A Long Goodbye (4 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: A Long Goodbye
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I nodded. “Yes. Thank you,” I lied.

Slowly, he pulled up the driveway to my house. It was long and winding with towering, old Oak trees that had the most beautiful Spanish moss hanging from their limbs, dangling over the pavement. In my opinion, they’re the most romantic trees in the world. Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I just go out there and lie down underneath and look up at the stars for hours talking to a mama I never knew.

When the car reached the top of the hill, Trevor put it in park before he leaned in for a kiss. My head snapped back almost banging into the car window. “I don’t think so, Trevor. You’re really nice and all, but I’d like to just remain friends if you don’t mind?” Once again, he was smiling at me, but it was cruel and I could tell he was up to something.

His body leaned closer to me. “I think I might need to give you something to remember me by for those two weeks you’re gone. What do ya’ say, Ashton? Let me kiss you goodnight?”

All I could smell was the beer coming off his breath and the words had come off sounding creepy. I slinked back some more, but it just caused him to lean in closer. We were nose- to-nose, but he didn’t cross the line and kiss me. “You’re mine when you get back, Ashton. Go have some fun with Lu, but I’ll be waiting for you to return, and when you do, you’re going to give me that kiss, sweetheart.”

My hand was on the door whipping it open before he could even say goodnight. I shivered as I walked up to the house knowing that he was watching me until I closed the porch door.

“You’re home early, Sugarplum. How was your night with Trevor?”

I plastered on a fake smile. “It was great, Daddy.”

He leaned down to kiss my cheek. “I like that boy, Ashton. He’d be real good to you. He’s a good man.”

“Yes, Daddy, I’m sure he would. If you’ll excuse me, I want to finish packing for my trip.”

“Of course. Good night, Sugarplum.”

“Good night, Daddy.”

Once alone in my room, I pulled out my suitcases already packed with everything I’d need to begin the best vacation ever. Lastly, I tucked my bucket list inside so I could get started on living the life I wanted.



I was following her shiny little red Lexus a few cars behind. They had the top down, and, with the way that LuLu was dancing in the passenger seat, the music had to be cranked up loud. Quickly, I shoved a pinch of Skoal in my mouth and watched the car swerve every once in a while when Ashton got into the music too much. It was going to be a long ass ride following behind these two, but I maintained my distance.

A few hours into the drive, they finally decided to stop for gas and food. I managed to stay back until they headed in. Stepping out into the heat with the extra tracking device in my hand, I slowly stepped behind her car and placed it to the underside of her bumper. After filling up my gas tank, I drove to the side, pulling out a sandwich I’d packed for the trip.

I had barely eaten half of my sandwich when they strolled out of the door. I almost choked on my ham on rye. Long gone were those sweet little dresses they had on when they started the trip; now they were both wearing cut off shorts, skin-tight fringe shirts, bandanas of the American flag dangling from Ashton’s ass and each one of them donning a pair of cowboy boots.

Right then, I knew I was up shit creek without a paddle. And I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it back.

Ashton held the keys in the air dangling them in front of Lu’s face, laughing. I found myself wishing I could hear that laugh of hers. It was probably smooth as silk and those lips probably tasted sweeter than honey. I was lost in thought of just how good Ashton looked wearing those red cowboy boots when they pealed out to the street, jumping back on the highway. No matter. With my device hooked up, and I could find that car anywhere now.

After the girls checked into the hotel, I slipped up the stairs instead of taking the elevator to be on the safe side. It wasn’t long before they were moving again. I’d barely been able to throw my bag onto the bed when I needed to duck out and follow wherever the hell they were planning on going. I started to head down West End just as the GPS alerted me they were stopping somewhere on Broadway. Once I located them, which wasn’t hard to do, I pulled in the spot a few down from theirs. Making my way over, I took a quick look through the windows that were now rolled up, along with the hardtop.

Two burly looking bouncers took one look at me at the front door and let me through. I knew I could be intimidating when I needed to be, and tonight was no different. I was not one to be fucked with—ever. I was pretty sure they figured that one out on their own.

I ordered bourbon on the rocks to sip slowly while I watched them. I never drank on a job, but then again, I never had a job following two beautiful ladies around. Two women who were most certainly looking for trouble tonight. I couldn’t help but wonder what exactly was in store for me. It’d been years since I even thought about Ashton Winslow. Hell, I never thought about her since that first time we met. She was an uppity society southern belle; one I wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

Never in a million years would I have ever thought I’d judge someone’s character wrong. It wasn’t like me to get a false read on someone. I could smell a dirty dog a mile away, just as easily as I could pick out a girl digging for gold in all the wrong places. But apparently little Ashton just might prove my judgment wrong.

Even though it was my job and I was told to keep my eyes on her at all times, I forced myself to look away every now and then. I pushed myself to focus on something, someone, or anything else to get a grip every few minutes and remember that Ashton was only a job.

She was so ridiculously perfect that they should call some bioresearch company and have her cloned. I mean, seriously, who looked this perfect? Even watching her dance, not one hair seemed to want to fall out of place. And those boots? Fuck! That image would be engrained forever in my mind.

The bar scan that I did when we first arrived hadn’t changed much. A quick glance back to the dance floor allowed me to zone in on my target for a beat before I snapped my eyes to the back entrance of the bar. A few loud, drunk, riled up guys strolled through landing punches on one another getting each other pumped up. My eyes followed them all the way, until they sidled up a few feet from me. It didn’t go unnoticed by me, or probably anyone else what they were looking for tonight. A piece of ass, or a whole lotta trouble.

Instinctively, I swiveled the ice in my glass, tuning their conversation in, but focusing on the girls. It didn’t escape me the way she was dancing. I knew girls like her. All hot and could make a gay guy question his choice if given the chance, but perhaps just a bit too innocent to act upon it. But, damn, the way she was moving those hips and ass of hers, she was looking for trouble.

Taking a small sip, I leaned my elbow on the bar, closer to their razzing.

“Fuck you! You got first dibs last week. I get first pick tonight, man.” He shoved the guy a few steps back, laughing.

“You had no complaints last week. In fact, I’m pretty sure fucking Oklahoma could hear you having a good time.”

Meanwhile, the three others they had come in with had ditched them and were circling the dance floor. Asshole one and two were still arguing over who got first pick.

“Fine. Which one do you want?”

I knew who before he even needed to say it. I knew, because I’d seen every guy in here stare those two girls down as if they were the only two left to procreate with. The one good thing I had on my side was that Ashton screamed unapproachable and untouchable, like a fine piece of art hanging in a museum. Every guy in here wanted a shot, but was too chicken shit to make the move. Something told me those two might be just drunk enough and would have no problem taking their chances.

Hell, yeah. My job just got a little more exciting.



I danced like nobody was watching, but I knew he was, even with those dark sunglasses he had on. More than once, when I looked his way, Mr. Dark and Mysterious found something else to give his attention to. But, I could feel his sun-glassed covered eyes pointing in my direction for the last twenty minutes on the dance floor, but he hadn’t made a move, and it was starting to bother me. Why wasn’t he asking me to dance? It was not as if I wasn’t putting myself out there for everyone to see. Hell, if I shimmied any longer, I was bound to shimmy right out of my shorts.

I was sure he noticed me, or at the very least, LuLu. Everyone always noticed Lu first, and they should. She was beautiful with her long, blonde curls, to her huge, brown eyes that I swore would make Bambi jealous. She had a body that rivaled the best super models out there, and she knew exactly how to move it.

A tap on the shoulder and Lu’s genuine smile brought me back from my thoughts. “What?” I screamed out over the music.

She leaned in to my ear. “Don’t turn around, but we’ve got company.” Every little part of me wanted to do a victory dance that he’d finally noticed me, but when I swung around with my arms in the air to find him, it was not whom I’d imagined. This one was nice, and all, and had real cute dimples, but he wasn’t the one whom I wanted holding onto my hips swaying to Sugarland either.

“Hey, baby you want to dance with me?” His drawl was thick and sexy as was his smile.

“Sure,” I said, before placing my hand on his shoulder. LuLu already has his friend wrapped around her, dipping her down to the ground after a twirl.

“What’s your name, cutie?” It wasn’t a hard question to answer, in fact, it was the easiest one ever, but somehow I didn’t want to be good, ol’ sweet Ashton. I wanted to be someone else for two weeks and part of me thought that if I switched my name, maybe it’d switch me too.

“Grace,” I told him. It was partly true. It was my middle name, so at least I felt like I wasn’t totally lying. But the name Grace felt right as it easily slipped off my tongue. My mother wanted me to have it, but my daddy wanted me named after his grandmamma, so that was how I got stuck with Ashton. It was her maiden name. Don’t get me wrong. It was a fine name, but to me, it meant normal, safe, a good girl who listened to what she was told to do. And I didn’t want to be that girl anymore.

“Well, Grace,” he smiled before dipping me low to the ground, his hand on the arch of my back gliding me up until my chest is pressed up against his. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Johnny.”

Damn! He was smooth.

Catching my breath, I told him the same. Dark and mysterious with the sunglasses on in the bar area was still sitting on a stool looking like he was watching something interesting, but I knew he was keeping his eyes on me. I grabbed LuLu off the floor by her hand wanting a break. “I need a drink,” I yelled.

Johnny and his friend followed us off the floor both wearing shit-eating grins as they guided us with their hands on the arch of our backs to the bar. He orders four shots and beers to chase them down before I could even plop my butt on a stool. We went through all the pleasantries of where we’re from and who was who. To Lu’s credit, she didn’t even flinch when Johnny introduced me to his friend as Grace. She rolled right along with the punches and even started calling me Gracie as if she’d been doing it forever.

Johnny pulled my hand up to his mouth, gently kissing my knuckles causing me to blush. “So, Carolina, how long you here for?”

“It’s Grace,” I reminded him, but he just smiled like he thought his little nickname for me was cute.

“Just a few days, then we’re heading to Miami,” LuLu chimed in.

Stunned, I turned at her. “What are you talking about?”

She shrugged like it was no big deal. “It’s our chance to go, and I know you want to, so let’s just do it after we’re done here.” Too stumped to start the conversation about leaving Nashville in the bar, I just took a long drink of the beer in my hand.

Johnny’s friend, Butch must have decided it was time to speak up. “Now wait a minute little girl. You telling me you’re just gonna waltz in and waltz back out before barely kissing me?” Every word dripped Southern charm.

LuLu rolled her eyes. “I’ll get right on that, cowboy.” To my shocked eyes, Lu pulled Butch by his neck and shoved her tongue inside his mouth. Honestly, I think she even caught him off guard because it took him a whole five seconds to catch up to her. When Lu broke away, Butch looked at Johnny and said, “I think I just fell in love.” Lu laughed it off, but pulled him back onto the dance floor, leaving me alone with Johnny. Honestly, I wanted to beg her to come back, but I made a promise to myself to get out of that stupid goody two-shoe box on this trip.

Johnny eyed me up for a spilt second then asked, “Any chance you’re gonna kiss me like that?”

I grabbed hold of his cowboy hat, taking it off before placing it on my head. Johnny’s hand runs through his thick blond curls trying to tame them back, never taking his eyes off me. I slammed my shot back and gave him the best seductive face I could muster. “Maybe if you’re real lucky.”



Fuckin’ A!

I had no idea she was going to make this shit harder than it should be. If she was not on the dance floor kissing and dancing, she and Lu were hiding in the bathroom. We’d been in Nashville for three fucking hours, and they’d already latched on to some poor guys who had no idea they were gonna be tossed aside like a bad habit when this was all over. Hell, at this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if keeping Ashton “untouched” was even going to be possible. Cause if she continued on this path, she’s gonna be touched and touched a lot, and there is not one damn thing I could do short of stopping it without her figuring out her damn daddy lied to her. And for some weird reason, part of me didn’t want her to find that shit out.

And damn if I didn’t want that bonus.

I checked my phone to make sure all the devices that I’d placed were working properly. With her father’s help, I had one on her phone and now two on her pretty little car. One device I was watching and one that Jason could keep tabs on from his main office. Everything was working, so I just kept watch of them on the dance floor.

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