A Tragic Wreck (35 page)

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Authors: T.K. Leigh

BOOK: A Tragic Wreck
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“So, Mo and Kiera?!” Alexander looked at Olivia, questioning.

“It’s been going on for a bit, but I guess they just kind of made it official!” Olivia shouted.

“Drink?!” Alexander asked with a raised voice, trying to be heard over the noise.

“Yeah! Sapphire tonic, please!”

Alexander went over to the bar to get their drink order just as the band took a break before their next set.

Kiera saw Olivia and ran over to her, brimming with enthusiasm. “You made it! Oh, my god!” she shouted, taking in Olivia’s appearance. “You look amazing! Holy shit! If I was a lesbian, I’d take you out back and do you right now.” Kiera laughed as Melanie and Bridget walked up behind her, waving at Olivia.

“But, apparently, you’re not, are you, Care Bear?” Olivia commented, smiling.

“So you saw that, huh?” Kiera asked, referring to the kiss.

Olivia gave her a hug. “I’m so happy for you. He’s a good guy, and you’re great. You deserve each other.”

“Is Tyler with you?” Melanie asked before taking a sip from her drink.

Olivia raised her eyebrows. “What’s going on with you two?”

Bridget laughed. “Oh, she’s in it.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s all she’s been talking about since she met him last month, but the two of them are too shy and stupid to do anything about it.”

“Come on, Bridge!” Melanie protested. “He’s just so fucking hot!”

“He’s probably saying the same thing about you, ya’ know?” Olivia said. “If you dig him, make your move. Want me to give him your number?”

“HELL NO!” Melanie shouted. “That would make me look desperate.”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “Whatever. You let me know when you do.” She turned to look for Alexander, finally spotting him at the bar talking to Mo. Her heart warmed when she saw how well they got along.

A half-hour later, the band went back on stage and started their second set. A lot of people in the crowd noticed that Olivia was in the audience and kept coming up to her asking if she was performing that night. She hadn’t thought about it.

Alexander excused himself briefly when it got close to midnight. “Sorry, love. Nature calls.”

“Okay. I’ll be fine with the girls here,” she said as they stood off to the side by the bar, giggling about setting Melanie up with Tyler. “Oh, and the bathroom downstairs will probably have shorter lines. If you need any help in there, let me know.”

His heart skipped a beat when she winked at him as he turned to leave, giving some serious thought to grabbing her, dragging her to the bathroom, and burying himself deep inside of her.

The boys finished their next song to resounding cheers. Then, out of nowhere, a bunch of guys began chanting, “We want Libby! We want Libby!”

Mo stepped up to the microphone. “I guess some of the male population in attendance have noticed that Miss Olivia Adler is here.” Cheers and catcalls were heard throughout the bar. “And, boy, does she look good tonight.” Mo looked at her, searching for an answer of whether she wanted to get on stage. She nodded, smiling. “Okay, Livvy. Get your butt up here.”

Alexander heard Mo announce Olivia and immediately returned to the second floor just as someone shouted his name. “Alex, darling!” the voice called as he listened to Mo sing the opening bars of the Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow song,
. It was a slower song and the audience was grooving along.

Alexander hesitated, not wanting to see the source of that voice, knowing all too well who it belonged to. He slowly turned around and watched as Adele made her way up the stairs.

“What are you doing here, Adele? How did you know I would be here?” His brow furrowed, watching Olivia walk up to the microphone, the audience cheering wildly for her as she sang the second verse.

“I saw you leave the charity auction so I had my driver follow you.” She climbed the remaining steps and grabbed Alexander’s arm, pulling him with her toward the bar. “Buy me a drink, will you?”

Alexander rolled his eyes. “What do you want, Adele?”

She just smiled. “You, Alex. I want you.”

Olivia looked out over the audience during the instrumental break and couldn’t believe her eyes. ‘Plastic Surgery Barbie’ was dragging Alexander toward the bar, no doubt trying to convince him to buy her a drink. Olivia was not normally the jealous type, but why was she there? She ignored it as she walked back up to the microphone to finish the song, Mo and her trading lines, the audience singing along with lit smart phone screens waving in the air.

The song ended and Alexander met Olivia’s eyes. He sent her a pleading look. Adele wouldn’t leave his side.

“She is quite talented, isn’t she? I can see why you like her,” Adele said. “But it won’t last. You’ll come crawling back to me one of these days. I just know it.” She smiled at Alexander, kissing his neck before he took a step away.

Olivia saw the entire exchange and turned to Mo, smiling. “Let’s do one more.” She laughed to herself as she began to introduce the next song.

“Thanks, everyone. One more song and then I’m out of here for the evening to spend some time with my hot boyfriend.” The crowd cheered and Olivia met Alexander’s eyes, a wide smile across his gorgeous face. As it quieted down again, she grabbed the microphone off the stand and walked toward the front of the stage. “Ever date someone who had a psycho bitch ex?” she blurted into the microphone, glaring at Adele. The audience erupted in applause, laughing. Adele’s eyes grew wide.

“Yeah. Well, sometimes, they need to take the fucking hint and move on, don’t they? This is
Put the Gun Down
by Z.Z. Ward. Enjoy y’all!”

“Y’all?” Adele sneered at Alexander.

“Shut it, Adele.”

“Trash, Alex. She’s fucking trash.”

Olivia counted off and began singing, the percussionist keeping a simple beat behind her vocals. She slinked around the front of the stage with the microphone in her hand, glaring at Adele as if sending her a message to back off from her man. Alexander was hers and she was not about to lose him.

She hit the first chorus and Alexander busted out laughing. He didn’t think it was possible, but he fell even more in love with the girl on the stage.

“What are you laughing at?” Adele growled, her face bright red.

“This,” Alexander smiled. “Olivia’s giving you the big ‘fuck you’ and it’s awesome.” He simply laughed as Adele continued to stand there, pouting.

The audience grooved along to the driving beat of the song, Olivia belting out the lyrics. It was unlike anything Alexander had ever heard her sing before. It was upbeat and rocking, her voice strong, almost demanding. She was staking her claim. Her claim to him, and it turned him on.

Men in the audience whistled as Olivia moved across the stage, singing the second verse, touching her body through her silk dress in such a way to cause anyone to want to leave with her. She stopped when she reached a group of drunk guys, throwing her right leg out slightly, locking eyes with Alexander as she inched the slit of her dress up, showing the lacy stockings attached to her garter belt.

“Fuck,” Alexander breathed softly as he felt his erection twitching. The whistles coming from the males in attendance were deafening.

“You think that’s cute, do you?” Adele asked. “She’s trashy, Alex. What self-respecting woman would get up on stage for everyone to gawk at? I’m surprised they’re not throwing dollar bills her way, for crying out loud!”

Alexander laughed again. “Adele, you’re just jealous that she gets all this attention from having a raw talent that she didn’t have to pay thousands of dollars to some plastic surgeon for.”

Adele faced forward, her blood rising as she continued to watch Olivia move around the stage.

Olivia began the final chorus, the crowd singing and dancing along with her. She jumped off the stage, not really knowing what had possessed her to do that. She made her way through the audience, her eyes trained on one person alone, singing and dancing with a few people before reaching Adele standing next to her man. She grinded up against Alexander, her back to his front, his erection growing from the contact, as she glared at Adele.

Alexander placed his hand possessively over Olivia’s stomach, kissing her neck, and she kept singing. Adele’s mouth went wide with shock and the audience lost it, cheering for Olivia.

Once the driving beat picked up again, Olivia immediately turned and made her way back to the stage, finishing the song to a raucous applause. She noticed that Adele no longer stood next to her man.

Alexander was so incredibly turned on by Olivia’s performance that he needed to feel her right then and there. As the audience cheered for the song, for his Olivia, he jumped up on the stage and, taking deliberate steps, embraced her, dipping her low, kissing her fully and passionately, running his hands up and down the side of her dress. Olivia had never been kissed with such vigor and intensity in all her twenty-eight years. She melted into his arms, never wanting the kiss to end, not caring that there were hundreds of witnesses to their passion.

The audience erupted in whistles. Cell phone cameras flashed as Alexander continued his exploration of Olivia’s mouth, sending electric shocks throughout her core.

He pulled away and smiled at her, her face red and her breathing heavy. “I think that was the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen in my entire life,” Alexander growled in her ear before lifting her to her feet and jumping off the stage, allowing her to have the spotlight she so rightly deserved.

Olivia turned around to see her band mates give her a big thumbs up.

“That was hot, Livvy,” Mo whispered.

She fanned herself, thinking that it was oh so hot.


Olivia and Alexander returned home after last call, squeezing as much fun out of their evening as they possibly could. Stumbling into the bedroom, it was apparent that they had both consumed a fair bit of liquor throughout the night.

“Let me help you out of your penguin suit there, Mr. Burnham,” Olivia giggled.

“What’s so funny, Olivia?” Alexander asked, looking into her large eyes.

“I want you naked,” she slurred into his ear, her breath hot on his neck, making his entire body tingle with anticipation. He had been thinking about that very moment all night long, particularly once he caught a glimpse of her garter belt at the bar.

“Your wish is my command.”

Olivia sat on the bed, wanting a front row seat for the show, and watched him step out of his shoes. He slowly started to unbutton his shirt, torturing Olivia, who tried to remain patient. “Do you need a hand, Alex?” she asked, getting off the bed and walking the few short steps to where he stood. She was just a breath away as she bore her eyes into his, searing his body.

“I could always use a hand,” Alexander replied, stepping out of his pants and standing in just his boxer briefs. He grabbed Olivia’s hand and thrust it down his shorts.

“Fuck,” she exclaimed, grabbing onto his large erection. “You are always ready, aren’t you?” She stroked him, although he didn’t need any help getting ready for what she was planning.

“This is what you do to me, Olivia. I just can’t get enough of you.” He glared at her, his eyes burning with desire, as she continued torturing him with her hand.

“Dress. Off. Now,” he growled.

Olivia took a step back, removing her hand, and slid her arms out of the dress, allowing it to pool at her feet.

Alexander gawked at her, his mouth wide open. He stepped toward her. “This is staying on,” he said, brushing the garter belt that she was wearing. “So are the stockings and shoes.”

He dropped to his knees and dotted her stomach with kisses, savoring the taste of her delicious body. Gingerly sliding her thong to one side, he pushed a finger inside, circling her. She let out a moan of pleasure as he continued teasing her, already feeling a build-up of pressure around his finger. “Do you like that, Olivia?” he asked between kisses.

“Yes,” she exhaled.

“Sorry to cut to the chase, darling, but I can’t wait any longer,” Alexander said, sliding her thong down her legs. “Get on the bed, on your hands and knees.”

Olivia did as she was told, walking over to the bed and positioning herself as Alexander asked, looking over her shoulder at him.

“Face front.”

Olivia obeyed, not making a sound. She heard his briefs fall to the ground and felt him climb up on the bed behind her.

He caressed her ass with one hand as he inserted a finger into her with another. She moaned, moving with him against his finger.

Out of nowhere, he slapped her right check, causing her to scream out in pleasure.
Why did that feel so good?
He caressed her left cheek and then slapped it. Olivia moaned, her body on fire from the anticipation. He went back to her right cheek, caressing and smacking. He removed his fingers from inside her, getting ready to enter her. He caressed her left cheek, smacked it, then immediately slammed into her.

“FUCK!” Olivia screamed.

“You like that, baby?” Alexander said, pulling Olivia’s hair back. He pounded into her, his pace relentless. She couldn’t respond, her mind racing from the incredible sensation of Alexander filling her from behind.

“Tell me you like it hard. Say it,” Alexander growled.

“I LIKE IT HARD!” she screamed.

“Of course you do,” he said, thrusting into her in an even more punishing rhythm.

He released Olivia’s hair, reaching around in front of her, finding her swollen clit, toying with her as she began clenching around him, her orgasm imminent.

Suddenly, he pulled out and removed his finger.

“NOOOOO!” Olivia shouted.

“What do you want, Olivia?” Alexander asked.

She turned to look at him over her shoulder, still on her hands and knees.

“Face forward, Olivia,” he demanded.

Her head snapped back front. “I want you,” she panted.

“You want me? Where do you want me?” he asked, rubbing his erection against her wet clit.

“Inside of me.”

“What do you want inside of you? My fingers?” Alexander inserted a finger inside of her, making her whimper in pleasure. She rocked back and forth, wanting her release. He quickly withdrew.

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