A Hood Fairytale: Ayce & Ava (4 page)

Read A Hood Fairytale: Ayce & Ava Online

Authors: Rain

Tags: #Fiction, #Urban, #Women, #Romance

BOOK: A Hood Fairytale: Ayce & Ava
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Chapter 8



As soon as I entered my house I could tell that something was off. Walking into my living room, I see a shadow run past me and I let off three shots. The body hit the floor with a thud. Turning on the lights, I went over to see who the fuck broke into my house. Looking down at the body I saw that it was Blake, one of Rino's men, but how the fuck did he even know where I lay my head?

I pulled out my phone and called Fahim so he and his crew could come clean up the body.

“Mi haven’t seen yuh in ah while lady. Mi miss yuh.”

“Fahim, not right now please. Just do what you get paid to do,” I said disconnecting the call.

Hearing a noise behind me, I turned and pointed my gun in the direction it came from.

“It's me Ava,” Ayce said putting his hands up in the air.

“Shit Ayce, I forgot you were here.”

“Damn, I see you a gangsta, taking niggas out and shit,” he said walking over to me.

“A girl got to make sure she has protection,” I said, headed upstairs to make sure there was nobody else in my house.

Upstairs seemed to be intact, so I went into my room to find some other clothes to slip into.

“That was one of Rino's men, why he in yo’ spot?”

“Good question, but I don't have an answer. How you know Rino?”

“Who don't know Rino and his pack of dogs? They always bringing attention to themselves starting shit.”

I looked at Ayce standing in my doorway talking and got horny all over again, but we had to leave before Fahim and his crew got here.

“Is it possible we can stay at your house, I don't want to stay here tonight.”

“Yeah that's cool. My sister is still at Justice’s house, so we have the whole house to ourselves. After I get settled in my new gig, I'm going to sell my mother’s house and move us somewhere out the way.”

I could see he was still mourning his mother’s death and probably would be for a while, and I just wanted to be the one to console him.

“Just let me get some things together, then we can leave.”

Walking down the stairs my front door opened and in walked Fahim.

“Who the fuck are you?” I heard Ayce ask before I could say anything. This was the very thing I was trying to avoid.

“Ayce it’s cool, he's here to take care of this,” I said pointing at Blake.

“Mi fi be asking yuh de siem ting. Yuh ramping fi mi lady? Ava, yuh ramp wid dis batty bwoy?”

“Listen here nigga, you need not be concerned about what we doing,” Ayce said as we walked past Fahim.

“Yuh should neva tun yuh bak pon mi. Yuh could wind up wid ah bullet inna ass.” Fahim stood looking at Ayce with the look of death in his eyes and I didn't see this ending too well.

“Nigga, quit having a sucka attack and do what the fuck you supposed to be doing.” Ayce was now in Fahim's face.

Fahim reached for his gun at the same time Ayce did.

“Mi could just pull de trigga.”

“Well why you still taking?” Ayce said clinching his jaw.

“Ayce,” I said standing between him and Fahim, “Let’s go.”

“Nuh ramp wid mi boom dogg. Mi will ramp yuh up too. Yuh belong to mi.”

“See, that's the problem Fahim. I don't belong to anyone.”

“Dis nah ova boom dogg. Mi see yuh soon,” Fahim said with a smirk on his face.

With that said, Ayce and I left the house and got into my car. The whole drive to Ayce's house was silent. I was deep in thought about that whole situation. My daddy would flip if he finds out I was fucking Fahim. I should have never mixed business with pleasure. If the nigga don't back off I'm going to have to take the nigga out. He may think he’s crazy, but I promise I can be crazier. This will definitely be a lesson learned. I also needed to find out why the hell Blake was in my damn house.

“You good?” Ayce asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah I'm good.”

We pulled up to his house and got out the car. I followed him into the house and down to his basement apartment. 

I sat on his couch and turned on the TV, while he went into the bathroom. As soon as I heard him turn the shower on, I undressed and went into the bathroom.

“Mind if I join you?”

He looked at me and smiled, making room for me in the shower.  Standing behind me, he rubbed my already hard nipples while he kissed my neck. Turning to face him, I kissed him while stroking his already hard dick. Taking my nipple into his mouth I bit down on my bottom lip. Picking me up, I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he pushed his dick deep inside my waiting pussy.

“Mmmmmmmm, your dick feels so damn good.”

“So does this pussy,” he said gripping my ass checks. Digging my fingers into his back, I met him stroke for stroke until I came all over his dick.

Sucking his lip into my mouth, he slowly placed me down.  Letting the now cold water run over my body, I took him into my mouth again. Seeing that he was already on the brink of cumming, it didn't take long for him to release his kids down the back of my throat.

Getting out of the shower, we dried off and went to lie in the bed. We talked for hours about everything, including the past and a possible future. It was intense for me, because I could be me around him without all the roughness. The sun was starting to come up when I laid with my back facing him, and he draped his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. Two minutes later he was snoring. I laid there in awe, hoping this could be a new beginning for us.

When I woke up the next morning, Ayce was already gone. I laid in the bed in my thoughts for a moment. I was conflicted between what my heart wanted and what my mind wanted. My mind told me to leave Ayce in the past and move on with my life because I was no good for him, but my heart wanted him and I truly loved him.

I finally got out of the bed, got dressed and left the house. I had decided if Ayce would have me, I will be his.


Chapter 9



I had to get up early to meet up with Ric. I sat and looked at Ava while she snored lightly. I could really get used to waking up to her every morning. There was over 50k in the envelope Duce gave me and after handling some business with Ric I was going to splurge on myself, starting with a car I have had my eyes on for a while.  After I called Kalie to make sure she was up and ready for school, I got dressed and left.

“What's up new blood?” Ric teased.

“Shiddd, I may be new to this game, but I ain't new to these streets.”

“I hear you bruh. This job is probably the easiest job you will ever have.  All you have to do is pick up the money and take it to the casino. The crew at the casino will know what to do from there.”

“Shit, that’s it?”

“That's it, but watch yo’ back though because niggas will try to rob you. Never do your pickups at the same time two days in a row because believe, me niggas is watching.”

“For a minute, I thought Duce was going to put me on your squad and have me distributing product.”

“He has his reasons for giving you the position he did.”

We rode around the hood and Ric showed me where all the trap houses were. There were eight in total. Ric introduced me to the squad at every house, letting them know that I would be picking up money on a daily basis.

Walking into the last house, I see the same nigga I saw at the casino. This nigga, Slick wanted to try me and I had to let the nigga know that shit ain't sweet.

“Who is this square ass nigga Ric?” Slick asked looking me up and down with his face frowned up.

“All you need to worry about is having the money ready before I get here,” I said frowning.

“I was talking to Ric.”

“Do it look like I care who you talking to?” I said walking towards him. “Your fucking mouth is going to get you in trouble, so I suggest you shut the fuck up and do what you supposed to be doing.”

“Nigga, I don't have to do shit.”

I was tired of going back and forth with this nigga, so I punched him in his mouth. The only way some niggas will learn is if you show them.

Blood was leaking out of his mouth and the look he gave me told me he was ready to throw down.

“What the fuck Slick, what is your problem? We all on the same damn team. You know Duce ain't havin’ this shit so you need to chill the fuck out or get the fuck out,” Ric said. “Go clean yourself up and get back to work.”

Slick turned and walked away, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. I don't know what his problem was, but next time he started talking shit I was for sure going to put a bullet between his eyes.

“Where to now?” I asked Ric getting into his truck.

“I got a little more business to handle at my club, then I was thinking about stepping out tonight.”

“You got a club too? So you been holding out on a nigga, huh?”

“It's just a small strip club over on Prospect.”

“Ah shit, I know you got some phat ass strippers up in there.”

“Nope, it's a male strip club and before you look at me funny, money is money and I don't have to watch them strip to collect my money. Fat bitches with low self-esteem keep my stash growing. One of the niggas, Black, gone MIA or something… ain't seen him in a couple of days and it ain't like him to miss no money, so I need to see what's up with him.”

“I hear you, gone and handle your business, but I ain't trying to step into an all-male strip club so you can drop me back off at the house.”

“I saw you left with Ava last night.”

“Yeah, was thinking about giving us another chance.”

“That's all good and shit, but watch yo’ back with her. She’s not the same chick you dated in high school. It’s cool if y'all just fucking, but she ain't the settling down type and she has been known for taking a nigga out for crossing her.”

“Let me guess, you smashed too.”

“It's been a minute ago now, but yeah, I did.”

I sat in silence the rest of the ride just thinking. No reason for me to be upset because she don't belong to me, as of yet.

“Thanks for looking out for a nigga,” I said getting out the truck.

Arriving at my house, I noticed was Ava's car was gone so I decided to shoot her a text. Even though Ric just ran her down to me, it was just something about her that I wanted to keep close to me.


Me: “Good afternoon sexy, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you.”

Ava: “Good afternoon to you to. Awe are you, I'm thinking about you too.”

Me: “What you getting into later?”

Ava: “Don't know. What do you have in mind?”

Me: “Whatever you want to do as long as I'm with you.”

Ava: “What you trying to start boy? Call me later ok.”

Me: “I will beautiful.”


The next person I reached out to was my nigga Hurrah. Hurrah bought old cars, fixed them up and sold them. He had been working on an all-black ‘71 Plymouth Cuda Phantasm for months and just finished it yesterday.

“What's good Hurrah, you still got that ‘71 Plymouth?”

“I do, come on through so I can show it to you.”

An hour later I was picking my sister up from school in my new car. It was her senior year and I know she was hurt that our mother wouldn't see her walk the stage next week, so I wanted to do something special for her. When she spotted me she came running over to the car cheesing.

“Oh my gosh, Ayce, I love it. I like that it’s different from what everybody else is driving right now,” she said walking around the car checking it out.

“I'm glad you like it, now come on so we can hit up the mall.”

She quickly got into the car and we made our way to Beachwood Mall.

After coming out the third store her mood completely changed.

“What's wrong with you?” I asked her.

“I really hope you not selling drugs, Jayce. Mama would not be happy.”

I looked at her for a moment before I answered.

“Look, you have nothing to worry about. You think I want to disappoint mama selling that shit? I just picked up a little work to make sure we’re good.”

“That's all fine and dandy, but you are all the family I have left and I can't lose you,” she said with tears in her eyes.

“I'm not going anywhere, Kalie,” I said giving her a hug. “I ain't doing this for the rest of my life, just until I finish school. Now let’s go finish shopping so I can eat because I am starving.”

Before we left the mall, I stopped by Pandora’s and picked out something nice for Ava.




It had been about a month, and even though my mother's house was still on the market, I was still able to buy a two-bedroom condo in Westlake for my sister, and a three-bedroom house for myself right around the corner from her. My sister was a high school graduate now. Although it was a bitter sweet moment for us, she was still excited about finishing school. Even though I told her she didn't have to, she got a job at a little clothing boutique in the mall. I'm still working on getting her a car. We have been to three car lots and she is being so indecisive. I keep telling her she is going to end up on the bus, but she knows I won't do that to her.  I think I'm just going to have to pick one out for her.

Ava and I ain't together, but we have been spending a lot of time together lately. I love being in her presence and the sex is some of the best sex I have ever had. I would be lying if I said I didn't think about how she fucked my nigga, well two of my niggas, but it was a long time ago. I am really feeling her, even though I could be setting myself up for failure.

We talk or text every day, but for some reason I couldn't contact her today and the shit was fucking with me. I know Ava could handle herself, but it just ain’t like her to not return my call.

To be June, it was still kind of cool outside, so I threw on my True Religion jeans, a white tee and my True Religion runner jacket with my Butters. In between choppin’ it with a few niggas, I got done making my rounds kinda fast. I just had to stop by Slick’s house. Pulling up to his house, I see a familiar car and wondered why it was there. When I first walked into the house, I didn't see anyone, but I heard faint moans coming from one of the rooms in the back. Walking towards the rooms, I know what I think is going on ain't. I push the door open and see Ava lying on the bed, holding Slick's head between her thighs. Both of them were so wrapped up in the moment they didn’t even notice I had entered the room.

“So this is what's really good?” I asked.

Ava opened her eyes and looked at me.

“What the fuck nigga, can't you see we busy? Get the fucking money and bounce,” Slick said.

Ava's eyes grew big as she struggled to get out of Slick's grip to pull her dress down.

“Ayce, baby wait, I can explain,” she said as I turned to walk away.

I looked at her like she had two heads because I couldn't believe that just came out of her mouth.

“Naw you good, go ahead and finish getting your shit off. I just came by to handle some business and saw that your car was here.”

With that being said, I went to get the money and left.


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