A Russian Bear (9 page)

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Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: A Russian Bear
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Tom’s hand went back to one he hadn’t picked up yet. It was about four inches long, not too thick, and shaped like an hourglass. It felt cold and heavy in his hand, and Tom’s cock twitched when he let his fingers slide over it.

“Oh, good choice. You won’t have any problems taking it, but you will really feel it. Let me get you ready.” Mischa put his hand around Tom, steering the boy toward the arch. Tom hesitated.

“Anything wrong?”

“Some of those things scare me like hell!”

“Yeah?” Mischa stopped pushing, listening.

“The cross. It’s... Do you really whip people there?” Is that what I have to do to stay here?

“I have. A lot of subs are turned on by being tied up and whipped. That’s not one of the things you fantasize about?”

“I...” How the fuck could Tom answer that question without being consumed by embarrassment?

Mischa rubbed his back. “How about we say that I won’t make you take a whipping just yet?” Tom nodded, relieved. “I do think you’d like a flogger, though, from the way you took to the spanking.”

Mischa took a step, gesturing to the rest of the things. “Is there anything else that scares you?”

“Well, it doesn’t really scare me, but what do you use that table over there for?” Tom pointed at the gynecological table. Mischa smiled his predatory smile.

“Oh, it’s excellent when you want full access to a sub. It’s also good for the really kinky stuff. You’ll find out.”

“So this isn’t kinky?” Tom stared at the shiny metal thing in his hand. That soon was going to be in his ass. Fuck.

“No, this is picket fence and Sunday dinners compared to what you can do in that chair.” Mischa moved in close behind him, arms sliding around Tom and rubbing against his back. The man grabbed Tom’s nipples, holding tight but not pinching. Tom went up on tiptoes, holding his breath against the threat of pain. “Oh, I think you’re ready to take that plug now. Don’t you agree?” Mischa held on a little tighter, making Tom gasp.

“Yes, sir. Very ready.”

Mischa chuckled, letting his hands slide over Tom’s chest and stomach, oh-so-casually avoiding Tom’s hard cock. Then he strayed back to Tom’s nipples.

“You liked it when I pinched your nipples last week, didn’t you?” Mischa slowly rubbed the sensitive flesh, making Tom arch his back. “Would you like me to do it again before I push that plug into you?” Mischa’s words made Tom gasp.

“Yes, sir.”

“Hard?” Fuck, Mischa knew exactly where to push, knew what Tom wanted and couldn’t ask for and then made him anyway. He couldn’t not.

“Please, sir. Ahhh!” Mischa’s grip had tightened immediately, burning through Tom. Tom arched his back and let his head fall back into the curve of Mischa’s shoulder, gasping. “Oh, sir, burns. Fuck!” Mischa crooned and tightened the grip, making Tom writhe and moan. The Dom didn’t relent until Tom cried out loudly. Then Mischa finally let go, turned Tom around, and kissed him until Tom felt dizzy. Mischa pulled back and looked into his eyes.

“Are you ready to take my plug now?”

Tom felt drugged, dazed by the lust coursing through him. He was so ready.

“Yes, sir. Please.”

Mischa put his arm around Tom and steered him toward the arch, grabbing a bottle of lube on the way. Tom leaned over the arch, but Mischa grabbed his ass unceremoniously and pulled him up to lie across the middle of it. His feet were dangling, and his cock went through the slit in the arch, making him feel vulnerable.

“I’m not going to tie you up this time. I want to know that you’re staying put of your own free will. I know that it won’t be easy; you’re still so tight, and taking this plug will be a bit of work for you.” Mischa leaned in, kissing Tom lightly on his neck. “But it’s work that I can’t wait to see. I can’t wait to hear your sounds as you struggle to take this.” The Dom rubbed the plug over Tom’s ass.

Then Mischa got almost businesslike. “I’ll lube you up first; you can’t take it without being slick.” The change in tone ripped Tom out of his daze. He suddenly realized how obscene, how horny he had to look, on display with a hard cock, waiting for someone to put a big plug in him. He couldn’t help it; he moaned out loud. He was rewarded with a slap to his butt.

“Good boy. Now, relax.” Tom got a wet finger directly into his ass. He arched his back, fighting the sudden intrusion. Mischa didn’t protest, just kept on talking in that low, rough voice of his. “I won’t give you more than a single finger; I want you to feel the full size of the plug. It might hurt, but it’s not big enough to damage you.”

When Mischa had finished opening Tom up, he pulled out his finger and wiped it on Tom’s back. For some reason, that pushed a strangled noise out of Tom. Mischa chuckled. “Oh yes, you like being spread out like this.”

Tom felt the cold metal on his ass and started a bit. Mischa placed one hand on Tom’s back, holding him down. “Now I’m going to open you up with my plug. The first curve is a bit smaller than the next. Just breathe through it, then you’ll be fine. And I want to hear you all the time.” Then he pushed.

Tom could feel the pressure against his hole and tried to relax, to let Mischa penetrate him. The plug felt so much bigger against his hole than it had looked; there was no way he could take this. But Mischa didn’t relent, and Tom felt himself opening up until a sharp pain shot through his ass and the first part of the plug went into him. He groaned, grinding his hips into the arch and trying to escape the feeling of being so impossibly full. “Oh. Sir, so full, so big.”

Mischa teasingly let the narrow part of the plug slide a little in and out of his ass, making Tom whimper. “No, no, too much, I can’t take it...”

Mischa only kept it up. “Yes, it’s good, isn’t it?”

“Good” wasn’t exactly the word Tom would have chosen, but then, he wasn’t up to the use of actual words right now.

“Now I’ll give you the second part. I know it’ll be difficult,” Mischa pushed a little harder, making Tom gasp, “but I like seeing you fight to take what I give you. Ready?”

Tom managed to nod. “Yes... yes, sir.” Then Mischa pushed, so slowly.

Tom felt his ass open up more and more, making it burn, and then the sharp pain was there again, only worse. Tom cried out, and Mischa held still, kept him in the middle of the pain. “Yeah, it hurts, doesn’t it? You’re so tight.” Tom whimpered, fighting the hand on his back holding him down. “It’ll be worse when I push it in, but after that it’ll be really good.”

Tom just groaned, letting his head fall down. “Good boy,” Mischa whispered, and then he pushed the plug all the way in.

Tom shouted from the sharp pain, and then it was in. It felt so big, filling him so much right inside his asshole. It also made him more excited than he could remember ever being, the feeling too much to contain. There was no way he could take this feeling for much longer.

“Enough, sir, enough. Please take it out again. Too much.” He was panting and sawing his hips, fucking the air.

Mischa bent over him, letting his hand slide over Tom’s back and ass. “But that’s not the point with a plug, boy. They’re made to stay in.” His other hand slid over Tom’s hard dick.

Tom started whimpering. “No, no, no, no. Can’t keep it in. Can’t take it.” He humped Mischa’s hand. Mischa only laughed at him and started to help him up. Tom gasped when he slid down the arch, and when he tried to stand up straight, the feeling shot through him. This was unbearable, too much, too good. He bent over the arch again, panting. “Going to come. Take it out. Take it out of me.”


Even in his wildest imagination, Mischa couldn’t have dreamed of the reaction he was getting out of his boy. Tom was panting, keening, so close to breaking down from pure lust. It made Mischa so hard.

“No, boy, stand up straight. You’re not going to come until I let you.” Tom whimpered, clenching his fists and obviously trying to obey Mischa’s order. He managed to get up, making a deep, guttural groan as the move shifted the plug inside his body. Tom was panting and looking so depraved that Mischa had to moan at the sight.

“Come here, boy. I want you to suck me.” And, oh, sweet heaven. Tom took a step, a shocked expression on his face as he moved, and with a whimper and a pleading look at Mischa, his legs gave out under him as he came. Tom shouted, the sound almost painful and so wonderfully fucking hot that Mischa came without even touching himself.

Mischa gasped through it, the sight of Tom’s spent body too good to miss even through his orgasm. The boy had fallen forward, his legs still spread and kneeling to make room for the plug, his head and arms lying on the ground. He looked broken, totally wiped out by his orgasm.

With an effort, Mischa got himself back under control. “Get up, boy. I want you to clean me up.” Mischa walked on not-entirely steady legs to the bed and sat down hard.

Tom stirred, groaning as he tried to get up. Mischa took pity on him. “You can take the plug out.”

Tom reached for it, and with a grunt, he got it out. Then he got up and staggered to the bathroom, putting the plug in the sink and wetting a towel. Mischa had gotten out of his sticky pants and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting. Tom stood in front of him, looking uncertain.

“On your knees, boy, and clean me up.”

Tom kneeled in front of him and carefully cleaned Mischa up, hands shaking. Mischa lay back in the bed while Tom put the towel away and cleaned himself up. Then Tom came back and scrambled into bed, his movements clumsy. Mischa pulled him in close and pulled the comforter over them.

Tom was the first to speak. “Wow, that blew my mind completely. Fuck.” Tom chuckled, sounding amazed. “And sorry about the coming, but there was no way I could wear that plug and not come.”

Mischa smiled and stroked his back. “It’s the curve of it that does it; when you’re not used to it, then a steep curve just inside your hole will drive you crazy. If you had chosen the oval one, it would have been far easier for you.”

“Well, thank you for the warning!”

“Hey, it would be plain stupid to prevent myself from enjoying the sight of you with that plug in you. Fuck, you were hot.”

Tom snuggled in. He was quiet for a long time.

“It sounds as if you’re thinking very hard,” Mischa teased him gently.

Tom smiled apologetically and withdrew a bit so he could see Mischa’s face.

“It’s just... You thought I was hot?” Tom blushed and looked down. “I’m not fishing for compliments or anything, it’s just...”

Mischa hooked a finger under Tom’s chin and brought his head back up. “It’s just what? And for the record, you were so hot you made me come in my pants. I haven’t done that since I was a teenager.”

Tom’s eyes lit up, and he relaxed a bit. “Good, because I thought it was hot, too. Very. But...” He made a visible effort to get the words out. “Okay, it’s like this: The toys are real, and so is the... furniture in here. Does that mean that the rest of the stuff from the books is real, too?” He looked pleadingly at Mischa.

Mischa frowned. “I don’t understand what you mean -- the rest of it?”

Tom gestured agitatedly. “The groveling. The subservient little slave who spends all his time on his knees and has absolutely no opinion whatsoever -- is that what I’m supposed to be like? Because I don’t think I can be like that. And I don’t think that I want to.”

“You’re really worried, aren’t you?” Mischa moved back a bit. Then he sat up, arranging the pillows against the head rest. “Come on, sit up. This is too important to talk about like this.”

Tom sat up, looking worried and a little resigned. The latter almost killed Mischa. He leaned in and kissed Tom, hard. “You’re doing fine, okay? I don’t want to change you; I just want to explore your kinks with you.”

Tom looked relieved.

“Some people do have twenty-four seven relationships like the one you described, but I don’t know many of them -- that’s actually one of the things you mostly see in books.”

“But that doesn’t turn you on -- having someone being so submissive to you?”

“Yes, it does.” Mischa answered before he had time to think, and he winced at the apprehensive look on Tom’s face.

“Okay, let me explain.” He pulled the comforter closer around Tom, not wanting his boy to get cold.

“I’ve been a Dom for many years now, and I’ve done hundreds of scenes -- that’s what you call it when a Dom and a sub meet and do whatever we do. Some of those subs have been very submissive, behaving like you described -- and that turned me on. But it turned me on because it turned them on; either they were hard all the time, or they got something else out of it. They could come here all stressed out and insecure and leave calm and happy. That’s a major turn on for me.

“But don’t get me wrong here; I’m not a therapist. I enjoy other people’s pain, and I especially enjoy seeing them struggling to do as I tell them to. I have a reputation for being a hardass, so not that many dare come to me in the first place. Most of those who do come are too well trained to do anything out of line. They come here, they take what I do to them, and they leave. It’s hot while it lasts, but I can hardly tell them apart, they’re so well trained and obedient. I know it sounds bad, but it’s the truth.”

Mischa took a deep breath and continued. “You’re not any of those things, and that’s why you make me so hard; it’s not always easy for you to surrender. I want to push you again and again and see what turns you on.” Mischa bit his own tongue before he could say more.

Tom was quiet for a long time, making Mischa more nervous than he should have been. He was just here to help Tom explore the boy’s kinks. And even if that would take a bit longer than a single scene, that didn’t change anything. At all.


“Okay?” Mischa had just talked more about his personal life than he had for years, and that was all Tom had to say to it? He had sort of prepared himself for a major emotional meltdown.

“Yes. It’s hot, I’m not fucking up, and you want to see me again. That’s three out of three as far as I’m concerned.”

It struck Mischa that perhaps Tom wasn’t the type to have a meltdown. That was something his spoiled subs did to get his attention. This was a whole other kind of game, and Mischa couldn’t help feeling just a little out of his depth. He pulled himself together, though.

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