"A Murder In Milburn", Book 1: Death At A Diner (3 page)

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Authors: Nancy McGovern

Tags: #Cozy Mystery

BOOK: "A Murder In Milburn", Book 1: Death At A Diner
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“I do business with a lot of people, sheriff,” Harvey said. “I suppose I
be expected to remember each name, each face. Unfortunately, my brain isn’t as sharp as yours.”

“I do remember names and faces,” Sean said. “Specially the men I’ve arrested. Find it funny you could do a multimillion dollar deal with someone and forget he exists.”

“Oh, that Santino! Marco Santino.” Harvey nodded as if remembering just now. “Well, did the perp say anything about him?”

“No,” Sean admitted. “It’s all the same with Santino’s men. Everyone has a bad memory.”

Harvey shrugged. “Sounds to me like you’re accusing a man on a whim, sheriff. There’s no proof Santino’s involved.”

“Not yet,” Sean promised. “There will be one day soon, and maybe you won’t be so poker-faced then, Harvey.”

“Do you treat all your victims this way, sheriff?” Harvey smiled. “I hope not.”

“Victims, no. Abettors, yes.”

“Careful,” Harvey said. His voice was still mild, but a note of steel had entered into it.

Ashley, who had made herself lemonade, broke the tense silence between the two by offering some to the sheriff, who shook his head. “No thanks, Ashley. I just had some excellent rhubarb iced tea.”

“Nora’s homemade tea is delicious, isn’t it?” she asked slyly, her mind filing away the information for a future gossip session with the library committee. “It was Nora’s tea you drank, wasn’t it?”

“Nora’s, yes. I was over at Mrs. Mullally’s. Her dog needed rescuing.” Sheriff winced, knowing that the explanation made him sound even more suspect. If he was very honest, there was no reason a deputy couldn’t have gone over to Mrs. Mullally’s – he had enough work to keep him occupied for a year without going about rescuing puppies. Still, he’d felt obliged to pop over himself. After all, Mrs. Mullally had been his high school English teacher, and he still had a great fondness for her. The problem was, the rest of the town suspected the fondness lay for Mrs. Mullally’s new tenant, as was evident by the gleam in Ashley’s eyes. He sighed. Milburn was a small town, with a large demand for gossip, but he didn’t want his own love life – or lack thereof – to be included.

He turned the focus back on Harvey. “Real estate business going well, Harvey?” he asked. “No competitors out to get you? No jealous ex-partners who’d put a bounty on your head?”

“Business is business,” Harvey said. “It looks like it is going well one minute, then tumbles off into the abyss the next. It’s smooth for now. I suppose I have my share of competitors, but I can’t think of any who’d want to hire that goon to threaten me. Honestly, I think it’s just a botched robbery. There’s no mystery here.”

“You’re certainly trying hard to make it look that way,” Sean said.

“Are we done here, Sheriff?” Harvey asked. “I’ve got a date tonight, and I wouldn’t want to be late.” He smiled, his lips moving to bare teeth, but his eyes remaining cold.

“He’s taking Nora out tonight.” Ashley giggled, and Sean resisted the temptation to wince again. Yes, he knew who Harvey was dating. It was impossible not to, in Milburn. He didn’t need Ashley to throw the fact in his face. Ashley was watching them both intensely, ready to report any and all interactions between the two to her friends.

Harvey was pulling at the cuffs of his sleeves, and Sean wondered how the man always managed to look ridiculously comfortable in his three-piece suits. Sean himself had worn a suit maybe three times in his life, and each time gotten rid of the jacket and tie as soon as possible. It amazed him that someone could choose to spend their lives bound up like that. Harvey, though, looked as comfortable as he would be lounging around in pajamas. Sean felt a growing determination in him. He was going to make sure Santino was exposed–and soon. If Harvey got taken down with him, that was all the better.

Let’s see how comfortable he’ll be lounging in a prison jumpsuit.


Chapter 5

The eternal question was how to dress for a first date. The eternal answer was, “Ask your best friend”. Raquel was rummaging through Nora’s cupboard while Nora pressed her hands to her stomach and turned this way and that in front of the mirror.

“God, your wardrobe is a mess. It’s too bad we’re built too different to share clothes. I have stuff that would have looked so gorgeous if you weren’t too skinny for it. You only have a bunch of ratty jeans and some blouses. You might as well be living in a cave.”

“Didn’t have money for clothes,” Nora said.

“Yeah, I know, you were too busy saving it all for the diner,” Raquel snorted. “Well, let’s see. What look are we aiming for, casual, dressy, or a mix?”

“I have no idea where he’s taking me, so I don’t know,” Nora said. “When he asked me out, I was so surprised I just nodded, and he told me he’d pick me up at 8. Next thing I know, he’s gone and I don’t even have his number.”

“Harvey’s a smooth one,” Raquel said with a grin. “He hits you like a ten-ton truck speeding into your blind spot, then vanishes like the sun on a foggy day.”

“You’re poetic today,” Nora smiled. “Wait… have you been hit on by him? Did you date him? I know nothing about this guy. I don’t even know why I accepted. I was grabbing coffee, he was in line behind me, and
, he’s welcoming me to town as a fellow business owner, and asking me about the diner, and making witty remarks that made me laugh. After that, it’s a blur.”

“I heard all about it at our committee meet,” Raquel said.

“Which one? You sit on at least fifteen.”

“This was the committee that’s working to save the historic Mill house from the swamplands,” Raquel said. “May Almand, the mayor’s wife, was in line behind you too, and she said you turned red as a beet and stuttered when Harvey asked you out. Said you looked cute as a kitten.”

“I don’t want to be cute as a kitten,” Nora frowned. “I’ve never been cute as a kitten. I’ve always been fierce and ambitious and sharp and-”

“-and an absolute wreck when it comes to flirting with boys,” Raquel said. “Harvey was smart to prime you up with talk about the diner. Well, nothing for it. Knowing Harvey, he’s going to take you someplace fancy, and try and impress you with his fancy car and his fancy watch and his fancy face.”

“So you
dated him?” Nora said. “I feel icky now.”

“Don’t be silly. He’s a big client for my accounting firm, and I have a strict policy against mixing work and pleasure,” Raquel said. “No, I’ve heard all about his dates from my library committee. That’s the one that’s working to get more funding into our town library.”

“I don’t know if I should be doing this,” Nora said, pressing her hands against her stomach again. There was a swarm of butterflies trapped in there. “Madness is opening soon. We haven’t even finalized the décor for opening night yet.”

“That’s my area,” Raquel said. “Have I told you I love our interiors yet? Chalk blue leather booths, checkered floors, neon lights, and yellow-topped tables. Utter perfection.”

“Have you double-checked with the AV guy about the speaker systems yet?” Nora asked.

“Yes, grandma. Now here–try this on,” Raquel tossed her a silky blue dress with cap sleeves and a v-neck collar.

Nora did, smoothing it out. “Looks good,” she said.

“That’s just the base,” Raquel smiled. “Thank god we’re the same shoe size. Now watch as I transform you from Cinderella to the princess.” She kept Nora’s jewelry minimal, only letting her wear silver earrings and a single silver bracelet. “Always emphasize your best features on a date. In your case, your delectably tiny waist,” Raquel said, putting a thin belt around it..

“I thought my best features were my sparkling personality and sheer wit,” Nora teased.

“You save those for a second date, so he isn’t overwhelmed,” Raquel said with a smile. “Now that we’ve got the base set let’s make you look a little less dressed up by adding in a casual touch.” She got out a leather jacket.

“I don’t know.” Nora looked uncertainly in the mirror. “It’s nice but-”

“But I’m not done yet,” Raquel said. “Now it’s time for our final touches. We add in pieces that pop!” She clapped her hands and handed Nora bright yellow high heeled shoes. “I bought those from Jackson last month, but they should fit you fine.”

“Wow,” Nora said, staring at herself in the mirror. “I’ve gone from tatters to classy chick. Raquel, everyone should have a personal stylist as awesome as you.”

“Well, everyone should have a chef as awesome as you,” Raquel said. “I still can’t get over that shepherd’s pie of yours. Make me quesadillas for dinner tomorrow, and I’ll consider my stylist fees repaid.”

“Done,” Nora said. “A friend from Boston mailed me a great spice mix last week. I’ve been looking forward to a Mexican night. I was thinking, one-pot cheesy Mexican rice with crumbled Tostitos and fresh salsa. Some avocado if we can find it.”

Raquel rolled her eyes in ecstasy and shuddered. “That sounds like the only thing in my life I’d give up my shoes for,” she said dramatically. “Except maybe that delicious hunk Sheriff Sean Dracon.”

“I don’t like him,” Nora said. “Everyone thinks he’s nice but I know he’s a jerk.”

“What, because of the thing with Alan?” Raquel shrugged. “Hardly matters now. It was so long ago. You know, I get the feeling Sean has a thing for you.”

“He better not. It doesn’t help that you’re flirting with him half the time, and then teasing him with me the other half,” Nora said. “You’ll confuse the man.”

“Not him. He’s sharper than he looks,” Raquel said. “He adopts the slow-old-boy pose so people feel comfortable with him, while his mind hums along fast as a computer.”

Nora changed the topic. “So what will you do tonight?” she asked. “Curl up in bed with a good book? Drive down to Jackson and go pub hopping?”

“I’ve got to meet someone first,” Raquel said, “then I’m heading over to the diner and rechecking the speaker systems. Plus, I think I’m going to start hanging up some of the art work we’ve bought. It’s about time, what with the opening being three days away.”

“I was going to do that with you,” Nora said, feeling a bit guilty. “I guess I got busy experimenting with recipes.”

“Don’t worry.” Raquel gave her a hug. “You’ve done a lot, Nora. Now stop thinking about Madness and the sheriff and go have an amazing time on your first date. But watch out for Harvey, okay? He’s a real heartbreaker.”

“Is he?” Nora said. “I don’t normally like dating players.”

“He isn’t a player, exactly,” Raquel said. “The town opinion is he just hasn’t found the right girl yet. He’s a good man, though, at least when I’ve dealt with him at the firm. He’s always been courteous, efficient and professional.”

“Ah, the three qualities every woman dreams about in a date,” Nora quipped. “Efficiency, professionalism and courtesy.”

“I’ve gone on enough dates with no courtesy to appreciate it,” Raquel said. “Some of the cowboys down by Jackson wouldn’t know courteous if it walked up and bit them on-”

The doorbell rang.

Grabbing her purse, primping her hair, and with a final look at her outfit, Nora kissed Raquel on the cheek and ran to get the door. Raquel gave her a thumbs up and a broad smile. “Go have fun!” she said.

“I’ll try and swing by the diner if I’m done early,” Nora replied. “See you soon!”

The door swung close on Raquel’s broad smile, as she was bending over to pick up some of Nora’s discarded clothes. Nora would remember that split second for a long, long time.

It was the last time Nora would see her alive.


Chapter 6

Unaware of the turmoil that was heading her way that night, Nora stood behind her door and took a deep breath before opening it. A smiling Harvey stood on the step, a huge bunch of red roses in his hand.

“Oh!” Nora said, blushing. “These are amazing, Harvey! This is too much!”

She’d had disastrous experiences with boys in high school. In Boston and NY, her dates had always been of the eat-a-hot-dog and walk around the street variety. Life as a sous chef doubled with her night classes in college had been too demanding for her to really focus on dating. So this was the first time a man had ever presented her with flowers, and she felt as giddy as a teenage girl.

It helped that Harvey looked gorgeous. She had to restrain herself from dropping her jaw. Wearing a dark navy sweater, olive chinos, and a grey linen shirt, he looked effortlessly stylish. Somehow, he’d matched it with a red and white varsity letterman jacket, and come out looking like he belonged in Milan or Paris instead of humble Milburn. When she’d last seen him, he’d been clean shaven. He had a few days growth of stubble on his cheeks now that accentuated his sharp jaw line. His light brown hair was swept back from his face, with a few strands dangling in front of his dark eyebrows, almost obscuring the blue brilliance of his eyes. All in all, he looked like the scion of a powerful political family or a model on Times Square, not the kind of man who’d be interested in dating Nora.

But here he was, on her doorstep, ready to take her out.

“I’ll put these in water,” she said, wondering if she’d sounded too rude. Maybe she should have invited him in? He made her anxious, that’s what it was. Her brain stopped functioning properly.

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