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Authors: Bronwen Evans

A Whisper of Desire (27 page)

BOOK: A Whisper of Desire
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Author's Note

Thank you for joining me on the heartfelt journey of this story in the Disgraced Lords series. Maitland and Marisa, my M&M's, as I nicknamed them, were one of my favorite couples in the series, but then every Libertine Scholar I write becomes my favorite. In the next book,
A Taste of Seduction,
Hadley and Evangeline have such a tussle to find their HEA. Read the first chapter of Hadley's story below to get a taste of my new favorite rake.

For those new to my Disgraced Lords series, please visit my website at for the full rundown on all the previous Disgraced Lords novels, starting with
A Kiss of Lies.

Thank you, as always, for spending time in my little corner of the Regency world. I hope you enjoyed your visit. It's a pleasure and a privilege to entertain you.

To my wonderful readers, beta readers, Bron's Bold Belles, my friends and family, whose support and enjoyment of my stories keeps me writing:

Thank you, all!

Thanks as always to my editor, Sue Grimshaw, and to everyone on the Loveswept team. I love being part of the Loveswept family.

The Disgraced Lords Series

A Kiss of Lies

A Promise of More

A Touch of Passion

A Whisper of Desire

A Taste of Seduction
(coming soon)


USA Today
bestselling author
grew up loving books. She writes both historical and contemporary sexy romances for the modern woman who likes intelligent, spirited heroines and compassionate alpha heroes. Evans is a three-time winner of the RomCon Readers' Crown and has been nominated for an
Reviewers' Choice Award. She lives in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, with her dog, Brandy.


The Editor's Corner

Happy Holidays from our hearth to yours! This month we're sending you some hot Loveswept romances to keep the fire burning:

USA Today
bestselling author Bronwen Evans's new Disgraced Lords novel is about a marriage of convenience and its delightful pleasures—and mortal danger in
A Whisper of Desire.
K. J. Charles turns up the heat in her new Society of Gentlemen novel,
A Seditious Affair,
as two lovers face off in a sensual duel that challenges their deepest beliefs
Samantha Kane's Birmingham Rebels series proves that three's never a crowd…at least not for the hard-bodied football all-stars who give teamwork a sexy twist in
Calling the Play
Welcome to Forever,
new from author Annie Rains, introduces a small coastal town where America's best and brightest risk everything for love. Jackie Ashenden ups the ante in the seductive Deacons of Bourbon Street series, co-written with Megan Crane, Rachael Johns, and Maisey Yates, with
Hold Me Down,
a story about what happens when the biker who broke Alice's heart rides into town, and she must choose between passion and duty. Another story for MC fans is Violetta Rand's irresistible novel about a sexy-as-sin biker who tempts a good girl to go bad,

USA Today
bestselling author Tina Wainscott's gritty, emotional small-town romance
Falling Hard,
passions run high as a reformed bad boy reconnects with an old enemy…and gets her engine revving. In Laura Marie Altom's tale of forbidden love,
Stepping Over the Line,
meet two tortured souls with an unbreakable bond. Then comes a tender military romance from Serena Bell,
USA Today
bestselling author of
Hold on Tight,
in which a war-shattered veteran gets a second chance at love with the one that got away in
Can't Hold Back

Writing duo MJ Fields and Chelsea Camaron release another sizzling-hot Caldwell Brothers story—
which hits the Vegas strip as a bad-boy gambler from Detroit Rock City shows a single mom what it means to play for keeps. Then it's off to Los Angeles where Hollywood's hottest young actor hits the road to chase his big break—and discovers a leading lady where he least expects in Cassie Mae's
No Interest in Love.

I can't believe 2016 is upon us, can you? Thank you for spending your reading time with Loveswept, and we hope to entertain you all over again in the new year.

Happy Romance!

Gina Wachtel

Associate Publisher

Read on for an excerpt from the next book in Bronwen Evans's Disgraced Lords series:
A Taste of Seduction

Available from Loveswept

Chapter 1

The door slammed shut behind him, the sound echoing in the quiet street. Standing on the top step he loosened his cravat to make it easier to swallow over the lump in his throat. He gazed along the row of fashionable, but smallish townhouses. They all looked the same, but he wondered if the people who lived inside were as empty of real life as the house behind him.

He was becoming melancholy and he didn't like it. It was never easy announcing the death knell on an arrangement with another mistress. As Hadley sauntered down the steps to the street, he tried to summon hurt or disappointment, but he'd only be fooling himself. All he felt was hollow.

And angry.

He had hoped Philomena might be a tad upset that their arrangement had to end, but the only upsetting factor for her was that she had to be out of the house in three months. He couldn't afford to renew the lease after that. He'd brought her enough jewelry to ensure she would not be thrown out on the street, but he suspected she'd find a new protector before she had to sell any of his gifts.

God damn his brother.

As the second son of the late Duke of Claymore, his brother, Augustus, the current duke, now controlled Hadley's quite substantial allowance. His pompous older brother was more than a little annoyed that Hadley would not marry the mousy Claire. She was the insipid sister of Augustus's best friend, the Marquis of Corby.

Augustus deemed the match to be of vital importance. The two families would be aligned, and since they both owned vast agricultural estates, as well as three coal mines, Augustus wanted the match. Hadley had learned from a very young age that what Augustus wanted he usually got.

Well, not this time.

His brother could bloody marry her. He'd sacrificed enough for his family as it was.

There was no way Hadley was marrying the young woman. If Augustus thought to force him to comply by cutting the purse strings, he could go to hell. It simply made Hadley more determined to deny his brother. What his brother did not comprehend was that he had his own money. He'd saved and saved and invested. He wasn't exceedingly wealthy, but he had enough to survive and enough to invest and grow, if he was careful. Maitland had seen to that with his investment prowess. He would have to forgo mistresses for a while, at least until he earned bigger dividends.

Growing his wealth was now a prerogative. He refused to be in his brother's keeping for the rest of his life, not when said brother used it against him.

He looked back at the quaint townhouse with deep regret. He'd been fond of Philomena and their time together.

Christ, he needed a drink. He pulled out his pocket watch.

Shortly he was expected at his fellow Libertine Scholar, the Earl of Markham, Christian Trent's townhouse for dinner, but he couldn't face all the happily married couples without fortifying himself first.

A fortifying drink at White's was required. He could hail a hack, but it was a fine, if not a tad cool, late afternoon, and perhaps a walk would help him release his frustrations.

It took him over half an hour to walk to White's. Upon arrival, he spied one of his fellow Libertine Scholars, Arend Aubury, Baron Labourd, sitting at their favorite table. Arend saw him and waved one of the servants over, asking for another glass. There was a bottle of France's finest brandy on the table.

As he took his seat, Arend commented, “You look as if you could do with a drink.”

Hadley grimaced and took the proffered glass from his friend. “It's been one of those days when I wish I'd simply stayed in bed.”

“But not the bed of your now ex-mistress, it would seem,” Arend replied with a raised eyebrow.

Hadley turned in his chair and looked round the room. Men were staring and joking, and it was obvious it was about him. “It would appear news travels quicker than a man can walk.”

“What did you expect when she suddenly learns she needs a new protector?” Had the cold, emotionless Arend just rebuked him?

“I know, badly done by me.” Hadley sighed and straightened his cravat. “Her house has three months on the lease, though. I didn't think she'd put it about so soon.”

“Care to share why you have let Philomena go so suddenly?”

“Bloody Augustus has cut me off.”

Arend looked surprised, and it wasn't often that occurred. “Oh.” He nodded. “That's good.”

“Good? Whenever is it good to find oneself having to watch what one spends?” Hadley tried to ignore the stares and the men heading to the White's wager book. “Is everyone wagering on the reason why Philomena and I have parted ways?”


“What reason has the best odds?”

Arend laughed. “Unfortunately, the one I wagered on.”

“And that is?”

“The return of Lady Evangeline Stuart, nee Althrope, to London. That's why I think it's good you have to leave Philomena for financial reasons. A man should never be at the mercy of a woman's affections. We both know how fickle they are.”

Hadley felt the floor shake beneath his feet, and it was not an earthquake. He downed his brandy in one large gulp, the burn in his throat stinging his eyes. “Bloody hell,” he choked out. “Marisa told me she was in town. Her husband died, I believe.”

Evangeline Althrope, or Stuart, as she is now, had been the love of his life.

He remembered her as if it was yesterday instead of the five years it actually had been. Everything about her suddenly assaulted his memory. He had fooled himself into thinking that he had banished her from his thoughts for good. But the mere mention of her name undid him.

Forbidden memories rushed into his head. He recalled her sleek limbs wrapped round him. Her uninhibited cries of passion as her exquisite body arched against his. Her luxurious hair, auburn silk flowing like flames over flawless creamy skin. Her taste, as he'd sampled all she had to give. Her laughter and her smile that could bring him to his knees. But it had always been her eyes that drew him, filled with intelligence; the light blue color would darken with their incredible sensuality…


She was branded on his soul, her memory sharp with a clarity that still seared.

“She has been asking after you, setting tongues wagging and sending men to betting books.”

He looked at Arend blankly. “I hope you didn't wager on her and I forming an attachment.”

“Silly me. I should have known better.” Arend ran a hand through his hair. “I thought I had inside knowledge. Sebastian is positive you are still in love with her.”

Breath fled Hadley and a wave of dizziness almost saw him drop his glass. Those words “still in love” were spoken as if from a dream that he'd played in his head over and over like an unforgotten song. He had loved her. “Had” being the operative word.

She'd married another.

But she was free now.

Then, as if Thor's hammer came hurtling from the gods straight to his chest, the blow invisibly knocking him to hell, he remembered.

She'd chosen money, a title, and a safe life over him.

Over their love.

Just more than five years ago, he'd received Evangeline's note. A note written in her own hand, telling him she was marrying Viscount Stuart. It had been painfully obvious that he'd been the only one in love.

He looked at Arend. “You made a foolish bet. I would not change anything in my life for that woman.”

Yet given the savage pain lancing through him, he'd be foolish to imagine that he'd recovered from her shattering betrayal. Did a man ever recover from his first love?

Especially a love that had been betrayed.

Arend picked up the hate in his voice because he leaned back in his seat and held up his hands in a defensive stance. “Well, the lady doesn't seem to understand that notion. She's been asking after you, trying to ascertain if you are engaged or married. That definitely appears to be a woman on a mission.” He laughed. “It would appear the beautiful Lady Evangeline is not aware of how you feel.”

Beautiful. Yes, he expected she was probably more beautiful than she'd been at twenty. As soon as he'd laid eyes on the Yorkshire beauty, he'd known his desire for her would get him into all sorts of trouble. The need to have her, to make her his, meant only one thing, marriage, but that had not stopped his pursuit.

Not even his father's wrath could stop him.

He'd wanted to possess her, to give her his heart, his body, and his name. No other woman before, or since, had touched his heart as Evangeline had.

What a fool he'd been.

Unbeknownst to him, she'd lied as easily as she'd breathed.

“Well, if you see
Evangeline, perhaps you can inform her I have no interest in pursuing any type of relationship with her.”

“That could be a mistake. The beautiful young widow is now very wealthy. Her husband left her a large portion of his wealth.”

Arend's words stung. He wasn't petty enough to want to see her on a misery widow's stipend, but it appeared her marriage had exceeded her expectations, for she got the money and title she craved. “Then she must be extremely happy, for that is why she married her Viscount.”

“I see.” Arend refilled his glass, pouring the brandy all the way to the top. “It's as I have always suspected. A woman is madly in love as long as a purse is full. Love is only tested when the coffers run dry.”

Hadley thought of the other four fellow Libertine Scholars, all happily married. “Tell that to Christian, Sebastian, Grayson, and now bloody Maitland. I tell you, it's as if the French have put something in the brandy. Men are succumbing to the shackles of matrimony far too often of late.”

Arend gave a mock shudder and raised his glass. “Here's to bachelorhood.”

For a brief moment, Hadley wondered if Evangeline regretted her choice. He shook his head. She had her money and title; that is all she wanted. What was there for her to regret?

If she thought she could have her money, and now also have him, she was very wrong. He'd rather marry a leprous whore than succumb to her allure again.

Once he'd drunk his glass he slammed it on the table. “Come, we should be on our way. We have”—he looked around the room before lowering his voice—“lists to compare, away from prying eyes and eager ears.”

The two men took their leave and made their way to Christian's townhouse. On the carriage ride, the discussion turned to the fight at Gentleman Jack's next week, and who to wager on. An unknown Spaniard had recently arrived, and Arend favored the man. Hadley would be unwise to wager against anyone Arend took an interest in. Arend had the uncanny knack of spotting a fighter's ability
he'd been to see him practice.

Besides, it may be a way to make money quickly, something he could use right now.

Even the sporting talk could not completely dispel Evangeline from his mind. Under his breath he cursed his brother anew. The timing of dismissing Philomena was unfortunate, for he wished he could lose himself in a warm, female body to drive away memories of Evangeline. He wanted to chase away the memory of her touch and taste in an excess of sensual indulgence.

Never was there a worse time to not have a mistress or lover.

He pushed that loathsome thought aside as they reached their destination.


As the two men had expected, by the time they were ushered into Christian, Earl of Markham's drawing room, the family setting hummed with loving couples and children. Hadley hid a smile at the quick flash of horror passing over Arend's face as little Henry, Sebastian's ward, grabbed Arend's trousers with very chocolate-covered fingers.

To Hadley's amazement, Arend swung the little boy up into his arms and pretended to drop and catch him. Henry's squeals had the women giggling and the men putting their fingers in their ears.

Beatrice, Sebastian Hawkestone's obviously pregnant wife, relieved Arend of Henry, while his nurse collected all the children and ushered them from the room. The cheery chatter ceased once the door had closed on the departing servants and children.

The women present—Portia, Grayson Devlin's wife, who was also with child; Beatrice; Marisa, the new Duchess of Lyttleton; Marisa's younger sister, Helen; and finally Serena, Lord Markham's wife, their hostess—were sitting, grinning like Cheshire cats with bellies full of milk. The hairs on Hadley's neck prickled. They appeared to be looking at him, which was not a good thing.

“Good evening, ladies. It's always delightful to be in the company of such beauties.” With that Hadley bowed to each and pressed a kiss to his hostess's knuckles.

These women were more than simply stunning beauties. They were intelligent, brave, and scarily determined in whatever they set their minds to.

“And might I say you are looking very handsome tonight too, my lord.”

“Oh, God, Serena, leave the man alone, he's only just got here.”

Hadley looked across at Christian, who was still scowling at his wife, and the hairs at the back of his neck were more than prickling, they were standing to attention. The ladies were definitely up to something.

He chose a seat as far from the ladies as he could, and found himself sitting next to Grayson on a chair that was definitely not made for a man. He felt as if one wrong move and it would break beneath him. He must look like an idiot.

Serena's smile indicated she knew he was retreating. It also seemed to scream “You cannot thwart us.” Thwart them at what, he longed to know, or did he? These women were a force to be reckoned with. He'd seen them bravely take on their enemy, win the hearts of men who were determined rakes, all with style and wit—and that word again—“determination.”

Arend, who'd also greeted the ladies, in his fancy French way, had taken a seat next to Serena on the settee. He stretched his arms along the top of the furniture and said, “As we have a guest coming to dinner, I suggest we discuss our investigations before Isobel arrives.”

BOOK: A Whisper of Desire
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