A Spy at Pemberley (24 page)

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Authors: Fenella J Miller

BOOK: A Spy at Pemberley
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The sofa, at least two yards in length, had been prepared as she'd asked. There were also basins of hot water, clean cloths and a variety of other things set out neatly on the table standing to one side.

The colonel's manservant was waiting to help her husband undress the patient. The sofa, now it had the necessary linen, would make a more than adequate bed until he was well enough to return to his own apartment.

'I'll leave you to get him settled and then return to do what I can.'

The clock on the mantelshelf struck two as she left. It was unlikely any of them would get further rest tonight as by the time the physician had attended to the patient it would be dawn.

Two footmen were waiting outside. 'Can either of you make coffee? I should like jugs fetched to the study as soon as maybe.'

The taller of the two nodded vigorously. 'I reckon I can, ma'am. The range is burning well as Mr Peterson wanted hot water.'

'Thank you. If there are any pastries or biscuits available bring them too. We will need at least four cups.'

He bowed and hurried away to do her bidding. The other servant stared studiously at a point above her head in order to avoid seeing her hair undressed. She wanted to know how Cousin Hugo had come to be injured but could hardly ask a footman. Her lips curved. It was quite ridiculous that she'd been calmly ordering refreshments when Hugo had just been shot.

Fitzwilliam called from the study. 'You can come back now, sweetheart, we are ready for you.'

She deftly cleaned the wound and was concerned to see the bullet remained in his shoulder. It had to come out or the wound would turn putrid. This was something she was not sufficiently skilled to do. 'There, sir, the bleeding has stopped. You will have to wait for the physician to arrive and do the rest.'

Hugo's valet removed the bloodstained water and dirty cloths, and left them alone.

'Thank you for your ministrations, Lizzy. I expect you're both eager to know how this injury occurred.'

Peterson knocked on the door and ushered in the two footmen carrying what she'd requested. They placed it on the table that had been used to hold the basins and bandages and then they too disappeared.

Fitzwilliam followed them out and she could hear him talking quietly. She hoped was telling them to retire – but she supposed that wasn't possible until the doctor had completed his task and departed.

Her husband carried over two straight-backed chairs and placed them beside the sofa whilst she attended to the coffee.

'Now, Hugo, explain to us two things. The first being why you were still in the West Wing at two o'clock in the morning, and the second why you were shot.'

Lizzy interrupted. 'I also need to know who did it and why they haven't been apprehended.'

'I could hardly storm in there making demands as they were all my superiors. I talked to the Brigadier – you remember he has the fearsome wife – and he agreed immediately to facilitate the departure of them all.' He sipped his coffee thoughtfully and then with a wry smile continued his story.

'All was going well and even the ladies seemed resigned to their fate when one of them accosted me. She was less blowsy than the others, I believe she might have been a real lady once, and demanded to know why they had been invited if they were to be evicted so rudely. I explained that only the officers had been included in the invitation. She took offence and struck me across the face…'

'Good heavens! Why should she do that? You were merely answering her question.'

His cheeks coloured and he exchanged a helpless glance with her husband as if expecting him to explain. Fitzwilliam left him to flounder before supplying her with the explanation.

'I expect that Hugo didn't put it as politely as that. He's never been one to mince his words.'

'Exactly so, Darcy. Unfortunately all might have been well if I hadn't retaliated. My slap landed the doxy on her backside and her protector took offence.'

Lizzy stared at him. 'In which case, sir, my sympathies are with the female in question. No gentleman slaps a member of the weaker sex.' She placed her cup rather more firmly than was necessary on the tray and stood up. 'If I had known the true circumstances…'

Fitzwilliam shook his head and his eyes flashed a warning. 'I believe quite enough has been said on the subject, my dear. I shall remain here with my cousin. I suggest that you go up.'


Darcy scowled at his companion. 'You got your just deserts, I've no sympathy for you. Ah! I can hear footsteps approaching. I shall speak to the doctor and then retire. You must remain in my study overnight. No doubt your man can take care of you.'

Doctor Bevan was indeed outside. Darcy briefly explained the circumstances and then took the backstairs to his bedchamber. He was shocked that the man he thought he knew so well had behaved so reprehensibly.

Lizzy was sitting up in bed waiting for him. He stripped off his clothes in the dressing room and joined her. 'This is a damnable mess. Do you think we can let the marriage to Miss Hall proceed knowing what we do about my cousin? Shouldn't we tell her about her future husband?'

He had thought she would agree with him and demand that he interfere. Yet again his wife surprised him.

'Initially I thought the same, my love. However, on reflection I think you might have done exactly the same. We didn't enquire, but it's quite possible your cousin warned the woman what would happen if she struck him and she ignored this warning. I'm certain that he would never raise a hand to a real lady or a child, whatever the provocation.' She stretched and smiled. 'Anyway, it's none of our business, is it?'

'In which case, darling girl, can we finally go to sleep? We will need our wits about us in the morning if we are to come out of this unscathed.'

She stretched across and kissed his cheek. 'Our guests will be so excited at the prospect of attending not one, but two weddings that everything else will be forgotten. All we have to say is that your cousin injured his shoulder falling down the stairs when in his cups, and that he must remain incommunicado for a few days.'

He blew out the candle on his bedside table. 'I suppose you intend that I act as proxy for him with his future in-laws?'

'You will do it splendidly, Fitzwilliam.'

He slid down beneath the covers taking her with him. The fact that she was now wearing a voluminous nightgown did not pass unnoticed. He abhorred these things and always slept as nature intended.

'I will speak to Mr Hall but I draw the line at proposing to his daughter in my cousin's stead.'

She snuggled into his arms, where she was meant to be, before replying. 'I love you, dearest, and have every faith that you will surmount that difficulty as well.'

Almost immediately her breathing calmed and she was asleep. He was the luckiest man in Christendom to be married to this woman and however much he might dislike it, he would do what she asked of him.


The End








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Regency Romantic Adventures

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Lord Ilchester’s Inheritance



Christmas at Hartford Hall



Lord Orpington’s Wager



The Duke & The Vicar’s Daughter



The Duke’s Heir



The Duke’s Reluctant Bride



Lord Denver’s Choice



Lady Charlotte’s Deception



Lord Rivenhall Returns



The Duke’s Proposal



A Chance Encounter

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A Very Unusual Governess



A Runaway Bride



A House Party



A Marriage of Convenience



The Duke’s Deception



Bride for a Duke



The Duke’s Challenge



To Marry a Duke



The Duke’s Reform




Jane Austen Variations

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The Ghosts at Pemberley



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Victoria’s War: Shadows



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