A Life Worth Living (6 page)

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Authors: Joseph Prince

BOOK: A Life Worth Living
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God is leading us all the time, every day. Most times, He doesn’t speak to us in big spectacular ways. He just says to us, “Son, I love you. Come, walk by the beach with Me. Come, walk down here with Me. Just stay a bit longer down here and just talk to Me.” That’s how He speaks to you. That’s how He loves you.

‘If Anyone Thirsts, Let Him Come To Me And Drink’

God wants a close relationship with you more than you know. That’s why He says in John 7:37, “
If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.”
He wants to fulfil His promise to meet our deep need for intimacy. He tells us to just drink and drink and drink His presence. And what’s the result? The next line says, “
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
(John 7:38)

You know, the rivers of living water are for the benefit of the people around you. The rivers are for
to drink from as well. When I come to Jesus and I satisfy my thirst, all of a sudden, rivers start flowing out of me. I become a blessing to others around me. If I didn’t drink from Him, I would have no overflow for others to drink from.

In John 4, we find that the disciples went away to the city to buy Jesus lunch. A Samaritan woman came to draw water and she met Jesus sitting at Jacob’s well. John 4:6 tells us, “
Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well.”
They began talking and after He spoke revelations to the Samaritan woman and revealed Himself to her as the Messiah, Jesus was refreshed. He was so refreshed that when His disciples returned, they thought someone had given Him food for He said to them, “
I have food to eat of which you do not know.”
(John 4:32) God delights in us drawing from Him. It refreshes Him. It’s food for Him!

He knows what makes a great marriage because He came up with the concept of marriage.

He loves being around you. Matthew 18:20 tells us, “
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Husband and wife, when you wake up each morning, acknowledge Jesus’ presence. He’s in your midst. He doesn’t wait for you to come to church to say, “Hello, Jesus!” He is with you when you wake up in the morning. Aren’t you glad of this promise? The Lord is so gracious to us. Although He is high and mighty, He doesn’t ask for a big group. He breaks it down to the lowest plurality — two or three!

Jesus Knows What Makes A Great Marriage

Whether you’re married or you’re dating, Jesus is there in your midst. For the good of your marriage and for the good of your relationship, acknowledge Him and talk to Him. And expect Him to speak to you because He will. He’ll tell you things like, “Just go and kiss your wife right now!” You may say, “That’s not Jesus. Jesus is not that romantic!” But He is! He is the creator of romance! He knows what makes a great marriage because He came up with the concept of marriage. And He promises that He will be in the midst of us. His place is always in the centre.

Today, Jesus is unlimited. After He rose again, He became both physical and spiritual. This means that He can appear and disappear. In John 20:19, when He appeared to His disciples, where did He appear? Jesus came and stood in the
of them. And He said to them, “
Peace be with you.”

Verse 20 goes on to say:

When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord

You see, peace can only come when you know the finished work of Christ. When the disciples saw Jesus, His hands and His side, they were glad. Like the disciples, we too, gain gladness and peace when we see the Lord and His finished work. My friend, do you see Jesus and His finished work in you? Are you placing Him in the centre of your career, your marriage, your business?

John shows us in Revelation 5:5–6 that Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, has prevailed:

But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.”
And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth

It is important to note that seven is the number of perfection in the Bible. So when we see that the Lamb has seven horns and seven eyes, it symbolises perfect authority and perfect discernment. Jesus is both Lion and Lamb, God and Man, majesty and meekness!

Verses 11–13 continue:

Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands,
saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honour and glory and blessing!”
And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: “Blessing and honour and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!”

Here, we see that though Jesus is high and lifted up, He is also humble. Revelation 1:13 (KJV) shows us how humble He is. John says that he saw Jesus wearing “
a golden girdle”
. Now, a girdle is a servant’s towel. A servant uses a girdle to serve. Even when Jesus was on earth, He washed His disciples’ feet. (John 13:3–12) Even though Jesus has “
power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing”
(Revelation 5:12), He still wants to serve us! Why? Because He loves us so much.

That’s why Jesus deserves to be the centrepiece of our lives. And when He does, we become held together, integrated with Him, full of His love and rich towards Him. When He is the centrepiece of our lives, we are constantly conscious of His presence in our lives, we have a close relationship with Him, we are led by Him, and we find meaning and purpose in life. That, brothers and sisters, is truly a life worth living!

Start Living Now

Friend, do you want to start living the abundant life that Jesus meant for you to live? You may say, “Yes, but how do I start?” God wants you to understand that the law of the old covenant makes you conscious of self — of past regrets, of your failures, of your inabilities. But the grace of the new covenant makes you conscious of Christ. And when you become conscious of Jesus, conscious of His love for you, conscious of all that He has done for you at the cross, placing Him in the centre of your life is the only thing you’ll want to do. So start looking to Jesus. Start focusing on His beauty and start enjoying His love. That’s how you live a life worth living!

Now, go and live it! And you will experience His thousand-fold blessing!

Salvation Prayer

If you would like to receive all that Jesus has done for you, and make Him your Lord and Saviour, please pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me and dying for me on the cross. Your precious blood washes me clean of every sin. You are my Lord and my Savior, now and forever. I believe that You rose from the dead and that You are alive today. Because of Your finished work, I am now a beloved child of God and heaven is my home. Thank You for giving me eternal life, and filling my heart with Your peace and joy. Amen

We Would Like To Hear From You

If you have prayed the salvation prayer, or if you have a testimony to share after reading this book, please send us an email at
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Other Materials By Joseph Prince

We trust that you have been blessed reading this book. For more books and other resources such as message CDs and DVDs by Joseph Prince, or for more information, please visit our website at

Destined To Reign

This pivotal and quintessential book on the grace of God will change your life forever! Join Joseph Prince as he unlocks critical foundational truths to understanding God’s grace and how it alone sets you free to experience victory over every adversity, lack and destructive habit that is limiting you today. Be uplifted and refreshed as you discover how reigning in life is all about Jesus and what He has already done for you. Get your copy today and start experiencing the success, wholeness and victory that you were destined to enjoy!


Unmerited Favor

This follow-up book to Destined To Reign is a must-read if you want to live out the dreams that God has birthed in your heart! Building on the foundational truths of God’s grace laid out in Destined To Reign, Unmerited Favor takes you into a deeper understanding of the gift of righteousness you have through the cross, and how it gives you a supernatural advantage to succeed in life. Packed with empowering new covenant truths, Unmerited Favor will set you free to soar above your challenges and lead an overcoming life as God’s beloved today.


100 Days Of Favor

(containing 100 daily readings)

Dive headfirst into the vast ocean of God’s favor and learn how it releases good success in your life! Taking key teachings from Unmerited Favor and turning them into bite-sized daily devotionals, Joseph Prince shows you how to develop favor-consciousness that releases the wisdom and blessings of God in everything you do, every day. With inspirational Scripture verses, prayers and liberating thoughts on God’s unmerited favor in each devotional topic, 100 Days Of Favor is a must-have resource that will empower you to overcome every challenge in your life and walk in good success. Be sure to order your copy today!


Books By Joseph Prince

Destined To Reign

Destined To Reign Devotional

Unmerited Favor

100 Days Of Favor

Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion

A Life Worth Living

The Benjamin Generation

Your Miracle Is In Your Mouth

Spiritual Warfare

Right Place Right Time

Restful Increase For Moms

Restful Increase For Dads


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