A Message of Love (5 page)

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Authors: Trent Evans

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Fantasy, #Horror, #Romantic Erotica

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Then he was upon her, pushing her to her back, moving her up the bed. He kissed her feverishly, not getting enough and ramming his tongue in further. Seeking. Taking. He stripped off his shirt, the muscles of his shoulders rippling in the low light. Her hands reached up to his neck, then down his broad chest, nails tracing the defined abdominals.

He grabbed her wrists in his hands, yanking them up past her head. He pinned her to the bed with his piercing gaze. Her eyes met his; steady, expression unreadable.


“Quiet,” he said, shaking his head. He squeezed her wrists. “Keep them there.”

Jacob reached over her body and opened the side table drawer, pulling out the leather manacles. He hadn’t opened that drawer in months, the flood of memory it caused just too much for him. Now he used that pain to spur him on, drive him. How dare she dredge it all up. Her arrogant presumption. Her beauty. Those eyes.

As he bound her hands to the wrought iron headboard, her expression flickered, her teeth worrying her lip. It was just for a moment, but it was unmistakable.

In over your head now aren’t you, my gorgeous girl?

He smiled.

Jacob sat back, his cock jutting upward. He liked to just look at Mara this way. He’d make her lie in silence while his eyes devoured her lush body, her gaze upon his large, blatantly displayed erection. He loved watching her reaction as he stroked himself. He knew Mara loved his cock, but more than that, he thought making her watch emphasized the power dynamic. His hard readiness and the helpless, but yearning Mara. It just worked for them.

He stroked Elira’s pale thighs, fingers tracing down her legs to her feet. He grabbed both of them in his hands and eased them apart, imparting his intent. She understood, spreading her legs further. The plump labia parted, the delicate flesh within glistening. He inhaled her scent, savoring it.

He lay between her thighs, arms planted on the mattress to either side of her ribs. Her legs locked around his muscular buttocks, drawing him in. Her eyes clenched shut, and she moaned softly as he slid into her.

Christ she was so wet! Her heat took him in, deep, deep, until he was fully, blissfully, sheathed within her. She sighed as he lowered himself to her, letting her feel his weight. She turned her face in toward one of her arms, exposing her vulnerable neck to his mouth, soft bites of his teeth.

He began a slow advance and retreat, clasping her breast in his hand, squeezing it in rhythm with his thrusts.

“Everything I hoped,” she said, her lips open to him, eyes closed.

“I will gag you,” he said, a harder thrust eliciting another moan from the bound woman.

He worried the tips of her breasts with the nip of his teeth. His strong hands kneaded their heavy, vulnerable weight as he suckled deep on the rose nipples, reveling in their feel against his tongue.

Jacob increased the tempo of his thrusts, pounding into her. She moaned at the increased friction, at his pubic bone grinding against her clit. Her legs clamped tighter to him, her heels across the rise of his clenching buttocks.

“Don’t you dare come yet,” he said through clenched teeth. She groaned again, her thighs squeezing his hips. The muscles of his broad back and shoulders bunched, sweat dripping down onto her chest, the slopes of her breasts glistening with their combined exertions.

He thrust harder, taking her at his pace. When he felt her tense, her thighs clenching him, he slowed, rotating his hips against her. He wanted to make sure she knew her orgasm would come only at his bidding. The way it always had been with Mara.

When her body relaxed somewhat, her hands relaxing in the implacable grip of the manacles, he resumed his thrusting. He rushed forward once more, sinking as deeply as possible into her heat, then took her again, steady, strong. He worked her up several times this way, until she began pleading with him.

“Please, let me come Jacob! Please!”

“Now,” he said, grunting, as he thrust hard into her. She cried out, her eyes flying open. The leather of the manacles creaked against the tension of her wrists. Her cunt rhythmically clamped his cock, rippling down its length. His orgasm took him then, boiling out from behind his testicles, blacking everything out but the intense, pulsing pleasure.

He lay down upon her a moment, his breath heavy, shuddering. His hands reached up to release the manacles. Long fingers twined with hers as she sighed, the tension finally released from her pinioned limbs.

He rested his forehead on her sternum as her hand stroked his hair. He nuzzled the inside curves of those generous breasts, so like Mara’s.

“Oh Jacob,” she said, her voice shaking, fingertips tracing the curve of his ear.

He never thought he’d feel that way again. His heart was bursting with hurt - and relief. To feel was to be alive. It wasn’t until that moment that he realized just how numb, how hollowed out he’d been.

Jacob moved to lie beside the gorgeous woman, clasping her to his body. She pressed soft kisses to his pectorals, fingers running through the arrow of dark hair down his muscled abdomen.

Neither spoke as they lay together. He inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of her that permeated the darkness of the bedroom. She rubbed the wet curls of her sex against his hip, insistent. He clutched a soft buttock in his hand, stilling her.

“You’ll have more soon enough, girl,” he said, his nose sampling the scent of her hair. She smelled unlike any woman he’d ever met. It was yet another item to add to the growing list of unusuals about this strange creature.

His hand wandered further down the slope of her buttocks, fingertips exploring the cleft. She murmured, clutching closer to him as he slipped two fingers between the swollen labia, thumb tracing the whorl of her anus.

“Who are you Elira?” His thumb tapped the tender mouth of her bottom. She shuddered, her leg moving further up his body to ease his access to her secrets.

“Whoever you need me to be Jacob. I’m here for you.” Her voice was low, muffled against his chest.

He stared at the ceiling, luxuriating in the soft yielding of her body against his.

Don’t think Jacob. Just be - for tonight.

He gave her bottom a gentle slap. “Out of the bed, Elira.”

Jacob made her stand in front of him. He sat on the edge of the bed and turned on a bedside lamp, the muted light illuminating her stunning curves. His hands wandered over her body, possessively claiming everything he saw. He bade her raise her arms over her head. His hands coursed down those delicate limbs, thumbs tracing the tender flesh of her underarms. He clasped the petite waist, his grip tight, as he pressed kisses to the smooth belly, his tongue delving into the well of her navel.

Her hand lowered to his hair, stroking him. He smacked her ass hard, the sound harsh in the quiet room.

“Keep those arms up until I tell you otherwise,” he said, looking up at her, his mouth against her flesh. Her eyes flashed, but she obeyed him. It was a defiance he’d relish addressing later.

His palm claimed her pussy in a firm grip. “Spread them Elira. Wider.”

She spread her legs until the tendons of her inner thighs stood out taut.

“Good girl.”

He leaned closer to her to get a better view of that glorious sex. She gasped as he slipped two fingers deep into her, testing the depths. He thrust into her vigorously for a few minutes, enjoying the wet sucking sounds of her sex and the quiver of her breasts. She dropped her head, sighing, grasping her hands together overhead to steady herself. He withdrew and put the glistening fingers to her lips. She sucked them into her mouth, finishing with a gentle kiss to his fingertips.

“Show it to me Elira,” he said, voice thick, one of his hands clasping her hip.

His gaze flicked up to hers at her hesitation. “You know what I mean. You can read minds remember?”

He watched a blush suffuse her face for the first time, then followed her fingers as they made their way down to slip through the silky curls. She eased the hood back, her wet clitoris shining in the low light.

“Very nice. That’s a big one, girl.” He stroked it with a finger, and her breath caught.

Her blush darkened yet more, but he was pleased to see she kept herself exposed to his gaze.

“Clasp them behind your head,” he said, not looking to see if she’d obey. He knew she would.

She gasped again as he worked her with the rough pads of his fingertips, occasionally dipping back into the dripping font of her pussy and rubbing more moisture on the deep red clit. It
big, and he loved it. He worried it until she was crying out, her hips working, despite his admonishing her to stay still.

“Don’t come until I give you permission girl. You’ll be sorry if you do.”

She shuddered with a long, high-pitched whine as he continued, relentless, thrusting three fingers into her sex in time with the ceaseless stroking of her hard clit. He knew she couldn’t fight it much longer, but he kept at her, warning her of the consequences of disobeying him. He leaned in closer and laved her pussy with his broad tongue, licking between the swollen labia, savoring the taste of her while he continued pistoning into her with his fingers. Then he sucked the throbbing clit into his mouth. It was too much for her and she went over, crying out, her hips bucking against his hand, his tongue. He didn’t let up, until she pleaded with him, until it was too much for her over-sensitized flesh.

The room was bathed in the scent of her arousal, its evidence dripping down to his wrist. He licked his fingers with a smile as he looked up at her flushed face. Though she was more malleable now, the orgasm lessening her tension, he could still see it in her eyes. That sharp awareness; a place he couldn’t get at. Something she kept from him still.

He’d worked on that with Mara. He’d wanted her to give him everything - and she had. No secrets, no lies; all of it for him. He’d made her tell him the dark thoughts that she feared sharing with anyone. The things she was ashamed of, the things that frightened her. It was hard for her, but she’d realized that it was part of what made everything work. She gave him everything, and he protected it. All of it. All of her. He was where she could flee. He was where she could lay her troubles, her worries, her frustrations. It was heady stuff for him at first, especially when she told him the things red-blooded women
desired. He’d realized then that there wasn’t much that separated men and women after all; the two sides of the same coin.

“You disobeyed me Elira.”

Her look was defiant, even as she kept her hands clasped behind her head, the slender muscles of her biceps twitching. She was still holding back, challenging him even.

He sat down on the bed again, his heart pounding in his chest. “Lay over my lap Elira.”

You are the lowest of the low. This was only for her.

It still is.

He jerked his head back, startled, for the last thought was not his own.

She did as he required, and he was unsuccessful in stifling the sigh elicited by the blissful sensation of a soft, yielding female body laid across his hard thighs. It was heavenly, and the view was even better.

He sometimes just made Mara lie there quietly for long minutes, while he devoured her with his gaze, wanting to look everywhere at once. Savoring the fact that he didn’t have to; he could take as long as he wanted. And he had.

He stroked the curves of Elira’s broad, plump buttocks, turning his hand to run his knuckles over her paleness, making her skin break out in goose-flesh. He traced the bewitching twin dimples just below her waist. His fingertips wandered down the crevice of her buttocks, delving into that dark valley. His hand clenched a generous cheek hard, claiming it as he scored the creamy flesh of the other cheek with gentle fingernails; just a light scratching, the feel of her softness under his hands wonderful.

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