A Tragic Wreck (36 page)

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Authors: T.K. Leigh

BOOK: A Tragic Wreck
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“Is that all you want inside of you?”

She remained quiet, unable to handle all the feelings going on in her body.

“Answer me, Olivia,” he ordered.

“No. I want more.”

“What do you want?”

“You. Now.” She could barely put a sentence together. Her thoughts were all over the place. All she knew was that she was close to becoming unhinged and she needed Alexander desperately.

“We already went over that. What part of me do you need, Olivia?”

“I WANT YOUR FUCKING COCK!” she screamed.

“Now, now, Olivia. No need to shout,” he said coyly before bending down. Leaning over her, he whispered in her ear, “Where do you want it?” He rubbed his arousal against her apex.

“Inside me.”
This man is torturing me!
Olivia thought.

“Where? In your mouth? Where do you want it?” He started to rub her clit again, causing her to squirm.

“In my pussy. Now.”

Alexander slowly slid into her again, growling. She moaned out as he placed his hands on either side of her hips, guiding her back and forth, over and over again.

“God, you feel so good, Olivia. I’m not going to last much longer.”

Olivia moaned again, that clenching feeling starting to overwhelm her.

“Do you like it when I take you from behind?” he asked quietly, his breathing erratic. “I love this view of you. God. Your ass is amazing.”

“Yes, Alexander. Fuck, yes!” she screamed out, waves of pleasure coursing through her body as her orgasm overtook her entire being.

He watched her shake beneath him, loving that he could make her fall apart that quickly. “That was fucking hot,” he said, pumping into her one last time before finding his own release, grunting her name while he helped to steady her legs. She collapsed on her stomach, her legs shaking from the orgasm still ravaging through her body. Alexander fell down next to her, pulling her body against his, wrapping his arms around her, and biting her shoulder as she drifted off to sleep from pure exhaustion and ecstasy.

"L" W

, O
awoke after a fitful night of sleep, waking up several times in the middle of the night, screaming. She glanced beside her in the bed to see Alexander still fast asleep. She was completely restless so she slipped on a pair of yoga pants, a t-shirt, and her sneakers before going downstairs to check on Runner to see if he needed to go out.

Olivia walked over to her purse and checked her cell phone, surprised to see several text messages from Kiera.

Oh my god, Libby! You’re famous! Cell phone photos of that kiss last night are ALL over the internet. They want to know who Alexander Burnham’s mystery woman is! EEK!

Olivia’s heart dropped into her stomach. She had forgotten that he was a bit of a local celebrity. He was wealthy, but so was she. They had been dating on and off for several months, and only a few photos had turned up on the internet. Most of them were fairly blurry. She knew that Alexander had been trying to keep her out of the spotlight as much as possible and she appreciated that.

Grabbing her laptop out of her bag, she waited for it to boot up as she walked over to the large couch in the living room, noticing how dreary it looked outside.
It looks like a cold day to be outside watching the St. Patty’s day parade
, she thought to herself.

Once her MacBook had finally started up, she immediately went to the Google image search page and typed in Alexander’s name. She was not too surprised when she was immediately inundated with various photos of the man with green eyes. Some were from different charity events. Some from various sporting events. They were mostly photos she had seen months ago during her darkest time. She noticed one, in particular, that she had missed before. It was from the Red Sox game the weekend they had met. There she was, sitting next to Alexander, watching the game rather enthusiastically through her sunglasses. Then she noticed Alexander. He wasn’t looking at the game. He looked at her as if she was the only person in the world. As if the game wasn’t going on at all. Her heart fluttered from the obvious affection that he had for her early on in their relationship.

Olivia clicked on the photo and a gossip website popped up. The caption read, “
Wealthy Bachelor spotted at ball game with mystery woman
”. She scrolled down, reading the article speculating on whom Alexander was with. The comments were all over the place. Some saying she was a prostitute. Some saying she was a family friend. She couldn’t believe that people would actually waste their time caring about who dated whom. Olivia wondered how many other stories were out there and why she never bothered to look at any of them before.

Then she found a newer story, time-stamped just a few hours earlier. The article contained a relatively clear cell phone picture, taken the previous night when Alexander jumped up on stage and dipped Olivia back, kissing her passionately. She stared at the photo, her face flushing from the memory.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Alexander said, walking over to her and planting an affectionate kiss on her neck.

“We’ve been outed, darling,” Olivia laughed, showing him the gossip website.

“Oh, do tell. What have they been saying about us?” He joked, trying to hide his true feelings. He was worried. He was scared. He was concerned for Olivia’s safety.

She started to read the article to him: “‘Sad day for the ladies of New England and possibly the entire country. It seems that Alexander Burnham is officially off the market. Again. For those of you who don’t remember, it has only been a month since he so unceremoniously left Miss Chelsea Wellington at the altar. Rumor had it that it was for another woman. Finally, a month later, we know who the mystery woman is. Our sources say that he has been seen around the greater Boston metropolitan area these past several months in the company of one Sarah Olivia Adler. They have been rumored to have dated last fall and have recently re-kindled their relationship, but we didn’t have confirmation until late last night.

“‘Miss Adler is a wealthy heiress who runs Downtown Wellness, located in the Financial District of Boston. She is a Boston College graduate who is apparently not only ‘smoking hot’, according to one of our interns, but also a talented musician. At least we know she’s not a gold digger.

“‘Suffice it to say, we are all heartbroken over here at
Blush Magazine
. But did you see that kiss? I’m all hot and bothered just thinking about it. I don’t ever remember seeing him kiss Miss Wellington that way. Sorry, Chelsea. You clearly didn’t stack up close to Miss Adler’.”

Olivia glanced at Alexander. “Did you hear that? I’m smoking hot!” She laughed. Normally, she would be worried about being outed in a gossip magazine, but she didn’t care. She wanted the world to know that Alexander was hers and that she was his.

“I’m sorry, darling,” he said, a nervous look on his face. “I was rather careless. I didn’t mean to bring attention to you. I shouldn’t have done that. I’ll have my publicist do some damage control.”

“It’s okay, Alexander.” Olivia nuzzled into his arm as he draped it around her, holding her close. “It was bound to come out eventually.” She looked up into his eyes. He still looked unsettled at the news. Why was he so upset? Surely he had dealt with this type of publicity before, unless…

Olivia shot out of his embrace. “You’re ashamed of me, aren’t you?” she asked, staring at him. Everything finally made sense. Throughout the previous evening, every time a photographer came by, Alexander made sure that Olivia wasn’t in the photo with him. Why? “It’s because I’m not part of your perfect little social circle, isn’t it?”

“No, love. How could you say such a thing? I’m not ashamed of you. I want the world to know you’re mine and only mine.” He smiled, trying to put Olivia at ease. “But I’m concerned for your safety now that this news has gotten out. You’re going to be inundated with phone calls. They’ll be camping outside of your house. I just need to know that you won’t get hurt.”

“I’ll be fine, Alexander,” she said, her irritation showing. “It’s news now, but I’m sure it will all settle down after a few days. They’ll move on to bigger and better things.”

“Maybe you’re right, but we’ll up your protection detail anyway. If I am not with you, you are not to go anywhere without both Carter and Marshall. I’ll add a few more agents, as well. Do you understand?”

Olivia glared at him. Why did he think that she couldn’t take care of herself? “I’m not a child, Alexander,” she spat out. “I have been doing just fine. You don’t need to worry about me. What’s the worst that could happen? That someone takes a picture of me?” Her heart dropped into her stomach. Of course! Everything immediately became clear. She stood up and marched over to her purse, collecting her things, ready to bolt. It was all she knew.

“Olivia, be rational. What are you doing?” Alexander said, trying to calm her down.

She spun around, her eyes blazing with fury. “You’re seeing someone else, aren’t you? That’s why you’re so worried about these photos getting out.” It all made sense. “Is that where you were earlier this week? There probably was no training exercise was there? Is that why Adele was at the bar last night, too? You’re still fucking her! Are you still fucking Chelsea, too?” She should have known he couldn’t just change his ways overnight. For years, he was known to have slept with woman after woman, never settling down until he met her.

“No, angel, no!” He rushed to her.

Tears threatened to escape from Olivia’s eyes. How could she be so stupid? Of course he would have women fawning all over him. Why would he possibly want her? She wondered how long he had been sleeping with other people.

“I’m so stupid. I should have known. I’m sorry for wasting your time, Alexander.” She grabbed her purse and her laptop bag, walking into the foyer toward the elevator. She pushed the call button repeatedly, willing the car to arrive faster.

“Olivia, please,” Alexander said, running to catch up to her. “You’re overreacting. Chelsea doesn’t compare to you.”

Her jaw dropped, unable to form any response, furious with him.
This is why I never get close
, Olivia thought. The pain is too much.

“That didn’t come out right. I didn’t mean it like that,” he said, reaching out and touching her arm.

“Don’t touch me.” Olivia felt sick to her stomach. She let her guard down and allowed herself to open her heart to someone, only to have that person rip it painfully from her chest.

Or maybe she was frightened of her feelings and was using this as an excuse to leave him. Again.

The elevator car arrived and Olivia entered, deciding to not think about that anymore.

“Olivia, please. Don’t go.” He placed his hands on the door, preventing it from closing, trapping her there.

“Why? Just call one of your other girls. I’m sure they’ll gladly come over, and you can tell them over and over again how their pussy is yours. How many other pussies are yours, Alex?”

He ran his hands through his hair, exasperated that the morning had taken such a turn.

“I LOVE YOU!” Alexander cried out. “All right? There’s nobody else. There’s never been anyone else, Olivia. I’ve been waiting for you my entire fucking life.”

Olivia pushed the stop button on the elevator. “What did you say?” she asked quietly, taking a step toward Alexander, her eyes narrowed. She could feel the heat coming off his naked chest.

“I said, I love you, Sarah Olivia Adler,” he replied quietly, brushing the hair off her face. “And I know you love me. You’re just scared. That’s why you’re doing this. Because you’re scared of your true feelings. I beg you. Just let me love you. Please.”

He caressed her cheek and she shuddered. She couldn’t love him. It was too soon. It was too scary. “Don’t say that. You don’t love me.” She placed her hands on his chest and gazed into his eyes. “And I don’t love you.” She pushed him out of the elevator car before releasing the stop button, leaving him standing in the foyer.

“OLIVIA!” he shouted, banging on the elevator doors.


call button, willing another elevator to come quickly. After a few brief moments that felt like an eternity and still no elevator, he punched a code into the door leading to the stairwell and ran down twenty-five flights as fast as he could.

At that moment, Olivia emerged onto the street, tears streaming down her face. How could she have been so stupid? She fell for his charm and alarmingly good looks. Why did he get so upset when the gossip magazines had picked up a story about their relationship? He didn’t appear to be upset when he posed for all those photos with Chelsea. There could only be one answer.

Olivia didn’t know what she should do so she ran down the busy Boston streets, thankful that she had put on her sneakers when she got up that morning. She was rather chilly with just a t-shirt and jeans on, but she relished in the brisk March air, welcoming the coldness to dull the pain. Bolting down Atlantic Avenue, she quickly hailed a cab and gave the driver Kiera’s address. She couldn’t face going home. Not yet, anyway. As the cab pulled away, she almost thought she heard someone faintly yelling her name.


“OLIVIA!” Alexander screamed again as he reached the street. He frantically searched for her, unable to locate her among the masses of people heading to watch the parade that morning. “What have I done?” he asked to no one in particular. He sobbed openly on the street, burying his face in his hands. He knew confessing his love would scare her, but she was about to walk out on him. Again. He thought that maybe, if she knew what she meant to him, she would come to her senses and see how irrational she was being.

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