted to have their hands on her, their lips. They wanted her legs spread and to hear how much she could moan and cry out in ecstasy. If nothing else, she had to show some fucking spine!

She looked down the beach at the festivities, at the lights, at the house. It wasn’t going anywhere, but her males soon would be.

She made a decision, grabbing her dress and tugging downward. Freya stepped out of the puddle of fabric and toed it away from her. With her arms at her side, Freya stood boldly naked before her males, belly and all. “Strip,” she commanded. “You fuckers got me hot, so we will finish this, but this is the absolute last interruption I will put up with.

“I know that you’re nervous. It’s the first cub for us all, and you’re apparently just as crazed as I am. So let’s panic together for a moment.”

“Yes, alpha,” all three males said in unison. As if worried about her changing her mind, they began eagerly tossing aside shirts, shoes, and pants. Ezra was the swiftest to completely undress, having the least amount of clothing on to begin with, but Fenris was the first to put his paws upon her. Covered in downy, pale fur over rippling muscles, her alpha gripped her around the waist and drew her to his heated body. His eyes seemed to comprehend the sacrifice that she had made.

Fenris drew in a great breath even as Rayne came up behind her, framing her in the warmth that she had grown to love. Both of her mates possessed impressive cocks, hard and hot, inspiring her to writhe wantonly between them. While Fenris moved his hands down to grip her ass, Rayne’s palms filled with her breasts. Together they came upon her, Fenris capturing her lips with kisses that could vaguely be considered gentle until his tongue parted her lips.

Rayne had begun kissing a trail along her neck to her shoulders, kneading her nipples for more of the moisture that had begun to come from them, priming her for the suckling that was no doubt to come. And then there was Ezra.

The omega was careful not to take liberties and certainly not to interfere with Fenris’s or Rayne’s conquering. On his knees, he placed lips and tongue upon the flesh of her hips, the curve of her buttocks, his fingers dancing like feathers across the backs of her thighs.

Standing was something Freya quickly grew tired of. Her mates held her up, but then she wasn’t sure that she could have stood on her own anyway, certainly not after Fenris freed her lips and gave a roar.

One that undoubtedly could be heard all the way back at the compound.

Fuck it, she told herself. As Fenris directed them all to the sand, Freya knew what she was in for. “On the ground,” she commanded Rayne.

He did as told, welcoming her when she turned around and sat down in his lap. He also leaned back at her word.

Rayne’s body was quivering beneath her, his cock worrying the cleft of her ass as Freya laid her head back over his shoulder. His eyes were shimmering gold orbs beaming at her.
Love you, alpha
, he mouthed.

“Shut up and kiss me,” she demanded before he did as commanded.

Freya enforced herself upon supple, soft lips that would in no way destroy her as Fenris’s kisses did. Instead, it was Rayne’s turn to succumb, to quiver and shake. She lost herself to panted breaths and a tongue that begged to be strangled, but only for a moment as Fenris neared.

He parted her legs and lifted them over Fenris’s massive shoulders.

Her brute got down on hands and knees, his face just above her belly. She knew what was to come even before Fenris ran his tongue over his lips, and prayed for it.

The heat of Fenris’s breath touched her pussy as he dipped low, causing her to buck under purely saccharine spikes of pleasure. With his hands gently framing her belly, he dived into her sex, immediately attacking the sensitive nub of her clit.

Freya broke away from Rayne’s lips, hissing a string of curses a mile long. As if she weren’t ready enough for them, as if she needed to be just a little more wild and crazed. She was already wiggling her ass over Rayne’s cock, even as she thrust upward against Fen’s mouth. To make matters worse, Ezra was kissing her belly, stroking the insides of her arms, always trying to soothe but only serving to ratchet her up to the point of short-circuiting. He attempted to kiss her breasts but was quickly deterred by a growl from Rayne, whose left hand shot out to grip the erect length of Ezra’s dark cock.

Freya kept her eyes upon Rayne’s pale hand as it fisted Ezra’s deep-purple shaft fast and tight. Somehow she thought that watching another’s ruination could delay her from confronting her own. It was a shallow hope at best as she felt her hips lifted, felt the pressure of what surely had to be Rayne’s cock pressing upon her anus.

“Wicked-assed fuckers,” she gasped as her alpha guided Rayne’s cock slowly inside her.

Her beta’s shaft was so slick with precum that it was mere moments before Freya felt the pressure of invasion and then reeled through the acceptance of every heated inch. Paralyzed by fullness, she could only look up to the stars and revel in her beta’s heartbeat resounding through the pulse of his cock.

Rayne’s hand stilled on Ezra’s shaft as he too went rigid beneath her, panting heavily. He was waiting for her to acclimate, she knew, but as Fenris resumed his feast between her vaginal lips, it didn’t take long before she began to writhe upon his cock.

Rayne hissed as he flexed upward with the first tentative thrust. Slowly, he moved along with her, driving up every time that she drove down. But it was truly Fenris who set the pace with each flicker of his tongue and the hard suction of his lips upon her sex.

Freya quickened her movements because Fenris left her no choice. He had splayed her lips wide and was thrusting his tongue within her, all the while teasing her clit with his thumb. The very idea of trying to brace herself was absurd, and with Rayne increasing his pace and moving like the pistons of an engine, Freya gave in.

Their conjoined efforts became too much for her to bear, and she came, racked by the intensity of nerves that simply couldn’t take the strain of such ecstasy any longer. Her back bowed as she arched and then came down, fully engulfing Rayne’s cock.

He gave several short, snapping thrusts before flooding her body with his cum, sending her over the edge with a final slam. As if she hadn’t already been on fire.

Heart hammering, Freya rode each wave of her orgasm as it struck, savoring every shudder until they ebbed. Fenris loomed over her, stroking her sides gently from her underarms to her hips, calming her through her storm. In his eyes, she saw reflected the fury of his need; however, rather than lessening, Fenris’s was growing in intensity.

Freya was captivated as Fenris withdrew his hands and Rayne took over. Fenris crooked a thick, clawed digit at Ezra, his eyes locked on to Freya’s. “Come, omega. Kiss my tired beauties. I want to have a little talk with my son.”

Wondering what he meant, Freya didn’t have to wait long before Fenris bowed his head and placed his lips upon the swell of her belly. Capturing her lips before she could voice a warning, Ezra did as commanded, peppering the corners and swells of her mouth with submissive pecks.

Rayne’s fingers surely had to resume their firm stroking as Ezra whimpered over her. Little delicacies, such as Ezra’s nervous flickering of his tongue, Rayne’s renewed pulse deep within her body, his fingers creeping up to the coveted peaks of her nipples, were far too distracting for her to deal with as Fenris murmured over her navel.

“Your daddies are here, little one. Never far away. Yes, I am right here.”

Sure enough, her unborn child shifted as if he comprehended every word. Freya felt the little one move beneath Fenris’s face.

“You missed us a bit, eh?
Aldrei hafa áhyggjur, litli úlfur
,” he crooned hoarsely. “Not to worry. You and your mother are under my guard.”

Freya felt her cub’s tiny fist pushing at uterine walls as if the little one were stating his approval to his father, and reeled at the absurdity. There she was trapped between Rayne and Fen once more, sweaty and sensitive as nitroglycerin at sunrise, and her cub wasn’t fazed in the slightest. As soon as Ezra slipped down to kiss Rayne, Freya scowled at the swell of her belly. “Really, Bun? Taking their side already?”

Fenris chuckled, even after Freya slapped his rough, bristled cheek.

He returned the slap to the side of her ass before rising up and scooting closer into the cradle of her thighs. “He’s on your side, and so am I,” Fenris growled as he fit the head of his enormous cock between the lips of her slick pussy. “You don’t think so because you’re feisty. I can fix that,” he added, pushing forward.

She might have had a retort, some scathing string of curse words that she had planned for his bravado, but her mind became a blank slate the second that Fenris breached her.

No two ways about it, Fenris was the only male who could silence her, dominate her, and fuck all, send her into a state that didn’t mind cowering. Her body sang as it welcomed her Luna mate. He may have inspired fear within others, but trapped inside her walls, he was a slave.

Even if only for a few seconds.

Fenris slid down within the vise of Freya’s body and gripped her thighs in arms made massive by his semitransformation. Fangs, both upper and lower, had descended as he savored his seat for one long moment. He leaned forward until his furred abdomen lightly touched hers and then drew his hips back slightly before he thrust in anew.

Again, overwhelmed and lost, Freya faded beneath the care and yet the power of her mates. Rayne had already swelled to renewed hardness within her, and working together with Fenris, they plied her flesh into a quivering plaything. The warrior in her was wrought with questioning apprehensions.

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