A Life Less Ordinary (40 page)

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Authors: Victoria Bernadine

BOOK: A Life Less Ordinary
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silent accord they went outside, where they fidgeted before Manny finally said
with a grimace, “I wanted to say I’m sorry for – for -”

shook his head.  “You changed your mind.  That’s allowed.  You have no need to
apologize for that.”

smiled ruefully.  “I know, but I feel better now.”

shrugged.  “I was disappointed, but hey.  Shit happens.

hard feelings?” she asked.

course not.  And – uh – I know you saw me working those new girls.”  Brett
looked down, scratching at his ear, and he had the grace to look slightly
embarrassed.  “This is what I do,” he muttered, shrugging.  “I win some; I lose

shot you down, huh?” Manny said sympathetically.

brutally,” he sighed.

bit her lip then laughed.

at least were nice enough about it,” he told her.

shrugged.  “I try to be nice,” she agreed.

– no hard feelings?”

hard feelings.”

smiled, a genuine smile and not the smarmily fake one he’d previously plied her

me walk you to your van,” he offered.

smiled and nodded.  “I’d like that.”

ambled from the office to the parking lot in companionable silence interspersed
with the occasional comment about the weather, the scenery and the next stop
for Manny and Zeke.

glanced up and bit her lip when she saw Zeke leaning against the driver’s door
of the van, his arms crossed, sending them a fulminating glare from beneath
dark brows lowered over thunderous eyes.

know, that man glowers all the time,” Brett murmured to Manny, his blue eyes
wide and cautious.

surprised a laugh out of her.  “I’m used to it by now.”

me – is he any fun at all?”

actually – when he decides to just relax and enjoy himself.”

shook his head in wonder.  “Hard to believe, but if you say so.”  He looked at
Zeke again and slowed his steps.

know, on second thought, I should say good-bye to you here.”

frowned.  “Are you scared of him?” she asked with interest.

he did threaten to break both my legs if I came near you again.”

jaw dropped and she flushed.  “He did?” she squeaked.

nodded vigorously.  “I’m almost positive he was serious.”

glanced at Zeke from the corner of her eye.  “Judging from the way he’s glaring
at you right now, I’m thinking you might be right.”  She bit her lip and tried
to hide her amusement.  “Nice to know he looks out for his poor old Auntie Em,”
she muttered.

looked quizzically at her but she shook her head.

long story,” she said, “and we don’t have the time.”

nodded and they stared at each other for a long, suspended moment before Brett
slowly smiled at her.  It was, once again, a genuine smile, and Manny smiled

sorry to see you go,” he said, “and I sincerely mean that.”

you,” Manny said.  “I’ve enjoyed my time here.”

Brett’s grin turned devilish as he said, “You could have enjoyed it a lot

laughed and shook her head.  “I’ll just take your word for it.”

shrugged in rueful defeat, and opened his arms.  Manny hesitated, then stepped
forward and hugged him warmly.

murmured against his shoulder, “I did appreciate the pursuit.”  They moved
apart, as she added, “and that spaghetti sauce really was sinful.”

shrugged.  “I get it from an old Italian guy in town.”

gaped, then threw back her head and laughed, shaking her head.  “You are
a bastard,” she said.

laughed and nodded.  “This is what I do.”


grinned at each other then both looked over as Zeke called out an irritated,
“Okay, okay – break it up – we’ve got a long way to go today!”

and Manny exchanged ruefully amused looks.

care of yourself,” Manny said.


noticed that Brett stood in the parking lot and watched as they drove away. 
She thought it was a good thing he couldn’t see Zeke’s dark glare, his gritted
teeth, or the death grip he had on the steering wheel.

night, Zeke pounded furiously on his laptop’s keyboard as he wrote his latest
blog.  He scowled and swore softly as he sent it off to Leah.

* * * * *

Day 114

of a Certain Age should be smart enough not to fall for the smooth line of the
first Lothario who shows up
,” Leah read aloud. 

TJ’s eyebrows rose even higher than they’d already been raised as
she continued, “
God save us all from cougars who are still only kittens at
heart and in experience.  They’ll fall prey to any prowling wolf, wily coyote
or pouncing fox they stumble upon.  Even cougars need to be protected when
they’re still just clueless babes in the woods.

sat in thoughtful silence once Leah finished and carefully refolded the paper
in her hands.

may have been too hasty in dismissing his feelings,” he rasped slowly.

tapped the folded paper against her lips as she stared into space.

may be right,” she agreed.  She gave him a slow grin.  “I guess we’ll just have
to wait and see what happens next.”


Episode 10
Day 117


pissant little town in Florida,” Zeke sighed.  “Manny thought it looked pretty,
so we’re here for a few days.  Personally, I think it’s only because she can
probably meet the whole damn town in two days.”

laughed a raspy laugh that turned into a dry, wracking cough.

buddy – you okay?” Zeke asked when TJ came back on the line.

I’ll be fine.  I just can’t seem to shake the last of this cold.  And the more
I cough, the more I pull my incision, so I’m still really tender, too.”

does the nurse say?”

much, except to say it’s not that bad, and to get out of bed.”


Yeah, Leah’s beyond
pissed.  But she’s been so swamped at work – your blog, man, shows no sign of
slowing down! - she hasn’t had a chance to phone the agency and ask for a new
nurse, or a second opinion, or whatever.”

Do you want me to do

paused.  “Wow – Manny’s rubbing off on you.  That’s really nice, Zeke – but
really not necessary.  I like this nurse; she’s a bit brusque, but tough love
may be exactly what I need.  To a point, anyway.”

what does the doctor say?”

I haven’t seen him.”


– I have three weeks to go before my six week check-up.  That’s soon enough.”

growled in frustration.  TJ laughed, then coughed again.

okay, Zeke.  Really.  Go have fun in Florida.”

a tough life,” Zeke sighed dramatically.

off,” TJ said.  “Wait until I’m all healed up; I’ll take Leah on a long holiday
to a tropical island during the depths of winter, and leave you here, freezing
your ass off.”

new about that?” Zeke asked drily, and they both laughed as they ended the

* * * * *

Day 118

smiled at her hostess’ sixteen-year-old son as she walked into the dining
room.  He ducked his head and mumbled hello, hiding his face behind a shock of
stringy brown hair.  Manny mentally shrugged.

had been pretty shy with her and Zeke the last two days, and she suspected he’d
gladly hide in his room if his mother, Cora, didn’t insist on his presence. 
Manny thought he seemed like a typically awkward teenager, going through that
stage where they simply didn’t know how to act in certain situations.  The few
times she and Zeke or another guest had coaxed actual conversation out of him,
he’d been bright, well-spoken, and remarkably well-informed.  Of course, as
Cora noted drily, he was almost constantly online.

saw he was focused on his phone as she sat down at the table with her plate of
food.  She glanced up as Zeke walked in and greeted everyone.

coffee?” Zeke asked as he filled up his plate from the small buffet table.

nodded.  “Please.”

bustled in.  “I’ll do that, Zeke.  Go sit down.”

thanked her, then said as he made his way to the table, “So, how many Misfit
Toys have you gathered this time around?”

was a loud clatter as Cora knocked a cup off the buffet table and it shattered
on the floor.

Manny exclaimed, rising to her feet.

no, no,” Cora said, her face bright red with embarrassment, “I was clumsy –
it’s okay.  Teddy,” Manny glanced at Ted, who was staring wide-eyed at his
mother, “come with me to the kitchen – there’s a new pot of coffee that’s just
finished brewing.”

that pot’s half-full,” Manny protested mildly, “I can -”

no, no – come on, Teddy.”

nodded and hastily stood.  They picked up the shards of the broken coffee cup,
and hurried into the kitchen as Manny returned to her seat and Zeke finally sat
at the table.

glanced ruefully at him.  “Anyway, I met two Misfit Toys yesterday.”

two?” he asked drily as Cora and Ted returned to the dining room.

while you were holed up working, I was busy looking for a beach that wasn’t
wall-to-wall people.”

didn’t want to meet people?” Zeke asked in mock disbelief.

not while I’m wearing a bikini,” Manny replied, then stared in horror at Ted. 
“Sorry, Ted – didn’t mean to put that image in your head.”

blushed and ducked his head, peeking out from behind his hair.

made a mental note to ask Daisy if Jakob had ever gone through this shy,
awkward stage.

on the other hand, seemed rattled and excited as she filled Manny’s coffee cup,
then sat chatting too-brightly with them, her eyes darting from Manny to Zeke
and back again.

mentally raised her eyebrows.

you guys okay?” she finally asked.

started.  “Oh – oh!  Yes.  Just...some exciting news.  On a personal level. 
That’s all.”

beamed at them both.

and Zeke stared blankly back.

to hear,” Zeke finally said slowly, and carefully neutral.  He glanced at Manny
from the corner of his eye.  “So, what’s the agenda for today?”

the town,” Manny said promptly.  “Meeting the locals.”

heaved an exaggerated sigh and ruefully shook his head.

* * * * *

Day 119

trudged over the slight hill and saw the expanse of water and the soft, sandy
beach come into view.  He glanced to his left and saw the back of Manny’s head
peeking over the edge of her lounge chair.  Zeke headed in her direction.

he called, “there you are!  Ted told me -”

stopped in his tracks as Manny shrieked, sat up and grabbed the towel she’d
been sitting on to cover her chest, toppling off the lounger as she did so. 
Zeke caught a flash of pale breasts, yelled, “Holy – you’re
!” and
abruptly turned his back. 

topless!” Manny cried, and Zeke could hear her struggling to her feet behind
him.  “I didn’t expect you to find me!”

so who were you expecting?” Zeke snapped, trying to banish that brief glimpse
of her body from his memory.

wasn’t expecting anybody!  Ted said this was a private beach, and I could
sunbathe nude if I wanted!”

would you want to?” Zeke demanded.

sighed.  “What do you

you decent?” Zeke asked.

little too late for that now.”

Zeke and Manny spun around to gape at the police officer who had approached
from Manny’s other side.  Manny stared, her eyes huge, then she groaned and
hung her head.


took a deep breath and opened the door.  She smiled tightly as Hub stepped over
the threshold.  He smiled just as tightly in response and held up the manila
envelope in his hand.

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