A Spy at Pemberley (20 page)

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Authors: Fenella J Miller

BOOK: A Spy at Pemberley
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'I am. He must be kept calm and comfortable; having my mother weeping and wailing over him would do nothing to aid his recovery.'

'In which case, my love, I'll be guided by you. I'll have Doctor Bevan call in tomorrow as a precaution but we'll tell no one what actually happened. Both Kitty and Jane are increasing – it might be best if they didn't know either.'

'You're right, Fitzwilliam. I've no need to go next door again but, now the worry is over, I find my appetite has returned. If Cook is preparing a tray for my father she can do the same for me.'

'Return to our rooms, sweetheart, I'll join you there soon. I'll speak to Reynolds for you.'

The tray arrived before he did and she was already halfway through her supper when he eventually joined her.

'I checked on Mr Bennet and he's enjoying his meal as much as you are. I've spoken to Peterson and Reynolds and you can be sure none of the servants will gossip about the events of this evening.'

'I've been thinking about that, my love. I don't see how we can keep secret the fact that our entire staff both inside and out were involved in the search for my father.'

His smile, as always, righted her world. 'Of course I didn't intend to maintain the fiction of his bilious attack. We will tell everyone that he got shut into the wine cellar, but is none the worse for his experience. I sent word next door that all is well so we can retire confident tonight's drama is over.'

'Would you object if I invited my parents and Mary to remain here for a few months – at least until Kitty and Jane are delivered?'

'They will be very welcome. Our home is large enough to accommodate half a dozen families as well you know. As long as we don't have to keep
the guests for months I shall be content.'

'I meant to ask you, Fitzwilliam, what did your cousin say about the possibility that neither Sir Robert nor Mr Hall will come here?'

'We haven't discussed the possibility. To tell you the truth I am heartily sick of the whole business. I'm sure this matter could have been resolved without involving bringing the suspects to my home.' He rubbed his eyes and, with a flick, untied his stock. 'I can only surmise that Mr Perceval is so unpopular in London at the present that Hugo deemed it safer to keep his machinations away from the scrutiny of the Prime Minister's detractors.'

Whilst he'd been talking she finished the last delectable morsels of her supper and was now ready to retire. 'I can't remember having such a prodigious appetite before. If I continue in this way everyone will imagine that I'm in an interesting condition too.'

His eyes widened and he snatched her from her chair. 'Of course you are with child – it must be more than two months since you had your last monthly flow. Why didn't I realise it before now?'

'It has been some time, but you know I'm not someone who can work out these things with any exactitude. Last time I was unwell from the outset and scarcely ate at all in the first few months. I haven't felt nauseous at all so, much as I wish that I was, I don't believe I can be pregnant.'

'There is one way we can be sure…'

'If you think I'm going to endure the indignity of an examination by Doctor Bevan you can forget all about it.' She stepped away from him and walked briskly into their shared bedchamber. 'I'm going to bed. I don't intend to discuss it any further.'

In two strides he was ahead of her blocking her way; his eyes glinted and she recognised the signs. He had more than sleep on his mind.






Chapter Twenty



Darcy was certain he was correct in his assumptions. Lizzy was increasing. He was sure if he looked at her without her garments on he would be able to detect any changes to her shape. She had recovered her slim figure within weeks of producing the twins so any roundness in the belly or fullness of the breast would be immediately noticeable.

Although they indulged in vigorous lovemaking more often than most couples she was a modest woman and he rarely saw her as God intended. It had taken him weeks to persuade her to remove her nightgown when they were intimate.

'My darling, I'm quite sure that not every pregnancy is the same. The fact that you feel well and are eating more could mean that this time you are not expecting twins.'

He saw the glimmer of hope in her eyes. 'I did think I might be a month ago, but decided I was mistaken.' She ran her hands over her body. 'I can't feel any difference.'

Lizzy took little persuading to remove her clothes and stand naked in front of him. 'You are with child – I am absolutely certain. Your breasts are bigger and there's a slight curve to your belly.'

Her look of joy almost unmanned him. Then she flung herself into his arms and he forgot about everything apart from showing her how much he loved her.

When Dr Bevan examined his father-in-law he confirmed what they suspected. 'Mr Bennet suffered a mild seizure. He has fully recovered and can continue his life as normal after another day of rest. It might be many years before he is so afflicted again or he might be unfortunate and be struck down much sooner.'

'Is there anything he can do to prevent such a thing happening?'

'No, Mr Darcy, nature will take its course. He must continue his life as normal – although if he was a heavy drinker, or ate to excess, I would suggest he was more moderate. But as this is not the case there's nothing he needs to do in order to prolong his life.' The doctor picked up his bag and prepared to leave.

'There is another matter I require to discuss with you before you depart.' Darcy described Lizzy's symptoms.

'Congratulations, sir, you will be a parent again in the autumn. There's no need for me to examine Mrs Darcy, unless you wish me to, she is obviously perfectly healthy.'

'Thank you, Doctor Bevan, it's good to have one's opinions confirmed by you. Perhaps you could call in and see my wife when you visit Mrs Bingley again?'

The matter happily decided between them the doctor left and Darcy went to give Lizzy the good news. However, when he arrived in the Grand Hall he was met by Peterson.

'A letter has come by express for you, sir. A reply is required.'

Darcy removed the missive and stepped aside so he could read it in the morning light that streamed through the long windows. He scanned the contents and then turned to the butler.

He needed to speak to Hugo and Lizzy about this matter preferably together to save him having to repeat himself. 'Find Colonel Fitzwilliam and have him join me in the study immediately. Do you know the whereabouts of my wife?'

'Yes, sir, she is in the small drawing room with Miss Bennet and the other young ladies. Do you need me to send a message to her?'

'Do that. Make sure the messenger has rested. He'll have his reply within the hour.'

The study was one place he could be sure he wouldn't be interrupted by any of his guests. Indeed, only Lizzy was welcome there without an invitation.

He paced the room trying to marshal his thoughts so he could explain the matter succinctly when they both arrived. Ten minutes passed before there were hurrying footsteps – Lizzy was on her way. Then there was the heavy tread of his cousin.

They arrived together and he ushered them in before closing the door firmly behind them. 'I've just received this letter from Sir Robert.' He tossed it across to Hugo but continued his explanation for Lizzy's benefit. 'He enquires most politely if he and Hall will still be welcome here after the unpleasant business in Town. I can't discern from his writing if he assumes we know what actually happened or if we believe the fabrication about blackmail that we put about.'

'If you're asking me if I'm happy to have them here then my answer is in the affirmative. I believe that their presence is essential if Cousin Hugo's plot is to succeed.' She frowned before continuing. 'As to your other question, I've no idea. If that's all you wish to say to me, dearest, I must return to my guests.'

'Yes. No. God dammit! I didn't intend to make this a public announcement. The doctor confirmed our suspicions that there is to be another happy event at Pemberley in the autumn.'

'Might I be the first to offer my congratulations on your happy news?' Hugo said with a smile.

'Thank you, sir. I'm so happy I could burst.' Her eyes brimmed with amusement. 'Perhaps not the most felicitous choice of phrase in the circumstances. Pray excuse me, gentlemen, I must go at once and tell my sisters my good news.'

She rushed off, her steps light and looking even more beautiful than usual. He raised an eyebrow in the direction of his cousin who had just completed reading the missive.

'Well, Hugo, shall I tell this traitor he and his crony may come?'

'If you will. As to the matter of whether he knows that we are aware of his treachery I assume that he doesn't. He would have expected us to hand him over to the authorities if we knew he was passing on state secrets. Therefore, unlikely as it might seem, I must surmise he thinks us in ignorance of the true state of affairs.'

'I only met him a couple of times and wasn't impressed by his intelligence. His son, I must say, is a different prospect. I will have a letter sent to young Hall and his family and make sure they know that they are welcome here despite what happened.'


Lizzy was occupied the next few days welcoming new guests as they arrived. Sir Robert and Mr Hall turned up and Fitzwilliam said they were behaving impeccably. Thomas Hall, his mother and sister were the last to come, but despite their delayed appearance they soon blended in with the other guests.

Mary had blossomed and was now as popular with the young ladies as she was with the young gentlemen. This had not gone to her head however, and Lizzy believed her sister had finally grown up. The only worrying aspect was that Mary appeared to be partial to Richard Sinclair.

Her father remained in his room, ostensibly resting from his experience, but she rather suspected he preferred peace and quiet upstairs rather than the hectic toing and froing of downstairs. The twins were safely installed with their nanny and nursemaids in the East Wing with their cousin Charlotte.

Her mother had much to say on this matter. 'Elizabeth, surely your sister has more than enough to do without burdening her with your children? She is in an interesting condition and any added upset might be bad for her and the infant.'

Lizzy and Darcy had decided not to announce their good news as she was feeling perfectly well and didn't intend to be treated as if she was an invalid. Her mother's remarks prompted her to reveal that she too was with child.

'Good heavens! Am I to become a grandmother three times over yet again? My dear girl, you should not be dashing about the place as you are. You must allow your mama to take over the running of the household whilst you have this house party here.'

'That's most considerate of you, but this time I've never felt better. We wondered if you and Papa would like to remain here until after all three of us have been delivered. Mary appears to be enjoying herself and I'm sure will be happy to remain until the autumn.'

'Stay at Pemberley? Are you quite sure Mr Darcy is in agreement?'

'This was his suggestion and I thought it an excellent one. Things will be much calmer when our guests depart in two weeks' time and we will be able to enjoy the summer together.'

'I must speak to you about Mary. Lady Sinclair tells me that her son wishes to make an offer for your sister. Imagine that! One of my daughters will eventually be a member of the aristocracy.'

Lizzy had difficulty hiding her dismay. 'They scarcely know each other and I'm sure neither of them will do anything precipitous. He is a pleasant young man but I cannot like his father.' She hesitated and then decided to continue. 'I must tell you that he was involved with Mr Hall in some unpleasantness in London whilst we were there. Would you still be happy for Mary to become entangled with the family if his father was forced to leave the country?' Even this was revealing far too much but she had no option.

Her mother clutched her bosom in dramatic style. 'Sir Robert a villain? I'm sure that you're mistaken for he is a most charming man. Lady Sinclair is my dearest friend and I won't hear a word against her husband.' She stalked off and Lizzy swallowed the bile in her throat. This was an absolute disaster and of her own making. Her mother would go immediately to Lady Sinclair and soon word would be all around the house.

Both Fitzwilliam and the colonel would be furious with her – and rightly so. She had been given information in the strictest confidence and she had betrayed their trust. The gentlemen had organised an impromptu game of cricket for all the guests who wished to play – even the young ladies were included if they so wished.

She ran to the rear of the house and out onto the terrace. The warm mid-April sunshine was perfect for playing outdoor games. She put her hand up to shade her eyes and squinted across the parterre in the hope she might be able to see who was taking part in the game. Even from her vantage point she was unable to see more than their heads.

There was no option but to move closer so she could see properly. As she was about to descend the steps someone called her back.

'There you are, I've been searching for you.'

'Fitzwilliam, I've done something absolutely dreadful. I was looking for you or your cousin in order to warn you.' She quickly explained what had taken place and instead of being angry he laughed.

'That explains why Mrs Bennet is causing such a stir in the garden room next door. Bingley just came over to warn me that trouble is brewing.'

'I don't understand. Have I not ruined everything?'

He dropped an affectionate kiss on top of her head. 'You didn't reveal anything important – merely repeated what might well be common knowledge by now. Certainly Lady Sinclair is well aware that her husband is treading on very thin ice indeed. She will confirm what you said and this will prevent the romance between Mary and her son from progressing.'

'Actually I think it might have the reverse effect on my sister. I think she secretly envied Lydia's escapades although outwardly she always disapproved. She might well find the notion of becoming entangled with the son of a villain romantic.'

'I like the young man. Whatever happens to his father, Mrs Bennet is quite right to say that Mary would become Lady Sinclair eventually if she marries into the family. Your sister has sufficient money to keep them both, so why not let the relationship continue?'

'I've no intention of interfering. I just hope that she doesn't choose to go ahead for the wrong reasons. There is something else that worries me – what if Mr Sinclair is pursuing her to gain respectability for himself and his sister?'

'You refine too much on the matter, Lizzy. There's nothing we can do about it either way. Mr Bennet can refuse his permission if he so wishes so we must leave it to him. By the way, do you think he intends to remain closeted in his apartment indefinitely?'

'I hear on reliable authority that he makes clandestine forays to the library in the middle of the night. As long as he has books to read I believe he will remain in hiding. He has never enjoyed socialising.'

'I wasn't looking for you to discuss Mary's romance but to tell you we are to expect the first of the gentlemen from London to arrive after dark this evening. Whatever is going to happen will take place in the next two days.'


'Will the villains be apprehended by their peers? Where will they be put until they can be transported to London to face trial?'

'Hugo has not thought fit to tell me those details. Suffice it to say that I shall stay as far away from the procedure as I possibly can. I have no intention of standing in the line of fire if I can possibly avoid it.'

'Good gracious, Fitzwilliam, I never expected you to be personally involved in the matter. You are not a soldier as the others are.'

A flicker of annoyance ran through him at her words. He might not be a natural killer of men but he was quite capable of pointing a gun and firing it if necessary. 'How perspicacious of you, my dear, if you had not pointed it out so clearly I might have thought myself a soldier in disguise.'

She chuckled at his sally and then dashed off to attend to some domestic duty or other. If she was not so obviously blooming he might have been concerned about how much she had to do. His lips curved as she vanished around the corner. When the autumn came he would be inundated with infants – not only father to three, or possibly four, children of his own but also uncle to three more.

In his opinion it was a great shame that unless one restrained from lovemaking, one's wife was obliged to produce a new offspring possibly every year. Good God! This meant that Lizzy, who was only three and twenty, could have a further dozen children if they continued to share a bed.

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