A Hint of Seduction (34 page)

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Authors: Amelia Grey

Tags: #Regency, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Historical, #London (England), #Romance - Regency, #Romance - Historical, #Fiction, #Romance, #Romance: Historical, #Historical Fiction, #Fiction - Romance, #Love Stories

BOOK: A Hint of Seduction
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“This is a very important matter and I really need to talk to you now.”

She took a deep breath. “Very well, excuse me, ladies.”

He lightly touched the small of her back as they walked away, and he felt her cringe from his touch.

“I can’t believe you have the nerve to even speak to me,” she said.

“When I said I had something important to discuss with you, I meant it. This way,” he said, pointing her toward the front door.

She looked at him. “Where are we going?”

“To get your cloak.”

Her eyes questioned him as much as her one word, “Why?”

“Catherine, you told me a few days ago that you trusted me. Is that still true?”

He didn’t like the way she searched his face, looking deeply into his eyes. He saw doubt in her expression that hadn’t been there before. For his plan to work she had to trust him completely.

She glanced away. “I don’t want to, but I do.”

He didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he let it out on a troubled sigh. He knew he loved her with all his heart, and he had made the right decision.

“We’re going to get your cloak, and then we’re going to walk out the front door together and get into my carriage.”

“What? We can’t do that. Someone will surely see us. John, I was perfectly happy to slip out the back garden to meet you in secret, but there are at least two hundred people here tonight. I can’t just walk out the door with you. That would be madness.”

They stopped by the servant at the front door, and John asked him to bring her wrap.

“I know, but you said you trusted me. If you do, you’ll walk out with me.”

“If you want me to escape with you, why are we waiting for my wrap? Someone will see us leave.”

“That’s the point, Catherine. I want someone to see us.”

Her blue eyes sparkled with surprise. “I can’t believe this. Why would you want someone to see us?”

“Because I want everyone to know that I’ve kidnapped you from this party.”

“Kidnapped me? John, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

John reached for her cape and said, “We have to leave now. I see Mrs. Goosetree heading toward us. Do not hesitate no matter if anyone tries to stop us.”

He took hold of her arm, and they ran out the door, down the steps, and toward John’s fancy carriage. The footman held the door open while John helped Catherine inside. He then jumped in behind her and slammed the door shut as the carriage took off.

John heard Mrs. Goosetree calling Catherine’s name.

They both looked out the small back window and saw Victoria and several other people standing in the street watching them speed away.

Catherine looked at John in horror. “Did we just do what I think we did?”

He smiled and placed her wrap around her shoulders. “Yes, we did.”

“Are you mad? Have you gone insane?”

“Yes, I’m insanely jealous of you, and I don’t want to risk losing you in a horse race. And yes, I’m mad, Catherine. I’m madly in love with you.”

Yellow light from outside the carriage shone on her beautiful blue eyes that rounded in disbelief. “Don’t tease me, John.”

“I’m not. I love you, Catherine.”

She shook her head. “No. You love all ladies. We are all the same to you.”

“That used to be true until I met you. But you made me realize that I don’t love all women. I have great respect for them. Beauty and age have never mattered to me. Every woman has a special quality, but you are the only lady I have ever loved.”

Her eyes softened. “How can I believe you? You were willing to risk losing me in a horse race.”

“No, from the moment I allowed myself to be goaded into that wager by Westerland, I’ve been trying to figure a way to get out of it.”

“How can you? You will lose your honor if you don’t race him.”

He picked up her gloved hand and held it in his. “My honor is very important to me, but you are more important. I couldn’t risk losing you, so I decided to kidnap you. Everyone will think we are heading to Gretna Green, and
in truth we should be, but I have something else planned. Westerland will be angry as a wild boar that I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands this way, but he’ll get over it. Besides, I’ve sent him a consolation prize.”


“The General is being delivered to his stables as we speak.”

Her heart hammered and then fluttered. “That can’t be true. You wouldn’t give him your horse.”

He nodded. “I have. I want you, Catherine. Nothing has ever been more important to me than you are.”

“Do you think the Marquis will consider the matter settled?”

“He’ll have no choice.” The carriage stopped. “Come on. We’re here.”

John got out and helped Catherine descend the small step.

She looked around and then said, “We’re in front of your empty building.”

“Yes. Come inside and I’ll show you.”

John told the driver to wait for them, and then he knocked on the door and it opened. The caretaker walked out and John and Catherine stepped inside.

Catherine couldn’t believe her eyes.

“I told you the room could be used for anything,” he said.

She was stunned at the transformation in the room. The walls of the building had been draped in a blue velvet fabric. In the center of the room a large Persian rug lay on the dirt floor. A bed made with gleaming white sheets and pillows stood in the middle of the rug. Nightstands had been placed on each side of the bed, and they held beautiful silver candlesticks with flickering candles bathing the room in a golden light.

“I can’t believe you did all this,” she said, knowing that the whole evening had been unbelievable. She had actually run away with John. Victoria was probably out looking for her at this very moment.

His eyes locked on hers. His hand tightened on her waist. “I’d move heaven and earth for you, Catherine.”

At that moment Catherine felt as if he’d touched the center of her soul, and she knew she’d done the right thing in trusting him and loving him.

She looked up at him with all the love she was feeling and said, “Show me what you have planned for us.”

He walked her farther inside, closer to the bed. A side table held a bottle of wine and two glasses. He poured a little of the deep red wine into the glasses and handed one to Catherine.

“You have seduced me from the moment I first saw you. I thought it was time for me to seduce you.”

“Do you not know that I have been.”

“I’ve been hoping that all day.”

He touched his glass to hers, and then they sipped from their glasses before he put them back on the table.

“You turned my world upside down, and now it’s up to you to turn it right again.”

“How can I do that?” she asked.

He picked up a black velvet box and took out a three-string pearl necklace. It glowed in the candlelight.

“May I?” he asked.

She nodded, still unable to believe that her dream of being with John was coming true.

He took off the sapphire necklace and fastened the pearls around her neck, letting his warm fingers lightly caress her before he bent down and kissed her nape. Shivers of desire filled her, and she turned into the embrace of his warm arms.

“I’ve always known the color of your skin was made for pearls,” he whispered and pulled her up close to his chest. “Catherine, I’ve always known I’d give pearls to the lady I loved. I applied for a special marriage license today. Tell me you love me and that you’ll marry me as soon as it can be arranged.”

Catherine’s heart swelled so big in her chest she thought it might burst. “Yes, oh, yes! John, I fell in love with you even though I tried very hard not to. Of course I’ll marry you. I’ve been wondering how I could live without you.”

“So do I have your permission to presume on our wedding night?”

His words and his expressions were so seductive the power of her womanly feelings flooded her. She put her arms around his neck and pressed her body close to his.

“Permission granted, my lord,” she whispered as their lips pressed softly together in a long lingering kiss that was meant to relax and satisfy.

Their mouths mated, their tongues played, and their teeth nibbled as they enjoyed the freedom of being totally alone. As his lips moved back and forth across hers, she slid her arms under his coat and surrounded his body so she could draw from his strength.

Catherine had never felt so wonderful in her life. She’d never been so happy. The mystery of her father had been solved and John loved her and wanted to marry her.

Their kiss deepened as his hands gently pulled the pins and flowers from her hair and let them fall on the rug. As the length of her hair fell to her shoulders she felt his hands letting it sift through his fingers.

“Tell me you have no doubts, no regrets.”

“None. I want to be yours, John. Take me and make me yours.”

Her tongue darted farther into his mouth and their kiss escalated. His hands slid down to her breasts. He palmed them, fondled them beneath the silky fabric of her dress. She sighed softly as she enjoyed the pleasure his hands created inside her. Catherine didn’t like the barrier of the clothing. She wanted to feel his hands upon her skin without her gown between them.

She turned her back to him. He moved her hair to one shoulder and kissed her nape as he unfastened the back of her dress. His lips were smooth and moist. Her whole body tingled as her gown slipped from her shoulders and fell to the rug.

Catherine stepped out of her dress and turned in his arms. She reached up and pulled on his neckcloth and untied the bow. His hands came up to help her unwind it and remove his collar. He then shrugged out of his coat, his waistcoat, and finally his shirt.

Catherine ran her hands over the fullness of his broad, naked chest. His skin was warm, smooth, firm.

“I like the way you look and the way you feel,” she whispered.

He smiled at her and her heart melted. “I love the way you look and I love the way you feel.”

He backed her against the bed, and she sat down on it. He took his time and removed her gloves, shoes, and stockings, lovingly touching her inner and outer thighs before removing her shift and drawers.

John shed his boots and trousers while Catherine watched him. In the pale light she looked at his desire for her showing in the full thickness of his manhood.

He laid her back on the bed and looked at her while his hands softly caressed her skin. She wondered if she should feel uncomfortable lying naked before John, but she
wasn’t. How could she feel inhibited with the man she loved, the man she was going to marry? She couldn’t. It would be impossible.

John bent his head and kissed her stomach, burying his face in the hollow of her abdomen. His hand planed down her hip and her thigh to find that point between her legs that he sought, but he didn’t linger there.

“Your breasts are so beautiful,” he said

Catherine felt her nipples harden and pucker at his words.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He pulled the pearls down on her chest so that they lay in the valley of her breasts. He looked down at her and whispered, “I love you, Catherine.”

Her chest felt heavy with admiration. “I love you, John.”

He bent down and covered one rosy tip with his mouth and sucked while his hands slowly sculpted her breasts. The muscles in her abdomen contracted and quivered convulsively beneath the flaming heat of his touch. Desire hot and wild shot through Catherine, and she arched her chest.

He straddled her but held his weight off her by supporting himself with his knees. Her arms moved around his back to cup him to her.

“I need you so desperately, Catherine,” he whispered into the warmth of her neck. “I thought I had lost you when I realized how stupid I’d been to accept Westerland’s challenge.”

“Don’t think about that anymore. You have made me the happiest lady in London. Now make me yours.”

He covered her lips with his, his chest against her breasts. His shaft lay snugly against her womanhood.

John slipped his hand between them and found the sweetness of her desire and slowly massaged it. He moved
the tips of his fingers tantalizingly slowly against her. Within seconds she felt her hips lift and move with the motion of his hand. She couldn’t keep her hips still when he touched her that way.

Waves of pleasure flooded through her as she felt strength in his hands, hunger in his kisses. His manhood lay nestled against her thigh and she felt his throbbing desire for her, and that touched her heart with more love for him.

“That feels so wonderful. Just like before.”

“Enjoy it, Catherine, enjoy it,” he whispered and she did until she knew she was going to explode. Suddenly she felt a hard pushing pressure she didn’t understand. For a moment she was stunned and stopped moving, but his fingers never stopped.

“Move with me, Catherine, move with me.”

The pleasure took over once again. Catherine forgot the pain and accepted the full thickness of his body inside her and realized she was once again moving with him. She heard his satisfying moans of bliss as he pumped and moved inside her.

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