A Royal Entanglement: The Young Royals Book 2 (40 page)

BOOK: A Royal Entanglement: The Young Royals Book 2
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“I was able to get it for a reasonable price actually because the bank were foreclosing on it.”

A prickle of apprehension started to worm its way into my gut.
“What property?” I asked, my voice a whisper.

“The Fornette Estate,” he said, and I felt my knees buckle.

He grabbed hold of me before I could collapse into a heap on the floor and lowered me down to a seat, sitting beside me.

“You bought my house?”

“Yes,” he said, “I bought your house.”
He reached into his jacket and pulled out a folded contract and handed it to me.
“And I’m giving it to you.”

I unfolded the document to see that it was indeed the title to the estate and the mortgage and back taxes had been paid.

“Why?” I asked, looking up at him.

“Because I know why you’re marrying him and I just couldn’t let you do it, not because of the money.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head, “Thank you,” I said, “But it doesn’t really change anything.
My parents are still in debt, they still need the money that they will get from this contractual agreement.”

“Why didn’t you come to me Alex?” he asked, his voice hurt, “Why didn’t you come to me and ask for my help?”

“I couldn’t ask you, Freddie.
How could I?
Look at my family, look at the mess I ran from in Merveille.
I couldn’t drag you into all of that, I couldn’t soil your family with my mess.”

He ran the back of his hand over my cheek and then cupped my face.
My eyes fluttered closed of their own accord and I leant into his hand, relishing the feeling of his skin on mine.

“I don’t care about any of that,” he said, his voice gruff, “I haven’t exactly lived the life of a poster boy myself, it would be hypocritical of me to pass judgement on your misspent youth.” He smiled indulgently at me.
“It’s in the past Alex, it has no bearing on the woman you are today.”

I wanted to believe him, I really did, but it almost seemed too good to be true.

“What’s going on Alex,” my mother’s voice broke through the bubble that had surrounded Freddie and I, “Why is he here?”

“He bought the Estate,” I said, lifting the document for her to see.

“Where did he get the money for that?” she asked.

I giggled.
My mother really had no idea who Freddie was or what his net worth was.
Maybe if I had told her from the beginning, we wouldn’t be in this position now.
The giggle bubbled up again and then I was laughing uncontrollably.

“You’re being ridiculous, Alexandra,” my mother said with a sniff.

“Mother,” I said, finally getting my hysteria under control, “Freddie could buy and sell Bradley five times over.
He has more money than God.”

It was worth it to see the stunned look on her face and it set me off on another round of giggles.

“How about we take a break,” the judge said with a long-suffering sigh.

I heard the chattering of the families as they were ushered out of the chamber leaving Bradley, Freddie and I alone.
I looked between the two men who were eyeing each other like predators.
I shivered as I saw the look in Freddie’s eyes.
He was usually such an easy-going guy, but I knew there was an inner steel in him, and all that alpha male was on display as he went toe to toe with Bradley.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the display.
There was something undeniably attractive about a man who was willing to go into battle for me, no one had ever done it before and it made my heart clench.

“We had a deal,” I said, standing to my feet and approaching Bradley.

He shrugged, “She came to me.
I upheld my end of the bargain.”

“Wait,” Alex said, jumping to her feet and approaching us, “What deal, what bargain?”

“I paid Bradley here twelve million dollars to leave you alone,” I said.

“You did what?” she screeched, a sound I had never heard coming out of her mouth.

“I found out why he was in Merveille.
I knew about the will and I offered to pay him twelve million dollars to leave and find another woman to marry him.”

“Why?” she asked, her face pale, “Why did you want him to leave me alone?”

I turned to her and took her cold hands in mine.
“What do you mean, why?
I thought you knew—”

“It’s because I make the perfect wife, right.
Good-looking, but not too good looking, conservative, poised and I know how to blend into the background.
I’m perfect for someone like you, I get your approval rating up, make you look good to all the old-timers who don’t approve of your playboy lifestyle and you know I’ll look the other way when you stray because I hate scandal of any kind and will do everything in my power to ensure that nothing untoward will ever stick to the two of us.”

I was shocked.
She’d overheard the conversation Bradley and I’d had in my office that day.
But she obviously hadn’t heard all of it.

“You’re missing something Alex,” I said, “You only heard part of the conversation, you missed the most important part.”

“What, the part where you offered to buy me from him?” she sat.

I shook my head, “No,” I said, “The part where I told him you were too good for him and that I was in love with you.”

Her mouth opened, but no sound came out.
Her yes widened and I couldn’t help the grin that tugged at my lips.

"You’re in love with me?” she whispered.

I nodded, “I am completely head over heels in love with you,” I said, pulling her into my arms, “And I want you to marry me.
I want to spend the rest of my life taking care of you, I want to wake up next to you and kiss you good night and I want us to build a family together.”

“You do?” she asked, her eyes wide and disbelieving, “But why?”

I kissed her then, I couldn’t help myself.
I slid my lips across hers and showed her what my words couldn’t make her understand.
I was in love with this brilliant, beautiful, infuriating woman.
She looked a little dazed when I finally raised my head and gazed down at her.

“Now do you understand?” I asked, my voice husky.

She nodded, her eyes not leaving mine.

“I love you, Lady Alexandra.
Marry me?”

“What about—“ she swallowed and her eyes cleared as she seemed to remember the reason she was in this situation in the first place.
“What about my parents debts?”

“Taken care of,” I said, “They are free and clear and I will even provide a generous allowance for them.
Lily can come to Merveille and work in my company or work as your assistant if you like and if Tina is interested, I’m sure I can find a job for her too.”

“You’d do all that for me?” she asked, the incredulity clear in her voice.

I cupped her face in my hands and looked deep into her eyes.
“Alex,” I said, my voice serious, “I love you and I will do whatever it takes to prove it to you.
I want you in my life and I know that means providing for your family and I’m okay with that.
I want you to be happy, I want you to feel secure and I want to look after you.”

She pressed her lips against mine and I tasted the saltiness of her tears as they streamed down her cheeks.

“I love you too, Freddie,” she whispered against my lips, “So much.”

“Does that mean you will marry me?” I asked pulling back so I could see her eyes.

She nodded and a beautiful smile transformed her face, “Yes,” she said, “Yes, yes , yes.”

I picked her up and swung her around, delighting in the excited giggle that escaped her mouth.
When I set her back down on her feet, I kissed her again.
A long, languid kiss that held all the promises of our future together.
I wouldn’t ever let this woman out of my sight again if I could help it.

The next few days went by in a blur.
Freddie moved me out of the house and into a hotel room beside his.
Together we walked through the estate and made plans for renovations and repairs.
We spoke to a decorator about furnishings and appliances and we spoke to a landscaper who was willing to take on the restoration of the gardens.
We hired house staff and signed papers to give Kiki, Eddie and Tina a modest allowance.
Freddie had offered Tina a job, but she had turned him down, Lily on the other hand had been more than enthusiastic about coming to live in Merveille with us.

Marrying Freddie would make me a Countess and as such I couldn’t return to my position as the Queen’s personal assistant, but I could still remain as part of her entourage.
My duties as the Countess of Avonlea hadn’t exactly been worked out, but Freddie had made it known to me that he wanted me to work with him in Monticorp.
I was excited at the prospect and it also meant that Lily could work as my assistant.

I had spoken to her and we had discussed her options.
She wanted to go to beauty school and learn more about make up and hair and I wanted that for her too, but she wanted to work with me first.
She felt she needed to learn how to live like a normal person before she could fully commit to studying, not that working as an assistant to a Countess was real life, but it was more like real life than the way she had been living.

Bradley had flown to Vegas and married a showgirl, or so I read in the paper.
There was also an intriguing article about Brooks Barry’s company initiating a hostile takeover of Bradley’s company.
I had a little chuckle to myself when Freddie told me he had been the one to sic Brooks onto Bradley.
It wasn’t like Bradley needed the money from his company now, he had married by the due date and was entitled to receive his inheritance in full as long as his bride produced the required off-spring.

Finally we flew back to Merveille and I was greeted at the airport by Alyssa’s Ladies in Waiting (she couldn’t come herself without causing a stir in the press) and we headed straight for the Palace.
Alyssa had kindly allowed me to move back into my suite at the Palace until Freddie and I were married.
We had no plans to marry before the Queen and Will, we didn’t want to steal their thunder.
And until then I could work with Alyssa and help her train a new assistant.
It also meant that Lily could learn a few things from Bridgette, Annette (the Queen’s Lady’s Maids) and Margot (my own Lady’s Maid) who were very accomplished in the art of hair and makeup.

The girls all gathered in my suite that night and we drank too much and gossiped our way through the night.
It was so good to be back in the fold, I had missed their friendship and was so glad that Freddie had come after me.
The only one that I was a little cautious of was Meredith.
We hadn’t parted on the best of terms and I worried that our friendship would be scarred.
When there was a moment that I could pull her aside, I spoke to her.

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