A Mate's Sacrifice: (Hot Paranormal Romance) (Ozark Mountain Shifters Book 2) (6 page)

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A growl rose from Vesh’s throat and his arm tightened even further.

The alpha laughed, but it wasn’t friendly. “No. And yet you want me to allow you into our camp, to bring danger to my people. None of you are a good enough reason to put my people in harm’s way.”

He shook his head, turning to leave. But Braeh had a hunch. This wolf’s eyes were too expressive. When they’d mentioned Vesh’s sister, she thought she’d seen a hint of panic behind his outburst.

The three wolves were already two steps away when she blurted, “Besh is.”

He froze. Seconds ticked by before he turned back. “What did you say?” his words were harsh, like barbed wire against metal.

Vesh angled himself in front of Braeh, but the alpha’s eyes stayed glued to her.

They needed this man’s help. Vesh’s sister had a douchebag abusive mate, and even though she’d only just met him, Braeh wanted to help him save her. No woman deserved to be bullied by someone who was supposed to love her. Besides that, Trager and Kerri needed to be safe too. And she’d bet her last dollar that the alpha before her and his two bulky buddies ran a secure camp.

“I said…” She scooted Vesh aside so the alpha could see her clearly. She wanted him to know she wasn’t intimidated by him. “Besh is important enough. She is, isn’t she? To you? She’s worth the risk.”

The black wolf shifted nervously and GI Joe was stock still. Their actions told her she’d hit a nerve. With a sledge hammer.

“Listen, she needs away from that bastard. You help us, we’ll help you. And together, we’ll help her.”

Still, he glared at Braeh, as if she’d just gone on a kitten murder spree.

“You have a common enemy. And now, what better gift could you ask for than your enemy’s former right-hand man? It’s the ultimate leg up.”

More silent seconds passed.

Finally, the alpha broke his furious gaze. “Follow me,” he barked.

Braeh suddenly felt sick. She’d taken a gamble, but maybe using Besh as a bargaining tool wasn’t such a great idea. She looked at Trager to find him glaring at her. Kerrigan’s face was contorted with worry. No need to look at Vesh. Their expressions told Braeh all she needed to know.

She’d screwed up.

Chapter Eight

Vesh kept his hand on Braeh as they were led out to the parking lot. He wanted to strangle her for being so brazen. But damn, watching his mate stand up to the alpha was hot. If they weren’t in such deep shit, he’d push her up against the first available wall and kiss the hell out of her.

His wolf was so on board with that idea.

Outside, the three Ravendales stopped by Trager’s truck.

“Blindfold them,” Cael ordered the others.

“No way in hell,” Vesh countered.

“If you want into the Ravendale camp, you’ll go blindfolded. I’m not revealing the location.”

“We already know where your camp is.”

Cael smiled evilly. “Do you now?”

Well. Vesh
he knew where their camp was. But really, he knew what land they claimed. Their community could be anywhere.

“Lexar will drive all of you in the… whatever-the-hell that is.” He gestured to the beat down 4-Runner. “And Haze will take your bike. I’ll give you two cabins, while we figure out what to do about Jax. You’ll each have daily work, like all the other wolves, and when all this is over, you’ll swear allegiance to Ravendale or be on your way. That’s my offer. Take it or leave it.”

“We’ll take it,” Trager said quickly.

Vesh glared at him. Idiot. Couldn’t he at least have thought about it for a minute?

Trager glared back, pulling Kerrigan tightly against his side.

Vesh held Braeh’s hand as their eyes were covered and they were guided into the back seat of the truck. The doors were slammed and her small body pressed against his larger one as someone else was pushed into the back seat.

He could smell her anxiety. This was a lot for one day. She’d gone from a carefree visit with her sister, to on the run and at the mercy of a wolf stranger.

Still, she was tough as leather. If he wasn’t so close and attuned to her scent, he wouldn’t know she was feeling anything but cool. Once again, he felt proud.

Tough girl.

As they bumped along the road, Vesh tried to ignore the sensation of her body against his. He wasn’t used to the way it felt. He was accustomed to a little more padding. What he hadn’t expected was to like it so much, to want to feel it more.

He ground his teeth together and tried to push his wolf back.

The rickety vehicle hit a sudden pothole, jarring everyone inside. Breah slammed against his ribs. He tightened the arm around her to steady her at the same time she grabbed his thigh. Her hand on his body, so close to his cock, made him go instantly hard.

She must’ve known by the way he tensed because she muttered a hurried, “Sorry.”

“Dayum, wolf, ever think of checking the shocks on this piece of shit?” Lexar griped.

“Maybe. Once.” Trager’s voice came from the backseat, just on the other side of Braeh.

Vesh fumed. Those sorry assholes put him next to Braeh when they could have easily put her sister in the back.

Damn wolves.

Without another thought, he lifted her, sliding her onto his lap and scooting farther toward the middle. She gasped at his hardness against her leg, but he couldn’t care if she felt it. He was just happy there was no chance her lithe body was bumping into Trager’s when they turned corners.

He pulled her as tight against him a he could, and she let him. She didn’t resist or stiffen. Even though he tried to ignore the good feeling it gave him, her reaction made him feel ten feet tall.

Her hand landed softly on his chest, and Vesh reached up to touch her cheek. Blindly, he grazed her neck instead, skating up her jaw. Bringing her face down to his, he pressed the tip of his nose against her skin and inhaled, drawing in a deep breath of her scent. It made his head spin. And the fact that he couldn’t see her to gauge her reaction made everything all the more erotic. He felt her pulse flutter against his lips as he brushed them along the length of her neck, an indicator that she was enjoying his attention.

His breath caught in his throat when her hand slowly smoothed along his chest approaching his neck. Her skin touching his, delicately, exploring the intricate details of his jaw, sliding up to caress his cheek… it left him floundering.

None of the women he’d been with had touched him this way. Carefully. Gently. Like he was valued. Was he? Did she think he was worth something?

Vesh swallowed the lump in his throat.

He realized he desperately wanted her to.

Haunting memories flooded him.

You’re nothing but a worthless bastard wolf.

You’ll never be anything but a slave for me to whore out to those willing to pay the right price.

You disgust me.

You sicken me.

Do you see the look on my face, child? It’s the look of a mother so sick of her young she’d pay to see you each dead, except your whore ways pay the bills, so I can’t even rid myself of you. One day, I’ll be free of you, free of this burden, and when that day comes, I hope you spend the rest of your life rotting and festering in whatever hellheap you land in.

Vesh took a deep shuddering breath to remind himself where he was. With Braeh. His mate. Who touched him softly.

Whether she actually valued him or not, she’d been kind to him, and it meant more than anyone could possibly know. Now, here, blindfolded, sharing these moments with her, he was just coming to realize how much her kindness meant to him.

Desperate to feel something other than gratitude because she didn’t find him pathetic, he slid his hand underneath the back of her thin t-shirt. The instant his fingertips made contact with her soft skin, she broke out in chill bumps.

“Yes,” he barely whispered against her ear.

She responded by pressing her cheek into his. Every heavy breath could be felt rushing past his ear. He silently thanked the fates that Trager’s shitty ride was also a noisy one. Otherwise, the others might have heard Braeh’s panting.

Wanting more from her, Vesh brought his other hand to the front, slowly moving up until he found her breast through her shirt. He palmed the smaller-than-he-was-used-to mound and decided it was rather perfect for his hand. Her breath rushed out as he squeezed slightly. His tongue darted out, tasting her skin, licking a path to her earlobe where he used his teeth to tease.

She whimpered, her mouth to his ear, her hands in his hair.

“Shh,” he warned. The road noises and blindfolds made it feel like they were the only ones around, but Vesh was aware of how alert wolves were. They had to be careful.

The truck hit another bump in the road, causing Braeh to fall against his chest. He held her there when she would’ve sat up. Snaking his hand between them, he went under the front of her shirt this time, skimming her flat tummy and tweaking her hardened nipples through the fabric of her bra. Faster and harder, her breath came, hot against his neck.

This slow, secret exploration of his mate made him feel more alive than he had in a very long time. He forgot about his past. He forgot about losing his pack. About the danger his sister was in. About Avan and Farrow’s betrayal. About the fact that he’d jumped ships, and was now on the other side of the fight. About how wrong he was for Braeh. How wrong she was for him. He forgot about everything except finding more parts of her to explore, about experiencing her body and its reaction to him. And his reaction to her.

He dipped his fingers into the valley between her breasts, dragging his way back down her stomach, and teasing her belly button. He nuzzled her neck, running his nose along her collar bone, and nibbling his way back up to her jaw.

The scent of her arousal smacked him in the face, making his cock throb. He ground it into her hip seeking an ounce of relief.

Wolf needed more, needed to taste her mouth.

No. Not her mouth. He’d never stop if he kissed her.

Instead, he latched onto the skin of her throat, sucking, memorizing her flavor. Braeh threw her head back, pulling his hair for more.

A throat cleared loudly, once, twice, breaking through the fog of his lust. Braeh froze. Vesh released his mate’s neck.

“Listen, man.” The driver’s voice drifted to the back seat. “You’re about to enter a pack full of males who don’t give a fuck whether or not she’s your mate. Without a mark, she’s unclaimed.” There was a pause while his words began to make sense. “You need to do something about her scent.”


“What are you talking about?” Kerrigan asked.

“Not now, baby,” Trager said, his voice sounding strained.


Vesh hadn’t even thought about the repercussions of arousing his mate in the presence of other wolves. Damn it, where was his mind. Fucking

Braeh’s fingers clawed his shirt. “What is it?” she breathed. “What does he mean?” Her question was only loud enough for Vesh to hear.

“We’ll finish this later, okay. But right now, I need you to think of something awful.”


“Something repulsive. Anything.”

“Are you for real?”

“Hell yes. Do it. Now.” His voice was harsh as he straightened her clothes.

“Like what?”

“Don’t give a fuck. Whatever turns you off.”

She was still for several seconds. “Okay, I’ve got it.”

Moments passed and her luscious scent began to change, to smell less dark and seductive, and more natural.

Curiosity got the best of him, and he had to know. “What is it?”

“Asshole men,” she chirped. “Quickest turnoff ever.”

He dipped his head to her ear again. “Is that a challenge, sugar?”

Her huff of disapproval ghosted past his ear, and when she didn’t answer, he placed a soft kiss on her heated cheek.

The truck stopped and the engine was cut.

“We’re here,” Lexar announced.

Vesh ripped off the damn blindfold to take a look around, but his eyes caught on Braeh. The sight of her with her eyes covered was maybe the hottest thing he’d ever seen. Visions of her in his bed, like this, blinded to him while he teased pleasure from her body, rolled through his mind. He wanted her like that.

But that wasn’t where this was going with her. He wasn’t getting her in his bed or any other bed for that matter. They weren’t going to mate and live happily ever after as most of his kind did. No, that wasn’t in the cards for Vesh. When they eliminated Jax, he’d take over the Ozarka pack and try to right the wrongs the brutal alpha had done to their wolves. Being mated
make him stronger, but for Vesh, it just brought out all his issues. Memories he’d worked so hard to bury. Feelings he’d tried so hard to squelch. She made him weak.

His wolf growled low, reminding him how strong the animal had become in the past thirty-six hours.

Carefully, he untied her blindfold and she blinked at the dim light streaming in the windows. Doors opened and the others got out of the vehicle. Braeh glanced at Vesh, her eyes drifting to his lips.

“You really are an asshole, you know?”

He brushed his thumb across her pink cheek. “I know.”

Vesh opened his door and eased her off his lap before stepping out. His bike was parked between some trees, and a small crowd had gathered around Cael. Questions were being thrown around like confetti. Vesh spotted Trager behind the SUV. He had Kerrigan pressed against the truck, kissing her like there was no tomorrow, his hips thrusting against her curves.

Typical wolf response to scenting a ready female.

Vesh would have to do better to keep Braeh’s arousal to himself in the future.

“He’s Ozarka,” a deep voice bellowed. “The alpha’s successor. He shouldn’t be here.”

Turning, Vesh saw mostly angry faces on the males who’d gathered, and interest on the females. A stunning redhead with perfectly ample hips and voluptuous breasts peeking from the top of her shirt, smiled seductively at him. He smiled back.

“These four are temporarily granted asylum with us,” Cael announced, his dominance quieting the voices. “Kash, find jobs for them, okay? Everyone else, I expect them to be treated with respect, the same as you’d treat each other. Remember we aren’t barbarians. We are Ravendale.”

The redhead batted her eyelashes and bit down on the tip of her forefinger, blatantly checking out Vesh’s goods. Her eyes on him set his wolf’s hackles, but Vesh was actually relieved. This was what he needed. Meaningless shit that kept him protected from reality.

“Lexar will show you to your cabins.”

“We need a third,” Vesh said, keeping his eyes on the redhead.

“That wasn’t the deal. One cabin for each couple.”

“We aren’t a couple,” Vesh added quickly. He broke to look at Braeh. Her brow was furrowed. She looked angry and hurt at the same time. But she’d said the same thing in Kerrigan’s apartment. They

Vesh glanced at the frowning alpha, whose gaze went back and forth between him and Braeh. “Too bad. You get two cabins. You sort out who goes where.”

Fine. He shot one last glance at the pouting redhead, and pulled his bag from where he’d stowed it on the back of his bike. He’d find her later.

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