A Hood Fairytale: Ayce & Ava (9 page)

Read A Hood Fairytale: Ayce & Ava Online

Authors: Rain

Tags: #Fiction, #Urban, #Women, #Romance

BOOK: A Hood Fairytale: Ayce & Ava
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Chapter 21



I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe this was me.  I am eight months pregnant and big as a house, and while I'm thankful I don't spend most of my days over the toilet anymore, I can't wait to get this little boy out of me. Ayce and my daddy are happy to know that we are having a baby boy and I have to admit, I am too. I don't think the world is ready for another Ava. I have really turned into Susie Homemaker, cooking, cleaning and fucking on a regular basis. It was hard at first, especially when Ash finally caught up with Jasmine. I wanted to beat that bitch’s ass myself, but Ayce ain't having it.  Ayce kept such a tight leash on me it was impossible for me to even breathe half the time. I can't help but wonder what I'm missing out on, but for now I'm good.

Wobbling down the stairs, I stood in the kitchen and watched as Ayce prepared my second meal of the day, and my pussy throbbed just from looking at him. He is so good to me, better than what I deserve. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist as my stomach growled.

“How much longer baby, I am starving.”

“Damn, your greedy ass, I gotta buy the whole damn store. I'm goin’ to start calling you lil’ disposal because you just ate not too long ago,” he said laughing. “Junior is already 7 pounds, if you keep eating like this we going to have a 10-pound baby.”

This morning, Ayce made us a big breakfast: French toast eggs, bacon,  and sausage. And here I am an hour later, hungry again.

“Just hurry up please,” I said walking into the living room. Since I've been pregnant I have been at Ayce's place since his house is bigger, and have been contemplating selling my house. 

As soon as I sat down on the couch my cell rang. I looked at the number that flashed across my screen and didn't recognize it, but decided to answer it anyway.

“Hello,” I spoke into the phone.

“Long time no hear, what's up baby?” the voice on the other end said. I was in a trance. Just hearing this nigga voice did something to my body that it wasn't supposed to do. I started to have flash backs of the short time we were together then Junior moved and snapped my out of my thoughts.

“What… how did you get my number?”

“You know me, I have ways of getting what I want. So I hear you been busy lately, even expecting a little one. Can't lie and say I ain't mad you didn't wait on a nigga.”

“I see you've been keeping tabs on me, but what I don't understand is why, we were over before you got locked up. Shouldn't you be worrying about not dropping the soap?”

“Naw baby, ya man is out and just know I'm coming to claim what's mine.”

With that Maurice hung up the phone.

“Who was that?” Ayce asked placing my plate in front of me.

“Nobody important,” I said ready to eat my steak and fries.

Ayce stood and looked at me like he didn't trust what I was saying so I quickly changed the subject.

“When I get finished eating, we need to go grocery shopping because I am out of chocolate chip ice cream and my sliced apples. Plus it’s a couple other things I want to get.”

“Yeah, ok we can do that, but let me find out you trying to get into some shit Ava.”

“Ain't no shit for me to get into,” I said with a mouth full of food.

I ain't no dummy, I wasn't about to tell Ayce that Maurice called me. Everything in my life is right and I ain't about to fuck it up this time.


Chapter 22



Following Ava around was a waste of time. She led me to nothing at all and after weeks of hanging out losing money at the casino, I was starting to think Duce will never surface.

I spotted him one time at the casino, walking with another dude that I recognized from the photos to be Moose, and he looked like he was out for blood. I tried to keep up with him, but I lost him when Anonymous crossed my path.

“What's going on, why isn't Ava in jail yet?”

“Look, I'm working on something right now and you are interfering with police business,” I said trying to get around her, but it was too late, Duce was nowhere in sight.

“You know I risked a lot coming to talk to you for nothing to be done.”

“Oh believe me something is being done, but I have nothing on Ava. When I went to the address you gave me, there was no body there. The house was completely empty and there wasn't any sign of anybody being killed.”

“So that's it, the case is closed?”

“That's it,” I said walking away from her.

couple of days ago, Duce finally resurfaced while I sat outside of his home, and I hurriedly started my car and followed him. He pulled up to this small warehouse on the other side of his casino and I knew it had to be where he kept everything, but could it really be this easy. I called it in so I could get a warrant to search the place.

Today was the day I was going to raid that warehouse. I had my team all ready to go. It didn't take long to get the warrant because Duce has been linked to most of the drug activity in this area.

This was my moment and could either make me or break me, and I was ready. There were a couple of cars outside the warehouse, Duce's car being one of them, and all I could think of how much better this would be if I could actually catch him doing some dirt.

Slowly making our way up to the warehouse, we busted in the front door causing an echo through the warehouse.

It was almost like nobody was here, but I knew better than that.

We walked deeper into the warehouse and so far it was empty. Then out of nowhere all the lights in the warehouse came on, and we were surrounded by Duce and his men. My team had their weapons drawn and was ready to use them just in case the situation became hostile, but Duce or his men weren't armed.

“Officers,” he said coming toward us. “What can I do for you today?”

“We have a warrant to search this warehouse. It has come to our attention that you may be storing drugs and money here,” I said as I walked toward him giving him the warrant.

“Well, be my guest and search it, but let me know if you find any drugs and money.”

After hours of searching the warehouse, all we found were perishables and donated clothes and to say I was humiliated would be an understatement. I jumped too soon and turned up with nothing.

“Feel free to donate to our cause,” Duce said as we were leaving. “We are collecting cans of food and gently worn clothes to give to families that are less fortunate.”

I looked at him and chuckled as I stepped in his face.

“Mr. Cummings, you skated by this time, but I know it's more to you than what you’re portraying and I will take you down.”

“Oh, Detective Kojak is it, you won't be the first or last to say that, but look at me. I'm still standing aren't I?” Duce said as he walked away.


Chapter 23



It was only 11am and I had already had an interesting day, and little did I know it was about to get even more interesting. I sat at my desk at the casino and listened as Ric told me some fucked up shit about my own wife.

“I respect you coming to me with this, I know it wasn't easy. I made a mistake of telling Ava what I did for a living and I didn't want to make the same mistake twice, so I didn't share that information with Mia and didn't bring her around. Ava always said she didn't trust her and now I see why.”

“I'm all fucked up in the head. I usually don't let a bitch get this close to me because they can't be trusted. But it’s more to the story. She supposedly came after me, to get to you,” Ric said.

“To get to me?” I questioned.

“Yeah, she said you’re going down with or without my help. She got this whole plan to take over but she needs to know who our connect is before she takes you down. I tried asking her why she had it out for you so bad, but she wouldn't tell me.”

I just sat and laughed. It always amuses me that someone always wants what I have. Mia wouldn't be the first to plot against me and I am more than sure she won't be the last.

“So what you want to do boss?”

“Only thing there is to do. I’mma have to murk her ass before she can make good on whatever she has planned. Do me a favor. Call her up and tell her you are meeting with the connect tonight and you want to introduce her to him, and I will take care of the rest.”

“Alright, bet.”

I handed Ric an envelope with 50k in it for looking out, and we both left the casino; he went his way as I went mine. Arriving at home, I could see Mia's car in the driveway.

When I entered the house she was in the kitchen cooking. She didn't notice I was even in the house, so I stood there and just watched her. She was a sexy ass bitch, but every dog has their day.

“What you cooking?” I asked walking over to her. I know I could kill her right now if I wanted to, but I wanted to see the look on her face when she found out what I knew.

“Oh baby you scared me,” she said as she jumped. “I am cooking your favorite, fried smothered pork chops, greens, stuffing and cornbread.”

“What's the occasion?”

“Just wanted to do something special for you, that's all.”

“I see… if you want to do something special for me you can come put your mouth on my dick.”

“But the food will burn,” she said with a smirk on her face.

“Turn it on low and it should be ok,” I said undoing my pants as I sat on the couch.

She turned the stove down and came and assumed the position. Her mouth was so wet and warm on my dick. I put my hand on her head and shoved the rest of my dick down her throat. She gagged on it and it turned me on even more. In no time, my seeds were hitting the back of her throat.

“Take that shit off and put that ass in the air,” I said stroking my dick. This was the last time I would ever get to fuck her and I was about to murder her pussy.

I pushed my dick in hard and fast, and her pussy swallowed it up just like it always has. We hadn't fucked in a while and her pussy was extra wet today. I could tell she wanted it as much as much as I did, by the way she threw that ass at me and met me stroke for stroke.

“Yeah, take this dick.”

“Shitttttttttttttttttt Duce, fuck my pussy daddy.”

I was about to cum and I wasn't ready yet, so I sat on the couch and Mia straddled me. I entered her easily and looked into her eyes as she grinded on my dick.

“Ride this dick,” I said as I smacked her ass. That caused her to ride my dick harder. I tried to hold back as long as I could, but her pussy was so wet and I came all up in it.

Before I could even gather myself I heard a gun cock.

“You killed my father and took his spot, so it’s only right that I take back what belongs to my family.”

She pulled the trigger and my world turned black.


Chapter 24



To say that I was pissed was an understatement. Not only was Ayce treating me like I didn't exist, but Ava is pregnant. It's supposed to me living with him and getting ready to birth his child. I tried to get rid of her, but that shit fell through. Detective Kojak was too focused on Duce.

Today, Lynx called me and told me he knew someone that wants the same thing I want, so I'm sitting at this restaurant waiting for him. After waiting for an hour, I grew tired of waiting and was getting up to leave, when this nigga, Maurice walks in. I have to say, doing time in prison was good to him. He looks like that fine actor Henry Simmons, body all ripped and shit. If I wasn't so wrapped up in Ayce I would definitely jump all over this nigga.

“Sup Remy, how's life treating you?” he asked me but all I could do is look at him.

“Not too good lately, but Lynx tells me you can help me out.

“Yeah, I believe we can help each other out. I want Ava and you want Ayce.  All I need is a moment alone with Ava and Ayce will be yours.”

“Wait, how do you expect me to get you alone with Ava?”

“I know you have been following Ayce. My crew and I got some ends to tie up so all I need you to tell me is when Ava has that nigga’s baby.”

“That's it… but how will that get me Ayce?”

“You have to hatch that plan yourself, but Ava will be mine and I'm pretty sure Ayce will need somebody to help him raise his child.”

I sat and thought about what this nigga was saying. It sounded so easy, but I didn't know if I could raise a child that was supposed to be mine. Then again, it’s a baby and will only know me as its mother.

“I'm in,” I said smiling. I was finally going to get my man back and Ava will finally be a non-factor.


Chapter 25



My brother doubted me, but everything was coming together. Duce was dead and my brother was ready to claim what is ours. I really wanted to take Ava out too, but my brother was so in love with that bitch I couldn't touch her, but if she ever crosses us, I promise she is a dead bitch. When Ric called me the other day and told me that we were going to meet the connect, all I could do is smile. I knew that nigga would come through and I was glad he did, because I was in love with him. I was so excited I cooked Duce his favorite meal and fucked him real good before I put three bullets in his head. I didn't even bother to call a cleanup crew, just left him there for somebody to find him. With Ric on my side I didn't need him anymore, and I could finally avenge my father’s death. But when I arrived at the warehouse to meet with the connect, it was only Ric there. I was confused, he told me he was going to introduce me to the connect but the only two people in the warehouse was me and him. He fed me some bullshit story about the connect having to reschedule because some shit came up, but I didn't know if I believed him or not.

Today I invited him over to my new five-bedroom, three-bathroom house I bought, courtesy of Duce, far from the hood in Rocky River. I had some news to tell him that I was hoping he would be happy to hear.

The doorbell rang and I knew it was Ric. 

“Hey babe, come on in,” I said as I opened the door for him.

He looked good as hell as usual. He kinda reminded me of Derek Luke except he was taller than him.

“Hey lil bit, what's good?”

“Everything now that my plan is coming together. I hope you are hungry because I cooked, but first I need to tell you something so you can have a seat in the sitting room.”

“This house is huge girl, what you need with all this space?”

“That's kinda what I need to talk to you about. I am pregnant, four months, and before you ask I know it’s your because me and Duce hadn't fucked that whole month. Since Duce is dead now, I want to get everything out in the open. I didn't know if I could trust you at first, still don't know really, but I'm willing to take a chance on you. Duce killed my father a long time ago. I was just a kid then, but my brother and I promised to take that nigga out and take back what was taken from us. That's why the nigga had to die. I wanted to take Ava out too, but my brother wouldn't let me.”

He sat in silence for a while and it made me a little nervous.

“So Duce is dead… that night you came to the warehouse, is that the night you killed him?”

I just sat and nodded my head.

“That was like four days ago, why didn't you tell me then?”

“Because when I got to the warehouse and the connect wasn't there, I thought you were trying to set me up.”

“Who is your brother?”


He sat silent again and I couldn't read him.

“I thought you said you cooked,” he said finally and I was relieved.

“I did. You can go sit at the table and I will bring you your food. Also, my brother wants to meet up with you so you can tell him where everything is. Plus, we need to know when the connect is coming back through.”

“When does he want to meet?”

“I don't know, I will tell you when he tells me,” I said putting his plate in front of him.

“You a thug I see, but I like that. I never had a father growing up, so I plan on being a part of my seed’s life. When is the next appointment?”

“Next week. I’ll actually be getting an ultrasound so we can find out what the baby is.  I would love for you to move in with me too. If we are going to be a family I want to do it right.”

“Give me a couple days okay, and I'll be here to stay,” he said stuffing food into his mouth. I went to fix myself a plate and sat next to him. I could exhale now because my life was just now beginning.



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