A Love to Cherish (21 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: A Love to Cherish
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“And …”

Kellerman licked his lips. “He threw it into the bushes.”

It was not enough. “Before or after Belle left the premises?”

Kellerman paused for the briefest of seconds. “After. The woman had already picked herself up and limped off down the street.”

“Did Belle watch McAllister throw out the gun? Did she see where it landed?”

“How in the hell would I know? It was dark out.”

Casey’s eyes glowed with quiet menace. “You can do better than that.”

“I didn’t see her look back, that’s all I can say.”

“Very good. Now, was the gun loaded?” Casey knew this was a tricky question. Kellerman could always deny knowledge of it. The sheriff had already said no bullets were found on the ground outside the residence. He had to rely on Kellerman’s fear of reprisal if he lied.

“No.” Kellerman said in a low growl.

“I didn’t hear you. Was the gun loaded?”

“No! McAllister checked the chambers and seemed real put out when he found them empty.”

“Let me get this straight,” Casey said carefully. “McAllister tossed the unloaded gun in the bushes after Belle left the premises. So in effect, anyone could have picked that gun up and used it to kill McAllister.”

Kellerman bristled indignantly. “Are you blaming me?”

“No, I’m just trying to prove my wife’s innocence.”

“Are you really married to McAllister’s daughter-in-law?”

“We were married this morning. I have no more questions for you, except one. Were you one of the men who kidnapped Tommy?”

“Yeah, but we didn’t hurt the boy,” Kellerman protested. “McAllister said he was granted custody of the boy because his mother was a whore.”

Casey scowled but did not belabor the point. “And the letter you left? Was it McAllister’s idea?”

Kellerman nodded. “I didn’t know what was in it. I was just following the boss’s orders.”

“That’s all the questions. Don’t leave town, you’ll be called upon to testify. Is Miss Grundig around? I’d like to talk to her next.”

“Yeah, I’ll get her.”

Hilda Grundig was a prune-faced old maid still loyal to McAllister even after his death. She wholeheartedly concurred with Kellerman’s description of what took place the night of the murder.

By the time Casey returned to his hotel room he felt the heavy weight of failure. He had learned little beyond what he already knew. He found Mark waiting in his room and launched into an explanation of what he had accomplished, which was damn little.

“At least you’ll know tomorrow if marrying Belle paid off where Tommy is concerned,” Mark remarked. “I hope the judge is a sympathetic one.”

“I’m counting on it, but that’s not the only reason I married Belle. I really do care for her. Convincing her of it is another thing.”

Mark searched Casey’s face. “There are different degrees of caring. You wouldn’t turn your life upside down for a woman you merely cared for. Admit you love the woman, Casey.”

Casey walked to the window and stared down into the dark street. “I do love Belle. But she’ll never believe it. She believes I’m suffering from a guilty
conscience. She doesn’t want my pity. She wants to end the marriage if she is found innocent.”

“Belle doesn’t know you very well, does she?” Mark remarked. “Will you let her end the marriage if she is spared prison?”

“Belle is innocent, Mark. If she still wants her freedom she can have it. But first I’m going to do everything in my power to change her mind.”

Mark laughed. “The lady doesn’t stand a chance.”

Casey met lawyer Crowley in the judge’s chambers the following morning at ten o’clock. Judge Winters nodded curtly and asked them to be seated.

“I have already read your request for guardianship of young Tommy McAllister, Mr. Walker. The marriage between you and the boy’s mother was rather sudden, wasn’t it?”

“Unusual but not sudden, Judge,” Casey said earnestly. “Belle and I would have married eventually.” Not exactly true but close. “Unfortunately T.J. McAllister interfered before we had time to let nature take its course.”

“Yes, I recall,” the judge said sternly. “I granted Mr. McAllister custody of his grandson on the grounds that the boy’s mother was unfit to raise him.”

“All those allegations were untrue, your honor. McAllister was a bitter old man who wanted revenge against a woman he disliked because he never considered her good enough for his son. Belle is a wonderful mother. She loves Tommy and Tommy loves her. The boy has a family now, he doesn’t belong in an orphanage with people he doesn’t know.”

“Saint Francis is a respectable institution. The boy is being well cared for and his properties managed by trustees appointed by the court.” He gave Casey a hard look. “Are you an opportunist looking for a quick buck? If you are, you’re wasting the court’s time.”

“I don’t give a damn about the money,” Casey barked. “I’m concerned for Tommy’s welfare. I work for Allan Pinkerton. I’m a damn good detective. I’m not some con artist trying to scam the boy out of his inheritance.” He reached into this pocket and retrieved his credentials. “These ought to prove who I am.”

Judge Winters studied Casey’s credentials and raised his eyebrows. “Very impressive. But before I can act on this there is one person I need to consult with. Please wait in the outer office and send in my secretary.”

Casey rose reluctantly, feeling as if he hadn’t done enough or said enough to convince the judge. “I love the boy, judge, and I love his mother.”

“Quite an admission for a hard-boiled detective,” the judge said, stifling a smile. “Do as I say and I promise an answer before the day is out.”

“Now what?” Casey asked Crowley as he paced the judge’s outer chambers. The judge’s secretary had already conferred privately with the judge and left on some mysterious errand.

“We wait,” Crowley said. “Judge Winters is a hard man but a fair one. Whatever he has in mind will doubtlessly determine the outcome of your custody hearing.”

“God, I hate this,” Casey said, stabbing his fingers through his hair. Then he started pacing, imagining Belle’s disappointment should he fail.
He’d been so confident his plan would work he hadn’t let himself consider failure. But now it hung over his head like an ugly, dark cloud.

Casey lost all track of time. He started violently when the door opened and the judge’s secretary beckoned to him. “Where in the hell did you come from?” Casey asked tersely.

“I returned through the back exit. You may go in now.” He held the door open. “Only Mr. Walker,” he added, when Crowley rose to accompany Casey.

Curious about what this was all about and anxious to learn the fate of his custody hearing, Casey strode into the room with somewhat less confidence than he had when he’d arrived an hour or so ago. Suddenly he heard a shout and a whoop and felt a small body careen into him.

“Casey! I knew you’d come. Where have you been? Take me with you, Casey, I want to see Mama.”

Casey scooped Tommy up in his arms and hugged him tightly. The boy felt less sturdy, more fragile than the last time Casey had seen him. His eyes were deeply shadowed and his mouth turned down in a pout that hadn’t been there before.

“Did you know Grandfather was dead?” the little boy asked, trembling. “That’s why I was taken to the orphanage. Sister Michael said Mama killed Grandfather but I know she didn’t. Mama wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

Judge Winter watched the exchange carefully, his expression thoughtful. “Sit down, both of you.”

Casey took the nearest chair, placing Tommy on his lap.

“So, Tommy,” Judge Winter began, “you seem to know this fellow. How do you feel about him?”

“Casey is my friend,” Tommy declared stoutly. “He helped me and Mama when we lived in Placerville. We moved to Placerville after my papa died, did you know that?”

The judge nodded solemnly. “So I’d heard. You have a new papa, Tommy.”

Tommy’s eyes widened. “I do? Who is he? Why hasn’t he come to the orphanage to see me?”

The judge nodded permission to Casey. Casey tilted Tommy’s chin so he could look into his face. “I’m your new papa, Tommy. I married your mama yesterday. I’m asking the judge to let you live with me until …” he gave the judge a meaningful glance, “your mother is released from jail.”

Tommy’s eyes glowed warmly. “Can I, Judge? Can I go with Casey? The orphanage is all right but … I miss Mama and I miss Casey. I’m glad Casey’s my papa.” He hugged Casey exuberantly, leaving little doubt of his sincerity.

“I need to speak further with Mr. Walker, son,” Judge Winter said. “Take the boy into the outer office, Mr. Walker, and give him over to my secretary’s care until we’re finished. And ask your lawyer to join us.”

A few minutes later Casey perched on the edge of his chair, waiting to hear the judge’s decision. Lawyer Crowley chose to stand.

“Obviously the boy cares for you,” Judge Winter began. “And he trusts you, any fool can see that. Nothing I’ve heard thus far suggests you’re anything but a responsible citizen. I have determined that Tommy would fare better living with his stepfather than at the orphanage.”

The breath Casey had been holding exploded
from his chest. Crowley gripped his shoulder and smiled.

“Can I take Tommy with me now, Judge?” Casey wanted to know. He had won! He couldn’t wait to tell Belle.

“It’s not that simple,” Judge Winter said. “Where will you take the child? He needs a home environment, especially since he is without a mother’s influence at the present time.”

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” Casey admitted sheepishly.

“I have. The McAllister house already belongs to the boy. I suggest you now make it your home. Your lawyer and I can work out the details, but in effect you will be caretaker of Tommy’s assets as well as the boy’s guardian. Mr. Engle at the bank can brief you on the financial aspects, and you’ll be free to draw monies on the estate in moderation. Then there is the very lucrative wine business—”

“Whoa,” Casey said. His head was spinning. “I didn’t expect all this. The trustees …”

“What’s wrong, Mr. Walker, aren’t you up to the challenge? Did you think you could just claim Tommy and walk out of here, leaving all the responsibility to others? I could always change my mind, you know.”

“I’m sorry, Judge,” Casey said, “I just didn’t realize the extent of McAllister’s empire. I don’t know a damn thing about the wine business.”

“I understand the business has an excellent manager. I’m sure he’ll advise you how to proceed.”

The enormity of the responsibility Casey had just accepted began to sink in. “So,” he summarized, “let me get this straight. Tommy’s assets will become
my responsibility and we’re to live in the McAllister house. Am I also free to hire and fire at will? I don’t particularly want to retain those servants devoted to McAllister, given his feelings toward my wife.”

The judge nodded. “You may do as you see fit regarding employees or expenditure of money. The trustees will monitor large transactions and audit the books periodically to make sure that you’re acting in Tommy’s best interest. As I mentioned before, your lawyer can work out the details with the trustees.”

“What happens if my wife is found innocent and released from jail? I’d prefer that she be given control of Tommy’s assets.”

Judge Winter gave Casey a look that told him exactly what he thought of the remote possibility of Belle being found innocent. “As Mrs. Walker’s husband and Tommy’s guardian, you’ll still be required to handle Tommy’s affairs. Any other questions?”

It wasn’t the way Casey had planned things. He had never considered anything beyond the initial stage of getting custody of Tommy and removing him from the orphanage. He hadn’t had time yet to think about basics, like where they would live. His main concern had been to ease Belle’s mind about Tommy’s welfare. He feared that he had bitten off more than he could chew. Running a winery was no simple task, and would take precious time from his efforts to find McAllister’s killer. Somehow he had to make things work.

“No questions, your honor. Mr. Crowley can handle the legal aspects.”

“Very well, you are free to go. I am sure Tommy will be eager to hear the news.”

“You go on, Casey,” Lawyer Crowley said. “There is a ton of legal paperwork to see to. I’ll bring the papers around to the McAllister house later for your signature.”

Casey was in a daze when he left the judge’s chambers. He was a father. The prospect of fatherhood was daunting, especially when it involved a five-year-old boy. Yet at the same time he was elated. He couldn’t wait to see Belle, to watch her face light up when she saw her son. He hoped it was the beginning of a slow journey that would ultimately earn her trust.

“Casey, what did the judge say?”

Casey’s thoughts skidded to a halt when Tommy barreled into him. He scooped Tommy up and lifted him high in the air, eliciting excited giggles from the boy. “The judge says I’m your new papa. I don’t want to take your dead papa’s place in your heart, but I hope you can find room in there for me.”

“I don’t have to return to the orphanage?”

“No, never again. You and I will be living in your grandfather’s house with Uncle Mark and Wan Yo.”

“What about Mama?” Tommy asked eagerly.

“She’ll be there, too,” Casey promised, wishing he could guarantee that vow. He’d made little headway toward finding proof that anyone besides Belle killed McAllister. “How would you like to see your mother?”

Tommy’s face lit up. “Really? Oh, yes, please, Casey. Can we go now?”

Casey gave the little boy a warm smile. “You bet, son.”

Chapter 12

elle sat listlessly on her bunk, staring at the wedding ring Casey had placed on her finger yesterday during their brief wedding ceremony. She had married a man she barely knew and had no reason to trust. Belle realized instantly how confused and contradictory her thoughts were. On one hand she didn’t trust Casey, on the other, she obviously trusted him enough to raise her son. Even she recognized the irony of her thoughts.

Casey hadn’t visited Belle yet today and she wondered if he had succeeded in his bid for custody of Tommy. She didn’t expect miracles. Nothing had gone right in her life except for meeting Naomi and marrying Tom. She gazed at her wedding ring again, recalling the kisses Casey had tried to coax from her following the ceremony. She touched her lips, feeling them warming with the memory and wondering what
had made him marry her. She knew it wasn’t love, since he had agreed to allow her to end their marriage if she was found innocent. She gave a snort of laughter at that
ridiculous notion. She was excessively naive if she thought a jury would find her innocent.

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