A Message of Love (6 page)

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Authors: Trent Evans

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Fantasy, #Horror, #Romantic Erotica

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Then he spanked her, the sound a jarring crack in the dim, quiet room. She tensed at the pain, but stayed silent. Just as he liked. He slapped each buttock in turn, leaving plenty of time between blows for Elira to feel them. He laid a hard slap to the base of one luscious cheek, and she clenched with a hiss.

“Loosen them Elira. More - good.”

Her buttocks relaxed as his hand-prints continued to bloom on the smooth, white canvas.


A mewling, and she reached back to rub her bottom. He caught her wrist in his hand and pinned it to the small of her back.

“That’s not allowed girl.”

“Hurts!” Her voice was far away, strange.

“It’s supposed to hurt Elira,” he said, delivering another crack to the far cheek, sending the lush flesh wobbling. So lovely.

Mara had had a difficult time with spanking at first. She’d never been spanked as a child, and it was a true shock to her when Jacob had first pulled her over his lap. He’d introduced her to it slowly, showing her that it wasn’t all about pain. His obsessive, exploratory preamble would usually have her writhing with need, his knowing hands awakening her to both the pleasure and the pain of a spanking between a Dominant and his submissive. She’d come to love it, most of all because of the loving (and otherwise) attention he paid to her. He’d taught her, to their mutual delight, that ‘a spanking’, was a lot more than just a spanking!

He quickened the pace, cracking repeated slaps to the bottom of both cheeks, and Elira’s stoicism broke. She cried out at each blow, her struggling becoming more urgent. When her generous bottom was a suitable shade of red, Jacob peppered the backs of her thighs with crisp slaps as well, her keening raising another octave at the harsher sting.

His cock was insistent, digging into her hip, the throbbing becoming impossible to ignore. He moved her off of his lap, taking that simple male pleasure in handling her slight body with such ease. Jacob moved her up the bed to have her kneel on all fours, her head resting on the mattress, that glorious, round ass on mouthwatering display. Her ragged breath was beginning to even as she waited, prostrate. He knelt behind her a moment, and just enjoyed the sight of a well-chastised bottom. Such feminine perfection he’d rarely ever seen.

His wife had loved that position for the intense pleasure it brought her, his deep strokes taking her breath away. But more than that, it just made her feel...vulnerable. It was the position she felt a Master should take his slave in, and though they seemingly tried every position known to man, it was always a favorite for them both.

He grasped each of Elira’s delicate wrists and manacled them again, this time affixing them close together low in the middle of the wrought iron headboard. He wanted her to be able to rest her head on her arms for what was coming.

Jacob moved close to Elira, clasped her hips in strong hands, and rubbed the broad head of his cock over the heat of the spanked buttocks. The labia were swollen, the moisture dripping from her sex, the curls of her pubis matted with her juices. He was surprised to see this, as he’d only ever seen one other woman react so strongly, so viscerally, to being spanked. His wife.

The scent of her sex hit him again, stoking his lust yet higher, and he positioned himself at her entrance, the wetness clutching, pulling at him.

“Yes,” she breathed, her hips moving, beckoning.

He entered her with a single, long plunge, seating himself fully as she gasped. He slapped the curve of her ass as he pulled back only to rush forward once more. Then he took up a steady, forceful thrusting, taking his time for it was his to take. He wound one hand in her hair, pulling her head back sharply so that he could nibble on her earlobe, his thrusts increasing.

“Oh Jacob,” she said, voice strained, the lust drowning her.

“Shh Elira. No talking, just feel. Feel me.” He delivered a heavy smack to her ass, and she yelped.

His hands wandered over her body as he pounded into her, her body jerking as his hips slapped against her soft buttocks. A hard nipple pinched, rough fingertips circling her clit. He made her suck her juices from his fingers once more, the metronome of his thrusts never ending.

He stopped once or twice, both to keep from going over, and to enjoy the clench of her pussy, the rolling, pleading movement of her hips against his.

“We go together Elira. Don’t go until I say.” His voice was harsh, his control a hair’s breadth from breaking.

“Please,” she whispered, her voice cracking.

He rocked into her with increasing speed, his roughness with her escalating. His fingers were back at her clit, pinning her between the clever tips and the pounding of his cock. With a groan he plunged into her, thighs close against hers, dragging a cry from her.

“Now, come for me,” he growled through clenched teeth. He knew no more for a few moments, the overwhelming pleasure blocking all else out as he emptied into her. She screamed then as her orgasm took her, the clutch of her pussy an incredible, blissful delight as her spasms clamped over and over. He could feel their combined juices running between their bodies, to drip off of his testicles. The smell of sex filling the room made him want to keep going, make this last longer, forever.

But he was exhausted, and not just physically. His animal instincts had taken over, yes. They’d allowed him to be, to live. Not think. But now his thoughts flooded back to him, the shame of what he’d done.

He untied Elira’s hands as he planted tender kisses on the crown of each scorched buttock, the bumps of her spine.

You bastard. You lied to her.

“No,” Elira said turning to him as soon as her hands were freed. “No more Jacob.”


She knocked him onto his back, her movement ridiculously quick, the strength behind the blow immense.

His head swam as he lay on his back, gasping, the wind knocked out of him. The strange woman crawled up his body, the soft weight of her breasts dragging against his heated, sweaty chest.

The defiance in her gaze was back… and something else.

“Now it’s my turn Jacob. This was the arrangement.” Her voice was feminine still, but the force of it vibrated in his chest, like a blown speaker.

He tried to speak, but he had no breath in his lungs. He felt as if a car, a mountain, lay atop him, pinning him to that bed. He was helpless.

She crouched over him, and he could see she’d changed.

Oh fuck.

Her eyes no longer shone any whites at all; they were purest jet black.

The color of her skin had gone the mottled gray of concrete on a cold winter morning. Her slim muscles rippled as she moved over him, her gaze intent. Her lips were the deepest of purple, almost black against the pallor of her skin. She was still beautiful, but the beauty was no longer human - or of this world.

“Elira”, he croaked, the effort to produce speech almost causing him to pass out.

She placed a long finger across his lips, the curved ebony claw at its tip tickling the flesh beneath his nose.

“You won’t be taken Jacob - this time. But there’s more I want.”

She moved down his body again, and sheathed his now erect cock deep within her once again, wriggling her hips down to the base to ensure it was fully seated.

Then she smiled at him, flashing needle-like fangs.

He didn’t know how long she rode him. It could have been minutes, or hours. His cock was in agony, feeling as if the skin had been burned off of it. He’d never come so many times in his life. When his stamina flagged once, she pulled off of him, his cock slapping back at his taut, drenched belly. Then she lowered her head to his groin.

He screamed then, as fangs punctured the flesh of his inner thighs. Once, twice, a third time she bit him, switching to the other leg on the final bite. Incredibly, his balls felt a ballooning, rushing pressure, his cock twitching, impossibly hard once more. He groaned with the need, with the pain of the enforced arousal.

She pumped him further, merciless, her round breasts bouncing with her movement. His pleading fell on deaf ears, taloned fingers scratching furrows into his chest. As she crouched over him, squeezing him into releasing yet another pain-filled, wrenching geyser of semen into her greedy pussy, he could see something else. His vision began to gray out, but in the darkness of the room, he could make out movement above her, behind her. The stirring of air. A rustling.


He was so tired. He struggled to draw breath, his heart hammering in his chest, desperate. She was killing him.

The last thing he remembered before blacking out was her hand closing over the base of his tortured cock, the poke of the sharp claws. Her too-long tongue licking up the shaft. Her black, bottomless eyes upon him.

“Life is for the living, Jacob. Nuntium amoris ex Mortuus.”


It was terrible news. They were prepared for it. The weakness was back, worse than ever. She couldn’t eat anything; didn’t want to even move. Talk of numbers, odds, alternative treatment options. Somber, frank discussion about what to do … after.

They both knew the day was coming, but they wanted it to hold off just a little while longer. A little while longer to enjoy life, the feel of the morning sun, the sounds of children playing, a lover’s hand clasping your own.

He remembered the last time he and Mara had made love. He remembered it as vividly as his very first time. She was near the end, so fragile, so tired. Her oncologist had wanted to admit her again, but Mara had refused. She’d wanted one last night with him while she still had the strength. One last night together.

Incredibly, she’d been embarrassed at her dryness, apologizing to him that they’d had to use something when she’d usually dripped for him. He’d shushed her, telling her she was just as beautiful and sexy as the day they’d first met. He’d shown her his hard cock to prove it. Her ashen lips gave it a tender kiss, and he’d almost begun to cry.

He’d tried to get her to lay back, conserve her strength, just let him love her. She didn’t want to. She’d wanted him from behind, what she’d called his ‘rightful place’. Her husband, her lover, her Master. He’d eased into her, afraid of hurting her. It had felt so right as it always had, and his heart broke knowing it was the last time he’d feel it. They’d both known it was the last time they’d be that close. One.

He’d stroked the bright cloth tied around the remnants of her beautiful hair, caressed her head. She’d reached back and he’d held her hand. Then they’d made love, and he really did cry as he told her over and over how much he loved her. . .

The snow outside had let up a little, but he could still see flakes falling through the spray of the deck’s floodlight. He looked at the clock on the mantelpiece, the leather of the couch creaking as his head moved.

No. No, you’ve got to be kidding me.

He’d fallen asleep.

According to that god-damned clock, he’d been out for about twenty minutes. Jacob rubbed his hand across his face.

“Just wonderful,” he muttered, wiping the drying tears from his cheeks.

The phone buzzed from the bar, startling him, the glasses rattling a little at the vibration. Old friend Glen waited, beckoning.

“I think I’ll have that drink now. Jesus, this is unreal.”

Yes, you’re right. It wasn’t real. Fuck.

The phone went off again, and he moved to stand up. He yelled at the pain that shot through his groin. He’d once had a cat bite him through the palm of his hand. That bee-stung ache lasted for days afterward. His inner thighs now felt exactly the same.

Then he saw it, and shivers cascaded down his spine.

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