A Love to Cherish (7 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: A Love to Cherish
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“If you’ve looked your fill you can lower my skirt, Mr. Walker. I don’t need your pity.”

Casey did so with alacrity, not wanting to embarrass her further. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to distress you.”

“Did you have a morbid curiosity to look upon my deformity?”

He rose and sat beside her. “It’s not your fault. You have a beautiful limb but for that one small defect.”

She laughed harshly. “Ha! Don’t you think I know how I look?”

“You underestimate your appeal. Didn’t you say men at Naomi’s wanted you? And what about Dinks and his friends? They certainly weren’t bothered by your lameness.”

“That’s because they didn’t see what you did. They would have been repelled by my deformity. That’s one of the reasons I loved Tom so much. He saw inside me, he didn’t care how I was formed.”

“You have a lovely form,” Casey said, grinning owlishly. “Your breasts are perfect and I believe I can span your waist with my hands. And your mouth, God, I’ve never seen such pretty lips. So lush, so inviting, they’re enough to drive a man wild. Would you like me to prove it?”

Belle opened her mouth to protest and suddenly found Casey’s lips devouring hers and his tongue probing past the barrier of her teeth. Her breathless little sigh entered Casey’s mouth, making him even more ravenous to taste her. She tentatively touched her tongue to his and he went wild, kissing and nipping, his mouth wet and hot and his tongue a sword thirsting for her sweetness.

Belle was thoroughly amazed, completely beguiled, by the suddenness of Casey’s passion. One moment they were talking rationally, and the next he was kissing her with such fire she felt utterly consumed by him. She jerked reflexively when she felt his hands covering her breasts, squeezing them hard then tweaking the nipples, before sliding down over her ribcage to span her waist with his two hands.

When Casey finally released her mouth, Belle could do little more than touch her lips and stare at him. All her senses were alive, as if released from a long, drawn-out dream where all sensation had been suspended until this man released her. Her body tingled, her toes curled, and all she could think of was how much she wished Casey would kiss her again. What was wrong with her?

“Why did you do that?” she asked curiously.

“To prove to you that I find your body desirable despite having looked upon your so-called deformity. I was right, I could span your waist with my
hands. You’re a damn desirable woman, Belle Henderson, or whatever your name is.”

“It’s McAllister. Do you know my father-in-law?”

His lie was deliberate and he felt guilty as hell about it, but he had no choice. “No. I’m not from this part of the country. I hail from Arizona. Been traveling a lot lately.”

“Do you have a family?”

“Only a brother.”

“Do you love him?”

Casey gave her an exasperated look. Would he be here now, pumping Belle for information, if he didn’t? “Of course I do. Why do you ask?”

“If you love your brother half as much as I love Tommy you’d know why I can’t give him up to his grandfather.”

“I can certainly understand your misgivings but—”

“No buts. That’s the end of it. Tommy stays with me. Do you still want the job of protecting him or have you decided not to become involved?”

Damn! Casey already wished he hadn’t become involved. But there was no turning back now. “I won’t abandon you or Tommy. I’ll be around should either of you need me.”

Belle rose somewhat stiffly. “There’s still work to be done in the kitchen. Dolores will be here soon to lend a hand.”

“Belle.” She looked at him, her eyebrows raised askance. “I wish …” He couldn’t say what he was thinking, he had no right. “Christ, get out of here before I lose control.”

Belle knew exactly to what Casey was referring. She had learned more than she wanted about men from her years with Naomi. When she married Tom,
she went to him a virgin and had experienced passion for the first time. She could read desire in Casey’s eyes, could smell his arousal, and after a year of celibacy she realized that her own eyes must reflect those same feelings.

Had she finally met a men who could take Tom’s place in her heart? Could she trust Casey enough to place her safety and that of her beloved son into his keeping?

Chapter 4

an Yo was up and about now, hobbling around on crutches provided by the doctor. A perceptive man, Wan Yo was suspicious of Casey and voiced his suspicions to Belle one evening after she returned home from a hectic day at the diner.

“Wan Yo afraid hiring Mr. Walker not a good thing, Missy Belle,” Wan Yo said. “He big mystery man. Missy Naomi tell Wan Yo to protect Missy Belle and Tommy.”

“I know, Wan Yo,” Belle said with a weary sigh. “I’ve considered that same thing. But I desperately needed someone, with you injured and Tommy getting to be such a rambunctious little scamp. And Mr. Walker was there when I needed him. If not for him … well, I won’t go into that right now. Suffice it to say, Mr. Walker has proven to be trustworthy.”

“Mr. McAllister velly shrewd man, Missy Belle must be careful,” Wan Yo warned. “When Wan Yo’s leg heals you no need bodyguard.”

Belle didn’t want to tell Wan Yo that the incident resulting in his injuries made it impossible to rely
on a frail old man for protection. Especially in a town like Placerville, inhabited by miners, drifters, and unscrupulous men. Though she knew precious little about Casey Walker, she did know that he’d been helpful when she’d needed him.

“We will discuss this again when you’re completely well,” Belle temporized. “Meanwhile, we will both keep an eye on Mr. Walker.”

Keeping an eye on Casey Walker was something Belle had done a lot of lately. He was dangerously and subtly intoxicating, and too attractive for her peace of mind. The quicksilver blaze of his hazel eyes consumed her, and the sound of his voice caressed her like sunlight. The way he had kissed her had sent hot blood pounding through her veins, and God only knew she had little information. Yet she trusted him, and that bothered her. She really should learn more about the enigmatic Casey Walker before giving him her trust.

Casey wallowed in indecision, and guilt was no little part of his dilemma. The more he learned about Belle the more he regretted taking this case. He should have dug deeper into Belle’s background before accepting McAllister’s word that she was a whore and an unfit mother. God, what was he going to do? like it or not, he had become deeply enmeshed in the lives of Belle and Tommy. Hell, he admired the woman for her gumption to stand up to McAllister. If he hadn’t already wired the advance to Simon Levy, he’d return the money and tell McAllister to find another man to do his dirty work.

Unfortunately he no longer had the money to return and he had promised McAllister that he’d
find his grandson. Professional honor demanded that he either convince Belle to give her son up without a fuss, or tell McAllister where to find the boy. With the law on his side, McAllister could easily claim Tommy once he knew where Belle had taken him.

Casey recalled how close he’d come to making love to Belle that day he’d sent Dinks packing for the second time. He’d wanted to, oh yes, he still wanted to. She had a rare kind of beauty that no defect could diminish. Not just beauty of face and form but beauty of spirit. Her life hadn’t been easy but she had persevered and overcome obstacles lesser women would have found daunting.

Time was running out; Casey knew he couldn’t remain in Placerville forever. McAllister would be chomping at the bit, waiting for some word from him. Casey began to curse the physical attraction he felt for Belle. Despite the attachments he’d formed in this case, Casey realized sentiments had no place in the life of a detective, and that he had to resolve things soon. To that end, he paid a visit to Belle after the dinner hour late one evening. He found her in the kitchen, just finishing up the dishes.

“Belle, can I talk to you?”

Since Dolores was with her, Belle felt safe. She couldn’t afford to succumb to Casey’s charm again, or let herself drift aimlessly into the dark, mesmerizing depths of his eyes. She must never forget that Tommy came first in her life.

“Certainly. You can talk while I work. Tommy is waiting for me.”

“Tommy is already sleeping. I just checked on him.” He glanced at Dolores, who was eyeing him with distrust. “Alone, if you don’t mind.”

“You can speak in front of Dolores. She knows all my secrets.”

“I’d prefer not to.”

“Very well.” To the Mexican woman, she said, “Go on home, Dolores. Sanchez should be through stacking wood now and you are both tired. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Are you sure, senora? I don’t mind staying.”

“I’m sure. Mr. Walker is in my employ, I trust him.”

Casey winced when Belle voiced her trust in him. He certainly didn’t deserve it.

“Si, senora,” Dolores said, clearly not convinced she should leave.

“Sit down, Belle,” Casey said after Dolores had hung up her apron and left through the front door.

“Is something the matter, Mr.—Casey? Has someone aroused your suspicion?”

“There is something wrong, but it’s not what you think.” He paced restlessly. “I’ve given your situation a lot of thought and can see only one solution.”

Belle stared up at him through outrageously long lashes. “I might as well tell you I’m not inclined to follow advice from someone I hardly know.”

“Nevertheless, I feel obligated to offer my opinion. Ever since you told me about your situation, I’ve been racking my brain for a solution that will please both you and your father-in-law. Just try to remember that what I’m going to suggest is best for everyone.”

Belle started to rise. “I don’t want to hear it. I’m terminating your job, Mr. Walker.”

“Sit down, Belle.” His voice was harsh, commanding. “You can’t go on like this. You hired me to protect your son, but surely you must know I won’t
be around forever. What if the next man you hire is unscrupulous? What if he tries to take advantage of you?”

Head held high in subconscious defiance, she glared at him. “I took a chance on you, didn’t I? Do you consider yourself unscrupulous? I know nothing about you except that you have a brother in Arizona. In a moment of weakness I told you my story, I didn’t ask for your advice nor do I want it now. I can handle it alone. What makes you think you’re qualified to offer advice?”

Casey shrugged off Belle’s questions. The less she knew about him the better. He abruptly stopped his pacing and paused in front of her, scowling furiously. “Forget me. I’m not hiding from someone, you are. Give Tommy’s grandfather a chance to get to know the boy. Go to him. Work out a compromise. I’m sure he’ll be reasonable about visitation and such. You
the boy’s mother. Please, Belle, I implore you, stop running. McAllister will find you one day, and you could lose Tommy for good. I don’t want that to happen.”

Belle leapt to her feet and flew at Casey, pounding on his chest with clenched fists. “No! Never! How could you suggest such a thing? I told you T.J. hates me. He’d never let me see Tommy again. Damn you, Casey Walker! Whose side are you on, anyway?”

Casey grasped Belle’s wrists, trying not to hurt her as he brought them to her sides. “I’m only thinking of you and Tommy, Belle. I don’t want to see either of you hurt. How long can you keep running? You need someone to take care of you. You work much too hard in the diner. You need a man to pamper and love you.”

“Are you suggesting you’re that man?” Belle
made a disgusting sound deep in her throat, telling Casey without words exactly what she thought of that idea.

If it would convince Belle to give up Tommy to McAllister without a fight, he’d tell her anything. He feared McAllister would hurt her worse than merely depriving her of her son. “Is that such an outlandish idea? We’re explosive together, Belle.” Truer words were never spoken. Tension rippled beneath the surface of his skin. His eyes had darkened, his nostrils flared and his grip upon her wrists had tightened. Even now his manhood defied confinement, provoked merely by her nearness.

Belle pulled from his grasp, breathing hard, her eyes flashing angrily. “You and your suggestions can go to hell, Mr. Walker. I will never, I repeat,
give up my son. If you knew T.J. McAllister, you wouldn’t suggest such a thing.”

“I’m sorry, Belle,” Casey said. “Sorrier than I’ve ever been in my life.” Belle’s refusal to compromise left him with no choice but to contact McAllister. But, dear Lord, could he do it? Could he actually tell McAllister where to find Tommy? Regret, guilt, shame, remorse, all those emotions made him feel like the lowest bastard who’d ever walked the face of the earth.

On the other hand, there was Mark. Innocent of a murder charge, and depending on his big brother to get him out of prison. A man didn’t live who was more torn or tormented than Casey Walker.

Belle stared at Casey and felt her anger slowly drain away. If the expression on his face was any indication, he was suffering his own private hell. She had no idea what had brought it on, but
something inside her couldn’t let it continue. Her soft heart made her reach out to him, touching his arm gently.

“I think I know what’s best for my son, Casey. We haven’t known one another long, so you can’t possibly understand the situation. Or convince me that you’re interested in me as a woman. I don’t know the reason for your anguish, but there is no reason to pretend with me. You have to know by now that no man is worth the loss of my son. Not even you, Casey Walker.”

If Casey harbored the hope that he could talk Belle into giving her son up to McAllister, it had died with her last words. Truth to tell, he admired her determination. Most women would cave in to the pressure being applied by McAllister.

“I didn’t mean to upset you. I had to try one last time to …”

“To what?”

“To make certain you knew what you were doing,” he improvised.

“I do,” Belle vowed as she turned back to her chores.

For his own peace of mind, Casey needed to make Belle understand why he was concerned about her and Tommy. But what could he say that wouldn’t send her and Tommy fleeing to only God knew where to escape McAllister? Misery flailed him unbearably. He couldn’t ever recall feeling such gut-wrenching guilt. Seizing Belle’s arms, he pulled her against him, trying to make her understand his position without words.

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