A Pirate's Heart (St. John Series) (21 page)

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“You hungry?” he asked.

“A little.”

Max nodded. “Wait here.” He left and returned several minutes later with a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine. He assisted her to the ground and sat down beside her. She reached over and broke the bread in two while he opened the wine. While they dined under the small oak tree, Kristina spoke of her family.

“My mother’s parents were made for each other. My grandfather was from Spain. He was part of their navy. His ship was attacked and it sank. Only a few of the crew survived. They decided to not go back to Spain, but try to make their fortunes in Panama. After several years of bad luck, he traveled north to Belize and met my grandmother.” She shook her head and laughed. “They were like fire and ice. She was very meek and mild and he had a temper . . . guess that’s where I get mine, or at least that’s what my mother always told me. I only saw him as a kind and caring man. Anyway, they married and moved to Cuba. The villagers whispered that he was a smuggler. I didn’t believe them.”

Max propped his back against the tree and crossed his legs at the ankle. “Cuba used to be a safe haven for pirates with families. It is possible that he was one.”

“My grandfather was a kind, caring man. He was honest and hardworking. He was not a pirate,” she defended.

“I was not questioning his character. I’m just letting you know a little unknown fact.”

“Oh. Well, I have a question since you are discussing unknown facts.”

“What’s that?”

“I actually have two questions. So I will ask them and you answer them once I’m finished.” At Max’s nod, she continued. “Does Samuel know that Alex is his father and of his secret identity? Doesn’t Alex’s father own a shipping company?

“To Samuel’s questions. No, on both counts. I do not feel it’s my place to let him know that Alex is his father. Alex will tell him in due time, but right now Samuel is still adjusting to his mother’s death. He has not been informed of Alex’s true identity due to the fact of his age. If he were captured, he would break under interrogation. Only Smitty, Slim, James, Uveah and I know of Alex’s real identity. The questions about his father . . . yes, for over thirty years Jonathan and his partner have operated a shipping company called Emerald Shipping.”

“Who’s the partner?” She watched as a dark presence came over Max. She sucked in her breath. “You mean your father is his partner?” she croaked.

“Yes,” Max gritted.

“Does Alex know?”

“No. He has no idea who my father is and I have no plans to tell him.”

“But why?”

“Alex still has to make family appearances. I don’t want him to dislike his father’s friend because of me. If he knew, it would place him in an awkward situation. It’s getting late,” he said, changing the subject before his wife decided to interrogate him further. “Mrs. Potts is expecting Smitty for dinner so she will be preparing his favorite meal. We better get back to freshen up before dinner.”

Kristina nodded her understanding. She took his change in topic as a signal that he did not want to discuss the issue further. Standing, she turned to face her husband.

“Wait here. I’ll go get the horse and pick you up.”

“I can walk.”

“I know. But rest here and enjoy the vendors around this section until I return.”

Kristina watched Max disappear through the shops. She walked to the edge of the market and browsed through the colorful dresses. She found it hard to believe that Mrs. Potts didn’t like any of the color offerings presented. There were vibrant reds, deep blues, vivid greens and dazzling oranges. Kristina loved the bright colors.

She turned and spotted Max approaching her, leading his horse. She drew her brow together as she watched him. He would take a step and twist. He would take another step and squirm. He kept his left arm to his side during his bizarre movements.

“What on earth are you doing?” she cautiously asked as she approached him.

He grinned sheepishly at her and then a pained look crossed his face. “Ow! Damn it!”


He grimaced again and let out a curse. “I can’t take it anymore.”

“What’s going on, Max?” she asked, concerned over her husband’s odd behavior.

He reached inside his shirt and pulled out a small furry brown and white object and handed it to her. Her eyes grew wide with excitement. “I was planning on surprising you, but that little rascal’s claws hurt.”

She looked as excited as a child at Christmas time as she took the furry kitten out of his hand. “Oh, Max,” she whispered.

He mounted the horse and pulled her up to him. She clutched the kitten to her chest. Max watched the happiness light up her face. “I figured it could protect you from any more evil sea monsters that come your way.”

“It’s just a baby,” she spoiledly spoke. “And you are such a sweet baby, too.”

“Oh, please, stop baby-talking the blasted thing!”

“What should I call it?” she asked with elation.

“Call it whatever you like.”

A devilish twinkle came to her eyes. “I shall call it

“Gotta go?”


“What kind of name is

“It’s Spanish for cat.” Max rolled his eyes at her confession. “You see, you will have to speak Spanish in some way or form. So, if you want to call for my pet, you must call it

“Can’t I just call it Cat?”

“No. His name is
. So, whether you like it or not, you will speak Spanish.”

“It’s a girl.”

“Oh, well, her name is
. Either way you will have to speak Spanish to call her,” she informed her husband as she nuzzled the kitten again.

“If you say so,” Max replied as he spurred his horse back towards Alex’s home.


Chapter Twenty


Kristina sat at the long dining table. She looked down at her attire still in disbelief. Mrs. Potts never ceased to amaze her. As Max was settling in for a nap earlier today, Mrs. Potts emerged, carrying what appeared to be a large pile of burgundy material. Mrs. Potts shooed Max out of the room and arranged for a bath to be drawn for Kristina. She had another servant help Kristina bathe and dress for the evening meal.

When Kristina had viewed her reflection in the floor length mirror, she had been awestruck. She hardly recognized herself. Emily had piled her hair up in an eloquent coiffure, allowing only a few strands to remain down in the back. She curled the loose strands into tight ringlets. The deep burgundy gown fit Kristina perfectly. It was made of the finest material she had ever seen or felt. As she turned to view her reflection from different angles, the material’s coloring seemed to shimmer like diamonds.

“For you, Mistress,” Emily stated as she held out a black velvet case.

Kristina’s eyes grew wide as she peered into the case. “Oh, I couldn’t!” she exclaimed as she stared at the object resting in the black case Emily was holding. It was a silver necklace with a stiff silver ‘V’ attached that was inlaid with diamonds. At the tip of the ‘V’ a large heart-shaped ruby dangled gently off of a small hook. It was so delicate and beautifully made.

Emily shook her head, “Mr. Hart insists.”

“Max?” Kristina questioned in disbelief.

Emily nodded her head and looked dreamily at Kristina. “He must truly love you to give you this. He has held onto it for many years.”

Kristina smiled nervously at the young English servant, not sure how to respond to her observation.

Emily placed the necklace around Kristina’s neck and adjusted her hair over the silver chain. Kristina stroked the stone with awe. She viewed her reflection again. A small smile formed on her lips. She resembled the princesses she had heard about in the stories from her mother.

There was a faint knock on the door, Emily rushed over and opened it. Kristina heard a male voice state that dinner was about to be served.

Kristina took one more look at her reflection, stood and left the room. She quickly descended the stairs. As she approached the dining room’s double French doors, she could hear the voices of the crew. She couldn’t understand exactly what was being said, but she recognized James’s boisterous laugh. He was an odd duck, a gentle giant. He wasn’t as tall as Max or Alex; he was big, but not fat. “Stout” was the word that came to mind. He had a large barrel chest that helped carry his loud voice and contagious laughter. He kept his long red hair tied back with a black ribbon. Like many pirates he had a beard, but he kept his well manicured even though it was long and wavy. His brown eyes were constantly filled with laughter. His jovial laughter stopped when she entered the room.

All eyes turned towards Kristina. She smiled shyly, not enjoying the attention brought to her by James’s statement of, “When she decides to leave you, I have dibs.” His comment was followed by an “Ow!” as Alex elbowed his side.

Max was speechless at the sight of his wife. She could have passed for any one of the many dignitaries that passed through the governor’s house at Governor’s Harbour. Her beauty took his breath away. He was unable to speak or move as he took in her radiance.

“I know,” she replied as she scanned the room. “I’m overdressed, but Mrs. Potts insisted I wear this.”

Alex took Max’s lack of response to his advantage. “Allow me,” he said as he walked over to Kristina and bowed. She watched him with suspicion as he picked up her hand, placed a gentle kiss upon her knuckles and asked, “Mrs. Hart, would you be so kind as to dine with me this evening?”

“Get your hands off my wife,” Max growled as he finally found his voice.

Alex lowered Kristina’s hand and gave her a playful wink. She smiled back at Alex. “Thank you for your invitation, Captain, but I believe I will be joining my husband.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

Alex turned, walked past Max and swatted him on his shoulder. “Better keep your eyes on her, Max. If the eligible men on this island find out about her, they will try to steal her from you.”

“If they value their life, they would think better,” Max replied as he walked toward his wife. He held out his arm to her. She placed her hand in the bend of his elbow. Max covered her hand with his possessively, allowing all in the room to see who she belonged to—as if they didn’t already know—and escorted her to the table.

“I feel so overdressed,” Kristina whispered to Max as she observed the attire of the others. They were all dressed for a casual dinner, but she was dressed as if she were to attend a grand ball. She took in her husband’s attire. He was clean-shaven and his attire was black as usual, but the material was of fine quality.

“You look lovely,” he told her. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I look forward to seeing what other surprises you have for me tonight as well.” Kristina felt her cheeks burn at his insinuation.

He gently kissed her and sat down beside her. He had never had a woman make him lose control of his body and emotions the way this feisty raven-haired beauty did. He recalled their argument from yesterday at the out cove. She had made him so furious and all he could think about was making love to her. He craved her body as if he couldn’t live without it.

Kristina looked around the dining table. Alex sat at the head with James to his left and Slim next to him. Max and she were seated to the right and Samuel sat by her. She spotted Smitty. “I’m surprised that you made it.”

He gave her a warm smile. “I got an invitation that I couldn’t resist,” he said with a devilish look as his eye went to Mrs. Potts.

“Oh,” Kristina said as a girlish giggle escaped her throat. “Well, then, who is guarding your other lady?”

“Uveah can watch
The Abyss
for a little while,” the old pirate said, all the while his eye never leaving Mrs. Potts.

Kristina leaned over to Max and whispered, “I think he fancies her.” Max rolled his eyes and was met with a jab in his side with Kristina’s elbow. “I saw that,” she hissed.

Kristina was in awe of the delicious meal that Mrs. Potts had managed to arrange in such a short time. There were croissants with fruit and cheese, a type of vegetable soup, fresh seafood with roasted potatoes, and the finest wine Kristina had ever tasted. The group ate and drank well into the night. About halfway through diner, Samuel excused himself to enjoy the comforts of having his own room for a change.

As the group enjoyed their dessert of chocolate cake, Alex studied the way Max was with Kristina. He smiled and laughed at things that he normally would not find humorous. Alex watched as Kristina took her fork and attempted to steal a bite of Max’s cake. Max anchored her fork to the plate with his and laughed. Kristina was a light in the darkness of Max’s soul. She had cracked the hardened cocoon that had encased his heart for so many years. As Alex studied his friend, he wondered if Max had admitted to himself that Kristina was his soul mate. If Alex had to guess, he would say that Max loved Kristina, but he knew his friend would not admit such feelings. Max tossed his head back and laughed as Kristina managed to steal the last bite of his cake.

Alex’s thoughts were interrupted by Kristina’s sudden outburst of, “A monkey!” followed by her laughter.

“Yep,” Smitty replied as he described their jungle excursion and the furry little creature. Kristina laughed so hard at Smitty’s description that tears streamed down her face. She could feel Max’s tension, but she just couldn’t stop laughing.

“Oh, that poor creature!” she exclaimed. “Max probably scared it to death.”

“Damned flea infested vermin,” Max mumbled.

“Yep, it was just sittin’ there eatin’ its breakfast on Max’s chest. Just like he was Max’s pet,” Smitty said as he laughed harder. He kept right on laughing even as Max threw a knife at him and it embedded into the table just inches from his hand.

“Max!” Mrs. Potts exclaimed from the doorway to the kitchen. She rushed towards Smitty and gave Max a gentle smack to the back of his head as she passed him. She gave a concerned look to the old pirate. “Are you harmed, Mr. Smitty?”

Smitty gave her a devilish grin. “I might need some doctorin’ from the trauma of his threats,” he answered as he patted her backside.

“Mr. Smitty!” Mrs. Potts exclaimed, pretending to be offended. She pulled the knife out of the table and pointed it at him. “I’ll have you know I will not be treated in such a manner. And should you feel the need to apologize, you know where to find me.” With that, she turned from Smitty and shot a look in Max’s direction. “And if you damage any more of Mr. Sinclair’s furnishings, I will box your ears until they’re as big as your temper.” Once she had her say, she left the room.

Alex gave a heartfelt laugh. “Well, I’ll be damned. Better go after her, Smitty.”

Smitty stood up slowly and walked nonchalantly towards the kitchen. “Better go
,” he stated with a roguish smile as he left the room.

“Guess that means he’s staying here, so I get to stay on
The Abyss
tonight,” James acknowledged.

Alex looked to James. “Make sure I have a ship to sail to Governor’s Harbour on in the morning.”

“Ya visitin’ ya parents?” Slim said.

Alex nodded his head and laughed. “Yes. My mother’s birthday is a little over a week away and I need to give her the gift I acquired for her. Especially, since Max went to all that trouble in slaying the evil monkey for it.”

Max said nothing as he glared at Alex for his comment.

James nodded his head. “I’ll double-check. Good evening to you all,” he said as he left the room. The remainder of the group said their goodnights as they departed to their chambers for the evening.

Kristina followed Max to their quarters. She was nervous for some reason. She could sense he was angry from the story that Smitty told, but that was not the cause of her anxiety. She knew what waited with his anger. She didn’t mind, she enjoyed the feelings his lovemaking created in her, but she knew what might come from it.

Turning her back to him, she quietly closed the door. Before she could turn around, she felt his hands around her waist. Her skin tingled from his touch. She stood breathlessly as he gently kissed the back of her neck.

He said nothing as he continued. He kissed the nape of her neck and turned her around, his lips never leaving her body. He kissed the tops of her breasts as his right hand gently cupped one in his grasp. His lips slowly made their way up to hers and he kissed her tenderly.

She was taken aback. When he was angry, his kisses usually reflected that, but this kiss was different. It assaulted her senses like no other, as if he was opening his soul to her. He kept gently kissing her, begging her to kiss him in return, which she did. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. His tongue begged for entrance into her mouth. She parted her lips slightly. The feel of his tongue touching hers gently made her become weak and she clung to him.

Gently picking her up, he carried her over to the bed. He didn’t know why, but he needed to see her, needed to feel her body on his. It had consumed his thoughts all evening. She cast a spell over him that could not be broken.

He lowered her feet to the floor and turned her around. He slowly unbuttoned her gown, one button at a time, allowing his fingers to trail along the exposed flesh of her back. He lightly kissed her shoulder. His butterfly kisses trailed down her back. She felt the lovely burgundy gown fall off her body and the coolness of the room enveloped her.

Placing his hands tenderly on her shoulders, he turned her to face him. She could feel his strong hands on her sheer undergarments. He picked up the hem of her black chemise and pulled it over her head. She heard him catch his breath as he took in her naked form. He caringly began his assault on her senses again. His finger tips barely touched her skin as he allowed them to explore her body, sending quivers of pleasure throughout her. His hands softly kneaded her breasts and she closed her eyes as the pleasure increased. Her lips gently parted as she let out a faint moan.

Her eyes fluttered opened and she looked at him. Her hands captured his face and brought him closer to her. She kissed him, allowing her tongue to trace his lips. It was though she was not in control of her motions. Her hands traveled to his clothing and she unlaced his shirt. The material hit the floor and she pulled back from the kiss. Her eyes took in his body. She looked into his eyes and then kissed his chest. He could feel her fingertips following the trail of her kisses. She circled him, her hands gently exploring his well-toned body.

Once she was back in front of him, she stopped and unbuttoned his trousers. She took her hands and slid them off his muscular legs. As the material hit the ground he felt her fingers touch him as she gently caressed his manhood, allowing her hands to explore every inch of him.

He stood with his eyes closed, unmoving. Her touch was like lightning surging through his body. He craved her to the point that he was about to explode just from her touch. He caught her hand and pulled it to his chest. Gently picking her up, he carried her to the bed and laid her down. He kissed her deeply as he joined her.

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