A Path Toward Love (44 page)

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Authors: Cara Lynn James

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BOOK: A Path Toward Love
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“You know, Andrew, if I hadn't opened my mind and heart to the Lord to seek His way, I never would've recognized you as the man I'm supposed to marry. I have you and Aunt Letty to thank for that.”

“And in turn, He gave me new vision for a new path I never imagined—running a business with the woman I love.” He slipped his arm around her waist and drew her closer.

She couldn't stop smiling.

Together they turned, hand in hand, and ambled down the trail toward the water, secure in the knowledge they were taking the right path.

This time, a path toward love.

Reading Group Guide

1. Do you think it was unfair for Katherine's father to insist she follow her mother's agenda for the summer in exchange for a loan to save Osborne Citrus Groves? Do you think Katherine should've rebelled against her parents' manipulations and asserted her independence? Or was she merely being realistic as a woman of her times and class?

2. Andrew was caught between his love for Katherine and his loyalty to the Clarkes. Do you think he acted in the best way or could he have done something differently?

3. At first Andrew valued his job more than his love for Katherine. Was he being prudent or selfish or both? Should he have declared his love earlier? What do you think would've happened if he had?

4. Aunt Letty guided Katherine throughout the story. Could she have done something more to help?

5. Should Katherine have toyed with the idea of marrying Randy or should she have refused to even consider him as a suitor? What do you think of arranged marriages that were fairly common among the rich at that time? Could they be successful?

6. Randy wanted to marry Katherine to avoid working for his father. Should Andrew have told Katherine the truth about the situation? What might have happened if he had?

7. Should Harriet have asked for money to support her son? Would Katherine have been justified to refuse her request?

8. Do you think of Harriet as an adulteress or as a woman who succumbed because of love? Do you feel sorry for her or not? Would you forgive her easily?


'd like to thank all the people at Thomas Nelson who have contributed so much to the publication of this novel. Your helpfulness amazes me. A special thanks goes to the art department for giving me beautiful book covers, everyone in Marketing and Promotion, Katie Bond, Eric Mullett, Ashley Schneider, and Ruthie Dean, and to my editors, Natalie Hanemann, Becky Monds, and Lisa T. Bergren. I'll always be grateful to Ami McConnell and Allen Arnold for giving me a chance to publish the stories I love to write.

My husband, Jim, is my real hero. He gives me the time I need to write while he takes care of all the countless jobs I don't have the time or energy to do. Thank you with all my heart!

About the Author

ara Lynn James is the author of several novels including
Love on a Dime
. She's received contest awards from Romance Writers of America and the American Christian Fiction Writers. She resides in Florida with her husband, Jim.

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