A Major Distraction (3 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

BOOK: A Major Distraction
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“Yeah, you are.”

“Thanks,” she grumbled, and Maria laughed. “You and Olivia have been so nice. I was hoping we could be great friends.”

“By bonding over moving your heavy furniture?”

Genevieve groaned and planted her forehead on the table. “Sounds horrible, doesn’t it?” How much more awkward could things get?

“Well, well. I see you
know Maria.”

That voice. Swearing to herself, Genevieve raised her head off the table to see a familiar smirk.

“Brad!” Maria stood and hugged the man.

“You know Genevieve?” he asked.

Genevieve hadn’t been aware he even knew her first name, considering just about everyone at work called her St. James, with or without the Ms.

“Actually, Olivia and I are helping our friend unpack this weekend.” Maria looked to Genevieve. “Right?”

Wanting to kiss the woman, even if she’d had the poor taste to sleep with Brad Cava, Genevieve smiled. “Yeah.”

“Well, that’s great,” Brad agreed. “We can celebrate with dinner at my place.” He paused then took Maria’s seat. “Right next door.”

Maria stared from Brad to her. “Are you serious? You moved next door to him?”

“Um, yes?”

Maria laughed. “That’s perfect.” She gave Brad a sly grin. “Hey, if you’re not busy, you should help your poor neighbor out too.”

“I tried. She rejected me.”

Maria beamed at her. “I knew I liked you.”

A hulking brute of a man looking just like Brad walked in the shop and moved to Maria. He hugged her off her feet until she squeaked then planted a hot and heavy kiss on her.

“Meet my husband,” Maria said on a gasp.

The man turned, and Genevieve read his nametag. Another Cava, this one also a Marine Corps major, one who wore a wedding ring.

Brad smirked. “Mike’s my brother. Maria’s my sister-in-law. Small world, eh?”

Genevieve gripped her coffee like a lifeline. “Small world.”

Olivia took that moment to enter the main area from the back. “Oh hey, guys. Nice to see you here.”

Taking a long look at Olivia then the guys, Genevieve guessed, “Don’t tell me. You’re all related, right?”

“My brothers.” Olivia gave Mike and Brad a hug. “Are they bothering you? Want me to send them outside?” she teased.

Genevieve wanted to say yes, and by the wicked look on Brad’s face, he wanted her to as well. “No. Just surprised
never mentioned it before.” In a sweet tone, she added, “We work together.”

Mike frowned as he studied her. Then that frown turned into a huge grin. “I bet
you’re the tech geek.”

“Systems engineer, but yes, to the uneducated layman”—she looked at Brad—“tech geek fits.”

“Ah.” Mike’s mirth had her dying to know what Brad had said about her, especially because Brad wasn’t smiling anymore.

“Shut up, Mike,” he growled.

“What did I say?”

Maria cut them off by explaining they’d be helping move some of Genevieve’s things the next morning. Not that Genevieve had given her any instructions about the move. The petite blonde issued orders like a general, roping everyone in to help.

“Will nine work?” Maria asked.

“Uh, sure. But you don’t have to—”

“Settling in definitely requires girlfriend help.” Maria nodded. Olivia smiled.

“Okay. It’s not much. Just a few boxes and one or two pieces of furniture. I swear I’ll buy you guys dinner for helping me.”

“No problem,” Mike said. “Any friend of Maria’s is a friend of mine. I mean, you’re practically family, working with my little brother and living right next door to him and all.” He tried rubbing Brad’s head.

“Asshole.” Brad smacked him away.

Olivia scowled at him. “Nice language. Genevieve, I’ll bring my husband too. We’ll have you set up in no time.”

Genevieve felt overwhelmed. “Wow. That’s…great.” Time to head back to the house and make sure to put away any unmentionables. Especially the ones with batteries. “You guys don’t have to go to too much trouble. I’m pretty sure with all the help we’ll be done in an hour, if that.”

“Good.” Brad stood when she did.

When had she taken to thinking about him as
and not
that conceited ass

He put a hand on the small of her back. “I’ll walk you home.”

She couldn’t refuse, not with everyone watching them. “Um, thanks.” She left after tossing her coffee cup.

“That’s the family. Nice, hmm?” He grinned as they walked up the street toward home. Her home.

His home.

Oh man.

“You set me up before,” she accused.

“Me? No way. You’re the one who dragged Maria and Olivia into your circle of friends. God help you.”

She had to laugh at that.

“Oh my gosh. A smile. I think my heart might give out.” He clutched his chest, and she rolled her eyes.

“Just when I was beginning to not dislike you so much.”

“And there, the love words. I wasn’t expecting them so soon in our relationship.”

“Ha ha.” She looked at him as she stepped onto her porch. Observing his charming side was dangerous. Now she could understand why so many people liked him. Danger signals flashed from his darkening eyes.

He grabbed her arm to stop her from entering her house. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. The comedy’s only the first part of my routine.” His grip gentled, and he ran his fingers down her arm to tickle the back of her hand. “My special performance will be later tonight. Ten o’clock—don’t miss it.” His gaze swept over her body and lingered on her breasts. Her damn bra and thin cotton shirt were no match for the effect his devastating grin had on her nipples.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” That was what she should have said the
time he’d mentioned his “performance”. She also might have been more effective in her denial if she hadn’t sounded so out of breath.

“Up to you. Curtains open or closed, it’s your call.” He blew her a kiss, laughed, and left her there, staring after him as he disappeared down the street, no doubt going back to the coffee shop to see his siblings.


Chapter Three



Brad couldn’t believe the turn his attitude had taken. Watching Genevieve interact with his family and seeing her smile had erased any notion she might be annoying. He couldn’t get her sexy grin out of his mind, though he kept trying to tell himself she was a pain in the ass. To know she’d watched him, seen him stroking off—that blush had about killed him—only added fuel to the fire. He was so ready to fuck her.
Fuck her and forget her
, his heart reminded him. As if he needed more heartache at work.

Facing Marcy had been bad enough. They’d been broken up for nearly six months. After two dates and lackluster sex where she tried too hard, he’d known they wouldn’t suit. Since he’d had no intention of using her or hurting her, he’d broken things gently before they could really get started. But those first few weeks after they ended, she’d watched him with sad puppy eyes.

For months he’d done well to avoid her, only speaking to her when necessary and always with a professional detachment and politeness. They’d eventually eased into a familiar camaraderie, and he’d heard she’d started dating some supply guy in Lima Company not long ago. Knowing she’d moved on had eased his mind. That and they hadn’t dealt with each other in weeks.

But when he’d asked about his trouble ticket today, he’d gotten the weird vibe that maybe Marcy had held on to it so he’d have to talk to her again. Not a good situation, so he’d handled it then assigned one of his corporals to deal with any follow-up issues.

After his disastrous dates with Marcy, he’d made sure to learn from his mistakes. He’d avoid his sexy new neighbor like the plague. She worked near him, though not for him. No chain of command concerns. Yet they worked closely enough that should their as yet undefined relationship go wrong, he’d be feeling the sting for a long time to come. Unfortunately, Brad’s ability to reason seemed to have vanished, his sexual needs taking precedence over his common sense.

He wanted to think he was better than that, but he wanted Genevieve with an ache that grew worse every day.

Returning to the coffee shop to deal with yet another mess, he found his siblings and Maria still there, waiting for his return.

Mike’s shit-eating grin didn’t help. “Well, well. Your girlfriend sure is a looker.”

“We talked about it, and I agree.” Maria nodded. “If I swung that way, I’d totally do her.”

Olivia snickered. “And she’s a redhead. Totally your type.”

“Okay, that’s enough out of you three. We’re helping her move her stuff tomorrow. Boxes, furniture. Period. No mouthing off about me or making my situation at work any worse.”

Mike huffed. “Please. What situation? We all know Colonel Drey loves you.”

“Don’t you mean
Drey?” Olivia asked, “Didn’t he and Dad just go golfing last week?” Their father, a retired colonel, had a lot of friends still on active duty. Growing up the children of the esteemed Colonel Michael Cava had put them in touch with a lot of higher-ranking officers from a young age.

Brad shrugged, never one to play on family connections. “So?”

“So you hanging out with Genevieve won’t impact you up at work with the colonel. You two are on your own. Genevieve.” Mike sighed. “Geez, even her name is sexy.” He let out a grunt when his wife elbowed him in the gut.

She glared at him. “Enough talk about another woman being sexy.”

“Now, baby, you know you’re the only one for me.” Mike gave her a big kiss. “I’m just trying to help out my pathetic, lovelorn brother.”

“He does need the help.” Olivia gave Brad a critical onceover. “He’s handsome enough, I suppose. Charming when he wants something. But Genevieve struck me as a tough sell. You can’t charm her pants off, Brad. Try talking to the woman like an equal.”

That stung. “Hey. I’m a nice guy.”

“Afraid of commitment, but nice.” Maria nodded.

Mike agreed. “So Dana busted you up. That was five years ago. Time to try again, I say.”

Five years and three months ago, to be precise.
“I’m over Dana.”

“Hey, it’s okay if you aren’t. I don’t know that I’d be okay with women after what she did.” Mike frowned. “Woman dumped you for a higher-ranking model.”

“Mike.” Olivia punched him. Maria did too. “I think what our brother
,” Olivia said, “is that anyone would be leery of being in a fully committed relationship after going through what you went through with Dana. But there are so many great women out there. It’s time you stopped playing around and started seriously looking. Don’t you think?”

Brad pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing they meant well, even if they were intrusive. “You know, just because you three felt the need to get hitched doesn’t mean we all do. I was married. It ended. Period. Now I’m living the good life, single and sane. Don’t hate because you’re jealous.”

Mike conceded. “He has a point.”

“Michael,” Maria snapped. Considering the hassle she’d gone through to snag the big guy, Brad knew she thought she had cause to be wary of Mike’s attitude toward marriage. But after two and a half years of wedded bliss, he’d have thought Maria over her fears.

“I’m teasing, baby. You know that.” Mike smiled at her, and in his expression, Brad saw the love that should exist between spouses. Maria gave it right back to him, and Brad knew an unfamiliar touch of envy, wishing he had the same.

Odd, because he’d been both relieved and joyful being single. For years. Now… maybe his siblings hooking up into permanent, happy relationships was getting to him.

Then again, unlike Mike, Brad didn’t have to worry about a woman breaking his heart. He’d once given his love, his trust, his
to Dana. They’d dated for two years, married for another two and then—bam. She’d taken him to the cleaners in a nasty divorce. They’d married young, so they hadn’t had much, but he sure as hell missed his old sound system. His favorite leather chair, the damn dog…

What a bunch of crappy thoughts considering he had a sexy woman to perform for in a few hours. Why the hell dwell on a past he couldn’t change? “You married people should go home and do whatever boring things married people do nowadays. I finished my week and earned some downtime. Think I might watch a ball game. Or, I know! I’ll do whatever I want because I’m single and sexy.” He wiggled his brows.

Olivia grimaced.

Maria laughed. “Well, he is sexy.”

Mike didn’t seem to like that. “Now who needs to watch how she talks about the opposite sex?”

She leaned over to whisper something in Mike’s ear, and his sly grin spoke volumes.

don’t want to know what she said.” Brad waved good-bye. “I’ll see you losers tomorrow. Kyle too?” he asked Olivia.

“Yeah. He’s helping Dad with something right now, or he’d have stopped by tonight.”

“What’s he helping Dad with?” Mike wanted to know.

“A fancy dinner he’s cooking for Mom.” Olivia grinned. Her new husband had incredible skills in the kitchen. The guy could even cook eggplant and make it taste good. “I think Dad is working up an apology for forgetting their dinner date last week. You know, when he went out with the guys instead?”

Mike nodded. “Oh yeah. I heard an earful from Mom about how I should treat Maria like gold. As if my woman would have it any other way.”

“You’re darned tootin’,” Maria agreed.

Brad cringed. “The sweetness factor with you three is making my skin crawl. I think I’ll go home and watch porn then scratch my ass and piss in the bushes outside to remind myself I’m single for a reason.”

“You do that and you’ll stay single,” Maria muttered.

Olivia snorted. “No kidding.”

Mike shook his head. “Say and do what you want. We all saw the way you eyeballed the tech geek. Pathetic, little brother.”

Brad flipped him off. “Whatever. Don’t be late tomorrow.”

“We’ll be there,” Maria promised.

Brad left with a spring in his step. Time to get his groove on with one sexy, stubborn tech geek. He had a hard time putting the word
in front of her gorgeous face. Green eyes, dark red hair, a smooth olive complexion. With a body that didn’t quit, the woman was a walking advertisement for sex. Good thing he had a full box of condoms at home.

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