A Loving Scoundrel (22 page)

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Authors: Johanna Lindsey

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Chapter 36


give their accounts, Lord Bascomb,” Andrew began the proceedings, “allow me to assure you that I adore Emily and would dearly like to marry her with your approval.”

“And who are you, sir?” Albert asked.

Andrew offered an assortment of titles and connections. Albert was impressed. Even James was impressed since he hadn’t heard them all himself.

Albert admitted when Andrew was done, “Know your father. Good man.”

“Now see here,” William began his performance with a disgruntled tone. “All those titles don’t change the fact that the child could be mine. You might not find me as suitable for your daughter, m’lord, but I assure you she found me quite suitable.”

“And who are you?”

“William Shakes, at your service. I’m an actor, sir, and a damn fine one. One of my recent performances was so sterling, in fact, that I was actually invited to attend a ball several weeks ago, which is where I met Emily. We hit it off splendidly, I don’t mind saying. And we managed to find an empty room upstairs to, well, I’m sure I don’t need to go into details.”

Albert wasn’t just embarrassed now, he was understandably furious. “My daughter consorting with an
Utterly preposterous!”

William ignored the rage, merely shrugged and remarked, “Hero of the moment and all that. She was determined to make my acquaintance
make my day, I might add,” he said with a roguish wink. “I’ll even marry her, if the child is mine. Would rather not get married just yet if it isn’t. That’s assuming, of course, that you’d accept me into your family. Know there are quite a few nobles who would consider me not quite up to stuff.”

“At least you understand why you shouldn’t even be here,” Andrew said, glaring at William. “She’d never agree to marry you. Her father would likely disown her if she even hinted at it.”

“But what if the child
mine,” William countered. “You can’t just ignore that fact.”

“Which of us sired it is rather irrelevant since it might not ever come to light,” Andrew insisted.

“How’s that?”

“It could take after its mother entirely. But I’m willing to marry her and raise the child, whether it turns out to be mine or not.”

“Now that’s too bloody noble even for a noble,” William sneered.

“Not a’tall,” Andrew disagreed. “I simply want her for my wife.”

Andrew’s statement had a calming influence on Albert. The older man regained some of his composure, now that the options weren’t sounding so completely abhorrent. But then he caught sight of Drew, sitting there so relaxed and even grinning, and he stiffened again.

“You find this all amusing, do you?” Albert demanded of Drew.

“All this?” Drew said, shaking his head. “No indeed. That these two fellows have been at each other’s throats since they found out that Emily favored them both, well, yes, I do see some humor in that.”

“And just who are you?”

“Drew Anderson. I don’t think Emily realized that I’m a member of Jeremy’s family, when she batted those pretty eyes at me. Not many know that my sister married Jeremy’s father. We’re Americans, after all, and ship’s captains, my brothers and I, so we don’t get to London often. I’d just docked a few days prior to meeting Emily, so I hadn’t heard the rumors yet either, that she and Jeremy—well—”

“Get to the point, man.”

“Certainly. I travel a lot, and I’m not one to turn down a pretty wench when her intentions are so obvious. I take my pleasures where I can find them, you understand. Always have, probably always will.”

“I suppose you’re claiming the child as well?” Albert demanded.

“Hell no!”

Albert frowned. “Then what are you doing here?”

“I’m here because although I didn’t actually make love to the girl, it was damn close. We’d gone for a stroll in the garden at some party my sister drug me to and found a nice secluded spot. Another minute or so and I’d be forced to admit the child could have been mine. But we were interrupted just as I was about to… well, anyway, we dressed quickly and got back to the party. She promised to meet me later to finish what we started. I showed up at the rendezvous, but Emily didn’t. Waited a damned hour, too,” Drew added with some disgruntlement. “She would have been worth it. And then the next day I hear she’s to have Jeremy’s baby.

Hate to say it, Bascomb, but I don’t doubt she is with child, with the way she’s spread herself around.”

Albert was red-faced with fury again by the time Drew finished. James couldn’t blame him. He would never have put it quite so bluntly, whether it was true or not. Typical of Americans to be so bloody blunt.

And that was when Emily Bascomb walked into the study. She’d entered with a smile, expecting only her father to be there. Such an exceptionally pretty girl. It was too bad she was so spoiled she believed she could have anything she wanted—at any cost.

Her smile vanished at the sight of her father’s rage. But when she noticed James there, her eyes flared briefly with alarm before she assumed an inscrutable look. James sighed to himself. This might not be as easy as he’d thought, if she could conceal her emotions that easily.

“I wasn’t aware we had guests, Father.”

“We don’t. I would not by any means call these gentlemen guests.”

Andrew flushed over that remark, which caught Emily’s eye. She must have decided to play the gracious lady for the moment, because she said to him, “Lord Whittleby, how pleasant to see you again.”

“The pleasure is all mine, m’dear,” Andrew replied with an adoring look and a flourishing bow, causing the girl to give him a brilliant smile.

“So you
know him?” Albert demanded.

Emily frowned over her father’s sharp tone. “Well, certainly. We were introduced last week at a soiree, then again a few nights ago. I wasn’t sure he would remember me,” she added coyly.

“Oh, he remembers you,” Albert said in a derogatory tone.

“And wants to marry you, thank God.”

“I’m flattered,” she began, then went very still when the rest of her father’s remark sunk in. “What d’you mean ‘thank God’?”

Andrew was quick to reply first, “Whatever happens here, Emily, please be assured that I would consider it an honor to marry you.”

“Again I’m flattered, sir, but—”

“You are fresh out of ‘buts,’ Emily,” her father interrupted sharply. “Jeremy Malory doesn’t want you and denies ever touching you.”

She sighed. A bit overdone, in James’s opinion. Too much dejection.

“I warned you that he would deny it, irresponsible rake that he is.” And then she turned toward James and with an owlish look, as if she’d only just noticed him there, “Oh, I beg your pardon, Lord Malory. But then everyone knows
Jeremy got his habits from.”

James burst out laughing over that remark. She was on the defensive already. She’d have to be dense not to realize something had gone wrong with her plan, with her father’s anger so obvious.

“Yes, I’m damned proud of the lad, particularly of the fact that he doesn’t lie.”

maybe,” she sneered. “But he’s lied about this matter—”

“Enough, Emily,” Albert interrupted. “Do you or do you not know these men gathered here?”

Her back stiffened again. James had a feeling that she wasn’t used to having her father angry with her, that that alone was disturbing her the most. She probably didn’t know how to handle it, at least, not with others present.

She glanced about the room, admitted, “I know most of them, yes.”

“The American here?” Her father wanted confirmation.

“Well, yes, I do recall meeting him. It’s hard to forget a man as tall as he is.”

“And handsome,” Drew added with a roguish grin and a wink for her.

“Fie, sir, don’t be so full of yourself,” she took a moment to rejoin in the typical form of flirtation.

“And this one?” Albert asked, pointing at William.

“No, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen him before,” Emily said mildly.

William assumed an angry pose himself. “I like that,” he said indignantly. “It was fine and dandy to dally with me, as long as your father never found out about it, eh? Now you’re going to deny it?”

“Deny what? I don’t
you. What else is there to deny?”

“Good God, d’you really not remember? You were a little foxed at that ball, but I’ve never heard of a woman not remembering something like this. Or have you slept with so many men that you can’t keep track of them all?”

Emily gasped in outrage, her face flaming. William had overdone it. Getting vulgar was guaranteed to offend, true or not, so her reaction couldn’t be judged merely on the statement implied.

And she turned her offended outrage on her father. “Is this what has you upset? A stranger comes here and tells you the most outlandish lies and you believe him! And I’ve never been foxed in my life—well, that one time at Mama’s birthday party last year, but you already know about that, and no men were around.”

“Your drinking habits aren’t an issue, sweetheart,” Drew put in. “I’m not here to claim your baby is mine, though you’ll have to admit it was a close thing.”

She swung around with another gasp to face Drew. “My God, you, too? What is this, a conspiracy cooked up by the Malorys?” And then she turned to her father again, her expression imploring. “Papa, I swear they’re lying!”

“All three of them?” Albert said in a tired voice as he sat down behind his desk. “One I could have doubted, even two, but all three?”

Emily glanced at Andrew, gave him a hurt look. “Surely not you, too?”

He flinched at her portrayed disappointment. There was a distinct possibility that he might break down and confess all. He did still want to marry her, after all. And since
knew he was lying, he’d have a bloody hard time working around that if he got his wish and Albert did give her to him. However, he must have recalled that this little scenario was exactly what she’d planned for Jeremy, that they were merely throwing the same lies she’d started back at her, so she was hardly in a position to carry a grudge.

“My main concern is the child,” Andrew told her. “Which could be my heir.”

know it’s not yours!” she snapped. “So stop this nonsense.”

“We know nothing of the sort. I understand your need to make denials. But don’t forget that I still want to marry you. I’m willing to raise the child, whether it’s mine or not, and willing to overlook your”—he paused to glance at the other men—“many indiscretions.”

Again her face flushed severely, but no embarrassment was left, only pure rage, and she turned it back on her father. “You have subjected me to these horrible accusations, none of which are even remotely true. Can’t you see what they’re doing here? This is a complete farce, a conspiracy contrived by Lord Malory there, I don’t doubt, just to get his son out—”

“Enough!” Albert snapped. “Don’t make me any more ashamed of you, girl, than I already am.”

That had to hurt. She did draw in her breath before she said, “So you’re going to believe them instead of me?”

She managed to get some tears rolling and to look utterly devastated. Drew’s expression wavered. He was a sucker for tears. Andrew turned around so he’d be less affected. William rolled his eyes, recognizing a fellow performer.

Fortunately, Albert knew his daughter well and her tactics. “I know you’re capable of lying, Emily. It’s a bad habit you got into growing up. And I know you do it very well. I just never dreamed you could lie about something like this that has such irreparable consequences.”

She stiffened. The anger was back so quickly, it was apparent it had never left, had merely been briefly concealed for her moment of melodrama. She chose to direct that anger at James now, having decided he was responsible for ruining her plans.

“I know you instigated this, Lord Malory. But you didn’t give it much thought, did you?” she said scathingly. “I can’t imagine how you thought you could pull this off, when I can prove they’re all lying.”

James lifted a sardonic brow. “And how would you do that, m’dear, when it’s your word against theirs, three to one as it were— no, make that four to one, since Jeremy has also branded you a liar?”

“Jeremy be damned, I can prove it because I’m still a—”

She realized what she’d been about to say and cut herself off, but James pounced on the opening she’d supplied. “A virgin?”

James stood up. Emily took a step back, realizing belatedly just whom she’d verbally assaulted. But James was no longer interested in the chit. She’d done exactly what he’d hoped she would.

“My apologies, Lord Bascomb, that this visit was necessary,” James said.

Albert nodded stiffly. His expression was self-explanatory. He was embarrassed over the whole affair, now that he realized to what lengths his daughter had gone to entrap a husband.

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