A Russian Bear (13 page)

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Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: A Russian Bear
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“Yes, sir. Please do it.” He did, making Tom gasp when the little ball pushed in again, and then the next. It was always the removal that got the biggest reaction, though.

The first four balls went easily, Tom gasping and moaning with it. The fifth was a bit larger, making Tom strain to take it.

“You can do it. Just relax.” It wasn’t very big; it was Tom’s excitement that made him clench up around the soft silicone string and get all tight. He got the fifth, though, and the sixth, too. At the seventh, Tom started panting a bit. Mischa pushed it in.

“Oh! Oh, sir, I can feel it inside me.”

“Yes, the string goes deep inside of you.” Mischa pulled out the ball, pushing it in again and adding the eighth. Tom bucked, groaning out loud. Mischa took a little break, stroking Tom’s back and gently tugging on the ring at the end. “Last one going out before the two big ones. You can do it.” He tugged it out and pushed it back in, not giving Tom any time to adjust. His boy whimpered, hands straining against the cuffs.

“Now the big one.” Mischa pushed, but Tom’s hole didn’t budge. “Open up for me, boy.” He kept up the push, and with a grunt, Tom accepted it. His boy arched, panting and trying to deal with the intrusion.

“Please, sir, do you have to pull that one out again?” Tom was gasping. It made Mischa hard.

“Of course, boy. That’s how you get a string of beads. Only the last one stays in.” Tom moaned piteously. The boy bent back down, though, and cried out when the ball was pulled out. Mischa pushed it right back in. Then he started pushing the last one in. It wouldn’t go, but Mischa kept up the pressure and forced Tom to take it. Finally, Tom yelped, and it went in. Mischa bent over him and lifted him up, letting him lean back on Mischa’s body.

“Squeeze your hole closed. Keep it inside you.” Tom gasped, but followed his order. Mischa kissed him on the neck and held him, feeling the boy relaxing against Mischa’s body. Tom was about to bend back down when Mischa helped him up.

“Come on up. The beads can stay in while I show you something.” Tom got up, experimentally taking a step.

“I can hardly feel it, sir.” He sounded surprised. “It was really tight in the beginning, but now I only feel a little full.” Mischa smiled. It would be quite easy for Tom to take. For now.

“You never got the entire tour of my house, you know. I want to tell you about how I built it.”

Tom blinked. “With... with this in me?”

Mischa relished the shock in Tom’s voice.”Oh yes, you said so yourself that it doesn’t bother you. Now, come on.”

And he gave Tom the big tour of the house. The very big, very detailed tour. They were in every room -- except for his office, of course -- and he explained and showed and even found a blueprint at one point.

In the beginning, Tom looked genuinely interested. Then he started to squirm a little. Mischa ignored him. When they reached the second guest room and Mischa explained everything about the double windows, Tom gasped and bent over a little.

“Stand up straight.” Mischa smacked Tom’s red ass, making him jump.

“Sorry, sir. It’s just...” Mischa didn’t let him finish but led him to the bathroom. The Jacuzzi was so very interesting, wasn’t it? Tom was openly squirming now, and for a moment Mischa thought about telling him that there would be a quiz on the tour later on. That would have been a hopeless endeavor, however, and Mischa took pity. He still showed Tom another room, until the boy finally broke down.

“Please, sir! I have to get it out!”

Mischa looked at Tom, keeping his face only mildly interested. “Yeah? You said that it didn’t bother you.”

“It didn’t, at first, but now it’s driving me insane. I... I don’t think I can keep it in.” Tom was blushing, clenching his cheeks.

Mischa smiled. Tom’s body had to be trying hard to expel the intruder.

“Sure.” Tom looked up, relieved. “Let me just show you the kitchen first. I’m really proud of that.” Tom’s face fell, and he moaned out loud. But he followed, only halting once to squeeze his buttocks together with his hands.

Mischa talked and talked until there wasn’t a single detail left to tell about his kitchen. Tom was whimpering now. He was also very hard, of course. Finally, Mischa took pity on him.

“I’ll take it out of you.” Tom made an incomprehensible sound, so grateful.

“As soon as you’ve made me come.” Mischa opened his pants and waited.

Tom looked at him disbelievingly. There was a moment there where Mischa thought that Tom would rebel and pull the damned thing out of himself. Then the boy whimpered and sank to his knees. He had to adjust his position to keep the beads inside his body, but he managed.

Mischa groaned out loud when he felt Tom’s mouth around his dick. He had meant to drag this out, but Tom was sucking him like a Hoover, his boy’s need to find release so big. Mischa relished it, but he had to give in. With a yell, he came down Tom’s throat.

It took him a few moments to collect himself. It was Tom’s continuous whimper that made Mischa open his eyes and put his cock away. Mischa bent and kissed him. “Good boy. Now, let’s go to the playroom and get it out of you.”

Tom didn’t even protest the additional challenge of walking to the playroom. Mischa had to help the boy up, though, and his dick twitched when Tom moaned. He got Tom down on the bench and finally pulled the string of beads out of him. Tom cried out, so relieved.

“Thank you, sir, thank you so much. They were so... I just couldn’t take them anymore. Thank you.” Tom kept babbling, only relaxing into Mischa’s long, slow touches after a while. His body needed it, though, and he got quiet, enjoying the caresses. Mischa could tell the exact moment, though, when the boy remembered his hard dick. Smiling, Mischa slid a hand around Tom’s body, closing around the hard cock.

“You can come when you like to.” It took Tom such a short time. Poor boy must have been out of his mind with need. Wonder why?


They spent the rest of the afternoon talking, cooking, and generally just hanging out. After dinner, Mischa sent Tom in to change. The boy came back out wearing only boots and a pair of low-hanging jeans. The sight made Mischa swallow. Well, no mauling the sub before they even got to the club. A man had his principles.

Mischa still showed Tom the chaps. Then it was Tom’s turn to swallow. He came back out in them, wearing just a black jockstrap underneath.

“God.” It was all Mischa was able to say. With his slender body, Tom looked like a wet dream come true in the leather chaps hanging low on his hips. The boy was blushing and a little self-conscious, and that only made him sexier. Of course, the bulge in his jock didn’t hurt, either. Someone obviously liked leather. Then he turned around.

“Fuck.” Okay, Mischa was very cave man right now with the one-syllable words. But how the fuck could he be anything else with an ass like that in front of him? It was still slightly red and so fucking cute. And he normally didn’t swear, so this amount of the f-word? He was so fucked.

He got a grip on himself. “Do you like that? Because you look really good in it.”

Tom moved a bit. “Yeah, I like it. But I’m almost naked.”

“And?” Mischa had a very hard time understanding Tom’s comment. On the other hand, he might not be thinking with the right head at the moment.

“Well, I just want to fit in. I won’t stick out in this?”

Mischa laughed. “Baby, the only thing that could make you stick out would be wearing too many clothes. Believe me, you look just right.” Tom smiled happily.

He looked quite happy when he saw Mischa, too. Mischa hadn’t really dressed up, but apparently his black trousers and fitted black shirt had the exact effect he wanted. Then he sat Tom down.

“So. Rules. The basic rule is that there aren’t any -- apart from accepting the safewords. That’s a given in all situations. But except for that, anything consensual goes.

“There are customs, though. One of them you already follow -- calling me sir. Some have complicated rules about when you should use it and with whom. In my opinion, it should come naturally.” Mischa stopped himself, thinking. “I do think, though, that I would like you to call only me sir, not any of the other Doms.” There it was again with the possessiveness. He had never had a rule like that before.

“Okay. And nobody will be offended because I don’t use it?”

“No. You’re with me; I decide what your rules are. Likewise, you don’t have to kneel or keep your eyes down or stuff like that. If you want to, then you can, of course. Otherwise, go with the flow, and ask me if you have any doubts.”

Tom nodded, looking confident enough.

“Wait. There actually is one rule.” Tom waited, curious. “Don’t laugh. You’re going to see all kinds of people tonight, little clinging subs and big leather daddies and everything in between. Some of those people have strange kinks, and you don’t make fun of that.”

“I wouldn’t.” Tom sounded a little affronted.

“I know you wouldn’t on purpose. But pony play or someone with a doggy tail sticking out of his ass just might seem a bit strange at first.”

Tom stared. “You’re joking now, right? Pony play?”

“No, I’m not. We had a sub who really liked a bridle.” He had been hot, too.

Tom blinked. “Okay. I guess I can do that. And nobody is going to demand scary things of me?” He suddenly looked a bit nervous.

“No. We’re just there to watch. If we want to play, there are private rooms or dark corners. But I haven’t planned anything.”

Tom leaned in and kissed him. “Okay. I’m ready.”

Mischa grabbed Tom’s hair, holding his head and looking him straight in the eyes. First, Tom smiled nervously. Then he relaxed, letting himself be held. Only when his breathing started to quicken did Mischa lean in and kiss him until he swayed.

“Yes,” Mischa then said, “you’re ready.”


Tom sensed the atmosphere change in the car. Mischa had given him a long coat, so he wasn’t really naked. He felt that way, though, aware of Mischa going into full Dom mode next to him. It affected Tom, too, making him go quiet. And hard.

When they had parked and were about to get out of the car, Tom grabbed Mischa’s arm. Mischa looked at him, surprised.

“Can I...” He didn’t know where these nerves came from all of a sudden. “Sir, can I keep close to you tonight?” Mischa’s face lit up, and his Dom leaned in and kissed him. Tom leaned into Mischa’s lips, giving the man everything he wanted.

“Yes, you can. In fact, I don’t want you to go anywhere without me.” Mischa got out of the car and went around to Tom’s side, helping him out of the car. As they started walking toward the club, Mischa put his hand low on Tom’s back. Tom relaxed into it, into the safety and excitement of being Mischa’s. It was a heady mixture of lust and quiet.

When they reached the entrance, Tom could feel the butterflies in his stomach. Mischa seemed to sense it. “Remember, stay with me and ask me anything you like. I’ll take care of you.” That was all Tom needed to know. Taking a deep breath, he followed Mischa into the club.


The cloak room was quite normal. That is, if you didn’t count the fact that people were almost naked when they took off their coats. Tom blinked, suddenly feeling insecure.

“Look at me.” Mischa pushed him up against the wall with firm movements and looked into his eyes. Then the Dom slowly started undoing Tom’s coat, one button at a time, Mischa’s calm eyes never leaving Tom’s. Tom let himself go, let Mischa undress him so he could be almost naked for Mischa. Everything was for Mischa.

When the coat finally came off, Tom was very hard and very calm. Mischa nodded and went to stand in line.

While Mischa handed over their coats, Tom studied the room. His eyes caught a couple by the wall. A muscular man leaned against the wall while another man in a leather harness kissed and rubbed and made him moan. They were as close to full on sex as they could get without penetration. Surely they couldn’t do anything like that right here? Tom looked around, and sure enough, the bouncer came over.

“Hey, boys, there’s lube and condoms inside. You’re going to need that soon, so get in with you.” The guys grinned and went through the door to the club. Tom could only stare.

“Your first visit here?” He whipped his head around. A young guy in front of him smiled kindly.

“Ah, yes, it is.” Tom fought very hard not to let his eyes stray down to the collar and the harness. The guy only smiled.

“Well, it can be a bit overwhelming at first. Don’t worry, nobody bites. I’m Rob, by the way.”

“Hi, I’m Tom.” They shook hands, and Tom couldn’t help feeling a bit odd, being half naked and still keeping up his good manners.

“Are you here with anybody, Tom? Otherwise you can come with us. I’m here with my boyfriend.”

“Well, thanks for the offer, but I’m here with...” With what? His Dom? His boyfriend? If only. “I’m here with Mischa.”

Rob’s eyes got wide. “With Mischa? I didn’t think he...” They were interrupted when Rob’s boyfriend came back. His name was John, and he repeated the offer to keep them company after they had been introduced. Tom declined politely, and the couple disappeared into the club.

Mischa came back, seeing him smiling after John and Rob. “Already making friends?”

“Well, chatting, at least. People are nice here. His name was Rob, do you know him?” Tom was a little nervous and talking fast to let it out.

“John’s Rob?” Tom nodded. “Yes, he is nice. I know both of them.” Mischa turned to walk into the club. Tom hung back.

“Are you okay?” Tom could suddenly feel the butterflies in his stomach. Mischa came back and hugged him, just held on to him.

“Sorry, sir.” He was whispering into Mischa’s shoulder. “I don’t mean to be silly.”

“You’re not. Remember, I’ll stay with you all night, okay?”

Tom nodded. If Mischa was there, he could do it. They went through the door.


It was mayhem in there. Intense, decadent, depraved mayhem. Tom did read the books, but he never imagined anything like this could be real.

The club had two main rooms, and there were people everywhere, in leather and chains and naked. A lot of them naked. And they were doing all the things from the books.

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