A Natural Act (Contradictions) (35 page)

BOOK: A Natural Act (Contradictions)
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Good,” he nods, wrapping his arms around me as he stands behind me. He presses a kiss to the top of my head and slowly breathes out, the warmth of the hot air making me slightly sleepy.

Just friends,” I hear tucker mumble under his breath but I know he means for us to hear it.

Say something, Tucker?” Craig cocks his head at the bar server.

Lemons,” Tucker answers quickly. We need more lemons.

Craig narrows his eyes and I feel his muscles bunch from behind me. I’ve always got the impression he’s not all that fond of Tucker but I think Tucker knows that and winds him up on

Not a smart move considering Doctor Carter’s talents.

“You want to stay for a drink?” I ask Craig to distract him from imagining ways he could insert lemons into Tucker.

Nah,” Craig shakes his head. “Just came to find you.”

Do you want to go home?” I ask him.

Whenever you’re ready, lady,” he grins. “Where’s Cordi?”

She’s gone to see Simon for a few days,” I grin.

Boy’s in trouble,” Craig laughs.

I think he likes being in trouble,” I agree leaning back into him slightly. “Take a seat, I’m almost done.”

I want to kiss him gently to thank him for waiting for me but I ignore it. I don’t think those feelings will ever go away. I’m always going to want to kiss him, touch him, lick him. And all the rest.

But then I remember that tattoo on his side and remember why I have to take this slow. He doesn’t think I’m ready to love him even if I know I’ve loved him since he removed my catheter and ran me a bath.

Crazy, I know.

I’m willing to take my time with him because if I get him as a reward, it’s worth the wait.

What you reading?” He asks with genuine interest, taking the seat next to mine.

Just the case notes for a family who are struggling to get by since the father was killed in action. They’re getting some support but it’s not enough. We’re looking into why they’re not getting everything they’re entitled to,” I speak softly because I know this case might strike a few heart strings for him.

He nods and presses a kiss to my temple.

“Good work you guys do,” he says after watching me read for a little longer.

You have Megan and Eric to thank for that,” I smile, reaching over to squeeze his knee because he seems a little lost in his thoughts.

They’re good people,” he nods.

Runs in the family,” I beam. “You’re a good person too, Craig.”

He shrugs so I poke him in the ribs because he doesn’t realise how much he helps people. Not just me, he always goes the extra mile for patients. Staying after his shift or fetching them the newspaper or magazine they love because they don’t stock it in the hospital shop.

He just sees it as part of his duty, he doesn’t realise he’s going above and beyond.

Always the same spot, woman. It’s like you’ve got it out for that rib.

Sorry,” I mock, rubbing it better. I allow myself an extra second to linger over the spot I know to be inked before pulling away.

You’re allowed, lady,” he chuckles. “You and only you.”

Chapter 39

Craig tucks me under his arm as he always does as we begin the short walk to the flat. I'm in a world of my own wishing he'd stop sleeping on the sofa. He slept in the bed with me way before we were a couple, why can't he do so now?

“You eaten?” He asks.

“Not yet,” I shake my head. “I was waiting-” I break off as Craig tenses. He keeps moving but his eyes have narrowed and his muscles are primed and ready for action.

“What's going on?” I demand under my breath.

He doesn't answer, his eyes are on the two guys walking towards us. Initially, I can't see what he's reacting to but then I see the look of intent on their faces and the aggression in their stances.

“The app,” he mumbles under his breath.

“What?” I swallow but then I remember and I fish my phone out of the pocket. Adrenaline is already coursing through my veins and it's causing my fingers to tremble slightly but I manage to double tap the app, sending an SOS message to his family with our GPS position.

“Stay behind me,” he mumbles, coming to a stop.

This situation has escalated rapidly and I'm not sure what to do with myself. I can hear my own blood pumping through my veins and every hair on my body is pointing straight upwards.

I glance over my shoulder and see what Craig must already have seen; three more of them.

I know Craig is an excellent fighter, he didn't win that title for nothing, but these guys are all big and bulky - and there are five of them.

“Craig,” I whimper. “We should run.”

“They're too close and they'll outrun you,” he answers calmly. “Just stay behind me.” He turns and guides me into a small alleyway between two rows of houses. Nobody can get to me unless they go through him.”

“That's Craig fucking Carter,” one of the burly men comes to a stop in front of him.

“Can I help you, gentleman?” Craig rotates his neck slowly, still keeping his calm which is the exact opposite of what I'm doing.

“Look, Carter,” another remarks. “We just want the girl. Don't want any trouble.”

“That's my girl,” Craig answers simply. I wish I really was his girl once more but now is not the time or place to think about that.

Lads,” the first man interjects. “He's not going to just hand her over.” He seems stressed, running his fingers through his hair. “It's Craig fucking Carter.”

I don't need to be able to see Craig's face to know he's smirking.

“He's one man and there's five of us,” the other snaps.

“What do you want with her?” Craig
asks, his body taught and ready to pounce even though he's still talking as if he were ordering a coffee.

“Look, Carter,” The first, nervous man says. “I respect you too much for this shit. Some dude will pay us ridiculous amount
s for this.”

“To kidnap her?” Craig answers with a slight bite.

“That's not how he put it,” the guy recoils slightly. “Said she'd taken something that belonged to him and he wanted it back.”

Craig shakes his head. Of course Nigel would be behind this.

“I've trained with most of you,” Craig looks each of them in the eye with steel in his voice. “I'm going to give you all one chance to walk away.”

“Look, Carter,” The biggest of the bunch steps forwards as the other
s\f start looking sideways at each other. “Know who you are and I respect you. Know you're good but you're outnumbered. Need this money. Need the girl.”

“Don't do this,” Craig warns. “Walk away.”

I've only just realised what Craig is doing. We've messaged his brothers asking for help but even if they're in town, they might not be able to get here straight away. He's giving them as much time as possible because no matter how talented he is at martial arts, there's just too many of them.

“I'm out,” the first nervous guy backs off. “This shit ain't worth it.”

Craig must be relieved when the guy walks away but, if he is, he doesn't show it. Another guy seems to be considering his options but one severe look from Craig and he shakes his head and walks away.

“Want you to know this is nothing personal, it
's just money,” the big one sighs, rolling his shoulders as he steps forwards.

“You're after my girl, Thompson, of course it'
s personal,” Craig growls.

“Last I heard, she wasn’t your girl,” the most sinister of the bunch jeers. “Guy who hired us said she was a bit of a slag.”

He’s trying to provoke Craig so that he’ll be less focussed on keeping us both safe. Normally, it wouldn’t work but I suspect Craig’s buttons might be pushed in this case.

What the attackers aren’t counting on is the fact that Craig has six brothers. He’s used to having his buttons pushed but master
of hiding it.

I’m not prepared for the first swing but Craig obviously is because he dodges it. There’s a high pitched, shrill noise permeating the air around us and it takes me a few seconds to realise that it’s me, screaming.

I’ve watched Craig fight in the cage and in training but this is nothing like that. These are men who are prepared to do serious damage, fighting a man who would do anything to protect the woman he loves.

To protect me.

He’s outnumbered though. He’s taking a few blows and dishing out several. He’s light on his feet and dodging as many as he can but he’s one man against six fists and six feet.

I think if there were two, he’d be okay but three seems to be too much for him. He’s just about managing to keep them off until the sinister
fellow makes a run for me.

I scream and duck behind a dustbin and Craig has to turn his back to the other attackers to keep me safe.

He clips the guy’s ankle with a sweep of a foot and then shoves him hard into the wall opposite. He goes headfirst and falls into a heap on the ground.

Craig’s left himself exposed though, in trying to protect me he’s left his back open to attack.

I observe, struck immobile with fear, as one them lands a blow to the back of his head.

It’s in slow motion that I watch his head snap forward, his eyes roll back.

“No!” I yell as he falls to the ground, fearing the worst. I can’t imagine how he can remain conscious after a blow like that.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a concussion.

As he lays limp
on the ground, a renewed wave of tears rack through me. I’m openly sobbing as the men kick Craig’s lifeless body to get to me.

They look sadistically pleased with themselves as the two men still standing move towards me.

For the first time, I consider what’s about to happen. They came here for me, for whatever nefarious plans Nigel has. The best case scenario is that he wants them to rough me up to scare me into dropping the charges, the worst is that they take me to him.

I shake my head with a plea in my eyes as the two come closer. My back is pressed as close the wall behind me as it can get and I curl into a protective ball.

Just as the closest one is within an arm’s reach, Craig’s formerly limp arms grab the ankles of each of the men. He abandons his faked unconsciousness and yanks them back so that they fall flat on their faces, instantly jumping up to stand over them.

He kicks one on the stomach, winding
his opponent and giving Craig chance to catch the other in a chokehold. I watch from my petrified position as the man slowly loses hold on his consciousness before passing out.

The final man has recovered from his winding as Craig lets the unconscious hulk fall to the floor.

Craig wastes no time in pinning him to the ground in some sort of hold. I see his eyes dart to the sinister one, the one whose head had been smashed into the wall. The one who is coming back around and looking pretty damned furious.

“Run,” Craig orders, realising he can’t keep both of them away from me in the position we’re in.

“Craig,” I plea because I don’t want to leave him alone to get hurt.

“Now!” He yells at me. It’s the first time I’ve heard him raise his voice at me
in a long while but it’s also the first time I’ve ever seen fear in his eyes.

It’s not fear for himself,
but fear for me, fear that he’ll see me hurt again. I know he’s remembering the way I looked in that hospital bed. It’s for him and not for myself that I run.

With every step away from him, my mind screams betrayal. I hate that I’ve left him in that alley with two attackers still standing.

I tell myself that he’s capable, more than capable but I can’t force his image out of my mind. His nose was bleeding, his eyebrow was cut and I know his torso took several hits.

“Isabella,” I hear my name being shouted from behind me as I put distance between myself and the alley.

For a second I think Craig has managed to fight his way back to me but it’s not him.

I turn around to see one of the twins
and I’m so relieved I could cry. He’s in his blue fireman’s outfit and I throw myself at him, overwhelmed to see a familiar friendly face.

My nerves are too shot to speak so I point frantically towards the alleyway.

“Craig?” He asks me, obviously concerned for his younger brother. “Is he there?”

I nod and let him go because I know he wants to run to Craig. He doesn’t though.

I look past him to the ginormous red fire engine I can’t believe I missed. His twin and a handful of firemen are with it and they follow the frantic pointing to the alleyway.

“Isabella,” the twin lowers his voice to a whisper and holds me against him in a hug.

It’s reminiscent of the way Craig had to support my body to keep me standing once I got out of hospital only it’s the wrong brother.

“It’s me, Rick,” he moves his face directly into my vision, stopping me from frantically looking to catch sight of Craig. “Isabella.”

“Is he okay?” I blurt, lips trembling.

“He’ll be fine,” Rick answers. “But I need you to focus, you’re h

“Craig,” I shake my head, still trying to look past him. “There were five. Five.”

“What happened?” Rick demands abruptly, looking more concerned.

“Five men,” I shudder. “They… they wanted me. Craig wouldn’t give me to them.”

“Of course he wouldn’t,” Rick dismisses this as unimportant. “Did you say five?”

I nod. “But… But… Craig, he knew them. They didn’t want to… they left. Two of them.”

“Isabella,” Rick snaps, seemingly frustrated. “Did five men attack you?”

“Three,” I stammer. “Three stayed, two left.”

“Thank fuck,” Danny mutters. “This is important, Isabella. Listen to me.”

The severity in his voice brings on a new wave of tears and he pulls me in for another hug.

“Craig will be fine,” he whispers. “Three he can handle. I promise, he’ll be fine. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”

“No, he protected me, I’m f
ine. Why are you asking about me? Go and help Craig!” I snap at him because my head is still spinning with images of him bleeding out in a pool on the ground in the alley.

“Because,” he laughs. “Craig will come out of that alley any second now walking tall without a care in the world except for one thing. If he finds a single scratch on that pretty little face of yours, I will never be able to produce offspring.”

“But,” I stammer. “There were three of them.”

He chuckles. “Thought you knew my brother. He can handle himself.”

“There were three!” I repeat, wiping my face clean with a tissue he hands me. It’s a tissue of dubious origin but I suppose I need it more than I need to know where it’s been.

“Three men versus one Carter,” he
shrugs. “My money’s on the know-it-all bald one.”

I shake my head and clamp my eyes shut to prevent a whole new wave of tears. I wish I had his confidence but I saw the determination on the faces of our attackers. I saw the way they put their full force into each and every blow.

“Look,” Rick nudges me towards the alley. “Here he is.”

I run towards my beaten hero without a second thought.
He’s bleeding but if anything he looks pretty pleased. Which makes no sense.

“Craig,” I throw myself into his arms.

He grabs me tightly breathing a sigh of relief into my hair. “You okay?” His chest is falling and rising rapidly and he has that look of acute alertness which tells me he’s still pumped with adrenaline.

“I’m fine,” I whisper, lips trembling because part of me was convinced he wouldn’t walk out of that alley but would need a stretcher.

He obviously doesn’t believe me because he’s checking me all over with attention to every minute detail.

“Craig,” I stammer with shaky breaths. “I’m fine, please just hug me.”

He chuckles and a new droplet of blood courses from his eyebrow.

“Fuck me,” Rick laughs at Craig. “You look almost as bad as you did when Ian and Karl found out about the waterfall tattoo.”

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