A Pirate's Heart (St. John Series) (9 page)

BOOK: A Pirate's Heart (St. John Series)
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“Are you sure?” she squeaked in a voice trembling with fear.

“Yes. Now kindly get off me.” He felt her grip loosen and she slowly began to ease down. As she lowered her body down, a disgusted expression crossed Max’s face. “Woman, you stink.”

“Really? Why I had no idea I smelled bad,” she said, the sarcasm dripping from each word. “I’ve just been slaving in a hot kitchen for the past five days with nothing to clean off with but a pitcher of water and a small cloth. I thought that would make me smell like a bed of roses.”

Before Max could reply, he heard footsteps running down the hall. He peered out his door hoping no one had heard her screams. It was just Samuel coming from the galley with two buckets of water. “What’s the hurry, boy?”

“I thought I heard screaming,”

“Our little chef met a new friend is all,” Max replied. At Samuel’s confused expression, Max elaborated with, “A mouse.”

Samuel nodded. “I better get these to the capt’n’s quarters,” he said, lifting up the pails of water.

Max nodded at his reply. The side of his mouth curled up subtly. He stood at the door listening for Samuel’s returning footsteps. Kristina had jumped to the bed the second her feet touched the ground. She was on all fours peering over the edge of the bed. Max shook his head as he watched her crawl from one side of the bed to the other. She kept looking around the room making sure there were no other intruders. She had his cutlass in her hands. She would tap the floor beside the bed before leaping backward as if expecting a kraken to reach out from under the bed and grab her with its long tentacles. When Max heard Samuel return to the galley, he grabbed Kristina’s hands and pulled her from the bed.

“Get your hands off me!” she demanded, dropping the sword and pulling back.

He said nothing as he dragged her from the room to Alex’s quarters. He opened the door without knocking and yanked her over to the large copper tub. “You need a bath. So there’s a bath. Now take one,” he ordered.

“I will do no such thing!”

Alex was at the table and watched the scene before him as though this was an everyday occurrence. He casually laid down the papers he was holding, took a deep breath and said, “Am I interrupting something? You know I would hate to bother you two in your discussion. After all, it would be rude of me to disturb you in
quarters! How dare me barge in on the two of you without asking first.” The sarcasm and irritation oozed with each word.

Max and Kristina just kept up with their own argument, unaware Alex had said anything to them.

“You take your clothes off and get into that tub before I take them off and bathe you myself!” Max ordered as he pointed to the tub.

“You wouldn’t?!” Kristina exclaimed with mortification.

“Try me.”

She gritted her teeth as her eyes narrowed. “You despicable man! I thought the sisters were bad. That was until those pirates took me. That was until that little bald man bought me. He made the other two look good. Now you make all of them look like saints! That was until I met Jules,” she was talking so fast Max had a hard time understanding her. She kept jumping from one subject to another. Max just stood there confused. During her rambling all he managed to gather was that she had escaped, from whom or where he wasn’t sure. She ended with, “And then I spied you at that horrid tavern, after that woman propositioned me thinking I was a man, and I thought you would help me. But I should have known you wouldn’t after you disappeared with that woman upstairs. And here I thought you looked like marriageable material but—”

“Marriage!” both Max and Alex said in unison.

Kristina just looked at them with a “
look. “Please leave so I can take my bath now,” she replied as she looked at both of them like they had interrupted her in her own room.

Alex’s mouth dropped open and he shook his head. Max stared at her in bewilderment. Never in all his life had he met a woman like this. Max turned to look at his friend.

“Don’t look at me,” Alex replied. “These are my quarters. You two interrupted me and then
gave her

Kristina just stood by the tub waiting for them to leave. She began tapping her foot in an impatient manner. “Well?” she asked, not intimated by either man.

“Come on,” Max snapped as he looked at Alex.

“These are

“Yes. And unless you want James to cook for you again, I suggest you leave,” Kristina replied smugly. The look both men gave her let her know she had won. She watched with satisfaction as both men left.


Chapter Ten


The next few days flew by for Kristina. Occasionally at night she would dream about her mother, and during the day she and Samuel stayed quite busy in the galley. During their time together they had become fast friends. He told her about his mother who was a prostitute in Port Royal. Her name was Maggie and she was fancied by the captain. He told her about the love his mother had for him, and she could see the pain and hatred in his eyes as he spoke of her murder. She wanted nothing more than to wrap this boy in her arms and give him a hug, but she could tell he had too much pride to allow her to do so. To help ease his mind she told him about her life at the mission and how she came to be where she was.

“You were on
The Revenge
?’ Samuel questioned with surprise.

“Yes. It was horrible, I don’t mind telling you.”

“The capt’n won’t be happy to hear that. He has it out for Hawkins.”

“Why is that?” Kristina inquired.

“From the way I hear it, he nearly killed the capt’n.”

“Really?” Kris questioned doubtfully. “I can’t picture that sniveling little man—”

“It’s true! He’s got the scars to prove it,” Samuel interjected. “
The Abyss
had just been attacked by the navy. She was crippled and on her way to port when they attacked. The capt’n was helpin’ take care of the injured and didn’t know that
The Revenge
was approachin’. When they boarded, the capt’n took point to protect the injured crew. Hawkins’s crew surrounded him. The capt’n was busy fightin’ ‘em when one threw a lantern at him. The fuel went into his eyes and that’s when that coward Hawkins jumped out from his hidin’ spot and attacked the capt’n. He came at him from his blind side and took a shot at him. The bullet tore through his side. The capt’n nearly bled to death.”

“That wouldn’t surprise me. He’s an evil little man. He murdered the sisters at the mission as well as small children. His cowardice against them proves he wouldn’t fight fair against a worthy adversary. But I have a question?”

“What’s that?”

“Is the captain blind? On that one side?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.

“Naw,” Samuel answered shaking his head. “Smitty rinsed his eyes out with sea water. “

“Were you here then? When the attack happened?”

“No, that was several years ago. But the capt’n still has it out for him.”

“So who told you about the battle?”

“Smitty. He knows all.” Samuel swallowed nervously and looked at Kristina. “He even knows about you.”

“Well, of course he does. I am the new cook. I spoke to him in the corridor a few days ago, but it was dark so I think my secret is safe.”

“No, that’s not what I meant. He
about you.”

“Oh!” Kristina exclaimed, as her eyes grew wide. “What do we do?”

Samuel shook his head. “Nothin’. Smitty won’t hurt ya. He’s been with the capt’n since he took over. You can trust him. But I thought ya needed to know that.”

Kris nodded her acknowledgement but said no more. She went back to work. It was hard, hot work, but she didn’t mind. She loved to cook; it made her feel closer to her mother since the meals she prepared were the ones her mother taught her. She could hear the crew’s approval in the mess as they ate. It made her feel proud to know that she could make these men happy with her cuisine—even though they were pirates. Once the galley and mess were cleaned, she went to her quarters.

Her hand was on the knob to turn it, when the door opened. Max was blocking her way. This was the first time she had seen him—awake anyway—since he forced her to take a bath. She narrowed her eyes at him. He stood there, unmoving, blocking her path.

“Do you mind?” she sighed with exhaustion. “I’m hot and I’m tired. I would like to clean up and go to bed.”

He said nothing. He grabbed her arm and dragged her to the next room. Her attempt at freeing herself from his grip was futile. Once at the door, he opened it and shoved her in. She turned to give him a piece of her mind.

“Don’t,” he said anticipating what was coming. “If you care to look around, you will see why I brought you here.”

She looked at him suspiciously but did as he asked. She was in one of the storage rooms. She could see several boxes and crates scattered around, but in the center of the room, was a wooden tub. Steam could be seen rising out of the tub, beckoning her to its warmth. Confusion crossed her face. How? How did he get hot water? Samuel and she had heated water for the captain, but no more. The realization of what had happened hit her. They heated too many buckets. Some were for the captain, the others for her. She turned to face Max, but he had silently departed.

The small lantern gave enough light for her to notice the change of clothing as well as the small barrel beside the tub. On top of the barrel were several small bottles of fragrances. A smile crossed her face and her heart warmed. Maybe she had been wrong about pirates after all. She quickly undressed and slipped into the warm water. Her muscles screamed from all the work she had been doing and the warm water was their salvation. She picked up several of the small bottles until she found the perfect scent, rose. She poured an ample amount of the liquid into the steamy water allowing the scent to invade her senses. She sighed, closed her eyes and rested her head on the back of the wooden tub. She stayed in the water until her skin wrinkled. She didn’t want to get out even though the water had cooled. It felt good just to sit there.

Taking a long slow breath, she got out of the water. Goose bumps covered her flesh as the coolness of the room touched her skin. She quickly dried off and donned the clean white linen shirt Max had left for her there. A dreamy expression crossed her face. Max had given her one of his shirts to sleep in her second night on board, and he had left one for her in this room tonight.

A wicked thought came to her mind. She still intended to marry this man. What would be his reaction if she entered his quarters wearing only his shirt? Normally, she was already in bed before she would pull her trousers off under the covers. If he did see her in this and make love to her, it would expedite her plan faster, wouldn’t it? She nervously chewed her lower lip as she contemplated the plan.
Yes, it would
, she convinced herself. She peered out into the corridor to make sure no one was in view and quickly darted into the quarters she shared with Max.

Max looked up from his book when the door opened. He sucked in his breath at the sight before him. Kristina was leaning against the door wearing only his shirt, the deep ‘V’ in the front open to her naval, exposing the inner sides of her plump youthful breasts. Her long raven hair was still damp, and where it had lain on the front of the shirt, the material had become almost translucent, making her dark nipples visible. Her lips were slightly parted as she nervously panted, causing her breasts to rise up with each rapid breath. As he watched her, he could feel himself become aroused.

Kristina could feel his eyes on her, and she became nervous. She shouldn’t have done this. Her eyes traveled to his, and she could see a change in them. They had turned from their normal, dark hardness into a soft, husky look. His breath quickened. She shouldn’t have done this, she told herself again. She placed her hand on the doorknob so she could dart out, but before she could react, Max crossed the room to her.

He said nothing as he approached her. The laces on the front of his brown shirt were loosened exposing his well-chiseled chest. The shirt was pulled loose from his pants, but she knew how low they sat on his hips. She nervously licked her full red lips. Her nervous move appeared seductive.

Before she knew what was happening, Max was upon her. She looked up and his eyes told her what his intentions were. He took one of his large hands and tenderly caressed the side of her cheek. His mouth came down and he kissed her, softly at first. His tongue darted out asking for permission to enter. She timidly opened her mouth, allowing him access.

He pulled her closer, needing to feel her body next to his and deepened the kiss. As the kiss intensified, Kristina wrapped her arms around Max’s neck and pulled him closer. She daringly darted her tongue into his mouth, to explore his as he was exploring hers. A small moan of pleasure erupted from deep within Max’s chest.

He deepened the kiss. This woman had been driving him mad since he first met her and saw her standing on his bed. Since his first view of her perfect little breast, he had dreamed of tasting it, of tasting her. He let his passion take over. His hands traveled to the temptation that had been calling to him ever since his first view.

His hand darted into the ‘V’ line of the shirt. She could feel his hands moving on her breasts. As he cupped her breast, she could feel the heat from his hand. The pleasure she received from this one touch was amazing. He took one of her nipples between his fingers and gently caressed it. The sensation caused her to suck in her breath with passion, and she pulled his head even closer to deepen the kiss.

He quickly picked her up and carried her to the small bed. She slid slowly down the front of his body and could feel his hard frame as he pulled her closer. Before she knew it, his hands had pulled the shirt off her body. He took a step back to look at her. She was the most exquisite woman he had ever seen. Her breasts beckoned him. Kneeling down in front of her, he plumped one of her breasts as he took her nipple in his mouth. He allowed his tongue to trace one pert nipple and then the other, before taking an entire nipple into his mouth. Her hands held him in place and he grew harder.

He was driving her mad! She had never experienced such pleasure in her life, and she didn’t want it to end. He took her other nipple into his mouth and she gasped with pleasure as the heat of his mouth seared her skin. When he lifted his head and rose to her, the heat in her eyes begged him not to stop. He abided her by taking off his clothing. When she saw his maleness, her eyes grew wide as she viewed it standing proud and erect, so thick and hard.

He gently pushed her down onto the bed and began his assault again. He started nibbling her neck and worked his way down. She sucked in her breath as his fingers entered her, but she didn’t resist and raised her hips to welcome him. The pleasurable sensations she was experiencing were unlike any other. She didn’t want them to stop. She moaned and writhed under his caress of her core. She felt a fire burning deep down inside of her that she did not want extinguished. When his mouth took her breast again, she gasped with pleasure. The heat of his mouth was so hot that the sensual feelings surged right to her core.

She felt his weight on top of her. His knee moved her legs apart and she could feel his maleness touch her where his hand had been. A faint moan escaped her lips. She wanted more. She wanted to know him. She wanted to know all of him. Her hips lifted to him, welcoming him to her. “Please,” she pleaded unaware that she did so.

Her small plea was all the invitation he needed to proceed. He quickly thrust deep inside her and felt the barrier that greeted him. A loud gasp escaped her mouth as he breached her maidenhead; he slowed his movements, but did not stop. As he felt her begin to relax again, he increased his pace. He never had dreamed she would be a virgin, but the thought was pushed from his mind as he felt her tightness around him, her warmth, her wetness. He closed his eyes and thrust deeper inside her.

She met each one of his thrusts with her own. He could feel her nails dig into his back as he thrust deeper and deeper inside her, until she had taken all of him. He was buried deeply inside her. He could feel himself beginning to lose control. She was so wet, so warm. The velvety feel of her body around his manhood was too much for him to bear. And just when he thought he couldn’t hold on any longer, he felt her tighten around him and a sound of ecstasy escape her mouth. The feel of her climaxing, sent him over the edge and he exploded inside her, leaving him weak.

He lay on top of her for a few minutes, neither of them speaking. The only noise in the room was their deep breathing. The silence was broken by the creak of the ship gently rocking in the calm waters. Burying his head in the crease of her neck, he kissed it. He rolled off her, pulled her body to his and gently stroked her side with his fingertips.

She laid her head on his chest. Never in all her wildest dreams did she think it would be like that. Sure, the prostitutes in the fishing village told her what to expect between a man and a woman but not about the incredible sensations that came with it. She placed her hand on his chest and mindlessly moved her fingers across the hard muscles. She could hear his heartbeat as it slowed and wondered if he had experienced the same pleasure she had.

Max was having similar thoughts. He had had many women in his lifetime, too many to count. Being raised in a tavern did have certain advantages. And as part of a crew, he never lacked for female company whenever they made port. But never in all his life, had a woman made him feel like this. She made him act like an inexperienced youth. He took a slow, deep breath. He didn’t want to speak, didn’t want the tranquility of the aftereffects of lovemaking to end.

She broke the silence in the room. She propped up on one elbow and gave him a quizzical look. “Why do you not wear an earring?”

“What?” he asked. After what had just happened, that was the last question he expected to hear.

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