A Vintage Murder (17 page)

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Authors: Michele Scott

BOOK: A Vintage Murder
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Nikki cringed. That was
too close to her real life. “Maybe . . . but back to this thing with Lucy.”
“Nikki, this isn’t Napa, and you
barking up the wrong tree here. It was a freak incident that caused Lucy’s demise. And, if it wasn’t, which I can’t even fathom, then the only one I know who even has the knowledge about how to handle poisonous reptiles is Andy Burrow.” He shrugged. “I know there was no love lost between Andy and Lucy, but Andy didn’t murder her by setting that snake inside her RV. No way. The guy is a gem. He’s not a killer. Things roll off of Andy’s back. You need to put it to rest, learn your lines, let’s get this movie done, and then we can talk about a Napa Valley murder mystery show.”
“Yeah, okay.” She hadn’t learned anything that she hadn’t already known about Lucy, other than her parents were jerks. She figured if anyone knew who Lucy didn’t get along with big-time, it would have been Kane, but he wasn’t remotely convinced that Lucy’s death was murder. And, his thoughts about Andy letting things roll right off his back weren’t exactly true. Andy was still carrying on about Lucy.
Kane interrupted her thoughts. “One more thing, Nikki, and I know we mentioned it this morning, but I am going to insist that with these early-morning calls, it would be best for you to stay here on the set. It’ll go that much smoother and be easier for you. Plus you don’t have to be concerned with the paparazzi.”
“You know I really don’t want to do that.”
“But I think it’s important you’re here.”
“What’s important?” Derek approached.
Nikki was thrilled to see him and the butterflies swarmed in her stomach. She had that same physical reaction every time he came near.
“Derek. Nice to see you. I was telling Nikki that I think it’s important she stay out here in one of the trailers. It’ll be easier for filming, and that way she doesn’t have to trek in and out of town every morning. She also won’t have to deal with the paparazzi, who will continue to find her and hound her like they did this morning.”
Derek looked at Nikki. She knew he would ask her about the morning incident. “It might not be such a bad idea. It would make it easier on you.”
She could not believe what she was hearing. Okay, sure it was a pain in the ass to have Simon in the same hotel room, but the last thing she wanted was to be even farther away from Derek. Oh, but wait a minute—stupid. Why hadn’t she thought of this a minute ago? Maybe Simon could have the hotel room and she and Derek could do a little camping. That could be fun. “I tell you what, I’ll think about it.”
“Good. Now we need you back on the set.”
“But, I wanted to talk with Derek for a minute.”
“Go ahead,” Derek said. “I’ll hang around.”
“You sure?”
He nodded. “Of course.”
She groaned inside. Here she hadn’t seen him since she’d left in the wee hours, and all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him.
He kissed her. “Now go, you don’t want to get fired on your first day.”
She turned and he smacked her on the bottom. She looked back at him and smiled. Mmm—yes, maybe getting him alone in an RV would be exactly what they both needed.
They were busy on the set for the next three hours before taking another break, and then they planned to film a scene with just Shawn Keefer in it. Nathan had told Nikki she could head out for the day. She wanted to avoid Kane, because she knew he’d ask her again about staying there. Until she spoke with Derek about her brilliant idea, she didn’t want to commit to anything. Her fingers were crossed that he’d find the idea of staying with her in the RV as great as she had. She hoped he was still around. Already past six, she was starving for both food and him.
She found Simon and tried to ask him if he’d seen his brother but she could barely get a word in edgewise. He would not shut up about Shawn Keefer.
“He’s marvelous,” Simon said.
“He is good.” Nikki had to agree. Shawn was everything they’d said he was—a consummate pro who nailed it every time.
“And the two of you together are fabulous. I so knew you could do this,” Simon said. “I am so proud of you, Snow White. The chemistry between you two is fantastic. You’d never know he was gay.”
“For the love of God, Simon. I’ve said it before, Shawn is not gay.”
“Shhh. Oh sure that’s what he wants everyone else to think, but, honey, I can spot them, and if I can get my hands on him, I’ll make him see the error of his ways. If he doesn’t know he’s gay, then he should be told.”
“Don’t you dare! That’s only a little fantasy you have going on in your mind and it isn’t reality at all. You and Marco belong back together and that’s what you should be focusing on.”
“Right. Whatever. By the way, have you seen Derek?”
“I think he’s up visiting the Hahndorfs.”
“Good. I’m going to head up there then.”
Although it was quite a hike up to the main house, she walked it anyway. She enjoyed running daily in Napa, and being out of her exercise routine bothered her. The walk would do her good. The air was cold and she pulled her sweater around her. Though already dark, the road was illuminated from the lights on the set. The air smelled clean and she took a deep breath, enjoying the freshness of it and the serenity of the moment. Nearing the house, she could smell food and her stomach growled. She knocked at the door and was greeted pleasantly by Grace.
“G’day, Nikki. Nice to see you. Come in. We’re getting ready for a bit of supper. Join us, won’t you? Derek is here.”
Nikki smiled and walked into the sitting area where Derek, Liam, Andy Burrow, and Detective Von Doussa were seated around the fireplace drinking wine. The four men stood as the women entered. Derek said, “I was about to come and see when you might be finished. The Hahndorfs have asked us to dinner. You are finished, aren’t you?”
“Yes. Thank God. It was a long day. I’ve got to get back into the swing of this.”
Grace handed her a glass of wine. “Try this. It’s from a winery over in Langhorne Creek. I know, I know”—she waved her hands—“maybe it’s blasphemy to drink another winery’s product, but Liam and I have talked about expanding, such as Derek is doing with us. This winery makes fantastic Viogniers, which is a fairly new wine to Australia. Liam and I find them delightful. Don’t we, darling?”
“Quite good.” He held up his glass.
Nikki still did not think that these two had the problem marriage Sarah Fritz had indicated. “Thank you.” She took a sip and discovered the wine to be refreshing even though red wine typically would have been her choice on such a cold night. Her walk had warmed her some, and of course seeing Derek, she couldn’t help being more than warmed by his presence.
Derek kissed her on the cheek.
“She did great today,” Andy said. “Should have seen her handle Buddha. Gorgeous. Absolutely breathtaking. The dingo adores you, love.”
“He’s great. Thanks for helping me out with him.”
“You ready for tomorrow? You’ve got the kangaroo that gets injured. She might be a bit tougher to handle. A sweetheart, but she also has a mind of her own. Make it early and we’ll work together with her. She’s been known to box a person or two. Why don’t you come by before you head off into wardrobe and such. I know that’s like six in the morning, but it would be a good thing to have an intro to my Sophie before we hit the set.”
“Boxing? I don’t know if I like the sound of that. But I think I can meet you early.”
“Nothing to frighten yourself over, love. She’ll do her job, just like Buddha. I’ll teach you how to handle her and things will go splendidly. Always think positive. Your energy with the animals is huge. You have good vibes . . . not like Lucy, God rest her soul.”
Von Doussa walked over to the bar area and poured himself another glass of wine. He was obviously comfortable with the Hahndorfs. “Like some more, Andy?” He held up the bottle. “Anyone?”
“Oh no. I’ve got to get an early start. Both Nikki and I do. Right? She and Sophie need to get to know one another. Too much wine and I won’t be any good at all. But thank you.”
Wait a minute. They were all sitting around chatting as if there hadn’t been a dead girl on the back forty barely two days ago. What was the story? And what about the snake—Charlie? Nikki took a big gulp of wine, which wasn’t exactly protocol but did wonders for courage at times. She knew she would irritate Derek, since she was about to go nosing, but she just could not help herself. “Did you find Charlie?” she asked.
Andy frowned. “No. I’m feeling horrible about it. Poor guy. Had him since he was a baby, you know. He’s out there in that bush somewhere having to fend for himself. It’s a crying shame.”
Oh God, he was a snake not a poodle. “Were you able then to determine that it was Andy’s snake that struck Lucy?” she asked Von Doussa.
“Not yet. We took the DNA as you know, yep, but . . . uh, without Charlie we kind of have a problem there.” He sucked down half a glass of wine.
Looked as if Detective Von Doussa was a bit of a lush.
“It really could have been any snake,” Grace remarked.
“We do have quite a few out here,” Liam added.
“Yes, but what about Charlie? How did he get out? You said there was no way,” Nikki said. “And what about your suit, Andy? The one you wear around the snakes?”
Von Doussa handled that one. “Andy and I have gone on and on about that and turns out that yep, maybe he was mistaken. Happens. I took a look at the pegs and I know that I couldn’t have remembered which one I set my clothing on.”
Nikki frowned. “Wait a minute. Andy, you were insistent about that. You said that you had routines and protocols and that you always had it on the same peg.”
He chuckled. “The thing is, love, I am usually pretty darn routine. I have to be with what I do, but you know, I’m in a new place. The building housing the animals is new, and I do suppose that with the wine and being tired and all I could have put the suit on another peg.”
Andy had been so certain, and it seemed odd to her how his story had changed.
“You have the suit and peg situation figured out, but you still don’t know who let Charlie out of the terrarium?” she asked. Derek squeezed her knee, and she knew right then and there that she should shut up.
“That is still a bit of a mystery,” Von Doussa said.
“Dinner is ready,” Grace announced. Everyone stood and Nikki felt more than frustrated that no one was giving her any straight answers.
They all walked into the dining room. Grace called out for Hannah to come down.
They all sat. Hannah took her time making an appearance, then sat across from Andy. Nikki noticed the two of them eyeing each other, almost as if they had a secret between them. Let it go, she told herself.
The food smelled delicious. Grace had fixed a gingered pork roast and Liam opened a bottle of Grenache.
“To try and further answer your question about Charlie and how he got out,” Andy said, “we don’t know. We really don’t. I am cautious, but snakes have been known to escape in the past, and Charlie is a curious sort.”
“But you can’t say then that someone did not take the snake out and put it in Lucy’s trailer? You’re assuming he escaped.”
Hannah gasped. “Of course he escaped. Andy just told you, woman. Come on. That didn’t happen, what you’re thinking—that someone took him out to kill Lucy. Who would do that? How stupid—”
“Hannah, I forbid you to speak to our guest that way!” Grace said.
Liam glared at his daughter, who apologized and sat back in her seat.
“We do not think that is what happened,” Detective Von Doussa said. “It’s far-fetched, Miss Sands. It might make good Hollywood, but it didn’t happen. As vigilant as Andy is with his animals, we believe it possible that he may not have gotten the lock on as securely as he thought. Brown snakes are wily and if Charlie could find an escape route, he would have.”
Oh my gosh, who were these people kidding? They were all staring at her as if she were a lunatic. So they all really believed that the snake got out of the terrarium, found his way into Lucy’s RV and into her bed no less, and bit her, and there it was. Sure. She had to pinch herself to make sure she was not in an episode of the old
Twilight Zone
. Nope. She was still in Barossa Valley at the dinner table of the vineyard owner who had written the script of a movie she was now starring in, because the former star actress had been killed by a snake that they all believed had gotten into her trailer on its own. Yikes. She glanced at Derek, who chewed on a mouthful of pork, and shook her head. Was he buying this shit, too?
The dinner wore on, with Andy Burrow the center of attention, making everyone laugh and fielding questions about his training methods. Even surly Hannah seemed amused. Nikki was not, though. She’d grown quiet listening to Andy carry on, thinking how gullible the group was. She didn’t buy it at all. None of it. And as she watched Andy work the room, she was reminded by something her aunt Cara once told her about sociopaths—they were typically charming people with a dark side they hid well. Nikki wondered if Andy Burrow wasn’t simply hiding
dark side.
Gingered Pork Roast
with Two Hands Yesterday Grenache
Nikki was grateful for the scrumptious dinner and good wine, but she couldn’t help thinking everyone around the table had had too much wine if they were buying into this. She did her best to keep mum, she really did, but it was too much to handle. It didn’t stop her from enjoying the meal, though.
Of course she also enjoyed the wine. The Grenache is a soft red similiar to a Pinot Noir full of berry and floral flavors.
5 lbs center cut boneless pork loin
2 tbsp fresh crushed and minced ginger root
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp ground ginger
2 tbsp sea salt

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