A Hero’s Welcome (3 page)

Read A Hero’s Welcome Online

Authors: Lauren Agony,Jan Springer

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: A Hero’s Welcome
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“If he’
s well enough to be fucked, he

s well enough to leave.”

whirled away from Annie and headed toward him. Something evil gleamed in
gray eyes and he didn’t much care for that satisfied smirk marring her face either.


, you can’
t take him. He

s still not healthy enough.”

be fine.”

Dread sliced through Joe when he spotted the glistening needle full of blue fluid in

s hand.

Oh man. Don’t do this, lady.

“Now hold on,
.” Annie pulled on the woman’
s arm, practically dragging her away from him.


s face twisted into an evil mask and Joe literally saw Annie tremble and shrink away from
in fear.

Okay, so his only ally was literally dissolving right before him. This was not a good thing.

He was screwed. Quite literally.

A wiggle of panic cut through his thoughts and Joe once again pushed his bare legs and arms against his restraints. Suddenly the restraint holding his left wrist loosened. Not enough to set him free, but just enough so he could wiggle the metal belt buckle beneath his wrist and use the sharp edge of it to do some fast scratching into the wood
where his wrist was latched.

“My crew is right outside, Annie. You give me trouble, I’

“He’s my patient. You can’t come in here and take him!”

“I can see he’
s co-operating quite nicely. Maybe you should have drawn the drapes and closed the windows before you climbed on him and started moaning like a bitch in heat.”

“I was trying to get him to trust me.”

Joe finished what he was doing with the belt buckle and frowned. If Annie was telling the truth, then he

d just been had.

A noise from close by made him lift his head just in time to feel the sharp needle prick into his upper arm.

The effects were immediate. Dizziness swept over him like a tidal wave. A split second later the lights went out.



Chapter Three



s guts twisted into a painful knot as she watched two of

s male slaves lift the unconscious Green Eyes from his bed and drag him out the door.

“Where are you taking him?”

s all in the requisition on the table,”
said as she brushed past Annie.

“He could still have a relapse,
. I’
be putting him on your record if something happens to him.”

Annie held her breath as
stopped short and whirled around. Anger and hurt flared in her eyes.

“I can’
t believe you pulled rank on me out there. I thought we were friends? I trusted you.”

re still friends.”

“I don’
t think so, Annie. You let a slave, a useless male, come between us. I never figured you

d do something so hideous.”

Annie shrugged. Neither did she. She

d never been a fighter. Always a follower.

And then Green Eyes had shown up and everything had changed.

Watching him fight so valiantly against the women who’d wanted to castrate him had impressed her, had made something unexplainable flutter to life inside her heart. It had encouraged her to stand up to
. To stop him from being hurt.

Now that she

d fucked him, she knew she didn’t want to lose him. He was the perfect sex toy.

The powerful upward thrusts of his hips had rammed his massive penis so deep inside her
, creating such violent waves of pleasure it had been literally breathtaking. A fantastic experience unlike anything she’d ever had before.

And she wanted more.

Hot tears burned at the back of her eyes prompting Annie to stroll over to the microscope on the counter. She peered into it, pretending to not care in the least that
had taken Green Eyes. She was determined

t see her cry.

Being so foolish as weeping over a male would only make her the laughing stock of the whole hub. And that

s the last thing she wanted.

From behind her
inhaled a deep breath.

s not a pet,”
continued. “He

s a male. They

re dangerous. They need to be restrained and watched at all times.”

Footsteps crossed the floor away from Annie and then stopped.
s a good thing I came along before you forgot those facts, Annie. I
go.” The sound of the door slamming behind her made the hot tears in her eyes spill over.

With trembling hands she picked up the requisition
had left on the table.

Her mouth dropped open in shock. Of all the things she

d expected that
had taken him away for, it certainly

t this.

Annie blinked away the tears and prayed she was seeing wrong. The blurred words rolled into focus.

She bit her bottom lip in frustration as she read the words again.

Women’s Prison Sperm Bank.


d taken Green Eyes to the Sperm Bank! He

t survive in that horrid place. He was still too weak. Surely

t hurt him by bringing him there. She

t be so cruel.

Actually, she could. She was a bitch.
would hurt Green Eyes. Already had by shooting him. By having her women try to castrate him… Annie’s stomach took a frantic plunge as she thought of something else. What if something went wrong in the Women’s Prison Sperm Bank? What if one of those machines they hooked him up to went haywire? It was rare, but it happened.

She’d tended to some of those mutilated males. A malfunctioning machine ruined his ability to perform sexually. If that happened to Green Eyes he

d be reduced to working as a common laborer in the fields and he’d be put down the instant he

t work. Women had no patience for useless slaves. They were dealt with swiftly. Never coddled. But she

d coddled Green Eyes.

A fresh bubble of tears streamed down her face. In anger, Annie crunched the requisition in her trembling hand and threw it on the table.


t go against the hub. The order had come from the Queen herself. No one asked the Queen for a favor, not unless one was prepared to do some serious ass kissing.


God! What was the matter with her? She

t care one way or the other what happened to Green Eyes.

Caring for a male was forbidden. Fucking a male who

t belong to you was a virtual death sentence. Although
had given verbal permission, she still could have lied and accused her of seducing her slave without her permission.

Annie had gotten off lucky with
. Very lucky.

Annie squared her shoulders and wiped away the hot tears. It had been pleasant having Green Eyes to play with, but fun time was over. She had work to do. Other patients to attend to.

She strode over to the bed Green Eyes had lain in and began to strip off the sheet. To her surprise the material still felt warm.

She pressed it to her face and inhaled. It smelled of Green Eyes. Of his wonderful masculine scent. A hint of the soap she

d used to bathe him. And the seductive scent of their lovemaking.

She clutched the linen tighter to her face.

Oh Green Eyes, I

m so sorry I failed you. So sorry.

A fresh wave of tears formed and reluctantly she drew the sheet away from her face. From the corner of her eye she noticed something scratched into the wooden side of the bed.


t been there before. She was sure of it. She

d spent so much time over the past few hours sitting right beside Green Eyes, nursing him and then fucking him. Certainly she would have noticed the message.

Annie leaned closer and blinked in confusion at the word etched into the wood.


Shock zipped through Annie making her legs watery. She sank onto the bed.

SOS—the universal signal for help.

Could this be possible? Was this a message from Green Eyes? Could he actually communicate?

A wave of dizziness swept over her and she leaned over to breathe deeply of the fresh air flowing in through the open window.

The same window that had exposed her as she

d moaned while making love to Green Eyes. Annie looked down and saw the spatter of tiny wood shavings on the edge of the floor. Then she examined the buckle on the restraint that had held down Green Eyes

left wrist. The same restraint she’d tried to loosen only minutes earlier.

A small flake of wood was stuck on the edge of the belt buckle.

It had been Green Eyes!

The shock of this new discovery sent Annie crashing butt first onto the mattress. A horrible uneasiness slithered through her gut as she realized something.

The bullet wound in his neck!

It must have prevented him from speaking. But when it healed, he

d start talking. And the women of the hub would kill him.

Any males showing signs of intelligence were swiftly put to death. It was the law incorporated by all hubs on the planet. A law that had existed since the creation of the Inner Limits.

And since the male belonged to
, she would be responsible for killing Green Eyes. And she

d do it personally because
always used any excuse to kill a male.

s favorite saying was “The only good male is a dead male.”



Chapter Four



s teeth slammed together as another wild current ripped through his penis. Damn! This was the biggest jolt of them all. And it was making him quake with desire.


d awoken to find himself handcuffed by the wrists and ankles to a cozy bed. IV

s were sticking into his arms and a large suction cup was strapped over his balls and rod. Inside the cup, something that felt eerily similar to fingers was kneading his balls and stroking his penis.

To his shock, his body responded madly to the violent ministrations of the machine. He

d been shooting loads left, right, and center since he’d arrived.

The kneading on his balls intensified and he jerked again. His penis hardened. Swelled. Ached.

The kneading stopped and he exhaled a sharp breath as he tried to relax.

He had no idea how long he

d been lying here. Could be two, maybe three days. However long it was, he hoped to hell Annie had found the message he

d scratched onto the bed frame. Hoped she could conjure up some way of getting him out of this madhouse.

He winced as angry screams ripped through the tiny cubicle he

d been housed in. The guards were bringing in another naked woman.

This woman was prettier than the last few. Prettier, younger, and in great shape. Just looking at her curvy buttocks, wide hips, narrow waist and shaved pussy got his heart racing and his shaft tightening painfully.

The thought had already occurred to him they

d probably shoved sex drugs into his IV. Every time he saw a new woman enter the room, he felt his rod stiffen tighter than it had ever done on its own.

The way this chick was fighting the techs gave him the impression she sure as hell

t want to be here. Well, join the club, honey.

Despite her struggling they tossed her onto the other bed with ease.

“Easy does it, Virgin, I thought you were an old pro at this.” The guard chuckled as the technician quickly clamped the cuffs over her wrists and shoved her butt up onto a padded ramp. Thrusting her legs into the air, they spread-eagled her and placed her feet into stirrups, cuffing her ankles securely into place.

A moment later one of the technicians screwed a giant dildo onto a metal rod that extended from the refrigerator sized machine. Then she smeared it with some yellow ointment and slid the giant dildo carefully into the blonde


When the woman moaned, the technician stopped and grinned down at her.

“Looks like you

re going to get another wonderful baby male put into your oven. Hopefully the wee one will get as big a rod as his daddy’s. Don

t worry though, your baby will get put to good use when he

s old enough to start servicing, just like your other one.”

“I don’
t want another male child!” she gasped.

The female technician chuckled. “
Enjoy the fucking machine while you can, Virgin. After this bun’s in the oven it’ll be a long haul before the next session and the one after that—unless you agree to service me or the rest of the guards?”

“Go fuck yourself!” The woman spat at the technician.

“Easy now, Virgin. Or that machine just might develop a mind of it
s own. You

t want that to happen, would you?”

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